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Thoth-Princess of Swords

Represents the earthly part of Air. She is the fixation of the Volatile. She represents the influence of Heaven on Earth and brings about the materialization of idea.

There is some suggestion of the Valkyrie, in the Princess of Swords card and as a psychopomps she also represents Artemis with characteristics of Minerva. To some extent, she represents the anger of the gods, and wears a helm of serpent crest, that symbolizes the serpent-haired Medusa. The heavens and clouds whirl about angrily, while she is stabbing downward with her sword. In the background is a profaned altar, whose fire of Spring , and its promised renewal, has gone out due to lack of attention which seems to anger this Valkyrie. With Her Sword of "volatile Mind" she cleaves away the dross of dark emotion, so the pure essence of emotion is seen as golden pinwheels of light; a materialization of Idea. Much like Michelangelo who was known for his perceptive chisel that cleaved away what was not the image he saw in the marble.

The Princess of Swords and the Valkyrie, represent the influence of Heaven on Earth. As stated, there is a representation of the "Anger of the Gods" here. Therefore, Harris depicted her Helmed in a Medusa headdress as she flies in front of a barren altar, avenging its profanation (The Human Soul is the altar---the profanation is "indoctrination of Patriarchal culture"), as shown by her sword stabbing downward. All around her angry storms rage in the sky. In the Norse mythology she is a psychopomps, (usher of souls) one who collects the warrior dead and carries them to Valhalla, the Great Norse Ale-hall while they await the end of the World.

The Archetype personality of the Princess of Swords is of a stern and revengeful nature. She is firm, aggressive and wields destructive logic with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. Her natural cleverness and adroitness in managing controversial affairs makes her a master of settling controversies. She would be a good ambassador. People thus characterized, may seem slow mentally, as they are crushed by every responsibility, especially when it comes to family affairs. We must remember that the Princesses represent the "Throne of Spirit", and that the Princess of Swords has the option of "blowing everything sky high"...she has that potency of mind. If ill dignified her qualities are dispersed, she becomes incoherent, and all her gifts form into an animal cleverness, a low cunning, that is unworthy of the means. Thankfully, such personalities are exceeding intelligent and they appear to be "Children of Misfortune" which seems to be the most unhappy of people. However, their Soul knows what it is doing, and we all know that sharp chisels are needed to "cut away the dross" so that the real beauty can be revealed in any sculpture. Therefore, her logic can be cutting and destructive, as she is both firm and aggressive. She also shows great practical wisdom in material things. Being adroit at controversy, when affairs are controversial in nature, she shows great cleverness and dexterity in the practical management of these affairs.

tarot- personality birth-wheel
Since the Princesses do not rule degrees of the Zodiac, we do not have examples of personalities who are directly related to the Princess of Swords Archetype. However, most of us know a personality who is always fighting dark moods within themselves. Hence, the astrology of the Princess of Swords. Rules from the North Ecliptic Pole from 0° Capricorn to 30° Pisces, with Aquarius at the centre. She also rules the Americas. This may explain why the North American and South American continents are always fighting their own "dark moods", as well as, those of other nations.
In Norse mythology, a Valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle, the Valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin. There, the deceased warriors become einherjar. When the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the Valkyries bear them mead. Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens and sometimes connected to swans or horses.

Haindl- Isis-Daughter of Swords in the South-Princess of Swords

When it comes to the Court Cards, Haindl Tarot moves furthest from tradition. Haindl, did not want to display the traditional European ruling class, he was not supportive of the Patriarchy and its arrogant belief it is the center of civilization. He also wanted to show each suit as a different culture. It seems he was following the Native American idea of spiritual meaning in the four directions. For the center, Haindl choose an imaginary point somewhere around the Mediterranean or the East Atlantic. Since he was European, he thought it right to view the directions from his own position.
However, the attribution of the directions to the suits, of Fire-Air-Water-Earth, came partly from the symbols and from the elements. Since the suit of cups belongs to an European tradition of the Grail, he put cups in the North. Therefore, when we transfer the 4 Universal Elements of Tarot to the four directions, we get the order of Fire-Wands-East, of Water-Cups-North, Air-Swords-South,Stones (earth)-South.
For an European, Africa means South. Egypt was/ is an high culture of that region. Therefore, he made Egyptian mythology, his studies and even traveled there to seek a better understanding of the Egyptian mythos. Hence, Isis as the Daughter of Swords. For a greater in-depth study of His development of the Haindl Tarot, I would advise on gets the book: The Haindl Tarot-The Minor Arcana, by Rachel Pollack (Amazon books), it is very enlightening.

Isis was not only important as the first of the heavenly Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt, she became important to the Greeks, Romans, who confused Isis with other Goddesses. For instance, she was compared to Aphrodite/Venus, the Goddess of love, whereas, the true equivalent of Aphrodite/Venus was Hathor. After time the Egyptians also merged older deities into current favorites and attributed some of Hathor's attributes to Isis. Hence, the cow horns and the moon are shown on Isis, although they are ancient symbols of Hathor. The Sun disk came from Ra, as according to Osirian religion, Isis forced Ra to give her his power, which she transferred to Horus (Sun of Ra/God). To make a very wonderful and long story short. There is an old Egyptian text that states: " In the beginning there was Isis, Oldest of the Old". The above hieroglyph shows Isis creating Osiris.
In the card, Isis the mother of pharaohs, is show with her hair falling like water (Nile and Sirius), and she is crowned with an abstract throne. Above her third eye, a cobra connects the king to spiritual powers (reminiscent of medusa). Shown on the right is Hathor, the cow Goddess, who is the Goddess of love, dance and ecstasy. The characteristics attributed to the Thoth Princess of Swords also apply to the Haindl card.
When the Princess/Daughter of Swords card is thrown during a reading,
- It may represent a young woman or young man with brown hair and blue eyes who shows great wisdom.
- Strength, acuteness, subtleness in material things.
- She or he is graceful and has great dexterity.
- Clear sightedness.
- insight.
- Objectivity.
If ill dignified, by surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Haindl) it implies:
- She or he is both frivolous and cunning.
- Often she becomes incoherent as all her talents tend to combine forming a species of low cunning. This produces a kind of mental slowness and her mind becomes the prey of constant anxiety, crushed by every kind of responsibility, especially in family affairs.
- She or he is either a mood fighter or defensive to the point of rash decisions.
- Aggressive.
- Fragmentation.
- Destructivity.
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