
The Thoth 4 of Swords--Truce & The Night Sun Tarot-4 of Swords Tarot Card: represents the equal focus of the four states of conscious;
- consciousness,
- sub-consciousness, and
- self-conscious (ego to some).
The Tarot, 4 of Swords, is the meditative, negotiating, and conflict resolving intellect.

With the flexibility
of Jupiter (sign on top of card) and the balancing and non-positional influence of Libra (sign at bottom of the Thoth card, right upper of Night Sun) this truce making mind that is a four fold process of the four states of consciousness.
This four fold process is shown by the four swords (swords represents mind) all meeting at the points in the Lotus of 4 tiers, on the Thoth Card; the lotus is a symbol of the enlightened mind. The Night Sun Tarot card shows an awkward balance being held by the feminine Sword master. Emphasizing the weakness of a Truce, for no battle has been won by any side. All combatant's just got tired of a stalemate, so they have agreed to "take a break"; however, war is still declared and Machiavellian solutions are secretly sought by both sides.
However, Truce, no matter how weak, is still an opportunity to move through the issues of conflict which tend to stall our mental processes; represented by the web-like back ground of the Thoth card, and the sacred geometry art-yellow background of the Night Sun Tarot. Yellow is the color attributed to Air/Mind.

The Tarot 4 of Swords card is called the 4 fold way;
- One must be present;
- Pay attention;
- Tell the truth ;
- Not be attached to the outcome.
The color green represents regeneration and yellow represents the deeply spiritual mind and/or the color for Air, the alchemical element of Sword tarot cards.
Hence, Rest from strife, is the general meaning of this card. Issues, relationships or something in the querent's life has come to full resolution on all four levels of awareness--mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical.

Astrologically, Jupiter in Libra, is a compassionate and sensitive position. Therefore, the 4 of Swords card is also representative of a healthy seclusion, where one is voluntarily taking time-off from adversarial situations as they rest and recuperate. Hence, the intellect is relinquishing control and allowing peace from the stress generated by juggling the contrary.
Sometimes this card also signifies convalescence and recuperation from a illness specifically generated by the psychosomatic union of body and subconscious mind to establish a consciously involuntary rest period.

To a Qabalist, the 4 of Swords card represents Chesed in Yetzirah; the influence of Mercy in the Astral word. There is also a connection between the 3s and the 4s that is extremely complex, as the 4th Sephiroth Chesed is masculine in expression, but is also feminine in reception.
However, by just remembering the important characteristic that the 4s are "below the Abyss", meaning they are responsible for solidification and materialization of the element they represent. Thus, the Fours explain that things/ideas have become manifest and expressed as the Rule of Law.
If you've been following, along in my past blogs, you may know that the 4th Sephiroth, Chesed/Mercy is the Universal Architect. Hence, the 4's suggest perfection, realization, completion and fixing a matter to a rock solid stability.
In the 4 of Swords, this stability is a form of Truce, where equal tension, makes a stability of mental powers.
As stated:The 4 of Swords represents Chesed in Yetzirah, influencing the Astral world.
As you may know, mental creation happens in the Astral World before the manifestation is solidified in the Material World.

If you believe you have a Soul/Psyche; a collective composed of "past life" experiences, you may be able to clearly see that you are not a body....You really are a Yod (hand of God) and/or a Spiral entity-microwave in the Universal Collective Unconscious. Hence, your Real body, is the Tree of Life....the human body is the incarnation, where everything comes together for sensual purposes, and resides within the Multiple- Invisible orb- shaped evolutions of Light that is the Aura and Chakras (how the body absorbs the energy of the Aura), i.e., you the Tree of Life. That Invisible you is as Jupiter, a benevolent ruler and in this card, Jupiter is in Libra. Thus the normal destructive Swords, are put to rest in the munificent, benevolent and loving nature of Jupiter.
On the Thoth Tarot card,The Rose of Sophia (Wisdom) is restored and consciousness is settled. Hence, rest from strife is implied by the pictorial story of 4 of Swords. Again, Jupiter in Libra radiates compassion and sensitivity showing the Mercy that is Chesed, allowing you a respite from self-mental-abuse.
Here Jupiter claims authority in the intellectual world. Arguing for convention, Jupiter restores mental balance after the chaos of arbitrary thought.
In the Qabalistic Thoth card,

the hilts of the Swords, are formed into the corners of the St. Andrew's Cross, suggesting the rigidity and fixation, that is implied in the 4. The Rose of 49 petals, in which the Swords are sheathed, suggesting social harmony.
However, there is also a suggestion of compromise. As does Crowley, I find this compromise to be a less than positive factor. For it is an act of an indolent mind, that would rather be pusillanimous and compromise for social peace rather than work out the thought/idea through the promised struggle. However, it must be to keep the peace but peace at any cost, which is not always preferable.
Since, there is no opposition in any of these symbols, The 4 of Swords proclaims the idea of authority in the intellectual world and the dogma and the law concerning it. Therefore, in an arbitrary manner, the 4 of Swords represents a refuge from chaos and argues for convention.
When the 4 of Swords-Tarot Card, is thrown during a reading it can represent:
- A period of Convalescence and recovery from sickness over a 4 wk or 4 month period.
- Change for the better.
- At first going through a period of sorrow, but now at rest from sorrow.
- Peace after war.
- Relaxation of anxiety.
- To have a Truce one must first have a struggle so this card suggests peace, quietness, rest, ease and plenty after a time of struggle.
- As always, these are all modified by the dignity of the accompanying cards Crowley viewed this card as a cowardly and/or indolent way of the mind that can't think out it's own problems and joyfully accepts appeasement.
- Since this is the unstable number 4, this card does tend to show compromise due to tiredness rather than for any positive purpose.
- A Truce means that the war is at rest for the moment but the battles are not all won.
- There is mental understanding of a matter.. or relationship coming to full resolution on four levels of mental awareness: The Rational, The Emotional of the Unconscious , The Spiritual, and the Subconscious of the Physical.
- Implications of problems that should not be ignored, listen to the inner self and answers will be restored.
- A holding pattern after mastering a difficult mental situation.
- retreat or withdrawal necessary to heal or hide, by creating a protected mental space. Here insight can be generated by seclusion.
- A moment of logic and discriminating intelligence of integrity and planning.
- Within 4 weeks or 4 months, there is an opportunity for truce, conflict resolution, negotiation, and resolution with important issues or people in your life.
- Flexibility rather than a closed mind is needed for true to become a reality. Thus the flexibility of Jupiter and the contentedness and balance of Libra accomplish this resolution.
- The four of swords can also represent that in the month of Libra (September 21--October 21) or with the Libra people in your life, there can be truce-making and resolution in the next 4 weeks or four months.
- This is a favorable time to resolve issues, if you will but focus on the four fold way.
- The negatives of this card are often, a bought of illness; in order to recuperate, the intellect is relinquishing control back to the body, so that a time out from problems is gained and solutions are achieved as the body has only to focus on getting better.
For more information about the Tarot, or for a
live personal-reading, or Qabalistic Tarot Classes, on line with Skype, Google Hangouts, or in person, email- eli @elitarotstrickingly.com. Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper!