
Thoth-Prince of Wands
The Prince of the Chariot of Fire; Prince and Emperor of the Salamanders.

Tiphareth-the 6th Sephiroth and the 4 Princes:The Princes are the Son/Sun of the Queen and King, thus they are governed by the 6th Tiphareth, The Son/Sun of the Divine Creative. The Princes are wholly activated by the Queen and King, adding to their complexity as they have no motive power of their own. They are force, but a stable one, as they are being pulled along in their chariots.

The Figures of the Arch Fairies (Elementals) are the Lion, Eagle, Man and Bull. These are the 4 Kerubim of Qaballah. They are very ancient symbols for the elements of multiple religious belief systems. Not only appearing as Gods of the Assyrians, the 4 Animals in the Old Testament vision of Ezekiel, they also are the 4 symbols of the Christian Evangelists. In the vastness of Kether, the Primordial Elements radiate into Tiphareth, becoming the united rulers of the elements that are individually expressed in Tiphareth. Anthropomorphically personified, The Princes are the balance of the 4 Elements in Tiphareth. Being the most refined aspects of the Solar/Soul- Personality, the 4 Princes are the Elemental Kings in ourselves.
It should be no surprise then that the Princes can be taken in any direction by Divine Will.
- Thus, the forces of the Prince of Wands may be applied with Justice or cruelty;
- The unconscious flowing motion of the Prince of Cups may be subtle and artistic; or it may be evil.
- The rational mental activities of the Prince of Swords, may produce ideas that are either creative or destructive and last but not least;
- The material qualities of the Prince of Disks, may cause growth for good or evil. The Grounding Element for the Prince's lessons, are the Princesses, who rule the earth from the Northern quadrants.

Tarot Personality Birth-Wheel
When thrown during Divination, the Prince of a suit often represent the coming and going of an event or person and the Princess of a suit often represent the approval or disapproval of a matter.

The Prince of Wands represents Air of Fire or Specific Air of Primal Fire. The power granted him by the Royal Couple is tremendous, so Lady Frieda Harris appears to show the "flaming chariot", that is being pulled by Leo (the Sun) the Lion. Because of his enormous strength, he can go any direction, even unto violence if angered. The Thoth card, shows the Marital Prince holding the Phoenix Wand of Geburah, and thus wields the fiery Severity of Geburah by being resurrected out of the ashes of his small ego.

Ruling from the 21st degree of Cancer to the 20th degree of Leo, he is endowed with a powerful faculty for expanding and volatilizing. His arms are free of armor and mail, as he is vigorous and active. As you can see, he is aflame in every way above, the rayed crown surrounded by a winged Lion head sending from his crown a curtain of flame, suggesting the Solar Logos. In his left hand (side of the Goddess) he holds the Phoenix Wand of Power and Energy, while the other is holding the reigns of the Lion. His sexual energy is renowned. With wheels radiating flame, he rides on a sea of flame, both waved and salient. This card show Swiftness and Strength as his primary moral qualities. The female aspect of the Prince of Wands is shown as the Chariot and wheels in the Red color of Mother Binah, who supports his stability, and motion.
The Prince of Wands also represents Crowley's Ascendent, Leo, which in one's astrological natal chart, is second only to the Sun sign in importance. I'll not place his natal chart here, but among other things, the "rising sign" (Ascendent) represents the native's personality and how other people see him. And Crowley had a lot to say about himself in this card, for the mark of the beast emblazoned on his chest plate, and this Prince is sitting in Crowley's favorite yoga posture-the Thunderbolt Asana. Hence, Crowley supplied the multiple and often overtly-flattering descriptions of this Crowley like personality, card. Besides Crowley, there were/are a few other notables whose ascendent matches the Prince of Wands personality, which might give you the idea of the power of such a personality:

Julius Caesar: 100 BCE

John Dee: July 13, 1527

Nelson Mandela;· Born Jul y 18, 1918

and Mick Jagger, born July 26 , 1943
Also Jacqueline Kennedy, Madam Blavatsky, and Christopher Hyatt, to name a few more notable Prince of Wands personas.

Haindl Tarot- Son of Wands in the East-Prince of wands
Haindl Tarot- Son of Wands in the East-Prince of wands, depicts the image of Krishna who is Vishnu's incarnation as described in the great Hindu epic of the
Mahabharata. This is a massive poem; However, centrally, in the passage of the Bhagavad Gita, Krisha tells the warrior Adjuna the Truth of the Eternal Soul. In coming to save the world Vishnu as Krishna becomes fully human and thereby, provides us with the image of the developed man, such as Adam/Eve Khadmon of Qabalistic Tradition.

The blue circle behind Haindl's Krishna is an eye of the Peacock Feather, (Peacock God) and Krishna's flute music, is said to bring the Divine Mind into reality. The reading of the Mahabarata, is highly recommended.
The Divinatory meaning of The Prince of Wands is a bit more extravagant, due to Crowley's interpretation of himself. Hence it implies:
Impulsive, often easily directed by outside influences, even trifling ones, he can be prey to indecision.
- His or her opinions are often violently expressed but being emphatic does not mean he'll hold the opinion long.
- He just loves vigorous statement just to feel the vigorous flow. ·
- The truth being, that he is often slow to make up his mind, and is essentially just and sees both sides of a question. ·
- Having a character noble and generous causes him to lean towards expressing extravagant hyperbole while secretly laughing at the boast and himself for making it. ·
- Being of fanatical courage linked with indefeasible endurance, he often chooses to fight against the odds and always wins in the very long run. ·
- The Passion radiating off of this person frightens most people because of the mystery it presents.
- He is of Dragon, and thus he strikes terror in the heart of the less inclined. ·
- His generosity and deeds maybe impeccable, but the heat of his passion scares the pale soul who avoids the Sun/son. ·
- His great pride, which is his main fault, makes him hold in contempt, meanness and pettiness and he is adept at wielding every weapon of ridicule, while still giving the shirt off of his back to the one so scorned. ·
- Without lust of result, he loves work and exercise for its own sake. ·
- Paradoxical is his contempt for the world at large, while holding ecstatic respect for every individual man and woman. ·
- The Mystery of such a one who is a Sun.
- This Sunwarrior is an aspect of the Solar Logos that puts ideas into action and will fight for their survival! ·
- There is a sense of Romantic Revolution with this one.
- ·Most people enjoy his passionate demeanor, but woe to the person that focuses his wrath.
- Because of this Swift and agile personality, many of his acquaintances are not committed to him as friends, for his swift mystery baffles most of them as he is all that is unexpected, startling, unpredictable, unconventional, but having a deep underlying consistency.
- Trickster.
- Love of Life and the Arts.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Haindl) it implies:
- Unrest.
- Impatience.
- Destructiveness.
- Problems may bring out the depths in a person.
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