
Thoth-Prince of Disks
Prince of the Chariot of Earth; Prince and Emperor of the Gnomes.

I have stated that Tiphareth is The Central Sun of our conscious energy expression into incarnation. Tiphareth is called -Beauty, and is as high as our Personal Conscious can go up the Tree, for it is the beginning of True Self. This state of Consciousness is known in the Mysteries, as the Christ, or Buddha consciousness and it brings the body's personality into a "higher" state of vibratory life force that we know as "unconditional Beauty/ Love”, also changing the physiology by doing so. However, only through diligent meditative techniques and ritual divination is this conscious state possible to physically experience. For it is the Soul-Psyche that IS you, not the ego-personality that you were taught to believe you are.
The Prince of Disks (Also called the Prince or Knight of Pentacles, in other Tarot Decks), is the Prince of the Chariot of Earth. Prince and Emperor of the Gnomes and is attributed to the last Decan of Aries and the first two Decan of Taurus.

This Prince is the Air of Earth and/ or Specific Air of Primal Earth. The Chariot of the Prince of Disks is pulled by the Bull of Taurus, demonstrating this attribute.
Being Air of Earth, the Prince is Intelligible Earth, as Air is Mind. Therefore, he brings incredible energy to physical matters. Such intelligent Earth, is the instinctual mind that shows its incredible focus on building, as in bees, ants, etc.
Because the Prince of Disks is so materially active, his armor is light and unrestrictive. On his head is the Bull helmet an animal sacred to the earth. The disk in his hand is an orb resembling a globe, marked in agricultural mathematical symbols. The orbed scepter that is surmounted by a cross is a symbol of the Great Work accomplished. The Great Work being manifesting the Higher States of Conscious Energy, in the lower states of consciousness below, on earth; by physical focus and attention to work. What many of us don't understand that if you empty your brain of random thoughts, while only focusing on the task at hand, you are meditating! Even a daily commute in your car, with radio off, and doing nothing but "hands on the wheel" driving, while paying absolute attention to traffic, is a meditation! The Prince of Disks intelligence knows that multi-tasking, is just another way to do nothing well.

The Prince of Disks, is the Green Man force of Celtic mysteries, whose job it is to bring forth, from the Earthly element, that Vegetation, which is the sustenance of Spirit itself. The Mother Earth makes the form, he enlivens it and enforces the design.

tarot personality birth-wheel
The Character of the Prince of Disks, is methodical, competent, ingenious, enduring, trustworthy, cautious, and imperturbable. All the qualities of a very capable manger and a steadfast preserving worker. Very good at horticulture and hard, patient work.
This Prince of Mind and Earth, is also ingenious in earthly matters, as he constantly seeks new ways of using common things. Always adapting the circumstance to his slow and methodical purpose. This is to say, that his plans are well thought out before he acts. His emotions are subdued, thus he may appear insensitive and maybe even dull and slow of wit. But this is because of misinterpretation of his mental activity of which he won't devote to ideas that he understands to be beyond his expertise. Simply, the reaction of others to this stalwart character, depends entirely on their temperament and not his.
Again, the Prince of Disks represents the airy part of Earth (Air is Consciousness) and thus He is the intelligible part of Earth. He rules the zodiac from the 21st degree of Aries to the 20th degree of Taurus, thus we have the ox pulling the chariot as the "sacred animal of Earth". The Prince of Disks is the stable but active force of the "Green man" as he brings forth from the Earth, vegetation which is the substance that Spirit enlivens. He is barely clothed because we have a "pan-force" here who is both fertile and lustful...like a bull. He is Earth's Husband which in the Anglo-Saxon, means 'keeper of her property". He is a Care-taker of Her flora and fauna Forms.
The Prince of Disks personality is slow to anger, but once he is angered---you have an implacable charging bull to contend with and physically this person can be quite "bull-like". It is almost impossible to differentiate between "Well dignified" or "ill dignified" characteristics of this Card. Suffice it to say, that if "ill dignified" (surrounded by Lower emotional cards) that the quality and quantity of his character is somewhat degraded. To the point of being duller, slower, and even less empathetic.
This man's personality is often referred to in the common vernacular as "the salt of the Earth" because his character is so trustworthy. And like all "slow quiet types" is easy to get along with...but again, terrible in anger. He is a force of Nature, that should be respected and loved in all of us and a very necessary "power of the body" needed by Spiritual-Life itself. The Power of Spirit must be aligned with the Power of the Soul and of the Body----to become a "Holy Spirit"...for those Souls who malign the body, proclaiming its nature as evil, are doomed to failure in the Great Work. Life obviously adores the Body----------and we are a Spiral Energy Expression of Life (Spirit and Spiral come from the same Greek root word Spiro- Meaning " To Breathe" or "Breath"). It's okay to adore your body---as long as you know that all bodies "are another way to be you" and that the purpose of Spirit is to make bodies live!

You are originally a Being (Immortal) not a body; a body it is only One part of your Trinity of I AM Me. I=Spirit, Am=Minds and Body=Sensation. Hence, we have an intimate way of linking with creation. As a Being of multiple frequencies of Light, we have no material contract with matter and the creation thereof. Adopting the homo sapiens sapiens body, gives us, the Psyche, The intimate Union of Self- with Self- Creation, from this Sacred Union, comes joy, love, happiness, peace, harmony, melody, pleasure, pain, sorrow, hot-cold, up-down, etc. All sensual, and all impossible to feel without a material form. As a Soul, I am grateful for the chance to enjoy all that is Self. You can call me Pan, for I dance and play with the great instrument of Sensual Self Awareness that is called "a body". Hooking the Macrocosmic Spiritual Self unto the Microcosmic Sensual- Self, is the Great Work of which I am happy to be involved with. The Prince of Disks has another message for you; "Stop lying to yourself, you love the intimacy of sensuality, so love the 'sense of presence' that the body gives you and know that your presence is enough. "

Tarot Illuminati-Prince of Pentacles
The Stone Guardian.
The Tarot Illuminati-Prince of Pentacles, replaces the Knight of Pentacles of traditional Tarot. He is steadfast, a slow and steady movement, like the tectonic plates of Earth, rather than the rapid flow of water. He refuses to be doomed to the pitfalls of the the rushing fools around him/her, easily avoiding the inevitable crash, by slow and steady progress. More intelligence, less emotion is emblazoned on his heart. The armor of this knighted Prince is adorned in extravagant armor, and does sport the horns of the Bull on both Petard and helmet, hinting at his link with Taurian Earth. Around him, is the Great Greenery of the Green Man, for yet again, he is the Spirit within the bursting growth of fecund earth.
When the Prince of Disks/Pentacles, is thrown during a reading, depending on the position and the surrounding cards, implies:
- Issues of physical activity. Such as, body building, muscle tone, sports, and a steel like resolve to move through issues and remove blocks.
- The querent or person important to them, is in a kind of Moving meditation, a focus on the material world, experiencing personal balance and productivity.
- Becoming or is a builder who works steady towards their goals and being singularly focused on establishing security.
- The querent, or important person, is both kind and trustworthy and will complete a long and laborious task, "come hell or high water".
- A good and loyal friend.
- There is suggested a Mastery here, of change and harvest procured by knowledge and productivity.
- Careful and cautious movement.
- The mind applied to the everyday world.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout:
- Slow witted.
- Stubbornness.
- Phlegmatic nature.
- Dull.
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