
Thoth- 3 of Cups-Abundance
Lord of abundance.
#3. Filed with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the Path of Liberation.
"...the fulfillment of the Will of Love in abounding joy. It is the spiritual basis of fertility" [Crowley-Book of Thoth,pg.,196]

The 3 of Cups, is also called the Lord of Abundance. Here Mercury is in Cancer, The Angels of the Decan Rachael and Yehomayah. With Mercury in the house of Cancer there is an abundant communication of emotions.

The 3 of Cups, signifies the influence of Binah in Briah, the Mental/Creative World.
Cancer is the most sensitive of water signs, and is under the command of the Moon. Therefore we have represented here Cardinal Water, i.e. Emotional Consciousness. Therefore, The 3 of Cups is perfect affinity with Binah, who is Mother of the Waters, Imagination and "Will to Form".

The scene of rushing water, swift and extravagant as it overflows the Pomegranate cups, represents the gifts of Mercury. The Water arises from a single cup which denotes the "dark calm Sea of Binah" a characteristic of the Universal Collective Unconscious from which all consciousness springs. She is also seen as Persephone (spring), to whom the Pomegranate is sacred. With the Plenty of Persephone as spring, this card also represents plenty, hospitality, and abundance of Love.

Those who have been following this blog know by now that Binah is "will to form", and underlying force that makes imagination a womb. She is the Will of the Womb of all forms, not the Womb itself for that is reserved to the Action of Chesed the Sphere of Mercy. Again the sexing of this forces is limiting and short on insight. Chesed may be Masculine in its expression of form, and yet it is feminine as it receives the Will of Binah. However, here we have the Trinity Goddess and 3 states of Love, Eros (love of flesh), Philo (love of family/brotherly love) and Agapé (Spiritual Love) and the only masculine suggestion is Mercury. Therefore, this card can be seen as a menage â trios (3 in a house), with abundant overflowing love.
What may surprise you, is that none of us are the sex of our bodies. We are A-sexual Souls, in that we are both receptive (female) and expressive (male); both magnetic (female) and electric (male) and therefore, not looking for a Union. Being a Solar (Golden Sun of God) entity, we have inherited great power, "to be or not to be" any sex at all. However, the body lives in a different dimension (Malkuth the 10th Sephiroth) than Tiphareth (6th Sephiroth-Soul) and is a tool, powered by the Electro (male) Magnetic (female)Entity that you are and driven by the DNA of Earth who employs sexuality separation in a species. Here diversity must be made manifest for life to move forward, necessitating the "Splitting" up of the Soul into Anima (feminine) and Animus (Masculine). For as a spiritually powered and DNA driven tool the human body is unexcelled in its seeking of union but even more, as its Solar/Psyche operator, your Will maybe beyond the reason of bodies but the "splitting" of your wholeness has also made you driven to reunite the anima and animus of Self (Binah and Chokmah), making the search for a "soul mate" a preoccupation. You are obviously a "Will to be" (I AM ME) which is very much a combination of “Will to Force” and "Will to Form", (I Am) so here is a kicker, YOU ARE THE IMAGINATION (I-Magi-Nation) and the Imagined identity of sexuality is totally yours to be. Hence, all of us are Bi-Sexual by inheritence, and can become any sexual expression we feel the need to be or are indoctrinated into being. As you can see in this world of manifestation (manifestation means illusion) this can get very complicated, as the "splitting" up of the soul anima and animus may not match the sex of the body.

Image-maker, is what the Imagination means, and that dear soul, is the Divine's Power. So get off of your suffering pomegranate and stand up and Yell-----I AM Me! And get on with you, for self- impeccability is what you came to do! Remember, what we command in this Universe is our own image. Take charge of yourself and stop blaming environment, or person or thing. Sure they may influence, but they only have the power you give them. What you are is up to your Passionate use of Imagination and boundary setting (rationale)!
Abundant love seems a great thing! However, there is always a shadow cast by the Sun and one must remember the legend of Persephone (one aspect of the Trinity Goddess of Maid, Mother, and Crone) whose sacred fruit is the Pomegranate. Because she swallowed a few seeds of the pomegranate, Persephone was sentenced to spend a few months in Hades, with her Husband Pluto/Hades, god of the underworld and because of a deal/compromise between Pluto and Demeter/Artemis (her mother who threatened to destroy him) she was allowed to spend the spring months above ground in the world of light. There seems to be a implied suggestion that no matter the good things in life that are to be enjoyed, they should also be mistrusted. Therefore, the caveat here, is enjoy the abundance, but don't try to hold onto it. Overflowing abundance can be too much of a good thing.

Haindl Tarot- Three of Cups-Overflowing
The Haindl Tarot- Three of Cups-Overflowing, has a new title of "Overflowing Emotion", which goes along with the Thoth Tarot's placement of Mercury in the house of Cancer. In the upper left of the Haindl card is the Hexagram 28 of the I Ching, "Preponderance of the Great". This implies that too much and/or excessive emotion can be dangerous, as one moment is joyous and the next tearfull. However, the card is still a joyful one, but there are dangers lurking in the waters of emotion.

The 3 cups are formed into the shape of an uppward pointing triangle, which is the symbol for fire. The combination of fire and water is a hard one to handle, for it is passion (fire) and emotion (water). The Cave symbolizes an inner experience. Rocks hint at danger, yet the cups overflow with joy.
When the 3/Three of Cups is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- The querent may have an outpouring of love and positive emotion toward three very significant people in their life.
- An overwhelming desire to communicate such to them,Happiness and a full life.
- May become clearer about what the querent's feelings and emotion are saying.
- Letting the spirit come through and expressing the joy of being with others.
- A steady and timeless affection is being felt by the querent that is unconditional and thus more powerful and more deeply felt than romantic love.
- Feeling the dance of love, often called the Three Graces.
- A very exuberant joyful feeling of being.Happiness and a full life.
- Extreme joy that can turn to tears.
- Happiness.
- Joy.
- Harmony.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout:
- Lust.
- Hedonism.
- Raw Sensuality.
- Feelings damned up.
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helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.