The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Court Cards: Thoth Tarot- Knight of Cups & The Lost Soul Tarot-King of Cups

Western Hermetic Qabalistic, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Lost soul- Thoth

Above all things, know thyself.

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Thoth-Knight of Cups

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The Lost Soul Tarot- King of Cups

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Knight of Cups-Thoth Tarot

Lord of the waves and waters; The King of the Hosts of the Sea; King of Nymphs or Undines.

In the Thoth Tarot the Kings are called Knights, who are armored sitting astride their powerful "Spirit Force" steeds. This is because of the YHVH formula (Tetragrammaton meaning 4 letters and the 72 names of God) used by Crowley. You'll find this explained in depth in Crowley's book of Thoth.  The Thoth Knight of Cups is known as the fiery part of water, this may sound strange to the neophyte; However, the fiery part of water is the Power of Solution. He is amiable in a passive way, as is solution in water.  







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The Qabalistic Tree of Life

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The Thoth Knight/King of Cups is not unlike the fiery attack of rain or springs. He rules the Zodiac from the 21st degree of Aquarius to the 20th degree of Pisces. All the Tarot King's Authority radiated from the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah-wisdom. The Armor, the bright wings, and the leaping white charger, all represent the most active aspects of water. 

The crab represents the aggressive nature of water and its regenerative state, as crabs individually regenerate by shedding their hard outer shell. The Knight of Cups totem is the Peacock (bottom right corner), as the very nature of active water is its brilliance. The Peacock is also the totem of the Peacock God Myths of which are often seen in Hindu mythology. However, in Western Mythology the peacock is associated with the Greek god Argus. Who was a huge many eyed Warrior.

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Hindu Peacock God-Mayura

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The Greek God-Argus

Whether those fixed unseeing eyes on a Peacock's feathers are the tragic eyes of Goddess Hera’s favorite spymaster, Argus, remains questionable. But the story, so poignant in its emotional ebb and flow, that for echelons of time, made people look at the peacock as the bird symbolizing the transforming power of love and trust between mistress and bondman.

As the story goes, Hera had posted her hundred eyed giant to keep an eye on her cheating husband Zeus, who was at the time thinking of indulging himself with Io, a river nymph. Zeus, clever enough to take and manipulate himself into the role of the king of the God’s could easily solve this problem of being under constant observation. Therefore, Zeus put Argus into a rich dreamy state of sleep and chopped off his head. This put Hera in a deep funk.

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The inconsolable Hera placed each of the delicate eyes of Argus in the tail feathers of the peacocks that pulled her chariot. This was to keep his protective eye and his spirit close to her, also to remind her of his trust and loyalty, also a bit about his incompetence despite his giant size in the world of Gods. Scholars really don't seem to know if it was love or criticism. However, this myth explains Argus's and the Tarot King's utter devotion to the Grail/Creatrix.

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In the Indian/Hindu context, peacocks have layered and complex roles in legends and myths. The one element that remains unchanged through it all is the belief that the peacock was created from the feathers of Garuda, the giant mythical bird who is Vishnu’s mount. The fearless attitude of the Peacock as it eats venomous snakes contributed to its mystical status.

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Vishnu and Garuda

Often many mythological god traits are represented in one Thoth Tarot Card. The Knight of Cups is no exception for it is rich in Western Myth, this card also represents Dewi, the ancient lord of the Abyss, who is also later known as Bran or Bron the blessed who later became the Christianized Fisher King or Rich Fisher named Bron. He represents ageless power and strength, a reliable protector of the needy with a quality of irresistible force underlying a calm surface.

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Dewi- Lord of the Oceans

The fluorescence characteristics of the nongender of a person's personality, born between Feb. 19 to Mar 20th, signified by this card are surprisingly passive, as dictated by the Zodiacal attribution. With the qualities of Venus, the Knight of Cups is a graceful dilettante (a weak Jupiter) who is amiable and quick to respond to attraction, but the stimulation fades away as s/he is not very enduring.

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Emotionally triggered by outside influence, this person has no real material depth of character. The Knight of Cups has an undeniable innocence and purity that is hardly clouded by their ill dignified sensuality, idleness, and untruthful nature (a storyteller). In fact, he may be so superficial that it is hard to reach any depth in him. But in truth, he is a really "nice guy or gal". S/He is more like a bard and poet than a warrior.

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Western Hermetic Tarot personality birth-wheel

To be sure, there is great difficulty in rightly mating water with Fire, as the swift violent nature of fire (Will to Force) ill suits a character that is naturally as placid as water (Will to Form). It is a rare persona indeed that has mastered the balance, so most often we find this personality mismanaging their affairs and unless good fortune attends them through the Jupiter connection, their career and life is littered with a trail of failure and disaster.

There is a mental "civil war" here, as desire argues with logic and this can lead to depressions, and/or schizophrenia. The abuse of stimulants, alcohol, and narcotics is common with such a personality. As always, the surrounding cards will help the Reader decide the positive or ill dignified nature of this card and often within the reading is the recommended nature of correcting the unwanted behavior of this ill dignity. Overall s/he is an incredibly fun person to be around---if you show attraction, to stimulate his/her attention.

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The zodiac spans across 360 degrees, with each sign covering 30 degrees. From the 21st degree of Aquarius to the 20th degree of Pisces, you're traversing through the latter part of Aquarius and the early part of Pisces. Here are some characteristics associated with this range:

  1. Innovative Thinking (Late Aquarius): Aquarius is known for its innovative and forward-thinking nature. Individuals born in the later degrees of Aquarius may exhibit a heightened sense of originality and progressive ideas. They may be visionaries, thinking outside the box and pioneering new concepts or technologies.

  2. Humanitarianism (Late Aquarius): With Aquarius being the sign of humanitarianism, those born in the later degrees may have a strong inclination towards social justice, equality, and making positive changes for the collective good. They may be passionate about causes that aim to improve society or help those in need.

  3. Idealism (Early Pisces): Pisces is a deeply emotional and intuitive sign associated with empathy, compassion, and spirituality. Individuals born in the early degrees of Pisces may possess a strong sense of idealism and may be drawn to artistic or spiritual pursuits. They may have a vivid imagination and a natural inclination towards creativity and fantasy.

  4. Sensitivity (Early Pisces): Pisceans are known for their sensitivity and empathy, often absorbing the emotions of those around them. Those born in the early degrees of Pisces may be particularly attuned to the feelings of others and may have a compassionate and nurturing nature. They may excel in roles that involve caregiving or counseling.

  5. Spiritual Connection (Early Pisces): Pisces is also associated with spirituality and the unseen realms. Individuals born in these degrees may have a strong connection to their inner world and may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or mysticism. They may have a natural ability to tap into their intuition and may be guided by their dreams and instincts.

  6. Fluidity and Adaptability (Early Pisces): Pisceans are known for their adaptable and fluid nature, often able to navigate the ebbs and flows of life with grace and ease. Those born in the early degrees of Pisces may be particularly flexible and open-minded, able to adjust to changing circumstances and embrace new experiences with a sense of curiosity and wonder.

These are just some general characteristics associated with individuals born in the specified degrees of Aquarius and Pisces. It's essential to remember that astrology offers a broad framework, and individual traits can vary significantly based on other factors in a person's natal chart.

Some of the modern personalities associated with the Knight of Cups/King of Cups Tarot Card are: 

Sonny Bono, Mia Farrow, and Burt Reynolds. However, there is something in this card that engenders the likes of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, and Thomas Edison, all of whom sport more depth than this card displays. This might be because this card also represents the Myth of Dewi, the ancient lord of the Abyss, who is also known as Bran the blessed who later became the Christianized Fisher King or Rich Fisher named Bron. He represents ageless power and strength, a reliable protector of the needy with a quality of irresistible force underlying a calm surface.

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The Lost Soul Tarot-King of Cups

The simplicity of the Lost Soul Tarot cards can be very similar to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot cards, but in artwork of the Lost Soul Tarot- King of Cups the element of water must be imagined to be in the cups by the reader.

There are no fishes, mermaids, or seascapes here, only the white of purity and the gold accouterments of ancient royalty. Hence, he is depicted as emotionally balanced, wise, calm, and balanced. Implying that the querent is diplomatic, charming, and a good listener. Also, such a personality would be a good counselor or great spirit guide.

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Rider-Waite-Smith- King of Cups.

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Aleister Crowley's decision to replace the traditional Tarot Kings with Knights in the Thoth Tarot stems from his desire to align the Tarot court cards more closely with his understanding of the elements, astrology, and the nature of rulership in his esoteric system, particularly influenced by the Golden Dawn teachings and Thelemic philosophy.

Crowley's Reasoning for the Change

  1. Elemental and Kabbalistic Correspondences: In the Golden Dawn system, which influenced Crowley, the Kings are often associated with the element of Fire, and Crowley believed that a more active, dynamic figure was necessary to represent this element. The Knight, traditionally associated with Fire and action in the Qabalistic Tree of Life, better suited his vision of this energy than the more static image of a seated King.

  2. Symbolism of Activity and Movement: The Knights in Crowley’s system represent the active, creative force of their respective suits, much like the traditional Tarot Kings. However, by renaming them Knights, Crowley emphasized their movement, action, and the pursuit of their goal or purpose. The King as a seated, stationary figure did not fit Crowley's idea of the active, fiery male energy.

  3. Alignment with Traditional Gender Archetypes: Crowley also wanted to reflect the masculine energy in the Knights and distinguish them from the more receptive, nurturing energy found in the Queens. The term "Knight" emphasized their chivalric, noble, and assertive qualities.

Characteristics of the Thoth Knights:

  1. Knight of Wands:
    • Element: Fire of Fire (Fire in its purest form)
    • Astrological Association: Sagittarius, possibly Scorpio
    • Personality: Dynamic, daring, energetic, impetuous, passionate, and confident. Sometimes reckless or prone to burnout. Represents raw, creative force and high ambition.
  2. Knight of Cups:
    • Element: Fire of Water (the fiery aspect of emotions)
    • Astrological Association: Pisces, possibly Aquarius
    • Personality: Artistic, poetic, idealistic, and romantic. Someone who pursues beauty and emotions passionately but may become caught in fantasy. Represents the drive to experience emotional highs and deep inner experiences.
  3. Knight of Swords:
    • Element: Fire of Air (the fiery aspect of intellect)
    • Astrological Association: Gemini, possibly Taurus
    • Personality: Quick-thinking, sharp, intelligent, but also aggressive and restless. A person driven by ideas and ideals but may act without considering the consequences. Can be destructive with their intellect.
  4. Knight of Disks:
    • Element: Fire of Earth (the fiery aspect of the material world)
    • Astrological Association: Virgo, possibly Leo
    • Personality: Practical, hard-working, steady, and reliable. Often seen as the slowest of the Knights but with great perseverance and a deep connection to the physical and material world. Represents a methodical, grounded pursuit of goals.

Crowley’s shift from Kings to Knights symbolizes the Tarot's court figures as dynamic agents of change and action rather than stationary rulers, aligning more with his metaphysical and magical understanding of the universe.


  • The optimist.
  • Issues with family and/or relationships.
  • The Spirit of Water; intuitive.
  • One has attained their position of authority by listening to their conscientious, by action and looking ahead into life.
  • Becoming aware that a psychic process in one’s life has ended.
  • Releasing an old emotion by realizing it has run its course and is no longer operative in one’s life.
  • The ability to love. 
  • A counselor or caregiver who is creative and imaginative.
  • A seductive personality that is good in the art of love.
  • A powerful, dominating person. 

If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:

  • Seductibility.
  • Duplicity.
  • Instability.
  • Helper syndrome.

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