
dreams of Gaia tarot- XIII-Queen of fire
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot- 13 of Fire-Queen of Wands, represents the personality of a strong, and powerful woman. One who is not afraid to go after what she wants the most. Her skills are optimistic focus and determination. Her Will is fiery and focused which is seen by acquaintances as charismatic and engaging. Her very warm and expansive personality, attracts people like a moth to a flame. Hence, the card illustrates a fiery Gaia form with horns of the Moon, serpents representing the serpent forces of Vital Energy frequencies, moths, and a familiar cat. All of which infer to her primal, sensual nature. Everything she does, is sensually engaging. Even when talking to someone, she looks deep into their eyes, and will often reach out and touch one's hand while listening intently giving her conversant undivided attention.
This is a persona of a independent nature which makes her a natural leader. She doesn't follow well, as her confidence is self-assured and she achieves all that she sets out to achieve. Therefore, she is not interested in competing with anyone and is embracing and kind. As we all no, only self-confident people who embrace their life, are able to be kind to others. Of matter of course, she is an extrovert and loves attention, but is unafraid to give attention in equal measure. She is very intimate with life and is therefore, very sexual, but in a mature intimacy that will entrance others. Her body is her friend, and she knows that she came into life to be Her and no one else. She is Spirit-Mind-Body, her life is all three in a rhythmic dance liken to a well kept fire.
When the Queen of Fire is thrown in a divination, it implies:
- Be optimistic and enthusiastic.
- Engage and stimulate all senses.
- Give your full attention.
- Take pleasure in life.
- Don't second guess yourself.
- Hold your head up high.
- Avoid pettiness.

The Creatrix-Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life; she is called the Sanctifying Intelligence and is known as Understanding. The 4 Tarot Queens are 4 other aspect of this Sanctifying Intelligence.
Seated and enthroned, the Queens represent the forces of Heh (meaning window or sight) in the Divine Vibration of each suit. By bringing forth a material Force of each suit, the Queens, develop and realize the Force of the King. This is a steady, unshaken and enduring force that is not as rapid in motion, as are the spontaneous Princes.

The Queen of Wands is Queen of the Thrones of Flame. Queen of the Salamanders, or Slamandrines. The astrological attribution is the last Decan of Pisces--the first two Decans of Aries.
Because the Queens are about Materialized Force, there are no Angels represented here, rather the Elementals are the vital force here.

Thoth-Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is Water of Fire, which would seem rather silly to mundane understanding; However, if we understood Water to be unconsciousness/consciousness and Fire to be Primal Spirit, than this is less counterintuitive. Water of fire is Vital Life Force (sex force), passionate, extreme and often violent in Nature, as it is the Motion/Heat in the movement of all things of Water/Mind.
To show her great control over this Primeval Fire, the Queen of Wands of the Thoth Tarot, sits on a Throne of flames, one hand resting on a leopard and one hand holding the Wand of Fire. Here the leopard represents the ferocity of fire under the on-hands control of the Queen; as the leopard is symbolic combination of Dark fire and light fire, the dark fire (energy) showing through the light fire as dark spots. The Wand, also a symbol of Will, indicates that she is also able to direct the Force she has tamed. This wand is also topped with a cone, hinting at the mysteries of Bacchus and the pineal gland. Those mysteries merit further study by the interested student.

tarot personality birth wheel
The Queen of Wands represents the personality of a powerfully independant, sexually attractive mature woman. Great Sexual energy, means great creative potential, so this person is best off, if she pores her passion into the arts and/or a career where she can empower others. Devoting her life to bringing something of value into being for herself and others.
As with Primordial Fire, this person must practice focus and willful control of her fiery nature, or all Hell will break loose! Oh, did I mention that the figure on the Throne is that of the Goddess Hel who rules the underworld of the Unconsciously deep dark emotions? And in Mythology, the underworld is where mundane souls go to be cleansed of memories of past life and cleansed for a ritual rebirth...of course, on Hel's initiative.
When the Queen of Wands is thrown during a reading, she represents:
- Adaptability
- Persistent energy
- Calm authority that she often uses to add to her attractiveness.
- Kind and generous to those who don't oppose her.
- Hates opposition.
- Powerfully gracious in love and friendship, all of which is on her own terms.
- Her passionate emotion creates a Tendency to be distracted from goals.
- A deep desire to understand the deeper aspects of herself.
- Hot passion and sharp wit.
- The Personality of the Querent, or the Querent needs to seek out such a personality to solve an issue.
The negative characteristics of this Queen, as shown by accompanying cards:
- Vanity and snobbery
- A tendency to brood, thereby, making wrong decisions that promote acting in great violence.
- Her great passion makes her easy to deceive, causing her to react stupidly, tyrannically and obstinately.
- May be quick to take offense, harboring revenge without good cause.
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