
The Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess- Ashtare/Ishtar
Before I get into the Matriarchal explanation of Easter (Ishtar), I thought that since Friday was the Christian celebration of Good Friday, I might also show its roots as both "Friday" and "Good" before it became Christianized.

Christianity is a noted Hodge-podge of revised Matriarchal traditions and "Goddess Friday" (latter revised to "God Friday" and then "Good Friday") began as a pagan day of celebration. Friday began as "Freya's day"; Freya being the Norse Goddess of Creation. Once, Freya was the Great Goddess of Northern Europe's early history and was known as the leader of the "primal Matriarchs" called Afliae ("powerful ones"), or Disir ("divine grandmothers"). In Hindu tradition, these "primal Matriarchs" were called matrikadevis or mother goddesses. Freya was seen as the Vanadis, the ruling ancestress (dis) of the elder gods called Vanir, who ruled before the arrival of Odin and the patriarchal Aesir ("Asians") from the East. The Norse Myths stated that Odin learned everything he knew about magic and divine power from Freya.
[Turville-Petre, 144-59]

Therefore, Friday began as the Day of the Goddess Freya, which was called unlucky by the Christian monks because their original misogynistic theology demanded that everything associated with female divinity was "evil". For example, Friday the 13th, was said to be especially unlucky because it combined Freya's sacred day with her sacred number, 13, that was drawn from the months of the pagan/matriarchal lunar calendar. Also, in Qabalistic Gematria, 13= 1+3=4; 4 is the Sacred number of Tetragramaton (Secret name of God) and the number of forms: Form being woman's creation.
The Roman's named the day of "Goddess-Friday" dies Veneris, after their own version of Freya, the Goddess Venus. (Friday is still called by the French- vendredi and the Italian-Venerdi).
Friday used to be the 7th day of the week. It was the original Sabbath of the Jewish lunar calendar and is still the Sabbath of Islam.

Fish were traditionally eaten on Friday, as fertility charms, in honor of Venus or Freya, whose totems were the fish symbol, which today is commonly sported on the cars of many Christians. Thus, the past Catholic tradition of eating fish on Friday, was totally of pagan origin.
During the time of the Middle Ages, when pagan votaries of Freya continued to celebrate her rites on Friday, churchmen designated her day as the day of "devil worship".

Easter Venus.
Good Friday is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Zeus Christos), a revision of the "Dying god" tradition. Good Friday (at first "God Friday" when the patriarchal votaries revised "Goddess Friday"), is celebrated during Holy Week, as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, or Easter Friday.

Adam Khadmon-The Heavenly human
What I find most interesting about Patriarch religiously sponsored traditional insistence in eradicating any knowledge of Matriarch, is that Jesus suffered on the Cross for six hours before he died. The number six is the number of the Sun (Son of God) and that of the Qabalistic 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth/ Beauty, the Christ/Buddha Consciousness. Before Christianity, there was the Qabalah, the belief in the Dual Divine Creative (Female/Male), the mysteries were the Three Wise men of Nativity tradition, got their degrees as Persian Magi/astrologers, and the common depiction of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, displayed the image of Adam Khadmon, as if crucified on this Tree of Creation. Adam Khadmon represented the "Ascended Man" and is neither male nor female but both--- a divine Hermaphrodite. The term "Ascended Man" means we keep our bodies, and the ascension is in the Mind that established dominion in the world of flesh.

It is well known among scholars, that the "Myths of the Dying God" which all included resurrection, (Dionysus, Osiris, Odin, Mithra, Mazda, Christ, Shiva etc.) were just revised to create the Christian doctrine, so this Adam Khadmon/Christ similarity shouldn't be a surprise.

As most of us know, the Early Christian Church vilified pagan religions, especially Matriarchal ones, by calling their gods, both male and female, demons or canonized them as Christian saints while at the same time claiming the Pagan sacred days as their own. For example: the Springtime sacrificial celebration named for the Saxon Goddess Eostre, or Ostara, a Northern form of Astarte-Ishtar whose sacred month was Eastre-Monath, the Moon of Esotre. Truth be told, scholars argue whether Ishtar is pronounced Easter or that no one really knows how ancient Akkadian is vocally pronounced. Therefore, those who say Istar is pronounced Easter are not necessarily in error. Yet the Son of the Goddess was always the "dying" God......which happens to be our 14.6-billion-year-old DNA!

The Thoth Tarot card of the Princess of Disks best represents this Goddess of Spring, who is Persephone to the Greeks.
The Great Mother Kali of India seems to be the same as Eostre of the Saxons, as the Saxon poets mentioned Eostre in the epic poem of Beowulf; " Ganges' waters, whose flood waves ride down into an unknown sea near Eostre's far home."[Goodrich,18. ]

The Moon-Hare sacred to the Goddess in both Eastern and western nations, is a far older symbol of the "Easter Bunny", recalling the myths of Hathor-Astarte and later Ishtar who laid the Golden Egg of the Sun. The Ancient Germans who often say that the hare would lay eggs for good children on Easter Eve.

Despite being one of the Churches "movable feasts", Easter/Ishtar or Eoster displays its pagan roots in a dating system based on the old lunar calendar (Menstrual calendar) and is fixed for the first Sunday, after the full moon, after the equinox, and was formerly the pregnant phase of Eostre passing into the fertile season. This is Shown in the Thoth Deck Tarot by the Pregnant Princess of Disks; However, after the Roman calendar was imposed on them in 632 A.D. Eoster was given a new date. The Christian festival wasn't called Easter until this name was given to it in the late Middle Ages.

Eggs were always an ancient symbol of rebirth thus the traditional oddity of the Moon-hare laying colored eggs. At first the colored eggs were always dyed red which is the Life color to the eastern Europeans. In the past, the Russian's used to lay red eggs on graves to serve as resurrection charms.

In Bohemia, Christ was honored on Easter Sunday and the Goddess on Easter Monday, which was the Moon-day as opposed to the Sun-day.

With research the seeker of knowledge (Gnosis) will find many references to the Goddess of Regeneration and Resurrection through the period in history before the Romans conquered Europe. As in most religions, literal meanings are superfluous as this is knowledge through metaphor; people attempting to describe the invisible forces at work in their world. This Intelligence that I call, "The womb with a view", The Moon Goddess, is my Soul's Lady Love who is the Trinity Goddess Maid, Mother, Crone, and the Scarlet Woman/Babylon/Whore, and I shall always be her Husband as the Anglo-Saxons knew that title to be ("...keeper of her property"). I am Father Force (Spirit/fire), She is Mother- Form (Graäl/water). Now, because we have physical bodies, spirit is both "Force and Form" and the Human is the divinity of the "dying god", manifested (mt/DNA); the Son of such a mother. Therefore, we have the traditional 6, a union of trinities, Son, Father, Grandfather, and Maid, Mother and Crone. Of such miracles, we are 7 which is linked with the mysterious number of Babylon (Crowley's name for her). However, this image shows Womans powerful nature, her rule over the "sex-force" and would curdle the milk of the misogynist.

Babylon-The Red Goddess.

Instead of myth-theology, we now describe these metaphors as "Theoretical Physics" and/or "the sciences". No matter how you celebrate it, celebrating the rebirth of life after winter's destruction is a fine idea---and fun too! Besides giving us a good feeling as we bloom in the sun again. It helps us realize the miracles of the Sun's/Son's beautiful resurrection all around us and its rejuvenating power within ourselves.
Besides, Life as "alive" should be celebrated, so Celebrate Spring as Goddess/Goodness Day! Honoring the Great Creatrix-Binah who is the Qabalistic "Will to Form" and ourselves who are individual Life Forces.

Alleged association with Ēostre
In his 1835 Deutsche Mythologie, Jacob Grimm states "The Easter Hare is unintelligible to me, but probably the hare was the sacred animal of Ostara". This proposed association was repeated by other authors including Charles Isaac Elton[16][page needed] and Charles J. Billson.[17] In 1961 Christina Hole wrote, "The hare was the sacred beast of Eastre (or Ēostre), a Saxon goddess of Spring and of the dawn."[18][page needed] The belief that Ēostre had a hare companion who became the Easter Bunny was popularized when it was presented as fact in the BBC documentary Shadow of the Hare (1993).[19]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Easter Bunny
A 1907 postcard featuring the Easter Bunny | |
Grouping | Legendary creature |
Sub grouping | Animal |
Other name(s) | Easter Rabbit, Easter Hare |
Country | Germany |
The Easter Bunny (also called the Easter Rabbit or Easter Hare) is a folkloric figure and symbol of Easter, depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs. Originating among German Lutherans, the "Easter Hare" originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behavior at the start of the season of Eastertide.[1] The Easter Bunny is sometimes depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature carries colored eggs in his basket, candy, and sometimes also toys to the homes of children, and as such shows similarities to Santa Claus or the Christkind, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holidays. The custom was first[2][unreliable source?] mentioned in Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus[3] ('About Easter Eggs') in 1682, referring to a German tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter eggs for the children.
And the academic arguments continue to this day!

Happy Istar/Eostre everybody!
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