Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- Prince of Swords

The Astromatrix Tarot- Knight of Swords

The Thoth Prince of Swords is also called the Chariot of the Winds, Prince, and Emperor of the Sylphs and Sylphides. Zodiacally, he is the last Decan of Capricorn and the first two Decans of Aquarius.
He is Specific Air of Primal Air. The Element Air is Intelligence/Mind, so this one is like the intellectual mind itself, which can love thought alone, and not how others react. Therefore, he Is the mental element of ideas that can be constructive or destructive as to him any idea will do.

Golden Dawn Tarot- Knight of Swords
The Golden dawn card had 2 obvious fairies pulling the chariot. However, in the Thoth Tarot card of the Prince of Swords these fairies are shown as spheres of light in front of the Chariot accompanied by three winged children who are pulling it. Implying that, this chariot may be pulled capriciously and/or mischievously in any direction, imitating the unfocused Mind itself. Also, there is significant 9th Sephiroth-Yesod-Moon symbolism here, as the Moon rules the Faerie Kingdom and suggests this is a card that represents the Unconscious Mind.

In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three parts called decans, each spanning 10 degrees of the zodiac. The last decan of Capricorn and the first two decans of Aquarius offer unique characteristics:
Last Decan of Capricorn (January 11 - January 19):
- Ruled by Venus: This decan combines the disciplined and ambitious nature of Capricorn with the harmony-seeking qualities of Venus.
- Practical Idealism: Individuals born under this decan often possess a blend of practicality and idealism. They are driven to achieve their goals but may also be motivated by a desire to create beauty and harmony in their lives and surroundings.
- Artistic Sensibilities: There is a strong artistic inclination with this decan, whether it manifests in the form of visual arts, music, or other creative pursuits. These individuals may have a keen appreciation for aesthetics and may excel in fields that allow for creative expression.
- Sensitivity: Despite their disciplined exterior, those born in this decan may be more emotionally sensitive and attuned to the needs and feelings of others. They may possess a nurturing and caring nature, especially in their relationships.
First Decan of Aquarius (January 20 - January 29):
- Ruled by Uranus: This decan combines the innovative and unconventional energy of Uranus with the intellectual and humanitarian qualities of Aquarius.
- Eccentricity: Individuals born under this decan are often seen as unconventional or eccentric in their ideas, behaviors, and lifestyle choices. They may embrace change and seek to challenge traditional norms and structures.
- Intellectual Curiosity: There is a strong intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge within this decan. These individuals may be drawn to subjects related to science, technology, or humanitarian causes.
- Humanitarianism: Those born under this decan are often passionate about making a positive impact on society. They may be involved in social justice movements, activism, or charitable endeavors aimed at improving the welfare of others.
- Independence: Independence and freedom are highly valued by individuals in this decan. They may resist authority and prefer to carve their own path in life, often prioritizing personal autonomy and individuality.
Second Decan of Aquarius (January 30 - February 8):
- Ruled by Mercury: This decan combines the innovative and communicative energy of Mercury with the intellectual and humanitarian qualities of Aquarius.
- Mental Agility: Individuals born under this decan are known for their quick wit, sharp intellect, and ability to think outside the box. They excel in fields that require analytical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
- Social Consciousness: There is a strong sense of social awareness and a desire to contribute positively to society within this decan. These individuals may be drawn to causes that promote equality, freedom, and progressive change.
- Eccentric Communication: Communication style may be unconventional or avant-garde, reflecting the unique perspectives and ideas of those born under this decan. They may enjoy engaging in intellectual debates or discussions that challenge conventional thinking.
- Friendship and Networking: Friendships and social connections are important to individuals in this decan. They thrive in group settings where they can exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and build networks of like-minded individuals.

The Prince of Swords personality is known to sweep into one's life with the force of the wind, yet he isn't noted for staying long; Hence, he is not really concentrating on the querent as he is more often "tilting windmills". The triangle with bar, is the symbol used for the Universal Element of Air, as are the flying birds and swirling air attributed to the art of this card. Although he is a charming lover, highly intelligent, and eloquent, he will leave the querent wondering what just happened. He is not noted for being cruel or purposefully mean, he is just like a child chasing his fantasies. Like all court cards, this one is not necessarily gender related; However, this type of personality more often tends to operate a male body or a more male aggressive style of female.

In the right hand, the Thoth- Prince is swinging the Sword of invocation and creation and in his left is a sickle which immediately destroys that which is created. With childlike innocence, the Prince of Swords wields his Sword of Geburah/Severity as the logical mental processes of the prince has reduced the Air (mind) into geometric symbols that represent no real plan but demonstrates power of an undefined purpose. The Thoth Prince is an image of a madman, as he has a sword in one hand and a sickle in the other. This suggests that he creates with the sharp wit of the Mind and then destroys what he creates with the sickle of death and/or contrary argument. He may seem Utterly mad! But this is not necessarily so, as the astrological sign Aquarius assigned to this card implies affection, kindness and a good heart, as well as a divided mind. The 2 halves of one mind are shown as Sword and Sickle.

Tarot Personality birth-wheel

E. A. Poe
The element attributed to Swords is Air; the Prince of Swords represents the airy part of Air and/or the intellectual part of Mind, which as air is directed by "outside influences" such as the heat of passion and the coolness of emotional indolence. Edgar Allen Poe, who was born on January 19th, was a Prince of Swords core personality. Hence, this tarot birth sign points to madness. However, there is an exceptionally fine line dividing madness and pure genius, for Mozart, born January 27th, was also a Prince of Swords personality. Therefore, when the mind is given a creative outlet for this process of creating and then recreating (a process most of us do our entire lives) such as music, literature, or the art of filmmaking, we discover pure genius. Mendelssohn was a Prince of Swords personality, as was the Great Film directors D.W. Griffin and Federico Fellini, and the visionary Emanuel Swedenborg. James Dean was a fine actor who was also born a Prince of Swords, who played Jim Stark, in the film Rebel Without a Cause, and whose portrayal of this fictitious character was the perfect example of the tortured frustration of such a personality.

James Dean

Therefore, the Thoth Prince of Swords, is the Archetypal personality of the intellectual, pure mind and a good actor. As such, the Thoth Prince of Swords is dressed in woven-full armor of definite device. His chariot is composed of geometric ideas. Unharnessed wing children draw this chariot "who are flights of fancy" and may go any-which way they like, as the reins are attached to passing and disconnected geometric ideas. This is like the knowledge of Euclid expounded upon by an idiot, whose argument takes any twist and turn it wants to, and yet be rational. The chariot is easily moved but unable to go in any definite direction---except by accident.

The Prince of Swords of Thoth representation is a quick intellect, who without direction supplied by the Will/Spirit, loves argument for argument's sake. Nevertheless, the Thoth Prince of Swords is crown by a Golden Child's Head, for there is a secret Divinity here that is linked up to the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth (the Sun/Son of God) the ruling Sephiroth of the Princes. A secret innocence, as there is no moral consideration of the effects of such thought.

However, as it has been noted, if this personality thinks in terms of the divine, one believes they are "chosen by god" and often suffers from the righteousness of a fanatic. However, this does not deter from this person's immensely powerful personality, even though it is created by their unsettled principles; principles that enable them to put forth any argument without regret or remorse. Like an insane-used-car salesman from hell who while pouring sawdust into an automatic transmission, to temporarily cover up the fact it doesn't shift properly, while expounding on the benefits of sawdust to society.

The Prince of Swords personality is glib to quote scripture, cunningly supporting any thesis without being aware that he supported an opposite thesis earlier in his bombast. He is impossible to defeat because any position is as good as another and ready to enter combination with the nearest element available. He really doesn't care if his or her ideas are contradictory, to them any idea is its own purpose! His/her momentary Vision is primarily! To the prince, boundaries are a nuisance and are usually ignored or destroyed in principle.

There is, however, a bright light here when Pure Rationale is aligned with Pure Spirit, ideas can become living image. Pure Spirit does not reside in religion...that chaos of ideas belongs to the idiots that praise God for creating life while their fanatical ideas destroy life all around them, especially if "life" is a "nonbeliever".

The Purity of Spirit is the Life itself, that resides as the Great Ocean of Mother all around, in and through us while being AS US! So once again, "Above all things know thyself", is necessary here. Each of us must know that I Am Life and all around me Life is expressing itself as another way of being alive. We belong to each other, and not to ideas that separate us from each other, for such divisionism belongs to the "divide and conquer" greed-paradigm of the Patriarchy/Military Industrial Complex mind virus.

Military Industrial Complex
Ideas have no purpose unless applied to the function of Life---for that is the Great Work of I AM. Ideas make I AM (identity) in their own image, while The Divine Creative-makes us into its image of Self Awareness! Crowley is famous or infamous, for stating, "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law. The Law is Love. Love under Will." To understand this statement is to see the obvious; that to know Love is to know thyself! The Soul is Life, and it creates Lifetimes, and as an awake conscious representative of our souls, we are the mercury-observer and action of "what we think we are".

The Astromatrix tarot-Knight of Swords.
The Astromatrix-Knight of Swords illustrates an armor less knight charging forth in a windmill tilting event. The "Windmill Tilting Knight" is a legendary figure often associated with the literary work of Miguel de Cervantes, particularly his iconic novel "Don Quixote." Don Quixote, the protagonist of the novel, is a Spanish nobleman who becomes so enamored with the chivalric romances of old that he sets out on a quest to revive chivalry and become a knight-errant himself.

One of the most famous scenes in "Don Quixote" involves Don Quixote mistaking windmills for giants and charging at them with his lance, believing he is engaging in a heroic battle. This act of mistaking mundane objects for grand adversaries and engaging in futile quests is where the term "Windmill Tilting" originates.
The term "Windmill Tilting" has come to symbolize the pursuit of idealistic or impractical goals, often in the face of overwhelming odds or in situations where success is unlikely. It represents a stubborn adherence to one's principles or beliefs, even when they may seem absurd or unrealistic to others.
In the context of the novel, Don Quixote's Windmill Tilting embodies themes of idealism, madness, and the clash between romanticized notions of chivalry and the realities of the modern world. The character's exploits have endured in popular culture as a symbol of noble but misguided idealism.

The false ego survival mind virus must be destroyed by observation of the subconscious mind and analysis. Failure to apply wisdom to self-analysis will bring discord, martial authoritarianism, destructive, and unjust actions.

The primary meaning of the Astromatrix-Knight of Swords, implies that change is hard to accept: However, it tasks you to use your full potential and reap the fruits of your labor.
As a person, The Prince/Knight of Swords personality is purely intellectual and implies:
- Overflowing with ideas that tumble over each other in a mass unrelated to practical effort.
- This is a brain that won't quiet itself down long enough to focus well on one thing.
- Intensely clever, admirably rational, with high degrees of thought, yet unstable of purpose.
- There is in this Prince of mind, and indifference to their own thought, as any idea is worth exploring, but not for too long.
- By reducing every thought to ratiocination, this personality has removed all substance from thoughts, making them formal and fantastical, as they no longer relate to any facts; even those upon which the thoughts are individually based.
- Thus, this person is completely free from settled principles and is capable of conceiving and putting out any conceivable argument without the clutter of remorse or regret.
- This is a mind so glib that it can forget the contrary argument it produced minutes before and go sallying forth with a new argument.
- These people often become faddists, cultists and devotees of drink, drugs, theologies, humanitarianism or music and religion, but without stability.
- The querent feels the need to release creative and intuitive thought while cutting through any barrier to this release.
- There is a tendency to think too fast so slowing down the thought process is advised if success is to be achieved.
- The querent is showing the tendency to be overly rational, missing the subtle emotional points that would heed success in communication.
If the querent is able or has achieved the ability to focus their thought, and subdue the "Shadow", they are committed to acting out their ideals and philosophy in their own lives; not really caring about how others do it, as they put incredible energy into supporting or examining beliefs.
- They often present a magnetic personality that is extravagant, careless, and excessive.
- Ruthlessly brilliant, they can have good business judgment. There is a combative nature here that is courageous, turbulent, and skilled in the war of wits.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Hastiness.
- Short sightedness.
- Destructiveness.
- Erratic changes.
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