The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Court Cards: Thoth Tarot-Princess of Swords & The Mystic Palette - Page of Swords

Western Hermetic Magick, Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Mystic Palette-Thoth

Above all things, know thyself!

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Thoth-Princess of Swords

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The Mystic Palette Tarot- Page of Swords

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Represents the earthly part of Air. She is the fixation of the Volatile. She represents the influence of Heaven on Earth and brings about the materialization of ideas. 

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There is some suggestion of the Valkyrie, in the Princess of Swords card and as a psychopomp she also represents Artemis with characteristics of Minerva, there are many names throughout history for the Goddess of ten- thousand names. Here she represents the anger of the gods, and on the Thoth card she wears a helm of serpent crest, which symbolizes the serpent-haired Medusa.

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The heavens and clouds whirl about angrily, while she is stabbing downward with her sword. In the background is a profaned altar, whose fire of Spring and its promised renewal, has gone out due to apathetic induced lack of attention which angers this Valkyrie. With Her Sword of "Volatile Mind" she cleaves away the dross of dark emotion, so the pure essence of emotion (energy-in-motion) is seen as golden pinwheels of light, made clean and fertile for a new materialization of constructive Ideas. Much like Michelangelo, who was known for his perceptive chisel that cleaved away all but the image he saw in the marble, she cleaves away the dross of moods.

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The Princess of Swords and the *Valkyrie, represent the influence of Heaven on Earth. As stated, there is a representation of the "Anger of the Gods" here. Therefore, Lady Freda Harris depicted her Princess Helmed in a Medusa headdress as she flies in front of a barren altar, avenging its profanation, as shown by her sword stabbing downward. (The Human Soul is the altar---the profanation is "indoctrination, dogma, and word hypnosis of the Patriarchal misogynistic culture"). All around her angry storms rage in the sky.

In Norse mythology she is a psychopomp (usher of souls), one who collects the warrior dead and carries them to Valhalla, the Great Norse Ale-hall while they drink and brawl awaiting the end of the World known to the Norse as Ragnarök. According to Norse mythology the world will end at Ragnarök, a time of great destruction when the gods will wage an ultimate battle with the giants and other evil forces. Ragnarök has not yet arrived, but the events leading to it have already been set in motion.

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Ragnarök is a key event in Norse mythology that signifies the end of the world and a series of cataclysmic events. The term "Ragnarök" is often translated as "Fate of the Gods" or "Twilight of the Gods." This mythic apocalypse involves the destruction of the existing world and the subsequent rebirth.

Here are some key elements of the Ragnarök myth:

  1. Prophecy and Signs: Ragnarök is foretold by prophecies, particularly the Völuspá, a poem in the Poetic Edda. Signs and portents, such as the winter lasting for three years without a summer, signify the impending doom.

  2. Fateful Battles: The myth describes a series of battles involving various gods, mythical beings, and creatures. Notable conflicts include the cosmic wolf Fenrir breaking free from his chains, the serpent Jormungandr rising from the sea, and the fire giant Surtr wielding a flaming sword.

  3. Deaths of Major Figures: Many major Norse deities meet their demise during Ragnarök. Odin, the Allfather, is killed by the wolf Fenrir. Thor battles the Midgard Serpent Jormungandr and kills it but succumbs to its venom. Loki, the trickster god, leads the forces of chaos and is eventually killed.

  4. Destruction and Chaos: As the battles unfold, the world is consumed by chaos and destruction. Natural elements are disturbed, and various realms are affected. Yggdrasil, the World Tree, shudders, and the sky is darkened.

  5. Survivors and Rebirth: Despite the widespread destruction, a few gods and two human survivors, Líf and Lífþrasir, are said to survive Ragnarök. The world is then foreseen to emerge anew, with a fertile and green landscape. The surviving gods gather, and two human survivors repopulate the world.

Ragnarök is a complex and symbolic myth, reflecting themes of cyclical renewal and the inevitability of change. It's an integral part of Norse cosmology and mythology, highlighting the cyclical nature of existence.

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Tarot Personality Birth-wheel

The Archetype personality of the Princess of Swords is of a stern and revengeful nature. She is firm, aggressive and wields destructive logic with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. Her natural cleverness and adroitness in managing controversial affairs makes her a master of settling controversies. Therefore, she would be a good ambassador. People thus characterized may seem slow mentally, as they are crushed by every responsibility, especially when it comes to family affairs.

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We must recall that the Princesses embody the 'Throne of Spirit", and the Princess of Swords possesses the capacity to 'blow everything sky high' (Crowley), indicative of her potent intellect. When afflicted, her attributes scatter, leading to incoherence, manifesting as a cunning unworthy of her potential.

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Despite their exceptional intelligence, such individuals are often deemed 'Children of Misfortune,' appearing among the most discontented. Nonetheless, their Souls navigate with purpose; akin to a sculptor chiseling away impurities to reveal inherent beauty. Thus, her reasoning may be incisive and destructive, particularly towards what she perceives as folly, demonstrating resolute aggression yet often pursuing ambitious aspirations. Additionally, she exhibits astute practicality in worldly matters and adeptly handles controversy, displaying ingenuity and skill in their management."

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Since the Princesses do not rule degrees of the Zodiac, rather they are elemental beings we do not have examples of personalities who are related to the Princess of Swords Archetype (However, most of us know a personality who is always fighting dark moods within themselves). Hence, the astrology of the Princess of Swords Rules from the North Ecliptic Pole from 0° Capricorn to 30° Pisces, with Aquarius at the center. She also rules the Americas. This may explain why the North American and South American continents are always fighting their own "dark moods", as well as those of other nations.

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The name Yod He' Vau Heh (YHVH), often called the Hebrew name for God, is attributed to the Court Cards, where Yod, is attributed to Knights, Heh-to Queens, Vau- is attributed to Princes and the last Heh-is attributed to Princesses/Pages, the Earthly Manifestation, as the ultimate issue of the original Energy in its Completion, i.e., crystallization. However, they also represent the counter-balancing and re-absorption of the Energy (dissolution). They are also the Silence into which all things return, the reintegration of energy.

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What many do not realize is that we are all Solar Spirit/Intelligent data carrying- Light -Celestial- Energy, just as the Earth is the crystallization and/or a coagulation of Stars. Therefore, if one is a shamanic or Western Magick Practitioner, the Spiritual Intelligence that is Earth, will visit you to just relay information or to hold a meaningful conversation with you, appearing as an opposite sex of what you assume yourself to be, which facilitates the flow of energy-information as energy moves from pole to pole. That visitation is an example of "elemental being", as is your physical body.

  You are a Vital Celestial Life-Energy Force (A Soul) that owns a human body. Not a human seeking vital energy and/or its soul. Earth didn't produce your soul; you are a Star's self-aware product.

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It behooves you to remember your truth is "I AM" (existence) but what you "Am", is all an assumption; an assumption that belongs solely to you. Hence, Spirit can assume any form and as spirits we have chosen the Homo Sapiens-Sapiens form so that we may intimately experience information as creation and thereby, becoming intimate with information through in-form-action that produces knowledge through experience. Enough experienced knowledge produces Wisdom.

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Light built me so it could be intimate with the idea of Self.

The Princess of Earth has visited me often, even in such wild places, that no one else is in, such as Deer Mountain, in Ketchikan, AL. She came out of the Forest just before the summit, she smelled like the forest but was clean and in good health and we held an enjoyable conversation. Lady Earth felt like an incredibly old and dear friend, and she knew all the lifetimes I manifested a personality-Avatar on this Earth. It is remarkable that she can keep track of our individual frequencies of light.

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"Old Souls", a term often misused to define old personalities (Souls are infinite, therefore they can't be old or young, rather they are from other star-systems), are known to Earth. We are "Old Personalities", mostly of the Anu, who came to Earth to mine her gold by creating the miners (homo sapiens) and later the Anu genes became alive in the Homo Sapiens. Therefore, some of the "gods" came to love the Earth and wish only to keep manifesting a body with Her and spread her DNA throughout the Solar System, if not the galaxy.

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The Earth can also be a psychopomp and carry you, the persona of aware consciousness, to the True Solar Soul that you are thereby, insuring the personality-resurrection/reincarnation. Besides all this, Lady Earth will often bestow gifts to those she approves of and after her visit to the mountain, I became a "Water Witcher". From that visit on, I always knew how deep and where water was. I have 42 clear water wells to my credit, a gift from the Lady-Princess of Earth.

The Princess of Swords is the aspect of Gaia, which works the America's as her domain. She is a personification of Earth that homo sapiens sapiens can communicate with as Shaman often do. Something all people of America and the World should do. Earth is a sentient and living organism.

We are her "guests" from other stars and we owe her the respect of a guest towards a very generous patron. So, let's light the altar of Spring in ourselves!

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In The Book of Thoth, Crowley describes the Princess of Swords in terms that evoke images of a fierce mythic warrior—he explicitly likens her to a Valkyrie and calls her one of the “children of Doom.” Unlike the Prince of Swords, whose energy is a rapid onslaught of pure intellect, the Princess of Swords is the Earthy aspect of Air: she grounds that mental force, giving it shape, but can also magnify its destructive edge. Let's have a deeper look into why Crowley uses those dramatic phrases.

1. The Valkyrie Archetype

  1. Female Warrior Power:
    Valkyries in Norse mythology choose who lives and dies on the battlefield and guide the souls of fallen warriors to the afterlife. Crowley’s Princess of Swords mirrors this fierce, decisive power—she cuts through illusions with the sharp edge of her sword. She is not a passive or receptive figure; she’s armed with reason, discernment, and even vengeance if needed.

  2. Selector of Fate:
    Just as Valkyries determine the fate of warriors, the Princess of Swords wields the ability to separate truth from falsehood. She can be seen as the goddess of swift retribution against ignorance. However, this can turn severe—her sword brings clarity, but it can also deliver harsh judgment without mercy.

  3. Independence and Rebellion:
    Valkyries aren’t afraid to challenge even gods if necessary. Similarly, the Princess of Swords is often interpreted as independent-minded, even rebellious. She’s unafraid to stand her ground or speak uncomfortable truths, embodying a younger, unabashed spirit of Air—a new generation of intellectual power.

2. The “Children of Doom”

  1. Doom as Destruction of Illusion:
    Crowley’s phrase “children of Doom” indicates the Princess of Swords’ role in ending that which no longer serves. “Doom” here can be a necessary or fated destruction—especially of entrenched delusions or structures built on mental error. Being the Earthy side of Air, she actualizes the Sword’s edge in the material world, bringing ideas to their ultimate consequences.

  2. Potential for Ruthlessness:
    While the card’s energy can be heroic—cutting away illusions—it also carries the risk of turning harsh or vindictive. The “doom” can become literal if the Princess’s gift for clarity morphs into cruelty or an overly cold, calculating mindset. The card warns against wielding the sword of reason without empathy or wisdom.

  3. Inevitable Karmic Reckoning:
    In a Hermetic sense, “doom” also echoes the idea of karmic cause and effect. Whatever is out of balance must be rebalanced. The Princess’s sword ensures that illusions will eventually meet their end. She is that unstoppable force revealing truth—glorious or grim.

3. Qabalistic Dimensions

  1. Earth of Air:
    In the Thoth system, each court card combines the suit’s element (Air in Swords) with another element (the Princess is Earth). This yields a crystallized, grounded form of intellect. She takes the nimble concepts of Air and forces them into manifestation—whether that yields clarity or conflict depends on her direction and maturity.

  2. The Throne of the Ace:
    In Crowley’s schema, the Princesses are also “thrones” of the Aces, meaning they hold the seeds of each suit’s power. The Princess of Swords thus channels the raw, incisive energy of the Ace of Swords into a concrete form. This can birth new insights or slice through illusions, but like a Valkyrie, she can be swift and unforgiving.

  3. Malkuth and the Battlefield of the Mind:
    Qabalistically, the Princesses are sometimes associated with Malkuth (the material domain). Bringing Air into Earth can generate friction—new ideas can disrupt old ways. This is the “battlefield” where illusions die and truths emerge.

4. Practical & Mystical Insights

  1. Decisive Change:
    In a reading, the Princess of Swords can herald a sudden, incisive shift—new information or insights that alter the status quo. She asks us to question everything and slash through mental clutter.

  2. Guard Against Harshness:
    The “children of Doom” reference suggests she can be merciless. While honesty is essential, unchecked severity can leave wreckage behind. We must temper her clarity with compassion.

  3. Catalyst of Transformation:
    The Princess of Swords often appears when old mental patterns need to fall away. She instigates growth by inciting friction—like a Valkyrie on the battlefield of thought, she selects which old beliefs “die” and which new truths gain life.

5. A Forward-Thinking Hermetic Perspective

In Western Hermetic Qabalah, a seeker’s evolution often requires the sword of discernment to cut ties with limiting ideas. The Princess of Swords represents this process brought down to earth. She is not merely theoretical or philosophical—she makes sure outdated assumptions and illusions tangibly crumble, clearing space for renewal.

  • Positive Expression: Fierce, exacting honesty that topples falsehoods and opens the gateway to new paths.
  • Negative Expression: Vindictive or overly critical energy that destroys without compassion or constructive follow-up.

Ultimately, Crowley’s imagery—calling her a Valkyrie, a “child of Doom”—amplifies the Princess of Swords’ potent role as a transformative, no-nonsense agent of the mind. She guides us to take swift, decisive action against what is outworn. Yet she also warns of the dangers when that sword’s power is wielded unfeelingly: it can become an instrument of needless harshness instead of necessary liberation.

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The Mystic Palette Tarot-Page of Swords

The Mystic Palette Tarot-Page of Swords is the equivalent of the Occult Thoth Tarot Princess of Swords and Rider-Waite-Smith Page of Swords. Here we see a female figure standing stalwart with a great sword in the background that represents the tarot suit. Upon her head are the wings of the Valkyries and a bird on her finger, both symbolizing the element of Air and the robins of spring. As a winged= messenger, she brings information about ideas and communication.

This card represents a quick witted, inquisitive, truthful, and young at heart person. She is direct and often speaks out while also loving clarity in debates.

All that is attributed to the Thoth Princess of Swords, is also pertinent here. For she reacts by not reacting, as she plans before taking decisive action. Therefore, she foregoes short term satisfaction for long term goals. Hence, she is sharp witted and can be sharp in criticism as well. The caveat assigned to this card is beware as she is adroit at plotting revenge rather than handle "negative" emotions in a healthier manner.

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The "feminine qualities" of the Princess of Swords are not about the gender of the person, but rather they are also about the joyful discovery of spirit in all things. Although a bright mind and with plenty to say, the person needs guidance, for they are very unprepared for the journey ahead, as they are restless and rarely sit still. This one is a true seeker of "absolute truth" and will revenge betrayal.

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As Didymos Judas Thomas quoted Jesus in the Gnostic Text of the Nag Hammadi Library, " Let the seeker seek until he finds, when he finds, he shall become troubled; afterward he shall become astonished and when he becomes astonished, he shall know that he is ruler over all".

These are the 4 emotions of seeking spiritual truth.

  1.  The need to find happiness in the stuff of the outside world, which is unrequited and is most troubling. 
  2.  One's troubles drives them into introspection, and finds the love, happiness, and value they seek has always been there, deep inside.
  3. Finding the Truth of Self in the innermost mind leaves one astonished! 
  4. Also, after much introspection one finds that by observation alone, they can change anything they observe... That all is Mind, and that Mind declares its identity by stating "I AM...". When the seeking Princesses become Queens, (maturity) they know that they are Ruler over -All.
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Just as in the Thoth Princess description, this Mystic Palette Page has an extraordinary personality adorned with significant potential. Although, a person with a difficult character, s/he has an analytical mind, is very smart, energetic, and emotional.

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If you are born between January 29th to February 9th, you have a Personality core that is the Princess/Page of Swords.

When the Princess or Page of Swords card is thrown during a reading,

  • It may represent a young woman or young man with brown hair and blue eyes who shows great wisdom.
  • Strength, acuteness, subtleness in material things.
  • She or he is graceful and has great dexterity.
  • Clear sightedness. 
  • insight.
  • Objectivity.
  • Bright intelligence.
  • ...has a lot to say and communicates well.

If ill dignified, by surrounding cards it implies:

  • She or he is both frivolous and cunning.
  • Often, she becomes incoherent as all her talents tend to combine forming a species of low cunning. This produces a kind of mental slowness, and her mind becomes the prey of constant anxiety, crushed by every kind of responsibility, especially in family affairs.
  • She or he is either a mood fighter or defensive to the point of rash decisions.
  • Aggressive. 
  • Fragmentation.
  • Destructivity.
  • Unexpected news or events are expected that will not allow already made plans to come true.

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.

helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.

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