
The witches tarot-ten of wands
The Witches Tarot- Ten of Wands, depicts a mature male, burdened with ten flowering Hawthorne wands thrown over his shoulder. He is walking away from us, heading towards a castle off in the distance. The hunched shoulders, represent a heavy burden, and the castle represents a his ultimate goal. Traditionally castles represent the reward that awaits one after the quest for knowledge is completed. The red and oranges of his accoutrement, and cloak with dragon motif, represent the element of Fire; the element of the Wands cards. Obviously the sunny sky, and weather has nothing to do with his predicament, this burden was an individual choice made.
Therefore, this card in divination means: Heads up, you have taken on too many responsibilities. Your routine and activities have become to numerous for you to manage well.

Thoth- 10 of wands-oppression
In the Thoth Qabalistic Tarot, the 10 of Wands, is also called Lord of Oppression, and is Saturn in Sagittarius. There are Angels attributed to the Decan, Reyayel and Avamel. Angels are really another angle of evolutionary Intelligence...but alas, one we are not subservient to as we are "un-ruled", rather than the rule, as we have freedom of choice and must Master ourselves. The Heads of the Tibetan Dorjes (two central wands) and/or Thunderbolts are those of the Kha Dro Ma, Tibetan Angels that are the "Females who move on the highest level of reality". The For to "oppress energy" a vessel/Womb must exist to control the "form" of energy. Otherwise, like lightning, it will always move forward, making serpentine lines. Hence, the oppression of the phallus by the vagina pathway to the vessel of containment; the womb.

The Whole of us (the invisible 99.6% and the Visible.4%) is called the "Divine Child" and/or Son (Sun) of God and/or the Androgynous Divine Creative. The Angels are servants to the Laws of their structure; their motion has been decided for them, while we as "Stars" can emote, break or freely change the laws of self-identity. We are endowed with freedom of choice or as quantum physicist state, by observation we change our reality. We are thus another form of Divinity. Our Souls are the 6th Sephiroth, Tiphareth-Beauty and the "Sun/son of the Divine Creative". The "Son of God" is a Christianized term emphasizing the Patriarchal rule that survives only by dismissing the feminine.
Since in terms of singularity the Law is Love....we can "fall" out of love by our choices. In other words we love under will. Thus, angels are ruled by Natural Law, humankind is ruled by his/her own freedom to choose which is a very painful burden to those who don't rule or "Above all things”, know themselves as Spirit-Mind-Body and the Lovers of Being.

The ancient Greeks called us Daemons, (God Men- the Children of Son's of God and homo sapiens mating that later became the Titans). Daemonic, because by our own perspectives and observation, we can change reality.... No other manifestation of the Divine can do that! So, when the Hierophant within says to you, “If you wish to speak to me, you must stand, for I'll not kneel to your weakness." He is not just stating "tough love", it is also a statement of equality for we are made of all the mental, emotional, and spiritual power that ever was or will be-now!

The 10 OF WANDS-Oppression; is Malkuth in Aziluth and is the influence of Malkuth in the world of Pure Spirit. Where upon the destructive powers of Saturn (Geburah-Severity) are amplified by the swiftness of Sagittarius, leading to selfishly applied material force, and often cruelly. On the Thoth 10 of Wands, the suggestion of the crude club like wands, and the Dorjes (Tibetan spear- like symbols of Thunderbolts) suggests, cruelty, malice, overbearing force and energy that can be injustice.
However, one must understand that a certain amount of energy must be oppressed at all times, for form to exist. Energy must be contained in a "Thought Form" before it can become information and thereby, manifested. Then again, too much oppression of energy-in-motion (emotion) leads too disaster. Like electricity, Water or Fire, energy resists this oppression, and will "slip its bonds" at any sign of weakening. Sometimes destructively so.

Often the oppression of our own ability to act, is because of our own self-perspective, most of us tend to be crueler to ourselves than to others. This phenomena is because we often fear our actions more than others. We can escape this cycle of destruction if we understand that the oppression we feel, is often the Mind being told "how to think" rather than by the Inner Self who transforms by the change of perspectives. We can also "feel oppression" so we can identify it and act in our prison escape. So let's remember that it's better to pop a balloon, then an over pressurized air tank and stop oppressing our emotional energy for any length of time. If we do examine and release our pent up energy in action, we then understand that the body is Reaction while the Spirit is Action.

Often, by taking things and ourselves too seriously, we fail to use the power of mirth that cracks the veneer of perspective, so that we can see beyond our self-made prison of "I can't". Truth being, "I can’t", usually means "I am afraid to"and/or "I don't want to”; However, "I Can't" becomes a statement of low self-value when believed. So just say," I don't want to" and get on with your motion.
For as we all know, with impassioned focus, we can accomplish anything. That's the beautiful magic side of "freedom of choice". So remember this, we use "thought" to oppress energy into form, for creation's sake----including our own, but eventually, because change is the only constant in this energy Universe, that oppression will end whether voluntarily or by e-motional-explosion.
Energy will free itself, and move. Those who are freely changing their perspectives, will find that the once feared end we call death, is merely a movement towards another perspective and will experience what the Tibetan's call "reincarnation", which is simply expanding and liberating one's personality by change of perspective. By fearing an end, you have one, by not fearing and end, you consciously experience transformation. Another way to say this is "I AM Transformation".
When the 10/Ten of Wands is thrown during a Divination, the Querent may experience: If Ill dignified by surrounding cards:
- Cruelty and malice towards others.
- Oppression
- Injustice and over-bearing strength being applied for selfish and material ends.
- Sometimes shows failure in a matter, and opposition too strong to be controlled arising from the person's too great selfishness at the beginning.
- Ill will, envy, slander, obstinacy and swiftness in evil
However, if well dignified by the surrounding Cards:
- The querent is being generous or experiencing generosity from another.
- Self-Sacrifice as in the form of oppressing one's wants for another's well being.
- Disinterestedness in a situation
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