
Thoth-Queen of Wands
Queen of the thrones of flame.

The Divine Feminine, Binah is the 3rd Sephira on the Tree of Life; she is called the Sanctifying Intelligence known as Understanding. The Queens are another aspect of this Sanctifying Intelligence.
Seated and enthroned, the Queens represent the forces of Heh (meaning window or sight) in the Divine Vibration of each suit. By bringing forth a material Force of each suit, the Queens, develop and realize the Force of the King. This is a steady, unshaken and enduring force that is not as rapid in motion, as are the Princes.

The Queen of Wands is Queen of the Thrones of Flame, and Western Magic's Queen of the Salamanders, or Slamandrines. The astrological attribution is the last Decan of Pisces--the first two Decans of Aries.
Because the Queens are about Materialized Force, there are no Angels represented here, rather the Elementals are the conscious force here.

The Queen of Wands represents Water of Fire, which would seem rather silly to mundane understanding; However, if we understood Water to be consciousness and Fire to be Primal Spirit, than this is less counterintuitive. In the world of atoms, the hydrogen atom can be both fire and water.
In Qabalistic philosophy, fire is Vital Life Force, passionate, extreme and often violent in Nature, as it is the Motion in the movement of all things of Water.
To show her great control over this Primeval Fire, the Queen of Wands of the Thoth Tarot, sits on a Throne of flames, one hand resting on a leopard and one hand holding the Wand of Fire. Here the leopard represents the ferocity of the Survival mind/or animal nature, under the on-hands control of the Queen; as the leopard is symbolic combination of dark (negative emotions) and light (Positive emotions), In other words, she has domesticated and/or civilized the beast within the subconscious.

Maenade using Thyrsus as weapon

Dionysus (Bacchus) with Thyrsus
The Wand, also a symbol of Will, indicates that she is also able to direct the Force she has tamed. This wand is also topped with a cone, hinting at the mysteries of Bacchus (Roman)/Dionysus (Greek) and the pineal gland and is known as the Greek God of Wine's Thyrsus. Which can turn water into wine (an attribute later given to Jesus Christ) and is also shown in some ancient Greek art as a useful weapon wielded by the *Maenads. There is a special "mystery" of intoxication bestowed in the brain via the pineal gland (shape like a very small pine cone), that happens to one who partakes of Dionysian ritual, much like the trance inducing frenzy of ritual dance in Voodoo. The Pineal gland resides between the brain halves, and a secret chemical wedding of male and female sides of the brain happens in this "intoxication". Something for the reader to investigate, if so inclined.

*The Maenads are often written off simply as ‘mad women’ by historians. However, although the name Maenad literally translates as the ‘raving ones’, these women were much more than that. The Maenads were actually sacred worshippers and holy priestesses of Dionysus - the god of wine and vegetation, festivity, madness and frenzy.
The Maenads, Mad, Frenzied Priestesses of Dionysus ...Phallic Thyrsus aside, this card is the character of a powerful, sexually attractive mature woman. Great Sexual energy, means great creative potential, so this person is best off, if she pores her passion into the arts and/or career. Devoting her life to bringing something of value into being. However, she doesn't tolerate interference and is one who is " she who must be obeyed"; much like a character in H. Rider Haggard's science fiction story of She.

As with Primordial Fire, this person must practice focus and willful control of her fiery nature, or all Hell will break loose! That is why she is shaped as if a volcanic Mountain, much like the Hawaiian Goddess of Volcanoes -Pelé. Oh, did I mention that the figure on the Throne is that of the Goddess Hel who rules the underworld of deep dark emotions? And in Mythology, the underworld is where mundane souls go to be cleansed of memories of past life and cleansed for a ritual rebirth...of course, on Hel's initiative. She is also everything the world needs in a strong lovely woman.

Tarot personality birth-wheel
As a personality, the Queen of Wands has characteristics such as , adaptability, persistent energy, calm authority which she knows how to use to enhance her attractiveness. She is kindly and generous, but impatient of opposition. She also has an immense capacity for friendship and for love, but always on her own initiative.

Tarot Illuminati- Queen of Wands
The flowing beauty of fire.

The Tarot Illuminati-Queen of wands tends to be less informative than the Thoth card. However, she has the traditional black cat or black panther, signifying the dark predatory animal nature, that is often associated with the Queen of the Underworld that resides in the subconscious. Sun flows and the color gold all impy her fiery connection with the Sun, as do the lion sculptures of her throne. the emerald greens are the emerald green of Isis and associated with summer and sunshine.

Her fascinating appearance is like staring into the flames of fireplace and watching how they move and dance (intoxicatingly) shaping the forms that are both enticing and hypnotic. This is pretty descriptive of the bright fire that resides in free spirited souls; a brightness that radiates out from them, channelled and flowing out into the World. Such is the Queen of Wands personality. Such a person's movement, words, their very being, is as beautiful as the dancing flames.
When the Queen of Wands is thrown during a reading, she represents:
- Adaptability
- Persistent energy
- Calm authority that she often uses to add to her attractiveness.
- Kind and generous to those who don't oppose her.
- Hates opposition.
- Powerfully gracious in love and friendship, all of which is on her own terms.
- Her passionate emotion creates a Tendency to be distracted from goals.
- A deep desire to understand the deeper aspects of herself.
- Hot passion and sharp wit.
- Seduction.
- Charisma and beauty.
- A social butterfly.
- Bringing out the best in others.
The negative characteristics of this Queen, as shown by accompanying negative cards:
- Vanity and snobbery
- A tendency to brood, thereby, making wrong decisions that promote acting in great violence.
- Her great passion makes her easy to deceive, causing her to react stupidly, tyrannically and obstinately.
- May be quick to take offense, harboring revenge without good cause.
- Intolerance.
- Jealousy.
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