
Thoth- prince of cups

Tiphareth-the 6th Sephiroth and the Four Princes
The Princes are the Son of the Queen and King, thus they are governed by Tiphareth, The Son of God.

The Figures of the Arch Fairies (Elementals) are the Lion, Eagle, Man and Bull. These are the Four Kerubim of Qaballah. They are very ancient symbols for the elements of multiple religious belief systems. Not only appearing as Gods of the Assyrians, the Four Animals in the Old Testament vision of Ezekiel, they also are the four symbols of the Christian Evangelists
In the vastness of Kether, the Primordial Elements radiate into Tiphareth, becoming the united rulers of the elements that are individually expressed in Tiphareth. Anthropomorphically personified, The Princes are the balance of the Four Elements in Tiphareth. Being the most refined aspects of the Solar- Personality, the Four Princes are the Elemental Kings in ourselves. Now I know that the Princes are used to identify the archetypal personality and/or significator of a person born in their assigned dates on the Tarot Wheel of Birth-Significator: However, they represent the core of that persona, and many of us share the attributes of all of them; some attributes more than others, but all are in the Soul-Tiphareth as a piece of the last persona is passed on into the present one. I think this is because most of our personalities have reincarnated in their various dates at least once.

tarot personality birth wheel
As the Princes are the Sons of the Divine Creative (King and Queen), it should be no surprise then that the Princes can be taken in any direction by Divine Will.
- Thus, the forces of the Prince of Wands may be applied with Justice or cruelty.
- The unconscious flowing motion of the Prince of Cups may be subtle and artistic; or it may be evil.
- The rational mental activities of the Prince of Swords, may produce ideas that are either creative or destructive.
- The material qualities of the Prince of Disks, may cause growth for good or evil. The Grounding Element for the Princes manifested lessons, are the Princesses, who rule the earth from the Northern quadrants.
When thrown during Divination, the Princes often represent the coming and going of an event or person and the Princesses often represent the approval or disapproval of a matter.
All 4 Princes are dependent on the Union of the King and Queen and unless set in motion by the Royal couple, the Prince’s power is illusionary

The Thoth Prince of Cups is known in the Mysteries, as the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs and Undines, as he represents the last Decan of Libra and the first two Decans of Scorpio. Therefore, he is Specific Air of Primal Water.
As a studier of Western Tarot and Qabalah, you may know the Yod Heh Vau Heh formula, The* YHVH, which is also shown in the Prince of Cups.
Here, displayed on the card, we see the water Lotus and the cup that is issuing a serpent.
- The Lotus Cup represents the Queen/Binah.
- The Serpent represents Chokmah, the Yod Force and in this card, it has the fiery unsettling qualities of Scorpio sexuality.
- The cup, is Heh, and encloses the Yod serpent; a Victorian way to show phallus and womb and/or the King and Queen in Union.
- The Eagle represents the Air, on which the Lord of Tempest (Prince of Cups) rides. It is also the highest sign of Scorpio's trinity of , Scorpion, Serpent and Eagle. Here the Occult mental power of the Scorpio personality is shown.
Hebrew Root Mantra and the Name YHVH
As mentioned earlier, almost all the root mantra in the Mystical Qabalah involve the One Small Face Name YHVH. The Name YHVH is called the “Shem HaMeforesh” or “Brilliant Name of Fire.” It is often simply referred to as “HaShem” (lit. “The Name”), reflecting its central importance. The Name YHVH is conventionally translated in scriptures as “Lord.” Within the context of Hebrew grammar, the “word” composed of the four letters YHVH is usually cited as a future tense third person form of the verb root HVH (lit. “to be”). Some regard the word as a composite that combines the past, present, and future tense forms of the verb root.
Orthodoxy has proclaimed the pronunciation of the letter-formula YHVH as a Name to be blasphemous. When the Name YHVH is encountered in the Torah or when chanting prayers, religious Jews will either pause in silence out of respect or substitute another power name, traditionally “Adonai” (lit. my Master). In the Latin Vulgate edition of the Tanakh, Jerome set the precedent of changing the pronunciation of the Yod to “J” and using the vowels from Adonai to produce the anglicized variation “Jehovah.” Jehovah is the way that most contemporary non-Jews pronounce the Name YHVH. The Name YHVH is sometimes pronounced “Yahweh,” reflecting the tradition that the High Priest in the Temple of Jerusalem made a monosyllabic pronunciation of the Name YHVH on Yom Kippur (Day of At-One-ment). The halachic prohibition specifies to avoid pronouncing the four letters of YHVH as a Name. If one is inclined to follow their prohibition, one can use the Atziluthic version wherein the letters are considered to be standing alone, and therefore pronounced individually—“Yod (as in ‘code’),” “Heh (as in ‘day’),” “Vav (as in ‘love’),” “Heh.” The “V’s” in the Vav are pronounced by gently touching the upper bicuspids to the lower lip. The Atziluthic version can be regarded as the most powerful way of pronouncing the Name, because it reflects the condition of the letters in the Sefirah Crown/Above.
Among the religions of the world, only Rabbinical Judaism does not pronounce its principal One Name of Small Face. In contrast to the rabbinical prohibition against pronouncing the letter-formula YHVH as a Name, it is interesting to note that there are a number of instances in the Torah where it specifically states that the Lord YHVH was invoked by Name. Hence, it could be inferred that it was a common practice to do so among ancient Hebrews.
“And to Seth, in turn, a son was born, and he named him Enosh. It was then that men began to invoke the Lord YHVH by Name.” (Torah B'reshith 4:26)
“From there he moved on to the hill country east of Bethel...and he built there an altar to the Lord YHVH and invoked the Lord YHVH by Name.” (Torah B'reshith 12:8)
“So he [Yitza’aq] erected an altar there [Beersheba] and invoked the Lord YHVH by Name.”
(Torah B'reshith 26:25)
The Prince as Vau, carries out the activities of Yod and Heh combined, here then is Water of the Unconsciousness born into Consciousness. The Eagle drawing the Chariot, is the Kerubic symbol for Water (also the highest symbol of Scorpio). And as we know, if we've swam in a river, the Eagle also suggests that the calm appearance of water, may hold violent and fiery energy-currents beneath the surface. Thus, in the Prince of Cups, Water suggests the Universal Unconscious which bears dynamic energy. Hence, what activity we can expect from the Prince of cups personality is on one hand, elastic, volatile and hydrostatic equilibrium; on the other hand, the catalytic faculty and energy of steam which is shown in the Tarot card as wings of tenuous vapor, sprouting from his back that is also suggesting a spiritual sense of vaporization. He is a representation of the Greek God-Tempest who later became a god of war. This Tempest metaphor helps us understand the tremendously powerful emotions that churn in the "heart" of this Personality.
Scorpio is noted as being the most Mysterious (occult) of Signs, making this card very complicated in its Water imagery. The Lotus is sacred to Water. The calm and stagnant Lake beneath the Prince, is shown being disturbed by heavy rain; Rain being the volatile expression of Vapor that has become clouds. The reason the lake is shown stagnant, is because of the Alchemical secret process of putrefaction which is also symbolized by the scorpion (not shown because it is secret), the other two processes of Scorpio are shown as the Serpent and the Eagle; Sexual force and Higher Mental functions, in that order.
Assigning the astrological sign of Pisces to this card, implies gentleness, understanding, kindness and hyper-sensitivity.
As I've said before: The Princes represent the coming and going of an event or person.

Tarot of the ages-knight of cups
The Tarot of The Ages-Knight of Cups, is the Traditional and comparable card to the Thoth Tarot Prince of Cups. As you know by now, Crowley's and Harris's, traditional tarot Knights, are Princes, Sons (Suns) of the King and Queen.

On this card is displayed the elemental symbol associated with the card of Water. Therefore, we have the knight on a horse, near water. The Mayan Knight is shown riding a horse (which they never rode-it's called artistic freedom), holding a cup and with his head dress shown blowing in the wind. Now this isn't a historically accurate picture, simply because the Mayans never rode horses, these came over from Spain with the Conquistadors who latter slaughtered the Mayans. However, the white Horse in a dream, means one's soul, so here we have the 6th Sephiroth- Tiphareth/Soul card also represented. The plants around him show a mild disarray, and blow down limbs of trees on the ground which also represents the "Tempest" of mental- emotion that drives this Knight/ Prince/Personality. He is comparable to the Thoth Prince of Cups and therefore, shares the same divinatory meanings.
In the case of the Prince/Knight of Cups, the morality or moral characteristic of such a person is implied as:
- Subtlety, secret violence and craft.
- Being also an artist in all his ways, he would be intensely secret.
- The calm and imperturbable surface he displays mask his most intense passion.
- He accepts only external influences that aid him in his secret designs.
- His conscience is not that of an ordinary person, for it is of a more impersonal nature, making him suspect and distrusted by acquaintances.
- He is perfectly ruthless and inspires fear in those that distrust him.
- His abilities are immense, going beyond ordinary senses in to realms of the subtle. He is, however, fluid and being volatile as well, does not care to work in harness.
- An invitation or opportunity may soon arise.
- Arrival.
- Approach.
- Advancement.
- Attraction and inducement.
- Challenge.
- Proposal.
If ill dignified by the surrounding cards:
- Subtlety.
- Artifice.
- Trickery.
- Deception.
- A sly and cunning person.
- Fraud.
- A person capable of swindling.
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