
Thoth-knight of swords ( kings)
The 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah, is the beginning state of conscious energy that is called "Will to Force" and is masculine in action. Chokmah (wisdom) is the "idea of male" and its mate, Binah (understanding), is the "idea of Female". They are the beginning concepts of Father-Mother God and/or the Divine Creative.
Chokmah being the 2nd Sephiroth, called---Wisdom, is also the Force behind the four 2's and the 4 Knights in Thoth Tarot and the 4 Kings in Traditional Tarot.
Therefore, the 2's symbolize the Forces of the 4 Kings, who are Thoth Knights, and the 4 Queens uniting and initializing the Forces of both. The Knight/Kings are the:
Fathers of and initiators of Material Forces.

The Knight of Swords, is also known in Qaballah as Lord of Winds and Breezes (we are not talking about "pull my finger" Grandpa). King of the Elemental Spirits of the Air, the Sylphs and Sylphides. This is a very Strong masculine mental force whose zodiacal attributes are the last Decan of Taurus and the first two Decans of Gemini. Here we have Specific Fire in Primal Air that is the personification of a Force behind the World of Astral Images and ideas. This Power is violent, aggressive, and a cutting edged force that is much like an overheated wind. He is storm and violent emotion applied to an apparently manageable mind.

Tarot personality birth wheel

The symbols of this Mad Movement, is depicted in the art of the Knight of Swords, as his maddened steed is charging down from the heavens, with Tempest about, and armed with both sword and poniard; he is the very personification of the idea of attack. The Bull like power of Taurus is represented in his steed and the Twins of Gemini are shown in his armament. The crest on his Helm is a revolving wing, showing violent motion in air, much like a helicopter beats the air into submission.
Such a character, if personal, would be that of a person who is:
- Clever, skillful, active and subtle. Being that he is fierce, delicate, and courageous, much like a Dragonfly, does not keep him from being prey to his ideas which come as inspiration without consideration.

One must remember, that this Knight Card, is the "seed-atom" of a persona/mask, that the Psyche wears to begin a type of movement/in-form-action of the Soul Collective creativity (see above astrological-Tarot birth chart). The Universal Collective Unconscious, is the Atomic source of Souls. It is a great Photon Mind, of harmonic light, from which all of us living "suns" (souls) are from. Each Soul a fractal-copy of the One Fractal Mind. However, each copy has its own "angle" of approach to I AM Me. Therefore, each perspective of Self, must be examined as information, and/or in-form-action, before it becomes an conscious operating part of the Whole. Personalities are from the Greek root word-Persona, meaning Mask which is a perfect symbol of the organic body and its intelligence. For they build the "mask of self-reflection" that is reflected upon the Soul-Plane of Light. Organic matter, which is known as crystalline light in Western Qabalah, is as a prism, that takes the White light of Wholeness, and breaks it up into individual colors. In Geometry a plane is 3 points, producing a "flat face" of a "trinity", a prism of pyramid shape is 4 planes joined, making a not only 4 "tinities" but also "depth", rather than just a flat plane. The Soul, is the Place of Union, that all planes join at. Hence, the "Wholly Hexagram" of the Soul /Sun as the central point of the Tree of Life.

Now I know this is a simplistic explanation, but this is not a math lesson. We need to break it down into simplicity before we can understand complexity. The Hexagram is the overlay, of the Above and Below Triangle of the Tree of Life, Above is on the other side of the Abyss and/or the dream side of the Universal Collective Unconscious-I AM, below is where material reality begins and/or the lucid side of the Universal Collective Unconscious-I AM-dream. By being lucid in a dream, one can interact with it "consciously" and change it course. Hence, you can be "lucid" in your life, rather than an automaton of the Patriarchy and/or a man-made personality. That is the Value of a "significator" card, used in the Celtic Cross Tarot Layout. For it signifies the hidden forces behind the querent's persona. Forces that they can take charge of and change the course of their "in-form-action", often called "life motion".
All of this changes when this card is ill dignified. If such occurs, when a significator is the Knight of Swords for then such a persona becomes incapable of decisions or purpose, and any action s/he takes is so weakened by their mental indecision that it is easily brushed aside by opposition. Often we find, that inadequate violent action is merely futile effort at best.
However, we choose to dignify this Knight/King personality seed- atom, s/he is the "Extended Flame of mind" as Zoroaster calls it*. Here the True Will to Force, as Chokmah is expressing the Will to Force. The Taurian influence, makes it steadfast and the first Decanate of Gemini makes it inspirational. Therefore, an Idea tends to absorb the entire life of the individual in the blinding light of concentrated aspiration. Hence, the Knight of Swords implies the danger of this state of mind, for the first Decan is also known as "shortened force" and that shortened force is symbolized by the poniard; shortened force often comes off as defensive and stubborn behavior.
For other uses, see Zoroaster (disambiguation).
"Zarathustra" redirects here. For other uses, see Zarathustra (disambiguation).
19th-century Indian-Zoroastrian perception of Zoroaster derived from a figure that appears in a 4th-century sculpture at Taq-e Bostan in south-western Iran. The original is now believed to be either a representation of
Zoroaster (/ˈzɒroʊæstər/, UK also /ˌzɒroʊˈæstər/; Greek: Ζωροάστρης Zōroastrēs), also known as Zarathustra (/ˌzærəˈθuːstrə/, UK also /ˌzɑːrə-/; Avestan: 𐬰𐬀𐬭𐬀𐬚𐬎𐬱𐬙𐬭𐬀 Zaraθuštra), Zarathushtra Spitama or Ashu Zarathushtra (Persian: زرتشت), was an ancient Iranian spiritual leader who founded what is now known as Zoroastrianism. His teachings challenged the existing traditions of the Indo-Iranian religion and inaugurated a movement that eventually became the dominant religion in Ancient Persia. He was a native speaker of Old Avestan and lived in the eastern part of the Iranian Plateau, but his exact birthplace is uncertain.[6][7]
There is no scholarly consensus on when he lived.[8] However, approximating using linguistic and socio-cultural evidence allows for dating to somewhere in the second millennium BC. This is done by estimating the period in which the Old Avestan language (as well as the earlier Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Iranian languages and the related Vedic Sanskrit) were spoken, the period in which the Proto-Indo-Iranian religion was practised, and correlation between the burial practice described in the Gathas with the archeological Yaz culture. However, other scholars still date him in the 7th and 6th century BC as a near-contemporary of Cyrus the Great and Darius I.[9][2][10][11][12] Zoroastrianism eventually became the official religion of Ancient Persia and its distant subdivisions from the 6th century BCE to the 7th century CE.[13] Zoroaster is credited with authorship of the Gathas as well as the Yasna Haptanghaiti, hymns composed in his native dialect, Old Avestan, and which comprise the core of Zoroastrian thinking. Most of his life is known from these texts.[6] By any modern standard of historiography, no evidence can place him into a fixed period, and the historicization surrounding him may be a part of a trend from before the 10th century that historicizes legends and myths.[14]

tarot of the ages-king of swords
The Tarot of The Ages- King of Swords, keeping with its Norse montage, shows a winged-helmeted Warrior King, sitting on a mountain summit, surrounded by eagles in their airie. This is a fitting place for a Lord of Air and Breezes to sit in command of the element of Swords. The triangle with bar symbol for Air is displayed on the bottom right and left of this impressive card. Here he seems to be the Lord of the inaccessible whose sword and helm command war and peace. The dual influence of Gemini is apparent in this conflict of opposites as destruction and restoration; storm and fair weather. Hence, the last decan of Taurus and the first 2 decans of Gemini are also expressed in this card (twins as eagles) just as in the Thoth Tarot. Therefore, this card also projects the image of a strong minded, active and determined personality with internal conflicts.
The querent is or may be experiencing:
- The Will to transcend.
- An analytical period, where the power of idea and motion come into play.
- Letting go of old beliefs and attitudes that no longer serve the motion of the individual.
- The querent is a person of tough- minded common sense which is usually based on preconception and prejudicial determinations.
- The arrogance of a powerful mind turns on itself in its own desire for control.
- Tends to judge harshly but with scrupulous fairness.
- A lawyer, senator or doctor.
- Mastery of creativity and confusion, as he sees new points of view, while brainstorming new thoughts that vent the mind.
- Intellectual, and mental prowess whose only emotion is to control.
- A strong personality of fiery emotion and powerful thought.
- An strong and determined person.
- Experienced.
- A highly analytical person.
- A person having many thoughts, and ideas/thoughts and designs.
If ill dignified by surrounding cards:
- A person who may pursue a matter to ruin.
- Cruelty.
- Conflict.
- A dangerous or wicked person.
- One who causes unnecessary disturbance and sadness.
- Perversity.
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