
Thoth-princess of wands
The Tarot Suit of Wands represent the fiery nature of Spiritual expansion and expression. The Princess of Wands, is also a male person in some cards and is often called a Page or Knave.
Since this card represents a combination of Fire and Earth (fire of earth card) it is truly an androgynous expression of mastery of internal blocks, obstacles and obstructions. Fearless, spontaneous expression. On the Crowley card she has the tiger by the tail! Implying fearlessness.
She is both magnetic and electric; a free and liberated spirit that resides in all of us as a divine inheritance. This is all about motion; "moving up" in new directions fearlessly and energized like her Sun wand.
Wearing the Aries crown, the Princess has placed her old obstructions and fears on the altar of spring and offers them as a spring sacrifice. For what we value the most, is what we hide the most and only those hidden things are truly a sacrifice to expose.The Great Mother doesn't want a sacrifice of living things, diamonds, jewels or money. Rather, the deeply buried coal inside of us, that is what she wants from us.
Totally exposed and seemingly defenseless , the Princess boldly expresses her new motion creating her own beauty by her essential vigor and force. She believes in the power statement of "Get over yourself and get on with you, impeccability is what we do"!

She is a Solar Self/Soul that owns and runs her physical self which is her own sun wand. The Princess of Wands is the earthly part of fire and/or the fuel of fire. She represents the irresistible chemical attraction, the combustible substance, the connotations of which go beyond physical matter into Spiritual potency.

Tarot personality birth chart

As before stated, the Princesses have no zodiac attributions, yet they represent 4 elemental types of personality. They are more of an "elemental" personage, whose moral character---is often open and freewheeling. Lots of Passion but not a lot of "common sense". In the Thoth Tarot they are sub-divide according to planetary predominance, therefore all 4 of the Princess of Wands is associated with one quadrant of the sky above the North Pole. The Princesses represent the final Hé in the god-name YHVH. Representing the ultimate issue of the Original Energy in its completion, its crystallization and its materialization. They also represent the counter-balancing, re-absorption of the Energy and/or the Silence in which all things return. Therefore, they are at a time both existent and non-existent; An audit of the equation 0=2.

When we examine the image of this card, we see that she has plumes of fire radiating from her brow; these symbolize justice. Since chemical action can only happen when each element is free to combine with its partner, she is shown unclothed. She is surging leaping flame, with the Sun Wand in her left hand and the "tiger by the tail" in her right, she shows both her solar power and fearlessness. She actually represents the Virgin Fire Priestess of the Lords of Fire (also the Roman Vestal Virgin keepers of the eternal flame) and is in attendance of the Rams headed flaming -altar of spring.
Just looking at this card tells you that this Person is highly individual showing passionate qualities of brilliance and daring. Being too hot for the controlling male, her best mate must be one who loves heart rending passion without possession for the character of the Princess of Wands is extremely individual and the force of her character imposes the impression of beauty upon the beholder.
Her passion is so great that one is dazzled by a chemical reaction that also enforces the impression of an irresistible attraction on the beholder. Being a type of "spontaneous combustion", in anger or love she is violent, sudden, and implacable. She can often be irrational, when displaying her enthusiasm, fiery ambition, and aspiring nature. Such a Princess, never forgets an injury-----and the only patience she shows, is when lying in ambush to revenge a perceived wrong.
She is often self-absorbed to the extent that she is entirely reckless in achieving gratification and is notably insatiable. When referring to Tantra, she would be the proper Parvati for the Real Shiva, as she could absorb any fire he could display. However, as is all Power-----it is as destructive as it is constructive, so caution and encouragement compete with each other in this one.

The Knaves or Pages are traditionally androgynous cards and Aleister Crowley replaced them with Princesses, simply because of the formula of Tetragrammaton (YHVH)is well met with Princesses who are Daughters of the Queen. Knaves just didn’t work in that Qabalistic formula which is well explained in his Book of Thoth.
For myself, Fiery Passion is the foundation of the Universe, and this type of person is a thrill to behold and to a Prince of Cups, the proper mate of the moment, as his swiftness and vigor is to be "invoked" and her insatiable Passion will invoke the very rocks into flame! But like all fires, one must know how to work with it to properly achieve the necessary transformations of their Great Work. I'll not go further into the Magick applications here, as this is not a treatise on eroticism, although if our eyes are not blinded by the fear of Passion, we'll see that the Universe is a hotbed of Pure Passion to be; an insight that the Princess of Wands surely has. She personifies the Helen, the daughter of Zeus of Greek Mythology. Her seductive beauty is associated with a strong magnetic erotisim letting everyone who sees her, fall in love with her. Hence, she personifies the the hypnotic power of feminine instincts related to an inner ability to have a true commitment. Therefore, she is acting from the pose of erotic self-promotion without the intention of a commitment----only for as long as hot passions lasts.
Needless to say, if ill-defined The Princess of Wands person, would be the defects of such passion. She would be superficial and theatrical, shallow and false while never expecting that she is anything of the sort. She becomes predominantly a "spasm of mood" and she is cruel, unreliable, faithless and domineering.

However, to meditate on this card is to invoke the "inner fires" of the "Big Bang", be sure you are willing to become a Phoenix before you try. You must be strong in virtue (true to yourself), free of boundaries and need not a state of permanence for personal comfort; in other words, "Above all things know thyself" before entering the Core Fires of Spirit/Anima, for in this state, the violent motion of change is breathtaking and often fatal to the weak personality. But for those who succeed----you'll love your fiery wings!

The tarot of druids-knave of mistletoe
The Tarot of Druids-Knave of Mistletoe, uses the traditional tarot name for this androgynous card. and represents a man or woman who brings news. I would guess that the sprouting oak tree who supports mistletoe under a ritual rock arch would be such news. Mistletoe is not a tree, but a parasitic plant the grows in the branches of Trees. The only comparison to the Thoth Princess of disks, is the fact that it also implies rivals in love, meanness and gossip. All things of passion.
When Knave of Mistletoe or the Princess of wands card is thrown during a divination it states:
- That it is time to express one's sense of Freedom (from the Anglo-Saxon Free-doom--which means "I choose my own death".), adventure, passion to be and initiating something new.
- If you are male, it points to the anima within you that doesn't want to be limited or obstructed by fear or the misogynistic definitions of the Patriarchy.
- This is the symbol of the ultimate free spirit within us all that overcomes fear and accelerates creative purpose .
- We are all "star seeds" and have a deep inner fiery nature that will not be subdued:Caution, prolong oppression of this fiery nature produces destruction.
- This person’s inner passion is best/ or being, channeled in life changing creations.
- Passion and sexual charisma.
- Joy of life-High spirits.
- Enthusiasm.
If ill defined by surrounding cards:
- Reduced intuitional grasp and ability to be devoted.
- Sexual problems.
- Moodiness.
- Arrogance.
- Egocentricity.
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