
Thoth- Queen of Cups
Queen of the Thrones of Water; Queen of the Nymphs or Undines.

3rd Sephiroth-Binah-Understanding and the Queen of Cups:
The Great Mother/Feminine Intelligence that we call "Imagination" is Binah, the 3rd Sphere/Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. She is the Sanctifying Intelligence and in the Queen of Cups- Binah is represented as the Queen of the Thrones of the Waters; Water being the flowing Unconsciousness of the Universe; known as Imagination and/or the Universal Collective Unconscious. Also, if you are into the Elemental Magics, The Queen of Cups is the Queen of the Undines and Nymphs. Astrologically, the Queen of Cups is in the last Decan of Gemini and the first two Decans of Cancer.

Thoth- Queen of Cups
The Queen of cups is Specific Water in the Realm of Primal Water. Here the "Will to Form" of Binah is "reflecting on consciousness", i.e. imagination. Crowley's card shows this reflective nature in an abstract way. Here The Queen is enthroned on still Water, her image is of purity and beauty and is robed in veils of pure light. The Truth of her is not seen by the observer, who can only see themselves in reflection.

In the Queens left hand is a shell like cup with a crayfish climbing out of it, symbols relating to the Moon and its reflective qualities and the light reflected acting as transforming abilities. Truth being, one of the characteristics of this card is that like water (consciousness), the flow changes according to the influences around it. Shown on this card is also an Ibis in abstraction, Here, we see the influence of Thoth-Hermes, as the Ibis is a traditional Egyptian symbol of this Moon God. Therefore, once again the Male and Female influences are shown as unseparated, and simultaneous.

Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth, is often represented as the Greek-Python, the First Husband, or as a snake or Serpent Force. In Mythology, the Ibis eats the eggs of the Snake, which relates to her "consuming (understanding) the seeds of ideas" from Chokmah who is represented as Wisdom. However, the Ibis also consumes the corpses of the dead. This may seem contradictory, but in the corpses of the dead are "Conscious seeds", and/or personalities that can be recycled so that information is consumed and recycled in the Universal Unconscious. Therefore, we have yet another reference to the Great Sea of Binah (Universal Collective Unconscious) from which life flows out, and also flows back into. Here also the Moon and the cycle of tides add to the image and its transformational qualities..

The Lotus, on the water and in her right hand, is the Eastern Rose, and is the sacred flower related to Great Mother Isis an Egyptian form of Binah. Rather than through the touch of her hand, as the Queen of Wands is shown controlling the Leopard, The Queen of Cups uses the intermediary of the Lotus (Womb) to cause the Ibis to its work. The Tranquil waters, on which the Lotus float, are the means of force transmission.

Tarot personality birth-wheel
The key characteristics to The Queen of cups architype, are dreaminess, illusion and tranquility. As is Water the perfect agent and patient solvent, the Queen of Cups, is able to receive and transmit everything without affecting herself in so doing. On Page 157 of the Book of Thoth, Crowley wrote:
Her image is of extreme purity and beauty, with infinite subtlety; To see the Truth of Her is hardly possible, for she reflects the nature of the observer in great perfection.
If the Queen of Cups is caused to be ill dignified by the accompanying cards in a reading, then everything is refracted and distorted, as she is directly affected by surrounding influences.

Tarot Illuminati- Queen of Cups
The depths of the Subconscious.
The Tarot Illuminati Queen of Cups, keeps to the enthroned image of the Queen. Blues on blue and silver colors adorn this card, as they represent the reflective and blue color of water. "Water in the realm of Primal Water", is comparative to saying, "reflection upon reflection and/or mirror upon mirror. Therefore, the Queen of Cups is a very popular personality, for when others see her, they see themselves. Hence, a liberal person, sees only a liberal and a conservative person, sees only a conservative, when in truth she is neither.

The elaborate throne decorated with mermaids and a scalloped back, both of which naturally, are an ocean symbolism that also deals with love as they are frequently associated with love goddesses like Aphrodite/Venus. They are also affiliated with sea goddesses like Amphitrite, Tethys, Calypso and the Norse sea goddess, Rán. Mermaids are also aligned with Undines, those pervasive spirits of all waters in the world. All symbolism that would accompany the Queen of the Undines. And in her hands rest the Holy Grail. For she is representing the Holy Mother Goddess, where as the Grail depicted in or as the Priestess (ATU 2) is that of the Virgin Goddess of the Moon. As the author, Kim Huggens writes in her accompanying tarot book-Tarot Illuminati:
I am the mermaid playing in the sunlight waves, hair flowing, laughing as you come closer, and I am her arms that surround you as you are dragged with a kiss to the lightless depths.
“Dragonflies are reminders that we are light/and we can reflect light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.” – Robyn Nola
The Tarot Illuminati card is adorned with bright, shinning dragonflies. Throughout history the totem of the dragonfly holds the insights of adaptability and transformation. They are seen as spiritual creatures connected to light and change/transformation. Hence, the Moon. Therefore, the dragonfly is a symbol apropos to the Queen of Cups, who reminds us of these qualities in ourselves.
When the Queen of Cups or Queen of Water is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is showing issues surrounding motherhood
- Suggesting emotional empowerment, as the querent is able to express feelings honestly, blamelessly and without judgment.
- Implies too much imagination about issues and not enough action taken to solve them.
- Emotional and Intuitive capabilities that show highly evolved interpersonal interactions and psychic abilities.
- Implies the querent is extremely empathetic and thus must watch out for moodiness and fluctuating feelings.
- Suggests that one inspires from within and could be a time of deep inner musings, thoughts focused within where the mind is engulfed in Imagination.
- That a mature woman of deep sexual and fertility powers, where everything in her life is related to nourishment, sexual exchange, passionate giving and receiving maybe involved in the life of the querent or is the querent.
- Motherhood, or new ideas formulating for a creative line of work.
- An ethereal person of the highest ideals imagined...sometimes unattainably high in the physical world of constant change.
- Enticement and flirtation.
- Mystery drawing you in.
- The depths of your subconscious.
- Wisdom found in emotions.
If ill defined by surrounding cards:
- Dangerous.
- Cruel.
- Distorting the reflections she casts back on her unsuspecting victims, who then see only monsters in the mirror.
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