
Thoth-queen of wands

The 3rd Sephiroth- Binah- is called the Sanctifying Intelligence and known as Understanding. The 4 Queens are all aspects of this Sanctifying Intelligence.
Seated and enthroned, the Queens represent the forces of Heh (meaning window or sight) in the Divine Vibration of each suit. By bringing forth a material Force of each suit, the Queens, develop and realize the Force of the King, making this force a steady, unshaken and enduring force that is not as rapid in motion, as are the Princes.
The Queen of Wands is Queen of the Thrones of Flame. Queen of the Salamanders, or Slamandrines. The astrological attribution is the last Decan of Pisces--the first two Decans of Aries.
Because the Queens are about Materialized Force, there are no Angels represented here, rather the Elementals are the conscious force here.
The Queen of Wands is Water of Fire, which would seem rather silly to mundane understanding; However, if we understood Water to be consciousness/unconsciousness and Fire to be Primal Spiritual Will, than this is less counterintuitive.

This fire is Vital Life Force, passionate, extreme and often violent in Nature, as it is the Motion in the movement of all things of Water.
To show her great control over this Primeval Fire, the Queen of Wands of the Thoth Tarot, sits on a throne of flames, one hand resting on a leopard and one hand holding the Wand of Fire and/or Greek Thyrsus. The Thyrsus represents the mysteries of Dionysus and the pineal gland (cone on top). Here the leopard represents the ferocity of fire under the on-hands control of the Queen; as the leopard is symbolic combination of Dark fire and light fire, the dark fire (dark-energy) showing through the light fire (visible-light) as dark spots. The Wand, also a symbol of Will, indicates that she is also able to direct the Force she has tamed.

Dionysus with Thyrsus.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A thyrsus /ˈθɜːrsəs/ or thyrsos /ˈθɜːrˌsɒs/ (Ancient Greek: θύρσος) was a wand or staff of giant fennel (Ferula communis) covered with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae and topped with a pine cone or by a bunch of vine-leaves and grapes or ivy-leaves and berries.[1]
SymbolismThe thyrsus, associated with Dionysus (or Bacchus) and his followers, the Satyrs and Maenads (or Bacchants), is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, hedonism, and pleasure/enjoyment in general.[2] The thyrsus was tossed in the Bacchic dance:
Pentheus: The thyrsus— in my right hand shall I hold it?
- Or thus am I more like a Bacchanal?
Dionysus: In thy right hand, and with thy right foot raise it".[3]
Sometimes the thyrsus was displayed in conjunction with a kantharos wine cup, another symbol of Dionysus, forming a male-and-female combination
UseIn Greek religion, the staff was carried by the votaries of Dionysus. Euripides wrote that honey dripped from the thyrsos staves that the Bacchic maenads carried.[4] The thyrsus was a sacred instrument at religious rituals and fêtes.

Maenad using thyrsus as weapon.
The fabulous history of Bacchus relates that he converted the thyrsi carried by himself and his followers into dangerous weapons, by concealing an iron point in the head of leaves.[5] Hence his thyrsus is called "a spear enveloped in vine-leaves",[6] and its point was thought to incite to madness.[7]

Qabalistic Tree of Life- (The God Molecule)

Tarot- Core Personality- birth wheel
The Queen of Wands represents the character or core personality of a powerful, sexually attractive mature woman. Great Sexual energy, means great creative potential, so this person is best off, if she pores her passion into the arts and/or career. Devoting her life to bringing something of value into being. She is also compared to the Greek Goddess Helene*.
*Helene, Bright-Moon.
Alternate meanings: Fair-One, Bright-One.
[to Whom the seventeenth day of May, day 137, is dedicated]
Geography/Culture: Greek. Especially Dendra and Therapnae, Laconia.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography `epsilon-lambda-epsilon-nu-eta, (helene), `basket used for offerings to the Moon Goddess'.
Description: Originally: Egg-hatched orgiastic Goddess of moon, light, beauty, vegetation, fertility of soil and fertility of trees, especially fruit trees; Queen of Sparta; Matron of sailors and Guardian of sailors in distress; Eponym of Hellas and the Hellenes; She Who delights in hunting and wrestling; Bestower of sovereignty; She Who causes blindness in those who displease Her.
With all these comparisons with Greek Mythology and with Primordial Fire, this person must practice focus and willful control of her fiery nature, or all Hell will break loose! Oh, did I mention that the figure on the Throne is that of the Goddess Helene (Later became Hel) who rules the underworld of deep dark emotions? And in Mythology, the underworld is where mundane souls go to be cleansed of memories of past life and cleansed for a ritual rebirth...of course, on Hel's initiative. Hel is also the Norse Goddess of the Underworld.

The Queen of Wands also represents the inner mysteries of the Soul. We are dealing with an inner journey of discovery here. A journey into the inner regions of the Soul /Psyche (Solar Self) of which the external world is only a reproduction. Here, there is the first hand perception that love is the connection to the Divine Creative and that sexuality is an expression of creative will within us, that lets us enter into the condition of rapture bursting all of the limits of imagination. This is the fire of enlightenment that Master Eckhart state as a moment "when the soul loses itself in a wonderful ecstasy." This is the mystery of Dionysus, the god of wine and intoxication and a well known concept of Tantric sexual/erotic practices. I would recommend; The Encyclopedia of Sacred Sexuality by Rufus C. Camphausen for further enlightenment of this subject.

The Tarot of Druids- Queen of Mistletoe
The Tarot of Druids-Queen of Mistletoe, depicts Gaia, in a erotic and powerful pose of fertility. This obviously surprises the observing Druid. The power of the Divine Feminine is the Power to Understand idea and thereby, creating information/in-form-action. Something the Divine Masculine cannot do as he can only create idea and Will to Force it upon others. The inner Power of Gaia, such as the fiery Pelé of the Hawaiians, is well represented in the fiery nature of this Queen, subtlety shown here as the inner power to heat seeds into external blooms. There is no sign of any mistletoe in the "lady-tree" on this card; However, the wreath around the head of the Druid resembles mistletoe.
When the Queen of Wands/Mistletoe is thrown during a reading, she represents:
- Adaptability
- Persistent energy
- Calm authority that she often uses to add to her attractiveness.
- Kind and generous to those who don't oppose her.
- Hates opposition.
- Powerfully gracious in love and friendship, all of which is on her own terms.
- Her passionate emotion creates a Tendency to be distracted from goals.
- A deep desire to understand the deeper aspects of herself.
- Hot passion and sharp wit.
- A good and honest woman.
- A distant relative.
- Mature sexuality.
The negative characteristics of this Queen, as shown by accompanying cards:
- Vanity and snobbery
- A tendency to brood, thereby, making wrong decisions that promote acting in great violence.
- Her great passion makes her easy to deceive, causing her to react stupidly, tyrannically and obstinately.
- May be quick to take offense, harboring revenge without good cause.
- Lost friendship.
- Jealousy.
- Conflicts.
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