Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-Queen of Disks

The Golden Tarot-Queen of coins
In Western Magic, the Tarot Queen of Disks/Pentacles/Coins is known as The Queen of the Thrones of Earth; Queen of the Gnomes.
The placement of the Queens is with the 3rd Sephiroth-Mother Binah who is the "Will to Form" and is a force that is imposed on the Pure Fiery "Will to Force" Energy of Chokmah as Understanding. She is therefore known for Understanding the Wisdom of Chokmah; for an idea, once understood, can be molded into manifestation as information. Information becomes in-form-action, so that it can be experienced, thereby, becoming Knowledge.

Again, these Sephirotic Beings are not Persons, but States of Conscious Energy, called "Beings" (Immortals) that are parts of the Divine Collective Unconscious and/or The Greater Self, meaning the deep Imagination, where images are forms of ideas. Images are the only way to realize these deep inner layers of Mind and that "before Mind". Tarot is one of the Image languages that has evolved over time, by constant scholarly impute, to communicate with the Higher Mind; language is added but it is the image that contains the true message. The immortal Being that is known as Mother Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and the Energy Intelligence of the Queens. She is in the upper Trinity called the Supernal Triangle where she is the essence of Womb, and I often call this state of Mind a "Womb with a View", because she conceives by Understanding, which means she sees all.

The Queens also represent the Water in each suit. Water being intuition, receptiveness and emotion. They are enthroned in the Element of Consciousness and as emotions make it bring forth the Force of the King by realization and understanding that which develops that force. As consciousness does to emotionally charged idea.

Thoth-Queen of Disks
The Thoth Queen of Disks, is traditionally called the Queen of Pentacles, Stones or Coins and is also Queen of the Thrones of Earth in Tarot. She is the Queen of the Gnomes, in Western Magick. Her Astrological attribution is last Decan of Sagittarius and the first two Decans of Capricorn. The Queen of Disks is Water of Earth, a specific consciousness in the Primal Earth element. Most of us call her "Mother Nature". Her zodiacal attribute to Capricorn is shown by the image of the Goat.

The Thoth Deck Queen of Disks is displaying her rulership over earth as shown in the crystal cubed scepter that has within it a three-sided Hexagram, making The Pure White Light of Kether, into the many frequencies (colors) of Energy that are intertwined to make the different flora and fauna of the Microcosm . Her Throne is vegetation as she is the life of such. She is the Highest Aspect of passivity and this is shown as a winding passive river flowing through and fertilizing waste land. The Great Work is ultimately expressed in fertility, where the "As the Above manifests in the below". She as Queen, is the facilitator of such manifestation.

The Disk on her left arm is curved with loops and spheres interlaced, representing the ambition of matter to take part in the Great Work. This ambition is often described as fecund motion. This is also shown by the Spiral Horns of the Makhor (Wild Goat native to Central Asia also shown standing on the sphere of earth) on Her helmet/crown, as Spiral force which is both Spirit and Vital Life Force. The reptilian patterned armor of the Queen represents the regenerative force in nature as serpents shed their skin to grow greater.

This Thoth or The Golden Tarot card can represent a person, in any area of life, but it can just as well mean an experience in the corresponding area in question. As a personality, she represents a mature woman with much experience with both of her feet on the ground who knows how to protect what is entrusted to her. Here is the embodiment of vitality, creativity, understanding how to set boundaries and assert herself. Hence, patience, sensuality, and trustworthiness are her essential characteristics. This is well depicted in the The Golden Tarot, as she is sitting erect but relaxed, feet flat on the floor, and supporting a large gold coin. On her bodice, are embroidered the Visconti Heraldic devices of the bird nest and radiant sun.

The Greeks knew this Queen of Earth as Demeter, goddess of the harvest and latter she became the European /American symbol of the cornucopia.

The Water of Earth manifests in many complex and diverse ways, and these are reflected in the broad spectrum of personalities who embody the ambition of matter to take part in creation. Hence, the Queen of Disks can be strong and charismatic, like the Queen of Disks personality of Joan of Arc or just talented and charismatic like Elvis Presley. Then there is the ruthless and manipulative side of this Queen of Disks persona, such as: Catherine of Aragon, Joseph Stalin, Mao-Tso-Tung, and Richard Nixon. However, there is also a sensitive and idealistic side to this Water of Earth personality, such as: Woodrow Wilson, George Washington Carver, or Carl Sandburg. Being Water of Earth, there is also a strong intuitive and superior intelligence side, such as: Nostradamus, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Stephen Hawking. And if you think this covers all the bases of complexity in an personality type, this Queen of Disks persona can also be a giant of creative force (She is Mother Nature after all), such as: Ludwig Van Beethoven, J.R.R. Tolkien, or Steven Spielberg. All of whom were born between Dec. 22rd and Jan. 19th. Just proving that Earth/Gaia, is also an integral part of humanity and will often change the world of man through her powerful, manifested, personalities. This shouldn't be a surprise for She is quantumly entangled with all of us!
When thrown during a reading, the Queen of Discs/Pentacles represents:
- A person interested in physical nutrition and health.
- A shedding of poor eating habits for those of a new diet.
- A shedding of old habits, or even the purchasing of new clothes.
- the querent does all things she can do, well and it will be fruitful
- One of a high level of compassion, nurturing abilities. Loving physical life and all it has to offer.
- One who is exceptionally procreative and nurturing, as in the nature of Mothering.
- Power of practical wisdom on the physical level and in the inner world, applied spiritual wisdom.
- A dark woman of great heart and serious cast of intelligence.
- Opulence
- Generosity
- Also implies presents from a rich relative or a rich and happy marriage for a young man.
- Erda, the Teutonic Mother Earth seen as a warm and nurturing deity.
- The Good Witch of the healing arts.
- The nurturing and protecting of others.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Embitterment.
- Hardening of the heart.
- Infertility.
- The Poisson making "Witch".
- Loss of personal center.
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