
Thoth- Princess of Disks
The Princess of Disks is about Mastery of Creativity and Birth of New Forms. She is the pregnant one. As you may have gleaned by now, all these cards represent states of Self-conscious energy that weave a pattern of energy Self-Information in the material world---as You-We-Us!
The Greeks called this state of The Universal Collective Unconsciousness- Persephone, who enters Hades (underworld), every winter and escapes Hades and manifests on Earth every spring. She is the pioneering nature of fertility (represented by the Aries horns on her head) and the serpent (represents Life-Death) transforming into an ermine cape, represents her ancient earthly passion to create.
Her lighted crystal and/or Diamond staff, shows her desire to give birth to new forms that are in alignment with who she is. The Diamond is the sacred stone ascribed to Kether, the Purest light, from which all light radiates from.
Her determination to manifest the organic balanced harvest is shown by the pedestal of grains that she is standing on.
The balanced union of female magnetic and male electric forces are represented in the yin/yang center of the lotus blossom which show the creative approaches to Motherhood issues or issues surrounding her own mother, who in mythology was Demeter.
Winter is shown on the Thoth Deck Princess of Disks as the ermine cape becomes an implication of snow on the ground, amid winter trees bereft of leaves. Hence, the Spring thaw.
When this card is thrown, for male or female, this card represents the: creative part of the Earth anima within the organic form.
We are all Androgyny, (female side of brain and male side of the brain) and both sexes can become pregnant with desire and creative ideas. This creative idea and the desire to manifest it, has been gestating with in your nature for some time.
For a young woman, this card can represent the need to resolve motherhood issues. For male and female, this card can represent the need to resolve or restructure relationship issues with Aries or Scorpio people in your life. (Aries-March 21 -April 21) (Scorpio: October 21-November 21). Due to the very nature of the Princess of Disks "tunnel focus" on creation, this card can warn us of the dangers of becoming so focused on one thing, that we cannot enjoy the life all around us.

On the brink of transformation, the Princess of Disks is the earthly part of Earth. Brooding in wonder, she is strong and beautiful while pregnant with the secret wonder of the future.
She is depicted as the lovely Priestess of Demeter, who wears the crest of the Ram and in her right hand, a scepter descending into the Earth, where its head becomes a diamond. As stated: To Qabalists, the Diamond is the Precious Stone of Kether (The Highest and purest Light) and also symbolizes the Purest Light formed in Matter in the “diamond form of as above-so below".

As would Freya, (Norse Grove Goddess) she stands in a grove of sacred trees, before an altar suggesting a wheat sheaf which is a symbol for Demeter. But she is not alone. Contrary to the sexism of divisionism thought, she is never without He and He is never without She, so she holds in her left hand a disk which bears the Chinese ideogram denoting the twin spiral force of Goddess/God and/or yin yang (Creation), in equilibrium; from this is born the Rose of Isis (Rose-Mari), the Great Fertile Mother of the Nile delta. The symbols of new creation abound in this card.

The characteristics of one born with the Princess of Disks personality (birthdate chart) are more numerous than a one hopes to enumerate for she is the Ultimate in Womanhood and has all the characteristics of the "Womb with a View" -the Mother of all Forms. She contains all the characteristics of woman and it depends on the influences around her whether she is subject to “one or the other" of these traits that manifest as action. However, this is not a scattering of energy, rather whatever trait she acts on, it is pure and focused, and life changing. To the shallow (those afraid of their emotional depth), she is bewildering inconsistency; to the centered, she is a "Powerful Moment" of Beauty. She is both nourishing and vitalizing.
We may see her as Persephone arising from the nether world of winter into the bright light of spring, symbolizing that from the deepest, darkest depths arises the Wisdom of "Womb-Rite"; the resurrection and regeneration of the Living. There really isn't any negative here, unless one finds her ability to "be purely in the moment" to rapid and unsettling for their need for linear- stability. Such a shallow one would be unable to see that stability is based purely on "the spiral movement of Moment" and not a linear line of addition. Therefore, like the seasons, she is serpentine in her motion. The universe is Spirals upon Spirals, dimensions upon dimensions, union upon union and suffers no division. To enjoy her, you must dance with her in her sacred grove of Life
The Princesses and the Aces. |
Skry this Princess of Disks card and know, it’s great to be you! In your uniqueness you are united with us all. The Princesses of any suit are the “womb intelligence” that carries the seed of the element they represent thus, the Princesses are the pro-generators of the Aces.

Thoth-ace of disks
The Ace of Disks, is the seed of the Energy Transformation that we call Earth and Earth is ruled by the Princesses, each in their own section of the Northern quadrant. The knowledge of the new Aeon of Horus, dispels the archaic concept of Earth as an evil, passive, immobile, even dead element. Rather, Earth is a transformation of Intelligent Self- Energy Conscious that many moderns call Gaia who is represented in the tarot as the Queen of Disks.
Now this may be new to those of us indoctrinated by the "Divide and conquer" military industrial complex, but as I tour my Soul, I find a Different Perspective-Personality, of Native American manifestation, who named this Intelligent Force of Earth, Grandmother River. This "primitive" personality, as did the Alchemists, seemed to understand that the “Water and Sun" union, transformed soil into living forms, long before our scientist "discovered" this very concept in the study of Thermodynamics.

The Thoth Ace of Disks, is invariably linked to the Princess of Disks and is a styled rendition of a Molecule, (the union of atoms) show in the background of the Emerald Green of the Aeon of Isis (Grandmother River). This Emerald Green is of the King-Scale color decided upon by the Egyptian Hierophants. However, this green is not the original vegetable green of Isis but that of the “emerald-spring green" of the new Aeon following the resurrection of Osiris as Horus. Nor are the disks considered to be the dead chemistry of coins; rather they are the whirling emblems of Star, Planets, and atoms etc., all of which are whirling spheres.

There is the new Western doctrine of Tetragrammaton (YHVH) where He' --the final earthly component, and the Daughter (Princess), is set upon the Throne of the Mother, to awaken the Eld of the All-Father. In the words of Zoroaster, Tetragrammaton is a “rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud," The Name is not a dead symbol, but a whirling Sphere of Dvine Action.

The center of the Thoth Ace of Disks, is a complicate Hieroglyph representing the "the chosen priest- and apostle of infinite space" and/or the "prince-priest the Beast." (Liber AL. I.15.). In the center of all is yet another form of Tetragrammaton, the Phallus, showing Sol and Luna, with the number 666 inscribed, as to equilibrate the seven sevens adding to 156 (Babalon-The Scarlet woman.) Now showing the reasoning behind this symbolism is far too redundant and too great for a blog, as many great minds have already delved deeply into the Phenomena that is the Princess of Disks, so I recommend that you get the Book of Thoth, and scroll to pages 210-212 for further information and references.

This central cypher is enclosed in a Heptagram that is interlaced with Pentagons whose sides are extended forming a wheel of 10 spokes, bounded by a Decagon encompassed in a circular band with the inscribed name of TO META EHPION-- (This card is a research and meditative must for the Student of Gnosis.). Although gramerically in error, this Greek phrase roughly means " to the Serpent Gate". Lord Python was the Great Serpent who was the "First Husband" and/or first serpentine frequency of Light, which contains all the "colors"/frequencies of light. That would be seen as the White light that all light colors come from.

About this whirling Disk are its six wings (6 is the number of the Sun) The Thoth Ace of Disks is the glyph of Earth as understood in the new Aeon of Horus. Sol and Terra are known as living beings, one's constant companions in a Universe of Pure Joy.
As I have stated, the Princess of disks represents the earthly part of Earth. This Princess is strong and beautiful and impregnated with a secret wonder of YHVH.

Santa Muerte-Page of Pentacles
The Advice of the Dead:
Carefully evaluate the right moment for acting and investing your resources with the aim of avoiding any type of waste.
The Santa Muerte- Page of Pentacles, uses the traditional title for this court card. Here the Santa Muerte is collecting gold coins, as if claiming an investment. The tangle of vines although bereft of leaves are blooming in her wake, suggesting the beginning of Spring. Therefore this card implies that although she is just beginning to mature, she brings an impetus towards a positive affirming search and with this initiative brings good news and the first of moderate earnings. The caveat here, is that excessive lightness (bright gold background) brings superficiality which brings vanity and premature waste and superficial investment. New birth and monetary growth makes this card comparable to the Thoth Princess of Disks.This is the Lady of Rebirth and Renewal and to understand the Depth of the Ultimate Womb---is to meditate long and hard on this card, and to read the Goddess Myths with the eye (I) of the soul. In this world, where love is a profit sharing endeavor, it is hard for most of us to believe that "Love built Me to be Itself"----Love is Now and fears no future. But the truth is, "I Am Me" (Creation) is Love made manifest" and we are the image of Love made manifest by the universal dance of Divine Womb and Phallus!
If the Princess of Disks card shows up in a reading, it is best said:
- That rebirth is apparent from past defeat.
- Or that a new love is blooming in your life.
- It represents a young woman with rich brown or red- brown hair and dark eyes, she is generous, kind, diligent, benevolent, careful and endowed with persevering courage.
- She may also be pregnant with child or birthing ideas, projects, identity and self-aspects.
- She or he is on the Brink of Transformation and Revelation.
- She or he may also have a concentrated desire to learn, and is applying her/his fertile mind to scholarly pursuits.
If ill-defined by surrounding cards:
- She or he becomes wasteful and prodigal.
- Hedonism.
- Sentimentality.
- Indolence.
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