The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Court Cards: Thoth- Queen of Cups & The Lost Soul Tarot -Queen of Cups

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Lost soul- Thoth

Above all things, know thyself.

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Thoth-Queen of Cups

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The 3rd Sephiroth-Binah and the Queen of Cups:

The Qabalistic Great Mother Intelligence is Binah, the 3rd Sphere/Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. She is known as the Sanctifying Intelligence and in the Queen of Cups Binah is represented as the Queen of the Thrones of the Waters; Water being the flowing Unconsciousness of the Universal Collective Unconscious known as Imagination/intuition/emotion.  If you are into the Elemental Qabalistic Mysteries of Western Magic, The Queen of Cups is the Queen of the Undines and Nymphs.

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The Lost Soul Tarot Queen of Cups illustrates the dark mystery of feminine love and the golden warmth that is our Soul which encloses our "aware/awake consciousness".

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We are celestial souls who are already immortal, it is our body avatars that are made of measured time, which are not and never shall be. For organisms, forms, and things, must have a beginning and an end so that they can be measured. Unmeasured things are unseen, while measured things are visible.

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The Lost Soul Tarot-Queen of Cups

She represents the Ultimate female authority over the creation of Forms as Aphrodite/Venus, the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. She has the impressive ability to heal, nurture, guide, teach and prosper others. She also represents, subtly or powerfully, her deep understanding of the suit of water (intuition-emotions-imagination).

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Thoth- Queen of Cups

This Tarot card represents the nurturing and healing properties of water and/or Goddess. Protecting us from our emotional propensities caused by the "mind virus" (false ego") that is attached to the subconscious. This hidden parasite is a mimic of anti-life that tells you it is you, i.e., "the Devil within".

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Upon looking into the Queen of cups moon pool, the liar and deceiver within are revealed and helps us remove them by washing away these tendencies from the inner vessels of identity and then isolating them, rehabilitating them only after evaluating and reconsidering our behavior.

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We are the "golden children" of the Great Mother of celestial Souls whose golden light is dulled to a gray indifference by the inner "mind virus" who is supported by the indoctrination and dogma of the military industrial complex, a partnership that keeps us from seeing the mental disease as we act as automatons and/or "drama queens". I would recommend the book: Wetiko (healing the mind virus that plagues our world) by Paul Levy, if you are interested in reaching beyond the lies you think you are.

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Stella Maris

In traditional tarot, the Queen of cups represents the Mesopotamian Goddess Mari-Goddess of the Sea (Stella Maris). As a personality she is a sensitive, loving person who offers an empathetic ear. This Queen may also be a sign that you need to nurture yourself. This card also indicates psychic awareness and creativity and that you are an empath...which means not all that you feel is your emotions. This requires that you to pay attention to how you think and become more discerning by not taking on other people's emotional dramas. Unto each is their own cosmos!

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Thoth- Queen of Cups

Astrologically, the Queen of Cups resides in the last Decan of Gemini and the first two Decans of Cancer.

The Queen of cups is Specific Water in the Realm of Primal Water. Here the "Will to Form" of Binah is "reflecting on consciousness", i.e. imagination (The Moon Pool/also the moon full and crescent on the Spiral Queen's gown signify the Unconscious). Crowley's card shows this reflective nature in an abstract way. 

Here The Queen is enthroned on still Water, her image is of purity and beauty and is robed in veils of pure light. The Truth of her is not seen by the observer, who can only see themselves in the Moon Pool reflection and the dazzle of light, on both cards, masks her image. What the observer doesn't realize, is that She is looking back at them. This is because the reflection of the observer is reflected in the Astral-Waters of her self-identity: she sees herself as the Beautyful you, her Understanding of Self is "I AM"! 

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The reflecting characteristics of this card are like water (consciousness), where the flow changes according to the influences around it. Shown on the Thoth card is also an Ibis in abstraction, with the Queen's' hand and lotus resting on the back of this bird. Here, we see the influence of Thoth-Hermes, as the Ibis is a traditional Egyptian symbol of this Moon God. Therefore, it is demonstrated again that the Male and Female influences are never separate, and image easily seen in the Thoth Prince of Cups as the "male serpent/sexual force" enclosed in a Grail.

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Chokmah (The First Husband), is often represented as Python, who is the ancient Greek First Husband, or as a snake or Serpent Force (The First Force/sexual-fecund-fertile energy) and is shown on the Prince of Cups card as exiting the Cup. This image of womb and phallus exemplifies the Western Qabalisitc math of 0=2.

In Mythology, the Ibis eats the eggs of the Snake, which relates to her "consuming the seeds of ideas" from Chokmah who is represented as Wisdom and/or Thoth. However, Ibis also consumes the corpses of the dead. This may seem contradictory, but the corpses of the dead are "Conscious seeds", personalities recycled so that data is consumed and recycled in the Universal Collective Unconscious. Thus, we have reference to the Great Sea of Binah (Universal Collective Unconscious) from which life flows out and flows back into. Here also the Moon and the cycle of tides add to the image of flowing change.

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The Western Rose is the sacred flower related to Mother Binah/Isis while the Lotus is the "Eastern Rose" and is the sacred flower of the East related to Great Mother Isis who is an Egyptian form of Binah. Rather than through the touch of her hand, as the Queen of Wands is shown controlling the Leopard, The Queen of Cups uses the intermediary of the Lotus (Womb) to cause the Ibis to do its work. The Tranquil waters, on which the Lotus normally float, are the means of force transmission.

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The key characteristics of The Queen of Cups are dreaminess, illusion, and tranquility. As Water is the perfect agent and patient solvent, the Queen of Cups can receive and transmit everything without affecting herself in so doing. If the Queen of Cups is caused to be ill dignified by the accompanying cards in a reading, then everything is refracted and distorted, as she is directly affected by surrounding influences, just as the purity of water is affected by pollutants.

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In his Book of Thoth, pg., 157, Crowley defines her reflective nature thus: "Her image is of extreme purity and beauty, with infinite subtlety; to see the Truth of her is hardly possible, for she reflects the nature of the observer in great perfection." On the same page, he goes on to say:" She is the perfect agent and patient, able to receive and transmit everything without herself being affected thereby."

Hence, she is the imagination, which is this perfect agent of "self-reflection". What we imagine ourselves or "others" to be, we are so reflected as an image in our unconscious, without affecting The Universal Collective Unconscious in the least. Therefore, she sees the beautiful you, before you were besmirched by indoctrination, media-controlled word hypnosis and dogma.

Therefore, if ill dignified she can be dangerous and cruel, distorting reflections, she casts back on her unsuspecting victims who think ill of others and often do not understand that to think ill is to be ill. Subconsciously the hidden images of themselves will be seen as monsters in the mirror. So, when using the power of imagination, think well of your fellows, for they are another way to be you. You don't have to like what a person does, but you mustn't cast forth by giving voice to dehumanizing titles or names for you are using the power of I AM with the flowing vibrations of voice ...the casting bounces off the mirror of light and reflects upon you.

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A personality that is under her rule on the Tarot Birthday Wheel, is signified as someone with intuitive understanding, and depth of experience; as one who erases the boundaries between dream and reality and/or urges one to cross borders and remove limitations, even those false limitations of gender.

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Tarot core personality birth wheel

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There are some well noted Queen of Cups-personalities. These include Paul McCartney, Jacques Cousteau, John D. Rockefeller, Nikola Tesla, George Orwell, and Gerald Gardner. Therefore, it behooves the Tarot Reader to understand that the Court Cards are not specific sexual identities or genders. Besides, we are all mental hermaphrodites (Hermes/Aphrodite) as we have a left-male and right-female sides to our brains and our Souls are Androgynous and/or hermaphrodites as they create gender by the mysterious math of 0=2.

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The Lost Soul Tarot- Queen of Cups depicts the loving counseling Mother. The ocean and here the ocean of darkness, is the symbol of the Universal Collective Unconscious Mind (from which all consciousness springs). Here white and gold ensemble is indicative of purity and bright intelligence. The 2 golden cups/grails represent the left side and right side of the human brain.

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The Lost Soul Tarot- Queen of Cups is a more modern version of the Rider-Waite-Smith Queen of Cups.

Astrologically, the Queen of Cups is in the last Decan of Gemini and the First two Decans of Cancer.

The Lost Soul Tarot, Thoth Tarot, and Rider-Waite-Smith cards concentrate on the aspect of her tranquility. On The RWS card, She is seated on a throne, that rests on the banks of a tranquil river, with ornate moon chalice in hand. She uses this moon chalice, to see her visions.

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In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three decans, each spanning ten degrees of the zodiac. The last decan of Gemini and the first two decans of Cancer have distinct characteristics:

  1. Last Decan of Gemini (20-30 degrees Gemini):

    • This decan is influenced by the planet Uranus. It brings an unconventional and innovative energy to the intellectual and communicative qualities of Gemini.
    • Individuals born under this decan may possess a strong sense of individuality and originality in their thinking and communication style.
    • They may be inventive, curious, and open-minded, often embracing change and exploring unconventional ideas.
    • However, they may also exhibit restlessness, unpredictability, and a tendency to challenge established norms.
  2. First Decan of Cancer (0-10 degrees Cancer):

    • This decan is ruled by the Moon, the natural ruler of Cancer. It emphasizes the emotional and nurturing qualities of the sign.
    • Individuals born under this decan are typically sensitive, empathetic, and deeply intuitive. They are strongly connected to their emotions and may have a nurturing instinct.
    • Family and home are important to them, and they may prioritize creating a secure and nurturing environment for themselves and their loved ones.
    • They may also be highly imaginative and creative, with a strong attachment to the past and a tendency to be nostalgic.
  3. Second Decan of Cancer (10-20 degrees Cancer):

    • This decan is influenced by the planet Pluto. It adds depth, intensity, and transformational energy to the emotional nature of Cancer.
    • Individuals born under this decan may have a powerful emotional presence, with a tendency towards intensity and passion in their relationships and pursuits.
    • They may undergo significant personal transformations throughout their lives, experiencing both emotional highs and lows.
    • They possess a strong sense of intuition and may have psychic or occult abilities. They are also drawn to uncovering hidden truths and delving into the depths of their psyche.

These decans provide additional layers of nuance and complexity to the traits associated with Gemini and Cancer, offering a more detailed understanding of individuals born under these signs.

Again, Waite and Smith and Lost Soul Tarot, in their very ornate cards, shows only the mundane meanings of this card. Medieval art rather than the Avant-garde art of Lady Frieda Harris's Western Hermetic Qabalistic Thoth Deck. Lady Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley went into the deeper arcane meanings of Qabalistic Tarot beyond the false covering of light, into the dark shadow Self.

Every depiction in the Waite card says water, her clothing, the river and riverbank and the Moon Chalice and the mer-children, one with a fish, images that decorates her throne: all of which are reflections of light. One must dive into the "moon pool" and visit the inner Abyssal womb to really "see" her.

The Queen of cups represents Specific Water in the Realm of Primal Water. In other words; She is the "will to form" intelligence that resides in the Divine Collective Unconscious. Here the "Will to Form" of Binah is "reflecting on consciousness" as an archetypal personality.

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White cloths are often associated with purity, innocence, and new beginnings. The golden accoutrements are also connected with wisdom gained through experience. In various cultures, white pearls have symbolized wealth, beauty, and elegance. In the realm of spirituality, pearls are sometimes linked to the moon, with their luminous appearance reminiscent of its soft glow. Additionally, they can represent sincerity, loyalty, and integrity, making them a popular choice for jewelry worn on special occasions such as weddings or significant milestones in life.

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When the Queen of Cups is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent shows issues surrounding motherhood.
  • Suggesting emotional empowerment, as the querent can express feelings honestly, blamelessly and without judgment.
  • Implies too much imagination about issues and not enough action taken to solve them.
  • Emotional and Intuitive abilities that show highly evolved interpersonal interactions and psychic abilities.
  • Implies the querent is extremely empathetic and thus must watch out for moodiness and fluctuating feelings.
  • Suggests that one inspires from within and could be a time of deep inner musings, thoughts focused within where the mind is engulfed in Imagination.
  • That a mature woman of deep sexual and fertility powers, where everything in her life is related to nourishment, sexual exchange, passionate giving and receiving maybe involved in the life of the querent or is the querent.
  • Motherhood, or innovative ideas formulating for a creative line of work.
  • An ethereal person of the highest ideals imagined...sometimes unattainably high in the physical world of constant change.
  • Wisdom and virtue can denote a perfect spouse and a good mother.
  • Scrying and reflecting.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout it implies:

  • Vagueness
  • Dreaminess.
  • Irrationality.

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