Above all things, know thyself.

Thoth Tarot- Prince of Cups
The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters; Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs or Undines.

The Mystic Palette Tarot-Knight of Cups


All 4 Thoth Princes or Traditional Tarot Knights are dependent on the Union of the King and Queen. Unless set in motion by the Royal couple, the prince’s power is illusionary. The Thoth- Prince of Cups is known in the Hermetic Mysteries, as the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs and Undines, as he represents the last Decan of Libra and the first two Decans of Scorpio. This Prince is Specific Air of Primal Water.

By now, you may know the "secret name" of the Divine Creative, Yod Heh Vau Heh (YHVH) formula, also known as Tetragramaton, which is also shown in the Prince of Cups. Here we see the water Lotus, representing the Divine Feminine and the cup that is issuing a serpent. The Serpent represents the 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah, the Yod Force and in this card, it has the fiery unsettling qualities of Scorpio sexuality. The cup is Heh and encloses the Yod serpent; a Victorian way to show phallus and womb and/or the King and Queen in communion. The first Heh is the Queen and Yod is the King, the Vau is the prince the second Heh is the Princess. Therefore, Crowley's Knights are presented as Princes, and his Kings are presented as Battle Knights.

Prince of Cups-Storm King
The Prince as Vau, carries out the activities of Yod (King) and Heh (Queen) combined, here then is the feminine Emotions of Water (energy-in-motion) and the element of Air which represents the Mind. The Eagle drawing the Chariot, is the hermetic symbol for airy-Water (also the highest symbol of Scorpio) and as we know if we've swam in a river, the Eagle also suggests that the calm appearance of water, may hold violent and fiery energy-currents beneath the surface.

The eagle in the Thoth Tarot's Prince of Cups does symbolize the element of air, but with a deeper esoteric connection to the transformative interplay between water and air.
Understanding the Symbolism of the Eagle
Air Element Correspondence:
- The eagle traditionally represents the element of air in many occult systems, including the Golden Dawn correspondences, which Aleister Crowley heavily relied upon in the construction of the Thoth deck.
- However, in this specific context, it doesn’t just signify air in its pure form. The eagle here represents the airy aspect of water.
- In the Qabalistic framework, the Prince of Cups (Tiphereth of Briah) is associated with the watery suit of cups, but the princes in Crowley’s system inherit an airy quality through their connection to the element of air (associated with the princes as a court archetype).
Eagle’s Transformative Role in Water:
- The eagle also symbolizes spiritual vision, power, and ascent, rising above the waters of emotion and the subconscious.
- This imagery suggests transmutation: the ability to lift the emotional and intuitive (water) qualities of the Prince into higher realms of thought and inspiration (air).
- The eagle’s flight represents how emotions and desires can be elevated and directed by the mind (air) when properly balanced.
Alchemical Symbolism:
- In alchemy, the eagle often represents volatile forces—things that can ascend or transform from one state to another. Here, the volatile nature of water (emotions, intuition) is given direction and purpose through the influence of the air element.
- Crowley frequently emphasizes this alchemical transmutation, where the prince channels raw emotional energy and creativity into constructive or destructive action.
Tiphereth and Harmony Between Elements:
- The Prince of Cups, situated in Tiphereth (the sphere of balance and harmony on the Tree of Life), seeks to harmonize water and air. The eagle, therefore, reflects the need for emotional control through intellectual awareness and vice versa.
- Without balance, the airy quality of the prince can cause emotional detachment or flightiness, while too much water can lead to emotional chaos or stagnation.
Summary of the Eagle’s Role
- Elemental Symbolism: The eagle represents the airy aspect of water and the dynamic interplay between emotions and intellect.
- Spiritual Transcendence: It suggests the elevation of emotional power into higher states of awareness and action.
- Control and Direction: The eagle helps the Prince master the waters of his subconscious, ensuring they are guided by thought and clarity rather than overwhelming him.

Therefore, in the Prince of Cups, Water suggests the conscious observation of the Universal Collective Unconscious which bears Macrocosmic dynamic energy (emotions/energy-in-motion). Hence, what activity we can expect from the Prince of Cups personality is on one hand, elastic, volatile and hydrostatic equilibrium; on the other hand, the catalytic faculty and energy of steam which is shown in the Tarot card as wings of tenuous vapor, sprouting from his back which gives him the name of " Storm King". Steam also suggests a spiritual sense of vaporization. Here we have a passionate Hindu- Shiva as the "Storm King" (Red Shiva and/or Rudra).

Scorpio is noted as being the most Sexual and Mysterious of Occult Signs, making this card overly complicated in its Water imagery.
- The Lotus is sacred to Water and represents the Divine Mother.
- The calm and stagnant Lake beneath the Prince is shown being disturbed by heavy rain; Rain being the volatile expression of Vapor that has become clouds (Emotions).
- The reason the lake is shown to be stagnant is because of the Alchemical secret process of putrefaction which is also symbolized by the scorpion (not shown because it is earthly process), the other two processes of Scorpio are shown as the Serpent and the Eagle. Sexual force and Higher Occult Mental-Motion of Pure Passion to Be, in that order.
- Therefore, the Prince of Cups is considered the Passionate Lover card and flies above the swamp of mundane emotion. This swamp of emotion represents the common emotional floundering of and egregore-controlled society.

Tarot personality birth card
Someone born under the Tarot Wheel Prince of Cups, (Oct. 23-Nov.22nd), has a core personality of all the Prince of Cups characteristics. They do not like working under harness, nor do they express all the deeply held emotions that they create. S/He knows the Magic of Passion and often goes, without hesitation, where "angels fear to tread". This I know, as I am a Prince of Cups personality. The Prince of Cups is extraordinarily strong-willed and will do as they think best, no matter the opinion of others. They are extremely passionate lovers with all that stormy emotion brewing in them as a macrocosmic steam engine creating such volatile passion that they must constantly transform perspectives and forever step forward.
These Princes are people of great abilities, this is personal knowledge as my core personality is the Prince of Cups. My fellow well known Prince of Cups are/were Friedrich Nietzsche, Timothy Leary, and Pablo Picasso. However, if the Prince of Cups is not guided by the Queen of Cups or one of her daughters- princesses, and/or his inner Anima, he can go powerfully wrong, such as infamous Princes of Cups-Lee Harvey Oswald and Léo Trotsky. With powerful emotion comes powerful manipulative forces. Thank Goddess, my Holy Guardian Anima, made herself known to me at birth and I have carried her cup before me all my life! Otherwise, I would be a "hot mess"!

The Prince of Cups in the Thoth Tarot embodies a complex blend of astrological energies: Libra (air) and Scorpio (water). This combination creates a personality and archetype that reflects emotional intensity, charm, and the potential for transformation or volatility. Let’s break down these influences and their characteristics.
Astrological Breakdown: Libra (Air) in Scorpio (Water)
Libra Influence (Cardinal Air, Ruled by Venus):
- Key Traits: Diplomacy, charm, balance, idealism, and an appreciation for beauty and harmony.
- In the Prince of Cups, Libra brings mental refinement and a desire for harmony, often manifesting as someone who is charming, magnetic, and socially adept.
- Libra is also associated with decision-making and relationships, so this influence often shows up as someone who seeks emotional or romantic connections but may struggle with indecision or pleasing others too much.
Scorpio Influence (Fixed Water, Ruled by Mars and Pluto):
- Key Traits: Emotional depth, intensity, passion, secrecy, and a transformative, almost alchemical nature.
- Scorpio’s influence in the Prince of Cups adds emotional depth and intensity, giving the prince mysterious and magnetic qualities.
- There is a strong element of emotional power here, but also the potential for manipulation or hidden motives. Scorpio's transformative nature means the prince can either elevate emotional experiences or become consumed by them.
How Libra and Scorpio Work Together in the Prince of Cups
- Balance of Air and Water: Libra (air) brings mental clarity and charm, while Scorpio (water) brings emotional depth and mystery. Together, they create an individual who can appear calm and composed on the surface while harboring deep, intense feelings underneath.
- Romantic and Mysterious: The Prince of Cups can be charming and seductive—the type of person who attracts others easily but keeps them guessing. Scorpio’s secretive side contrasts with Libra’s desire for openness in relationships, creating a push-pull dynamic.
- Aesthetic Sensibility: Libra’s Venusian influence makes the prince appreciate beauty, art, and emotional expression, while Scorpio ensures that this appreciation goes beyond the surface into emotional and spiritual depth.
Personality Characteristics of the Prince of Cups
Creative and Intuitive
- This prince is often a creative thinker with a strong sense of imagination and intuition. He thrives in environments where emotions can be expressed artistically—whether through writing, music, or other forms of art.
- Scorpio’s influence ensures that the creativity comes from deep, emotional experiences, while Libra adds refinement and elegance.
Charming and Diplomatic (but Potentially Manipulative)
- The combination of Libra’s charm and Scorpio’s emotional depth can make the Prince of Cups irresistibly charismatic.
- He is often diplomatic, good at reading people, and knows how to present himself in a favorable light. However, when unbalanced, this can lead to emotional manipulation or using charm as a weapon.
Emotionally Intense and Passionate
- Scorpio’s influence makes the prince passion-driven and intense, particularly in relationships. He can be deeply devoted, loyal, and protective, but if his emotions are left unchecked, he may become jealous, possessive, or obsessive.
- Libra’s air influence may soften this intensity somewhat, providing moments of rational balance and the ability to step back.
Indecisive but Persistent
- Libra’s desire to weigh options and avoid conflict can lead to indecisiveness, particularly in emotional matters.
- However, Scorpio’s fixed nature provides stamina and persistence, ensuring that once the Prince of Cups commits to something (a relationship, goal, or creative project), he will pursue it with unwavering passion.
Duality of Light and Shadow
- The Prince of Cups embodies the dual nature of air and water: on one hand, he is idealistic, artistic, and charming (Libra); on the other, he is intense, secretive, and emotionally driven (Scorpio).
- When balanced, this duality allows him to channel his emotions constructively. When unbalanced, he can swing between extremes of emotional detachment and obsessive passion.
Positive Traits of the Prince of Cups:
- Charming and magnetic: Can easily connect with others and is often well-liked.
- Creative and imaginative: Especially skilled in artistic or spiritual pursuits.
- Emotionally intuitive: Understands people’s emotions and motivations on a deep level.
- Diplomatic and tactful: Can mediate conflicts and find compromises.
Shadow Traits of the Prince of Cups:
- Emotionally manipulative: May use charm or emotional intelligence to manipulate others for personal gain.
- Possessive or obsessive: Can become overly attached or jealous, especially in relationships.
- Indecisive: May struggle to make firm decisions due to Libra’s desire for balance.
- Escapist tendencies: When overwhelmed, may retreat into fantasies or escapism (Scorpio’s tendency to “hide” combined with Libra’s avoidance of conflict).
Qabalistic Context: Tiphereth of Briah
- In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the Prince of Cups resides in Tiphereth (harmony, balance, beauty) in the world of Briah (the creative and emotional plane).
- This placement emphasizes the Prince’s role as a mediator between the emotional subconscious (water) and the rational mind (air). His challenge is to maintain emotional balance and not let passion overwhelm his higher spiritual pursuits.
- When harmonized, the Prince can serve as a conduit for divine creativity and inspiration, channeling emotional experiences into higher artistic and spiritual expression.
The Prince of Cups in Divination
When this card appears in a reading, it often signifies:
- Emotional or romantic matters: A new love interest, a passionate relationship, or a creative opportunity fueled by emotion.
- Creative inspiration: The need to tap into your creative or intuitive gifts.
- Emotional growth: Learning to balance emotional intensity with mental clarity.
- Beware of manipulation or indecisiveness: It may warn of hidden motives, emotional dependency, or hesitation to take action.
Final Thoughts:
The Libra in Scorpio combination in the Prince of Cups is what gives this card its dual nature and powerful emotional depth. The key is balance: when the airy influence of Libra tempers the emotional intensity of Scorpio, the prince can become an artist, visionary, and emotionally wise leader. However, if Scorpio’s depth overtakes Libra’s need for balance, the prince may become lost in obsession, manipulation, or emotional conflict.

Mystic Palette Tarot-Knight of Cups
The Mystic Palette Tarot-Knight of Cups represents all the properties of the Prince of Cups. Here is the concealed passion of the Goddess Seeker (image obscured by watery passions) and often thoughtless self-indulgence to possible violent ends, intentional or not he is a storm king. Here he is soaking himself in the Waters of Life that power forth from the Grail/glass goblet. In the forefront is a seahorse endowed helmet. Cleverly, the artist Ciro Marchetti put a knight's land bound horses head on a Seahorse's body. The golden upside-down triangle is the elemental magick symbol for water.

Seahorse sigil for ritual work.
Absolutely! The seahorse is an important symbol in the Thoth Tarot’s Prince of Cups, and its appearance is deeply tied to the watery, emotional, and creative nature of the card. However, like many symbols in Western Hermetic Magick, the seahorse has esoteric depth, representing themes of spiritual guidance, emotional protection, and adaptability. Let’s break down the symbolism and its connection to the Prince of Cups.
The Symbolism of the Seahorse in Western Hermetic Magick
Water Element and Emotional Depth:
- As a creature of the ocean, the seahorse is naturally connected to water, the element of emotion, intuition, and the subconscious mind.
- It dwells in the depths of the sea, symbolizing access to hidden knowledge and the mysteries of the subconscious. This resonates perfectly with the Prince of Cups, who navigates the emotional depths and realms of imagination with ease.
- The water element in Western Hermeticism represents not only emotion but also fluidity, transformation, and psychic sensitivity, all qualities that the seahorse and the Prince of Cups share.
Gentle Power and Emotional Control:
- Despite its small and delicate appearance, the seahorse is a powerful symbol of resilience and patience. Its ability to anchor itself to underwater plants using its tail reflects emotional grounding—an essential lesson for the Prince of Cups, who must balance his intense emotions (Scorpio) and intellectual charm (Libra) to avoid becoming lost in emotional instability.
- In magical symbolism, the seahorse reminds the Prince of Cups (and us) to stay anchored amidst emotional storms and ride the waves of change gracefully. While the Prince is prone to emotional highs and lows, the seahorse teaches him to find balance and serenity within turbulent waters.
Mystical Guidance and Spiritual Navigation:
- The seahorse has long been considered a spiritual guide in maritime myths and folklore, often seen as a messenger from the depths or a guide for souls lost at sea. In the context of the Prince of Cups, the seahorse represents intuitive guidance and spiritual exploration—the ability to navigate the emotional or psychic realms without getting lost.
- The Prince of Cups often travels through dreams, visions, and emotional experiences, and the seahorse serves as a beacon of clarity within this watery domain.
- In Western Hermetic Magick, where intuition and inner exploration are valued paths to spiritual enlightenment, the seahorse becomes an ally in delving into the mysteries of the self or the astral plane.
Symbol of Duality (Masculine and Feminine Balance):
- The seahorse carries strong dualistic and balancing energy, making it a perfect complement to the Prince of Cups, who struggles to balance his passionate, emotional side (Scorpio) and his diplomatic, intellectual side (Libra).
- In the natural world, male seahorses give birth to their young, symbolizing a fusion of masculine and feminine energies. Similarly, the Prince of Cups embodies this duality, blending creativity, nurturing qualities, and assertiveness in a dynamic balance.
- This characteristic is crucial in Hermetic Magick, where the union of opposing forces (masculine/feminine, light/dark) is often the key to spiritual development.
Alchemical and Qabalistic Meaning of the Seahorse:
- Alchemically, the seahorse is linked to the transformation of raw emotional energy into wisdom and spiritual power. Its ability to adapt and maneuver through complex underwater currents mirrors the alchemical process of turning chaotic emotions (prima materia) into spiritual gold.
- In Qabalistic terms, the Prince of Cups resides in Tiphereth (harmony, beauty) within Briah (the creative world of water). The seahorse symbolizes the practitioner’s journey through the emotional and astral planes, teaching them to master and transmute their emotions through balanced action.
Comparison of the Seahorse and the Prince of Cups:
Seahorse Symbolism | Prince of Cups Characteristics |
Dwells in watery depths (subconscious) | Emotionally driven but capable of tapping into deep intuitive knowledge. |
Anchors itself for stability | Needs to ground intense emotions to avoid emotional volatility. |
Symbol of patience and resilience | Balances Scorpio’s emotional depth with Libra’s diplomacy and charm. |
Represents spiritual guidance | Travels through dreams and psychic realms, seeking hidden truths. |
Masculine and feminine balance | Integrates passion (Scorpio) with grace and aesthetic refinement (Libra). |
Alchemical transformation | Transforms emotional energy into artistic expression, spiritual wisdom, or personal growth. |
Using the Seahorse Symbol in Rituals Involving the Prince of Cups

Seahorse Totem Meditation:
- During meditation or introspective work, visualize or place an image of a seahorse near you.
- Imagine yourself traveling through the depths of an ocean, following the seahorse as it leads you toward hidden parts of your subconscious.
- Ask yourself:
- What emotions am I avoiding or suppressing?
- How can I stay grounded in the face of emotional turmoil?
- What hidden wisdom is waiting for me beneath the surface?
- The seahorse will act as your spiritual guide, helping you navigate these waters with clarity.
Alchemical Water Ritual:
- Prepare a bowl of water, adding sea salt (for grounding) and a symbolic item such as a seahorse charm or image.
- Place the Prince of Cups card next to the bowl.
- Light a blue candle (symbolizing water and intuition) and chant:
“With the grace of the seahorse, I anchor my emotions, navigate the depths, and rise with wisdom.” - Dip your fingers into the water and anoint your forehead or heart, sealing the energy of emotional balance and spiritual clarity.
Dreamwork and Astral Navigation:
- Before sleep, place a seahorse charm or sigil under your pillow and focus on the Prince of Cups energy.
- Ask for guidance through dreams, particularly if you’re seeking answers hidden within the emotional or astral planes.
- Upon waking, record any insights that may have emerged and reflect on how they apply to your emotional or spiritual path.
Final Thought: The Seahorse as an Ally of the Prince of Cups
The seahorse complements the Prince of Cups by offering a symbol of balance, protection, and emotional mastery. It guides the prince (and us) in exploring the deep emotional waters of life without becoming overwhelmed. Through patience, adaptability, and intuition, it teaches us to transform emotional experiences into sources of creative or spiritual wisdom.

The knight of cups loves to plumb the depths of emotion and is always seeking emotional adventure. Like all powerful personalities, power must hold a responsibility towards those who follow power and/or who are easily manipulated into believing they aren't powerful.
The Knight of cups knows that we all are the Power of the Will and the Way, and that energy-in-motion is whom we are. Yet, the emotional power of the Prince/Knight of Cups will place him in a leadership position, and he will often be followed. Therefore, his responsibility is to empower those who can't seem to stand alone. His seeking of the Divine Feminine, will keep him from any long-standing relationships, unless the Lady of his heart shows up in a physical Priestess Manifestation or that of an inner Anima. The Divine She is his whole focus and his passion for her is renowned.

! The legend of Galahad and the Lady of the Lake is a well-known story in Arthurian mythology. Galahad is often portrayed as one of the Knights of the Round Table, and the Lady of the Lake plays a significant role in his story. Here is a story of male emotional fiery forces of passion, and aggression seeking the healing, nurturing, female forces.
In the Arthurian legends, the Lady of the Lake is a mysterious and powerful figure who dwells in a magical underwater realm or lake. She is known by various names, including Nimue, Viviane, and Niniane. One of the most famous versions of the story involves Galahad, the son of Sir Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic.
According to the legend, the Lady of the Lake choose Galahad to be the most virtuous and pure-hearted knight to seek the Holy Grail, a sacred and mystical relic associated with Christ's Last Supper. The Lady of the Lake bestows upon him a special sword, often called Excalibur or Galatine, which is said to be even more powerful than King Arthur's Excalibur.
Galahad embarks on a quest to find the Holy Grail, along with other knights such as Sir Percival and Sir Bors. Throughout his journey, he demonstrates unparalleled purity, humility, and moral integrity. Galahad's quest is successful, and he is the only knight worthy of seeing the Holy Grail unveiled at the Castle of Corbenic.

The Lady of the Lake's role in this legend is to guide and support Galahad on his spiritual quest. She represents the mystical and supernatural elements of the Arthurian world, providing him with the means to achieve his noble goal. Therefore, the story of Galahad and the Lady of the Lake is a symbol of the quest for spiritual enlightenment, purity, and the pursuit of higher virtues in the Arthurian legends. It highlights the importance of moral integrity and divine guidance in achieving one's ultimate purpose.
Although the prince of cups is a very charming and confident personality, drawing people in with their charm which often makes them fun to be around this personality is often not focused on anyone but the "Holy Grail" and/or the Divine Feminine. Here we have presented the Arthurian Legend of Sir Galahad. S/He is a romantic knight on the quest for his dream of ideal love and is found by the Lady of the Lake who takes him into her watery domain.
In another version of the Arutunian legends, she later releases him as the adult Lancelot (meaning " from or born of the Lily".) This then is similar to the Egyptian mythology of Isis and Osiris. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth (a Cain and Able story) and scatter his parts all over the earth. Isis eventually found all Osiris's pieces and put him back together except for his phallus. So, she made him a phallus out of clay (made of organic earth). The resulting pregnancy produce Horus (The Sun of the God Osiris), who was a newly resurrected Osiris and represents the Solar Self/Soul.

The love and curiosity that this aspect of the Divine Feminine imparts within us will increase our appetite for knowledge, love, emotional adventure, and broaden our aptitude for business. However, the newly baptized person may become so besotted with this dream that s/he lacks the initiative to complete the task. The prince of cups is sensitive, kind, loving and gentle making them easily hurt and sometimes moody. This one is always looking for brand-new feelings of love and passion and therefore, easily "falls out of Love" unless he finds the Grail/Divine Feminine in his lover.

Thank Goddess that today, we have young people and others of more enlightened mind, confronting the damage done to nature, the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex arms race and the mind virus of the "false ego/egregore", that is based more on greed and fear than empathy, love, nurture, The ideologies of conquest, empire, and genocide; all done by the Patriarchy and/or The Military Industrial Complex (MIC) egregore ( a phrase coined by Dwight Eisenhower) manipulates our emotions without analysis. We all know of the great gaps between the wealthy 1% and the poor and the problems of racism and exploitation of land and people that appears throughout the world yet ignorantly keep electing the "divide and conquer" MIC billionaires to govern us. We have become emotionally ill because of this foolishness.

When thrown in a Tarot layout the Prince of Cups is implying that it is time the querent takes up the emotional quest of the Grail (Wisdom of the Goddess) and not only heal their very own emotional nature, but others as well. For all of us are damaged by the Patriarchy/and the MIC mind virus, who has wiped out whole generations, if not whole peoples and cultures throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa (Created during Ancient Rome's reign) ... the entire world in the name of a Patriarchal fantasy called "God". All of which is bad enough, and yet there are whole ecosystems erased from the earth, never to return.
To add even more horror to this story of the Military-Industrial- Complex who controls the World Economy and the "knee jerk" media-controlled personalities of the social group soul, this egregore encourages its "patriots" to eat up smaller countries to exploit their resources, usually causing civil wars... that the Multinational corporations supply the arms for. The Patriarchy/MIC has indoctrinated us all, and the Patriarchal slave- religions, were made to exploit humanity, and the planet, rather than explain the truth of your creation as divine and the Creator (Creatrix) the proof of this is shown as they war on each other for the control of the minds (spirits) of the people.

We all need to seek the "Holy Grail", the Love Cup, in our hearts and make our brains, our own and not that of the programed and indoctrinated and word hypnotized fearful herd animal of the "false ego", who is the tormentor, liar, deceiver and mimicking parasite that resides in our suggestive subconscious.

The Goddess is Love, Empathy, Intuition, and Nurturing which are the emotions of the feminine. She does not war on her children, of which we all are. She weeps tears of sorrow over the rape of her children's souls (solar children), by the Patriarchy. The Divine Creative's grant of "Freedom of Choice", only allows her to observe the mass exploitation. However, by choosing her quest, we each become Parsifal (a young Galahad-Prince of Cups) awakened as the "Son/Sun" of the Divine Creative (Horus), and through her loving guidance, we heal the earth, and each other. We may have ignorantly become monsters in our own "I's", but not in Her's, for we are still Her "golden child". Thank Goddess and my Anima for showing me this!
The Prince/Knight of cups helps us realize that we are a collective of Life and belong to each other and the more of us that know this, the weaker the Patriarchy egregore becomes and the more enlightened our emotions become.

The Prince-Knight/seeker of emotional adventure represent the coming and going of an event or person.
In the case of the Princet of Cups or the Mystic Palette Tarot Knight of Cups the Centering Focus and/or the morality or moral characteristic of such a person is implied as:
- Subtlety, secret violence, and craft.
- Being also an artist in all his ways, he would be intensely secret.
- The calm and imperturbable surface he displays and masks his most intense passion.
- He accepts only external influences that aid him in his secret designs.
- His conscience is not that of an ordinary person, for it is of a more impersonal nature, making him suspected and distrusted by acquaintances.
- He is perfectly ruthless and inspires fear in those that distrust him.
- His abilities are immense, going beyond ordinary senses into realms of the subtle.
- He is, however, fluid, and volatile as well, and does not care to work in harness.
The fact that this Thoth Deck card is Libra going over into Scorpio, suggests great volatility, as this influence implies tremendous power, energy, and weight.
Such a person must be well mated, with goodwill and sincerity, for loyalty is all important to keep their good nature. When this is so, they are extremely romantic, sensual, and generous to a fault and are great lovers.
As far as personal events go, the Prince/Knight of Cups represents for the querent:
- A personal process of the quiet inner aspect of the male principle where self-reflection, inner meditative peace and awareness are being experienced by the querent (The person the reading is for).
- The event of Mind is turned towards deep feelings and artistic visions with the necessary passion to do them but with the secrecy that may prevent it.
- The prince is completely involved in emotional sensation, psychic awareness, and spiritual awareness. All of which they have in abundance.
- A good heart.
If the Prince/Knight of Cups whose Heart Centered Focus is ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout, it implies:
- Selfishness.
- Naivety.
- Will carry a grudge for years...even for lifetimes.
- Overwhelming emotions.
- Lack of emotional focus.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.
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Traditional Tarot Blogs (Rider-Waite-Smith & B.0.T.A., etc.)
Western Hermetic Ritual website and blog.