
Thoth-Knight of Disks
Lord of the wide and fertile land; The King of the spirits of the earth; King of the Gnomes.
The 2nd Sephiroth, the force of the Knights, Chokmah is both Wisdom and the Will to Force. He is the idea of male polarity.
Now there are those who think that Male came first in creation, or that Female came first; well let’s just say that they think only in linear time aided by our short-sighted physical-cultural perspective on sexuality. The startling fact to some, is that if you come up with the idea of Male, then you come up with the idea of female at the same moment. There is no male concept without the concept of female and vise verse. So the argument of whom came first, is null and void when intellectually talking about the Supernal Triangle; the Upper 3 Sephiroth-Trinity.

The Will to Force (Chokmah) and the Will to Form (Binah) united produce the I AM; which is the way of saying the mating of I and Am produces the idea of existence and that being is Understood Self-Identity and/or Data which then becomes information and/or a - Me. Our concept of sexuality is in need of adjustment before we can understand the One Energy that made itself two so it could be many. Our Trinity of Being is I AM ME- all is Self(Mind) and all Self-Identity is a "Me". Immortal Being (I AM) is now linked with continual transforming Entity (Me). This allows what is immortal and infinite and/or Unmeasured, to become intimate with information and/or the measured universe.
Since, Chokmah is the second Sephiroth and the Personification of the Knight it is also the force behind the four Deuces. Therefore, Personification of that force in every Tarot suit , is represented in the four Knights/Kings. In other words, Chokmah's Will to Force, is at its most concentrated and dense elemental form on Earth.

THE KNIGHT OF DISKS: represents the Lord of the wild and fertile land and as such is the King of the elemental spirits of earth; for instance, the Gnomes. The zodiacal attributes to this card are the last Decan of Leo and the first two Decans of Virgo.

Being that the Knight of Disks is the densest manifestation of the Elemental Yod force, he is the force behind fruition, and growth but tends to be slow. This powerful fertility is represented in this card by the use of the Stag antlers on the Helm of the Knight. The understanding of the mythical animal images of the middle ages, comes in handy here, as the Stag is the beast that ate the serpent (received wisdom) and in so doing sheds its skin, any illness and old age, just as a serpent does. So to make a long and wonderful story short, the Stag represents the Knights power to regenerate as does the organic matter it is a symbol of.
Many of us have seen the Fire of Earth, in its volcanic upheavals; However, how often do we realized that Volcanism is Earth regenerating itself? Such is the Fire of Earth that is the Knight; fleeting yet he is also the cycle of rebirth. The same fruition is implied by the corn or fruitful plane that his horse is grazing on. Therefore, he carries a flail, used in grain harvest and his disk/shield is that of solid nutrition. Therefore, this Knight, with helm thrown back, often signals a pause, where all the hard work of seeding and caring for the plants, is done and now it is time to "reap what was sown" and/or harvest the fruits of your just and determined labor. Hence, the flail and the horse eating the grain.

tarot personality birth wheel
The Shield this knight carries, serves also as a bowl that can feed a whole village. Hence, this knight "is entirely confined to the production of food" (Crowley-Book of Thoth, Pg. ,164]. Therefore this knight keeps his "nose to the grindstone" and is not concerned with the deeper meanings of life and/or intellectual musings.

Tarot Illuminati- King of Pentacles
Master of the World.
The Tarot Illuminati-King of Pentacles, continues with the Oriental Royalty, which seems to resemble some very exquisite Japanese Emperors and Queens. Here, he is presented holding out with both hands a golden pentacle, implying he is offering his wealth to all. The Tarot Kings, are traditionally set upon thrones and this one shows his bullish nature by using the sacred animal of Earth, the bull as his Throne decorations. Crowley, disagrees with the traditional "king on throne" image, and wanted people to understand that these Kings are Active force and/or Battle Kings, and therefore, are Knights. Even the Knight of Disks, who is passive and enjoying a just harvest, is astride his charger and wearing full battle armor but his helmet is laid back on his head, and instead of a mace or sword in his hand, he carries a flail that is used to harvest wheat. The Illuminati King is also without weapon and is offering his harvest to others.
The Tarot Illuminati King of Pentacles, shows his green man image in the green silk kimono that he is wearing, and his connection to the Sun (Leo) in the gold horned helmet, and battle armor. Again, he is a artistic interpretation of a Green Man.
It implies:
- A concern for the body and good health.
- A doctor or herbalist concerned with health.
- The querent is showing the spirit of fertilization, as joyous practicality, steadfastness, reliability and is an epitome of material success.
- Generous, courageous but is not prone to seeking adventure.
- Ordinary activity, in social position, accomplishments, experiencing a success that is relaxed and enjoyed.
- A mature reliable, dependable, and wise male upon whom others may depend on and with whom they lay their burdens.
- A dark male, who is both courageous and lethargic in tendencies. However, driven in matters of material success.
- A good financial provider who understands and likes work knowing it leads to financial security.
- The querent may be such a person or involved with such a person in their life. The surrounding cards or position in the reading would support this understanding.
- Financial Mastery.
- Business ownership.
- Using possessions for the highest good.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout:
- Conservative.
- Materialistic.
- Dogmatic.
- Jealous of what they realize as the superior state of others.
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