Many people have called upon me, but none seem to know me. I Am He of a thousand names and yet so little known. I am the Husband of Mother Nature, the male aspect of the Androgynous Earth. The Old Horned one of the forest.

Yet that name doesn't do me justice. I am the Phallus of Earth, not the profaned concept of human sex, but that of the Fertile, Fecund, Nature of Life. I Am passion, intimacy, love, lust, and eros; a package of Life expanding powers so feared by the ignorant and indoctrinated. I am not a product of the "flesh-0-phobes" who fear touch, intimacy, love, lust, and passion. To fear such is to fear life itself and to bury your identity in a grave of yesterday's.

I am the ruby red serpentine life force that flows through the Dragon Viens of earth that some call ley lines. The Shumerians knew me, the Arkadian's, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Africans; As a matter of fact, all peoples once knew me as names of a powerful force that rejuvenates and regenerates the alive. I am he of 10,000 names. who is consort to she of 10,000 names.

The Great Lady of Earth has accepted me as her Consort, and I contribute to being by supplying the architecture, boundaries, and colors to her ideas. I am not a form, but an intelligent energy called "spirit" by many, without any realizing that I am in all of them, and they are all a part of me. I Am the passions, that drive life forward and yet I have been seen as a dark side of self and imprisoned in the base aspect of fear and dogma. I am the power in each of you to strive forward, to conquer boundaries of restriction, to go into risk, survive catastrophe, and come out shinning and successful. Only fear is your darkness. You have shamed yourselves into slavery to those who control your identity: by a social egregore created by the misogynistic rulers you have forsaken your divinity. Each of you has my power to best boundaries and surpass yesterday's limits and decide your own fate by your decisions.

To accept the zealotry of fear mongering, is to reject me; is to reject the Will to be, that is part of you. I am not a sinner nor a saint, I Am Life, yet you all confuse me with and end you call death. Death is not an end but yet another stage of life and continues a process of transformation that all Life has been doing for billions of years. Yet slaves are not in control of their own death, they live only by grant of false authority errantly thinking that life belongs to the few who rule the many. Life is what you are not what you seek! None of you can be subject to slavery if you learn to understand death and fear it not!

Artist throughout centuries have given me metaphoric image. Being metaphor, none are true, all are an illusion just as your bodies are an illusion, for all of you are serpentine light/energy/ that decides its own story. However, to be sensual, to taste, to touch, to smell, to heart and to speak, require limits and/or measurement which all fall under my authority as intimacy with creation is required. To fear these senses, is to fear intimacy and to bury them in a grave of fear, which is to not be alive and makes your body a mausoleum for your soul.

The Baphomet, often associated with the Knights Templar, is a symbol that has evolved over centuries and carries a rich tapestry of symbology and metaphor.
Historical Context
The term "Baphomet" came into prominence during the trials of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century. Under torture, some Templars confessed to worshipping a deity named Baphomet. The confessions were likely coerced, and the descriptions of Baphomet varied greatly, suggesting that it might have been a fabricated charge.
Symbolic Elements
1. The Goat:
- Head of a Goat: The goat's head, especially with its horns, has been historically associated with fertility gods, like the Greek Pan. In medieval Christian symbolism, goats were often linked to the devil and sin.
- Goat of Mendes: This concept combines aspects of the goat with ideas of duality and balance, stemming from ancient Egyptian mythology and later interpretations.
2. Duality:
- Androgyny: Baphomet often appears as an androgynous figure, embodying both masculine and feminine characteristics. This represents the unity and balance of opposites.
- "Solve et Coagula": The Latin terms for "dissolve and coagulate" on Baphomet's arms signify the alchemical process of breaking down substances and recombining them into a new form, symbolizing transformation and the pursuit of enlightenment.
3. Pentagram:
- Inverted Pentagram: The inverted pentagram on Baphomet's forehead has been interpreted as a symbol of the material world and earthly desires. In some contexts, it's associated with the subversion of divine order and the embrace of the physical realm over the spiritual.
4. Torch Between the Horns:
- Illumination: The torch symbolizes enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. Positioned between the horns, it signifies the merging of animal instincts and higher consciousness.
Metaphorical Interpretations
1. Gnosis and Esoteric Wisdom:
- Baphomet can be seen as a symbol of the quest for hidden knowledge and the integration of diverse aspects of existence. This aligns with the Templar's rumored secret teachings and their role as custodians of esoteric wisdom.
2. Balance and Harmony:
- The dual nature of Baphomet (male and female, light and dark, human and animal) embodies the concept of achieving balance and harmony within oneself and the universe. It challenges the dichotomous thinking of good vs. evil, suggesting a more nuanced understanding of morality and existence.
3. Transformation and Transcendence:
- The alchemical motto "solve et coagula" encapsulates the transformative journey of the individual. Baphomet represents the potential for personal and spiritual transformation through the reconciliation of opposites.
Modern Interpretations
In contemporary occultism and popular culture, Baphomet has taken on various meanings. For some, it remains a potent symbol of rebellion against orthodox religious structures and the embrace of individual freedom and enlightenment. For others, it serves as an icon of occult wisdom and the mystical path to self-knowledge.
The Baphomet associated with the Knights Templar is a complex symbol blending historical accusations, esoteric traditions, and modern interpretations. It embodies duality, transformation, and the pursuit of knowledge, serving as a powerful metaphor for the journey toward enlightenment and the integration of opposites within the self.
To know me is to know thyself!