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dreams of Gaia tarot-XI-emotion/intellect
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot- 11 of Water-Emotion/Intellect represents the need to see how the emotion affect the intellect , which in turn affects the whole and how an imbalance can affect the whole situation. The Mermaid like Gaia figure blazing with light, seems to represent the Intellect, the dragon who is "fire of water", seems to be its partner, the emotions/energy-in-motion.
How many times have you heard someone say that a decision or action was motivated by fear or love? When made of fear, an action or decision is made from the person's insecurities and doubts. When we act out of love, it is often because we love ourselves and wish to address an injustice and to prevent further injustice. Choices are freely made out of love of vigorous life and not based on past experiences, as are decisions. In decision making, we may decide to take a risk or make changes in our lives because we are afraid of an unknown future; However, we may also decide not to take a risk that may alter our lives, as we feel secure in and/or love the life we have. Hence, we can be plagued by doubts or be blinded by love.
Since most people see the world as "black and white", we may ask ourselves what motivates our own actions the most, fear or love? However, there are many gray areas, as we often choose both fear and love, sometimes in equal measure, to provide one emotional action. Not everything is either/or. This is because love and fear cannot exist without each other much like creation and destruction, all things proceed from order to disorder, and then are transformed into a "new order". In relationships, I have seen the security of love transform into fearful doubts and insecurities. No matter how hard we wish it otherwise, "all creatures great and small", return to the chaos they were born from. All is Mind, and from the Mind, are images created and from the Mind's experience, they are transformed. Life is a constant motion created by change, transformation. Images are animated by emotion/energy-in-motion. But what is that Energy that moves towards change? It is light. You are light, and therefore, a movement within the Intellect of the Universal Collective Unconscious Mind. A movement of Self-Awareness. When Energy becomes a carrier of information, it is a Picture/A Form. Data is not yet understood information, as it isn't completed by being identified as "self". But information, data-understood, becomes formation. What deeply feared or loved thoughts about yourself are stored in your intellect?
Harmony is another word for balance, and discord is another word for imbalance. When we fear more than we love, we are suffering from a discord and nothing seems to come together the way we want it to and visa versa. The idea is to love fear, but not fear love. Or as many say, " to love our shadow side". Accepting fear as a natural process of "sensual enhancement" so that we can focus all our senses on the perceived threat, and decide to fight or take flight, is a wise use of Intellect. Intelligence will also tell you that Love, can also be the same sensual focusing, where we can see only the thing loved and threats and/or risks are ignored. Love or Fear, both seem to gather all our energy-in-motion and focus it on one subject, instance, or situation. Therefore, spending a life in fear, keeps a person in flight and fight mode, where they are continually "stressed" and sooner or later some inner "string" will break . Spending a life where love is all that one sees, doesn't work either, for one is looking only at the fantasy that all things love back which becomes a lack of intellect when the bear is eating them.
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Love is what I am and a fighter is also what I am. I am a predator, and a healer. I Am a lover and a Fighter, there are not I Am a lover and not a fighter, types, although many have said there are. Truth being told, they are saying, I Am a lover and a Fearer. Aren't we all? So a lover and not a fighter intellectual is just saying, " I love and take flight when risk appears". Then there is the Lover and Fighter type, who will face the risks and defend the love that they are. For instance, I may love the beauty and power of a bear, but I will walk among them with a high-powered rifle on my back because I have used my intellect, and know that I am a predator, as are bears. Bears, like all natural things, carry their armament with them, always. I would be a total fool, made foolish by seeing only love and believing that bears would love me too if I went amongst them unarmed-with arms open. The love-fantasy that they would somehow see me as a "nice person" and not see the fact that I have eyes in front, and stand upright, like a powerful predator. To a predator, only prey have eyes on each side of their face. Sure, bears have four legs and stand on all fours like prey, but they stand up to attack, so a human looks to always be in an attack mode to a bear. By using intellect to balance my love of nature and fear of nature, I can walk among the bears without becoming their next meal, I don't run from bears advertising the fact that I am suddenly prey nor do I fear them so much that I must kill them or run from them, because I use my Intelligence to balance my emotion with knowledge and when fear is balanced with love, we have created a caution that accompanies action. Emotional balance, is emoting wisely and/or acting through life, with wisdom.
In a lesser way, to love is to risk, but to risk love, is a fearless but cautious choice of intellect. I Am Love and sure the object of my love may not return the love that I present, so what? I won't stop being love, whether others love me back or not. I do love bears, I lived with grizzlies in Montana but never did I go into their world, unarmed nor did I ever have to shoot one. Because when one is knowledgeable in his defense, other predators can feel that one's self-confidence and they decide it is best to leave one who is so self- assured alone. Being an excellent shot, and knowing that there is nothing more dangerous than a man with a rifle and trained how to use one; Hence,my confidence never wavered. Just as a great bear shows confidence amongst other bears, which keeps them, at bay, self-knowledge keeps emotions as actions rather than reactions. Knowing Thyself, is the greatest knowledge one will every have! Your presence has proven you are already judged good enough to be human. So get over thyself, and get on with you, for impeccability is what balanced intellect and emotion do! Knowing when to love and when to fight, is an intellectual balance of self-knowledge. Life is what I am, I do not seek a life. for that is a lie produced by the Patriarchy, so that you will always be enslaved to those who own your self-value.
So the moral of this story is to: Never sell your self-value to a person, place or thing. Your presence proves that you are valuable enough to be a Persona of Divinity, for truth is made manifest and it is okay to defend yourself. Look, even skunks carry their weapons with them everywhere they go. The only reason the Patriarchy wishes you to be "disarmed" emotionally, mentally and physically, is so that you are easily preyed on. Nature gave you a tremendous intellect, sharpen it by using knowledge to control your emotions, and giving your energy-in-motion a proper direction for a "happy life". Only those who wish to rule you, would use definition to make you believe you are a fearful and ignorant victim of life. Even according to fundamental religions, God made you in It's own image. Him and Her, the Divine Creative made them. So love being you, and you'll love being the Divine Creative image that you are. For our intellect is the power we have over the animals and knowledge is our greatest armament and love is our greatest union and/or communion.
When the Dreams of Gaia 11 of Water is thrown during an divination, it implies:
- Truly living in the present.
- A feeling of Divine Connection.
- A time of serenity.
- Power born of knowledge and understanding.
- A positive emotional state.
- The power to consciously project your energy.
- Say, "no" to disruptive influences.
- Giving life and power to shadows.
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Thoth-princess of cups
The Thoth Princess of Cups, is not only an archetypal persona , she also represents mastery of emotional objectivity achieved by working through manipulation, jealousy, possessiveness and seduction.
The turtle in the sea shell symbolizes the capacity for this personality to offer emotional loyalty and longevity to others by being objective and non-possessive. The Swan coming out of her head, represents emotional security and the ability to communicate her feelings, desires and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways is represented by the dolphin.
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The crystals on her gown, show a crystal clear ability to look at things as they are instead of what see wants to see. The free floating lotus blossom shows her trusting heart. She is devoid of a possessive and controlling heart. This is the personality of Elaine the Virgin Moon-goddess of Arthurian legend, who was the keeper of the Grail in the Grail temple, where she wove the tapestries of life, death, and fate. She is the "Dispenser of Joy" but also a source of hidden knowledge, bestower of mystical insight and the gift of wisdom. The Ace of Cups, the power wielded by the Princess of Cups, is the root of the powers of Water. This is Water, in its most arcane form, Life-Fluid, (Dew of the Mother) symbolically represented as Water, Blood or Wine.The Ace of Cups is the compliment to the Ace of Wands, as is the Sun to the Moon and the Lingam to the Yoni and represents the essential form of the Holy Grail (The Womb with a view). The Princess and the Ace of an element are inseparable.
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The Great Mother, Binah, is often symbolized as the Dark Sea and in the Thoth Deck Ace of Cups, She is both the Sea and the Lotus: the Lotus (two in one) being the fertile expression of the Great Mother.
Descending from above, a ray of light representing the Holy Ghost and beneath the Grail we have the Moon. The Waves of Life-Fluid, are shown as a web of fluid energy that what the tapestry of Creation is woven from. To many Native Nations, this would symbolize the Work of the Great Spider Woman,
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THE PRINCESS OF CUPS, represents the Earthly part of Water (Life-Fluid), in particular, the faculty of crystallization. The Princess of Cups, represents the Grail's power of manifestation, she is the power of water that gives substance to idea, to support life and to form the basis for chemical combination that is often called solution.
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Again, the Princess of Cups in the Thoth Deck is represented as a Dancing figure robbed in a flowing, crystal edged garment, all of which indicates her flowing and crystallizing abilities. Thus we can determine that she is an active rather than passive force from the Great Mother. This determination if continued in the imagery of the Swan taking wing. The Swan is the symbol of AUM (of oriental philosophy) that is the vibratory harmonic of Universal Creation. The Princess of Cups, also bears a covered cup from which s Tortoise is issued. Here, once again, Lady Frieda Harris represents Hindu Philosophy, as the Tortoise is symbolic of a steadily moving platform supporting the Elephant "who holds the world on its back”. In other words, represents the foundation of Life-Force for the Earth which may seem slow in evolutionary terms, but is persistent and undaunted.
The Dolphin that is disporting in a foamy- sea, symbolizes the power of creation known as the Royal Fish, which is also known as the first matter.
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tarot personality birth wheel
The Princess of Wands, Cups, Swords and Disks, all give a Character to the Root Power they are associated to. The Princesses, beside being personalities are also called the Thrones of The Great Mother, as they represent on Earth, Mother's Elemental rule. Root powers are without will and thus not focused. The Princesses as elementals in Western magic, are the Intelligently Focused Energy of a Root Power and are thus aware and more personalized intelligences with conscious characteristics. These Great Daughters of the Great Mother, have their own peccadillos, and it behooves the practitioner of magic to know them. For instance, the Princess of Cups , ondines, has an infinitely gracious character that is voluptuous, sweet, gentle, and kind, romance, and the perpetual dream of rapture are her very nature. Unlike the Volcanic nature of the Princess of Wands and/or Salamanders. To the shallow thinker, the Princess of Cups may seem indolent and selfish, but that fact that she goes about her work silently and effortlessly dispels such interpretations.
These Western Magic Princesses are Elemental Intelligence, and can be communicated with, however, their nature is in direct union with a Force beyond the practitioner’s control. Tried and true rituals of magic are recommended so that these forces can be contained before there is too much overwhelming flow. In the Case of the Princess of Cups, the practitioner’s personality could be overwhelmed by the extreme dreamy rapture of her nature and become unable to operate in the day-to-day world.
Many of us don't realize that the Archetypes of the basic 16 types of personalities, as represented in the Court Cards and seen in our world, are also Elemental Forces. Because of the thinking of "Divide and Conquer" we have forgotten that our homo sapiens sapiens bodies, are Elemental Beings! We are a Spiral Entity (Spirit-Spiral Light) and not of the Elements...we are not seeking to become more Spiritual, for that would be like a fish in the Ocean, looking for water! Spirit is Spiritual and since being infinite and eternal---more or less is a ridiculous concept. We are succeeding in becoming a united Life Force; united with that which it activates, i.e. The Alive Form. We are attempting the Whole Union of Master (Spirit) and Masterpiece (Form) which is often called "As above, so below".
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New Age Enlightenment is a misconception, we are I AM (Force of existence) who builds a Me (Manifested Intimate Awareness) and the knowledge of the Universe is already achieved----obviously! The “Me” needs to seek nothing, it must operate only by the Will of the “I AM”, that seeks awareness through the process of Self-ideals made manifest as “Me”; this is how thought can be examined sensually! Isn't that what "Sensors" are for... up close and/or intimate examination? The Body is a "Sense of Presence" as the fish is a Sense of Ocean. As a fellow I AM, I did not come to seek spirituality (I Am That), I have come to seek a sense of presence so that I can examined my creativity (imagination) for errors that may impeded the Great Work; As above so Below! I am a Qabalist, because that knowing of myself, aids me in the purpose that I AM; the purpose of us all is TO BE! I find knowledge through being! As a Qabalistic practitioner of Western Magic, I have also married the Four Daughters and have formed a cooperative collective.
I am a Qabalist (Qabalah means"receiving"), because that knowing of myself is a process of "receiving" , that aids me in the claiming of my inherited intellelect from the Divine Creative. Manifestation is the purpose that I AM...the purpose of us all; To be made intimately manifest as Creator and Creation!
When this card is thrown during a Divination for a woman, it states that:
- She is objective, and realistic of heart.
- Emotionally loving and realistic rather than attached and clinging.
When thrown for a man, the Princess of Cups represents his
- Inner feminine nature (anima) that is committed to offering emotional longevity while being loyal in realistic non-possessive ways.
- The Princess of Cups may represent both genders, and a person in their life who is one's own age or younger and who may be teaching one lessons about emotionally letting go.
When the Princess of Cups is thrown during a reading, the querent is often experiencing:
- Emotional detachment that is free of jealousy.
- Being rapturous and gentle, kind and tender.
- A personality full of romance, dreams and loving vision but also a dispenser of hidden insight and wisdom (see Elaine the Moon Goddess).
- One who is weaving a new tapestry of life, out of the unweaving of the old.
Ill defined, the Princess of Cups, suggests;
- Flightiness, shallowness, and inability to accept reality.
- The querent is often experiencing emotional detachment that is free of jealousy.
- Being rapturous and gentle, kind and tender.
- A personality full of romance, dreams and loving vision but also a dispenser of hidden insight and wisdom (see Elaine the Moon Goddess).
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010