Above all things, know thyself.

Thoth- Prince of Cups
The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters; Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs or Undines.

The Notoria tarot in Light-Knight of Cups


All 4 Thoth Princes or Traditional Tarot Knights are dependent on the Union of the King and Queen. Unless set in motion by the Royal couple, the Prince’s /Knight's power is illusionary. The Thoth- Prince of Cups is known in the Hermetic Mysteries, as the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs and Undines, as he represents the last Decan of Libra and the first two Decans of Scorpio. This Prince is Specific Air of Primal Water.

By now, you may know the "secret name" of the Divine Creative, Yod Heh Vau Heh (YHVH) formula, also known as Tetragramaton, which is also shown in the Prince of Cups. Here we see the water Lotus, representing the Divine Feminine and the cup that is issuing a serpent. The Serpent represents the 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah, the Yod Force and in this card, it has the fiery unsettling qualities of sexual Scorpio. The cup is Heh, and encloses the Yod serpent; a Victorian way to show phallus and womb and/or the King and Queen in Union. The first Heh is the Queen and Yod is the King, the Vau is the prince the second Heh is the Princess.

The Prince as Vau, carries out the activities of Yod (King) and Heh (Queen) combined, here then is Water (energy-in-motion and Air -Mind). The Eagle drawing the Chariot, is the Cherubic symbol for Water (also the highest symbol of Scorpio) and as we know if we've swam in a river, the Eagle also suggests that the calm appearance of water, may hold violent and fiery energy-currents beneath the surface. Therefore, in the Prince of Cups, Water suggests the Universal Collective Unconscious which bears dynamic energy (emotions/energy-in-motion). Hence, what activity we can expect from the Prince of Cups personality is on one hand, elastic, volatile and hydrostatic equilibrium; on the other hand, the catalytic faculty and energy of steam which is shown in the Tarot card as wings of tenuous vapor, sprouting from his back which gives him the name of " Storm King". Steam also suggests a spiritual sense of vaporization. Here we have a passionate Hindu- Shiva as the "Storm King".

Scorpio is noted as being the most Sexual and Mysterious of Occult Signs, making this card overly complicated in its Water imagery. The Lotus is sacred to Water. The calm and stagnant Lake beneath the Prince is shown being disturbed by heavy rain; Rain being the volatile expression of Vapor that has become clouds (Emotions). The reason the lake is shown to be stagnant is because of the Alchemical secret process of putrefaction which is also symbolized by the scorpion (not shown because it is earthly process), the other two processes of Scorpio are shown as the Serpent and the Eagle. Sexual force and Higher Occult Mental-Motion of Pure Passion to Be, in that order. Therefore, the Prince of Cups is considered the Passionate Lover card.

tarot personality birth card
Someone born under the Tarot Wheel Prince of Cups, (Oct. 23-Nov.22nd), has a core personality of all the Prince of Cups characteristics. They do not like working under harness, nor do they express all the deeply held emotions that they create. S/He knows the Magic of Passion and often goes, without hesitation, where "angels fear to tread". This I know, as I am a Prince of Cups personality. The Prince of Cups is extraordinarily strong-willed and will do as they think best, no matter the opinion of others. They are extremely passionate lovers with all that stormy emotion brewing in them as a steam engine creating such volatile passion that they must constantly transform perspectives. These Princes are people of great abilities. My fellow Prince of Cups are/were Friedrich Nietzsche, Timothy Leary, and Pablo Picasso. However, if the Prince of Cups is not guided by the Queen of Cups, and/or his inner Anima, he can go powerfully wrong, such as infamous Princes of Cups-Lee Harvey Oswald and Léo Trotsky. With powerful emotion comes powerful responsibility. Thank Goddess, my Holy Guardian Anima, made herself known to me at birth and I have carried her cup before me all my life!

The Notoria Tarot in Light-Knight of Cups
God who knows all.
Invocation: A solis ortu usque ad occasum, laudabile nomen Domini.
We know that Crowley didn't approve of the Knight as a Prince, but rather as his Battle Kings, plus the fact that he represents the Hermetic Tetragrammaton formula in his court cards which requires a prince and princess. The Notoria Tarot in Light-Knight of Cups chooses the Traditional Tarot image of a Knight who is an Angel named Harrahel. Although very charming and confident, drawing people in with their charm which often makes them wonderful to be around, this personality is not focused on anyone but the "Holy Grail". Here we have presented the Arthurian Legend of Sir Galahad. S/He is a romantic knight on the quest for his dream of ideal love. The love and curiosity that this angel imparts within us will increase our appetite for knowledge and broaden our aptitude for business. However, the bestowed upon person may become so besotted with this dream that s/he lacks the initiative to complete the task. S/He is sensitive, kind, loving and gentle making them easily hurt and sometimes moody. This one is always looking for brand-new feelings of love and passion.

Thank Goddess that today, we have young people and others of more enlightened mind, confronting the damage done to nature, the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex arms race and the mind virus of the "false ego", that is based more on greed than defense, and the ideologies of conquest, empire, and genocide; all done by the Patriarchy. We all know of the great gaps between the wealthy 1% and the poor and the problems of racism and exploitation that appears throughout the world. Like the Prince of Cups, it is time we all take up the quest of the Grail and not only heal nature, but each other as well. For all of us are damaged by the Patriarchy/and the mind virus, who has wiped out whole generations, if not whole peoples and cultures throughout Europe, Asia, North and South America... the entire world in the name of "God". That is bad enough, and yet there are whole ecosystems erased from the earth, never to return. To add even more horror to this story of the Military-Industrial- Complex who controls the World Economy, they eat up smaller countries to exploit their resources, usually causing civil wars... that they supply the arms for. The Patriarchy has indoctrinated us all, and the Patriarchal religions, were made to exploit humanity, and the planet, rather than explain the truth of your creation as divine and the Creator (Creatrix) the proof of this is shown as they war on each other for the control of the minds (spirits) of the people. We all need to seek the "Holy Grail", the Love Cup, in our hearts and make our brains, our own and not that of the programed and indoctrinated herd animal of the "false ego", who is the tormentor, liar, deceiver and mimicking parasite that resides in our subconscious.

The Goddess is Love, Empathy, Intuition, and Nurturing. She does not war on her children, of which we all are. She weeps tears of sorrow over the rape of her children's souls (solar children), by the Patriarchy. The Divine Creative's grant of "Freedom of Choice", only allows her to observe the mass exploitation. However, by choosing her quest, we each become Parsifal (a young Galahad-Prince of Cups) awakened as the "Son/Sun" of the Divine Creative (Horus), and through her loving guidance, we heal the earth, and each other. We may have ignorantly become monsters in our own "I's", but not in Her's, for we are still Her "golden child". Thank Goddess! We are a collective and belong to each other and the more of us that know this, the weaker the Patriarchy becomes.
The Princes/Knights represent the coming and going of an event or person.
In the case of the Prince/Knight of Cups the morality or moral characteristic of such a person is implied as:
- Subtlety, secret violence, and craft.
- Being also an artist in all his ways, he would be intensely secret.
- The calm and imperturbable surface he displays and masks his most intense passion.
- He accepts only external influences that aid him in his secret designs.
- His conscience is not that of an ordinary person, for it is of a more impersonal nature, making him suspected and distrusted by acquaintances.
- He is perfectly ruthless and inspires fear in those that distrust him.
- His abilities are immense, going beyond ordinary senses into realms of the subtle.
- He is, however, fluid, and volatile as well, and does not care to work in harness.
The fact that this Thoth Deck card is Libra going over into Scorpio, suggests great volatility, as this influence implies tremendous power, energy, and weight.
Such a person must be well mated, with goodwill and sincerity, for loyalty is all important to keep their good nature. When this is so, they are extremely romantic, sensual, and generous to a fault and are great lovers.
As far as personal events go, the Prince/Knight of Cups represents for the querent:
- A personal process of the quiet inner aspect of the male principle where self-reflection, inner meditative peace and awareness are being experienced by the querent (The person the reading is for).
- The event of Mind is turned towards deep feelings and artistic visions with the necessary passion to do them but with the secrecy that may prevent it.
- The prince is completely involved in emotional sensation, psychic awareness, and spiritual awareness. All of which they have in abundance.
- A good heart.
If the Prince/Knight of Cups is ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout, it implies:
- Selfishness.
- Naivety.
- Will carry a grudge for years...even for lifetimes.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010
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