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The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Major Arcana: Thoth-ATU V-The Hierophant & The Astromatrix Tarot -Path 5- Hierophant.

Western Qabalistic, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

February 13, 2024

Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- ATU V-The Hierophant

The Magus of the Eternal. The Oracle of the Gods is the Child-Voice of Love in Thine Own Soul; hear thou it. Heed not the Siren-Voice of Sense, or the Phantom-Voice of Reason: rest in Simplicity and listen to the Silence.


The Tarot Hierophant, called "the Magus of the Eternal" by Crowley, is the Qabalistic Path of Vau. The Hebrew letter Vau means Nail or Hook, and is the 16th path, on the Tree of Life. Leading from the 2nd Sephiroth Chokmah (wisdom) down to the 4th Sephiroth- Chesed (mercy) and is known as the Eternal Intelligence, a name assigned to this ATU by Dr. Case. The Path of Vau is the uppermost path on the Pillar of Mercy (Right hand Path). In the Golden Dawn texts, this path is described as, “The Zodiac acting through Taurus upon Jupiter". Here, Chokma is Jupiter, and his action is the spermatic potential of the Manifested Universe-(4 the Sephiroth- Chesed) the Yod of Microcosm (Microprosopus), is the Father in Manifestation, while the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah the Yod of the Macrocosm (Macroprosopus) is the Supernal Father.

The Path of Vau is therefore, the Wisdom Path of the Holy Guardian Angel and/or Higher Soul, the lower Soul is the Rauch which is responsible for your awake consciousness.

Dark Isis with uraeus serpents.

Although the Path of the Hierophant is a powerfully masculine one (Electric Force), to which the Bull-Taurus is applied and image definitively applied to this card, he is supported by the Dark Isis (Fallen Sophia or Lilith) figure as his authority as teacher comes from her. Being "Fixed Earth"; therefore, s/he is a stable foundation for knowledge; a stabilizing extreme. This is the absolute foundation of the process of revelation where the inherited Knowing of the Creator, THE DIVINE CREATIVE (often called the Great Father but is an androgyny), is expressing Its experience through the Supreme Spiritual Self to the Psyche of Tiphareth (The Sun/Son of Beauty). Therefore, memory is involved and the solid foundation of "Above all things, know thyself" is established as a Universal Inheritance for the Divine Golden Child- (Horus the Solar Self and/or Soul) shown in a pentagram on the Thoth Hierophant's chest.

As stated, the meaning of the Hebrew word Vau, is nail or hook, implying a nailing together, or binding, and links the Macrocosm (The Great Universe) and Microcosm (Manifestation), and/or The Greater Self to the lesser Self of Matter, forever linking us to the Divine Spirit. Above the Thoth HIEROPHANT are shown 9 nails, representing the letter Vau, as well as displaying the relationship to the teachings, which relate Higher ideas into Lower organisms that is often called, "As above so below". Here the fabric of Time/Space is nailed to the Abyss and/or Abyssal Womb, which can be entered/seen through the Oriel behind his head.


Babylonian Priest

The Hierophant is a state of conscious energy that is the only source for our understanding of the inner Spirit/Spiral energy conscious. This "Magus of the Eternal" is stated by Dr. Paul Foster Case in his text," THE THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM, as being the," .... Pontifex, the 'bridge maker' who provides a connecting link between outer experience and interior illumination." Therefore, the Hierophant gets the discriminating experience of the Body-operating-Consciousness, while teaching that very same awake consciousness its inherited Divinity. Hence, The Hierophant can be said to "Learn by Teaching" and the Eternal Intelligence can be called "Life" and/or the Reasoning behind manifestation, implying that a teacher who learns from his students, is a great teacher. However, take a hard look at this card, for the Great Teacher here is not the Age-of -Osiris or Pope of Traditional Tarot, like the Golden Tarot, Rider-Waite-Smith, or many traditional Cards but a Sumerian/ Babylonian High- Priest-King. A Bold, confident, and sexually active Osiris for he is not supported by a couple of pale and celibate acolytes which is often shown in traditional tarot, but rather by the sword bearing Scarlet Woman/Dark Isis. The union of the 2 creates the Child Horus shown in the Pentagram on his chest. Hence, this implies a family "snapshot" of the 3 Aeon of Isis-Osiris-Horus.

Traditional medieval Pope as Hierophant.

Sumerian Priest/Scribe with clay tablet.

Crowley's main concept was the "grounding" of the 5th- ATU/Key-, using the corner symbols of the 4 Cherubim (Guiding intelligences of the Four Elements) as the tentative expressions of the primordial Elements of Kether (Crown) that are passed down to the 2nd Sephiroth- Chokmah as the Sphere of the Zodiac. Interestingly, we think of the Zodiac as 12 signs, but it is really four ternaries, where each element is broken down to three signs. To the Qabalist, this relates to Yod (hand) Heh/He' (Window) and Vau (Nail).


The Administrator to the emerging duality that is the 2nd Sephirotic Intelligence- Chokmah (Phallus -Womb, male-female, electric-magnetic) is the Hierophant and it's given form or structure by Binah (Great Mother) which begins as manifestation below the Abyss (from Dark Energy and Dark Máter) in Chesed (Mercy). Thus, relating to Tiphareth (Beauty-Synchronicity), the midway point of manifestation and the Sun/Son of the Divine Creative. This relationship is shown in 2 ways, first as the letter Vau, which is related to "The Sun/ Son" (Child of the Divine Creative), and Tetragrammaton (YHVH) and the second is the image of Horus, itself related to the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth and the Sun and/or Solar Self. Crowley shows this by the Pentagram on the chest of the Hierophant as the four elements are combined under the fifth Element-Spirit, thus forming the 5-pointed star and in that star rises Horus (Hawk-headed sun god of the Egyptians), this also implies Horus as Human manifestation, since the Pentagram is the symbol of humankind. The Pentagram image confirms the Great Work known as "As above, so below", a process in which the symbolic Moon always is a key part. For the Moon is both above and below the Sun on the Tree of Life, as it is both implied as Yesod (Foundation) and is the Path of the High Priestess and is exalted in Taurus and therefore, the Dark Isis/Dark Moon (Abyssal Womb) supporting him.

Dark Máter (Abyssal Womb)

Taurus exalted in the Moon.

The Astrological sign, Taurus, is also ruled by Venus, referring us to the Empress, the Path of Daleth, between Chokmah and Binah. THE EMPRESS is Mother Nature, and/or the fertilized Universal Consciousness that is the foundation of the HIEROPHANT'S teaching. The Militant Venus of the Age of Horus, and the embodiment of the Heavenly Venus that rules Taurus, is shown as the Sword bearing Scarlet Woman figure and/or Isis that supports the Hierophant. In his Book of Law [Equinox IV] Crowley states, " This Woman, represents Venus as she now is in this new Aeon; no longer the mere vehicle of her male counterpart, but armed and militant." This is also true of this new Aeon of Horus, as the Matriarch is now clearing the way for the New Age. She also carries the Moon, which is exalted in Taurus, as a crescent shaped sickle in her hand. More evidence of this new initiatory love relationship between Venus and the Hierophant is shown in the Oriel (the ornate window) with a serpent boundary, behind the Hierophants phallic head gear. The Sexual and/or Vital Energy of the Serpent force represents the first masculine microwave of energy in the Universe and the Oriel represents the Virgin Mary (Venus), as found behind and over the altars in Churches. Crowley describes this as:" This symbolism is further carried out in the oriel where behind the Phallic headdress, the rose of 5 petals in blossom. The symbol of the snake and dove refers to this verse of the Book of Law-chap. 1, verse 57;' There are love and love. There is the dove and there is the serpent". [Book of Thoth, Pg. 79]

The Astromatrix Tarot-Key 5- Hierophant

The Astromatrix Tarot - Path 5-The Hierophant shows one of the titles of the Hierophant which is "Gatekeeper" as the Hindu God Shiva, as he is also a Gateway into the dark grid of the Abyssal Womb. Just as students learn from their past and from others, it is the Hierophant that calls us to unlock our psyche (Key) and hidden potential through diligent study (the aspirants with books). Control of the Mind is a spiritual discipline. Therefore, the Hierophant /Gatekeeper represents the wise guide assisting us in discovering new things that we could never find on our own. He has three faces, for he is also about memory. Hence, a face viewing the past, one viewing the future and one staring straight forward as the present. Here he is presented as Shiva a Hindu God with his Trident (symbol of trinity).

Shiva is a significant deity in Hinduism, representing various aspects, including destruction, transformation, and regeneration. In Western terms, you might find parallels with the concept of a supreme being, but it's important to note that Hinduism's understanding of divinity differs from many Western religious traditions.

Shiva is part of the Hindu Trinity, along with Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the preserver). Shiva's role involves dissolution and recreation, symbolizing the cyclical nature of existence. The divine dance of Shiva, known as the "Tandava," signifies the cosmic cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction.

In Western Hermetic Qabalah and High Magick, you may draw connections between Shiva's transformative nature and the principles of spiritual alchemy and transformation. The symbolism of destruction paving the way for rebirth might align with certain mystical concepts in Western esoteric traditions.

It's essential to approach cross-cultural comparisons with respect for the unique nuances of each tradition while seeking universal themes that resonate with broader spiritual concepts.

Shiva Tandava

Linga and Yoni

In front of the Shiva image is a shiva lingam image, which symbolizes the union of Linga and Yoni, and/or Shakti (Divine Feminine) and Shiva (Divine Masculine). Also shown behind Shiva is a White cow or Bull.

The depiction of a white cow in association with Shiva is linked to the Hindu mythology and symbolism. The cow, in general, holds sacred significance in Hinduism, often revered as a symbol of non-violence, purity, and motherhood. However, the specific connection with Shiva involves the story of Nandi.

Nandi is a bull and the divine vehicle or mount of Lord Shiva. Nandi is often depicted as a white bull, and it symbolizes strength, loyalty, and dharma (righteousness). In Hindu mythology, Nandi is not just a companion to Shiva but also a devotee and gatekeeper. His loyalty and devotion represent the ideal qualities of a disciple.

The sacredness of the cow in Hinduism is emphasized, and it is often associated with various deities, including Shiva. In some depictions, you may see Shiva with a bull (Nandi) beside him or sometimes with a bull in a subservient position, highlighting the divine relationship between the deity and the sacred animal.

In the context of Western Hermetic Qabalah and High Magick, you might find parallels in the symbolism of animals representing various attributes and virtues, but the specific association with a white cow and Shiva is unique to Hindu mythology and culture. However, as gatekeeper, Nandi fits the description of the Hierophant as gatekeeper.

The teaching of the Hierophant/Gatekeeper opens our minds to the hidden genesis of the Great Work that exists in our higher minds. The Hierophant brings back peace, wisdom, counsel, and the ability to learn and understand; thereby allowing us to realize the highest projects. There is no domination here, only faith. However, only excessive blind faith can turn these teachings into fanaticism, intolerance, and backstabbing, until it completely blocks our reason in the realm of Malkuth/the material realm. Therefore, it behooves us to analyze everything we learn from the of intelligence never believes everything they think.

Radiant: Rider-Waite-Smith-Key 5-The Hierophant

Thoth- ATU 5-The Hierophant

Rider-waite-smith- key X-Wheel of fortune-Traditional placement of the 4 Cherubic Beasts

To repeat: The Oriel (window) behind the Thoth Hierophants head, is held in place by 9 nails, hooking the Microcosm to the Dark Abyss of the Macrocosm; 9- is the number of the Sephiroth of the Moon, Yesod. The 4-Cherubicc Beasts on the Thoth Card guard this shine of the Hierophant, but there seems to be an error in their placement, according to the traditional placement of Tarot (Wheel of Fortune). Although the bull of Taurus and the Lion of Leo seem to be in their proper traditional placement, the Angel (human face) and Eagle have switched places. However, in the new Aeon of Horus, it is not the position of the cherubs (seraphim) that has changed but the symbols of the cherubs have changed. In Crowley's version of the 23rd Enochian Aether, it is revealed that the emblem for fixed air is now the eagle, and the emblem for fixed-water, Scorpio is now the angel: The Beast and Scarlet Woman (Lilith) are attributed to Leo and Scorpio. They are the 2-in-one Chief Officers of the Temple of the New Aeon of Heru-Ra-Ha. (Note the Eagle Kerub in 23 Aire is Aquarius. Scorpio is the Woman-Serpent. This is important for the old attribution of the Eagle to Scorpio).

[Crowley-The Vision and the Voice, Pg. 67]

*(Heru-Ra-Ha is both Horus and the Angel over the Tarot. Heru Ra Ha means "Horus, Sun- Flesh".

THE HIEROPHANT'S teaching is intuitive, as it is on the "feeling" side of the Tree of Life (Venus-Netzach side), applying intuition to concepts collected by reason, and built up by memory. I would recommend you meditate on the Thoth ATU 5 card to open the ego (lesser mind) to Higher Thought.

However, the teachings of the Hierophant are based on memory; yes, it is the memories of the Soul/Psyche and yet we know that memory is not to be trusted. We must remember that the Hierophant is the "inner librarian", who is both our Psyche gatekeeper and whose memory is often used by our awake consciousness, who is the Soul's appointed primary observer of the material world. When it comes to memory, one often confuses timelines (grid lines are timelines) and one often remember only the things that they find most important and often embellishes the past when told as a story/experience. Since humankind were first created for enslaved labor, Archon (Jehovah of the Hebrew) and slave religions were invented to appease a tyrannical demi-urge, not all memory in the Akashic records can be trusted. Hence, the Hierophant's teaching must be taken with a "grain of salt". A discerning student will find this Path towards greater Self-Awareness both enlightening and entertaining if they analyze the Hierophant's teachings. For, just like *Oracle of Delphi, there are trickster-type lines of information that require deep analysis to be understood.

*Pythia (/ˈpɪθiə/; Ancient Greek: Πυθία [pyːˈtʰíaː]) was the name of the high priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. She specifically served as its oracle and was known as the Oracle of Delphi. Her title was also historically glossed in English as the Pythoness.

Pythonia-Ai image of Microsoft image creator.

The dark Isis, shown at the feet of the Hierophant, could easily be compared to Pythia/Pythoness. Both cards display a mystery often locked away in our DNA as "junk genes", which can become operational with the proper Tantra yoga techniques that cause a rising of our "inherited" Sun-of-God energy and/or Kundalini.

. The Kundalini is a concept from Hindu and yogic traditions that refers to a dormant, coiled energy located at the base of the spine. The word "Kundalini" means "coiled serpent" in Sanskrit, and it symbolizes the potential spiritual energy within an individual.

The process of Kundalini rising involves awakening this dormant energy and allowing it to ascend through the seven chakras, which are energy centers in the body. The aim is to reach the crown chakra at the top of the head, leading to spiritual enlightenment and a profound transformation of consciousness.

Here are some key points about Kundalini rising:

  1. Location of Kundalini: As mentioned earlier, Kundalini is believed to reside at the base of the spine, specifically in the first chakra, known as the Muladhara or root chakra.

  2. Awakening Kundalini: Kundalini can be awakened through various practices, including meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and specific Kundalini yoga techniques. It's important to note that the process of Kundalini awakening can be intense and should be approached with caution and guidance from experienced teachers.

  3. Chakra Activation: As Kundalini energy rises, it activates and purifies each of the seven chakras along the spine. These chakras represent various aspects of consciousness and energy, and the awakening process can bring about profound changes in one's perception and awareness.

  4. Symptoms and Experiences: People who undergo Kundalini rising may experience a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. These can include sensations of heat or electricity along the spine, intense emotional states, heightened awareness, and even moments of bliss or ecstasy.

  5. Integration and Balance: It's important for individuals going through Kundalini awakening to seek guidance and support to ensure that the process is integrated smoothly and that any imbalances are addressed. Some people may experience challenges along the way, and it's crucial to maintain physical and mental well-being.

  6. Spiritual Transformation: The goal of Kundalini rising is spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. It's seen as a path to higher consciousness and a deep connection with the divine or universal consciousness.

Never and I mean never, attempt Kundalini stimulation techniques until your Spirit-Mind-Body trinity is in a harmony of beauty. This inherited solar energy is highly volatile energy and anyone who still using indoctrination and dogma as their sense of self will emotionally implode in a drastic and often unstable manner causing unexpected Kriya reactions in the soma. Start with this Workbook by Dr. John Mumford as it begins the process in a gentle and successful way.

Kundalini Kriya refers to a practice in Kundalini Yoga aimed at awakening and activating the Kundalini energy, which is believed to reside at the base of the spine. Kundalini is often described as a coiled serpent, and the purpose of Kundalini Kriya is to uncoil and channel this energy upward through the chakras, leading to spiritual awakening and heightened consciousness.

Here's a brief overview of the key components of Kundalini Kriya:

  1. Breathwork (Pranayama): The practice involves specific breathing techniques to channel and control the flow of prana (life force energy). Breathwork plays a crucial role in awakening the dormant Kundalini energy.

  2. Physical Asanas (Postures): Kundalini Kriya incorporates specific yoga postures designed to activate and balance the energy centers in the body, known as chakras. These postures are often combined with dynamic movements and are intended to facilitate the upward movement of Kundalini energy.

  3. Mantras (Chanting): Chanting of sacred sounds or mantras is a common element in Kundalini Kriya. The vibrational energy created by chanting is believed to aid in the awakening and ascent of Kundalini.

  4. Mudras (Hand Gestures): Certain hand gestures or mudras are used to direct and enhance the flow of energy during the practice. Mudras can help focus the mind and channel energy in specific directions.

  5. Visualization: Practitioners often use guided visualization to envision the flow of Kundalini energy rising through the central channel (Sushumna) along the spine, activating each chakra along the way.

It's crucial to approach Kundalini Kriya with caution and under the guidance of an experienced teacher, as the awakening of Kundalini energy is considered a powerful and transformative experience. When practiced correctly, Kundalini Kriya is believed to lead to spiritual growth, expanded consciousness, and a deeper connection with one's inner self. When practiced incorrectly emotional and physical pain will be experienced as well as uncontrolled spasms in the musculature.

If you are experiencing premature kundalini ascension and Kriya reactions, holding Egyptian rods of Shungite as harmonizers held over the heart chakra and concentrate on normal breathing. I have been by told by respected authority that this helps balance the chakra energy centers throughout the body and stops the spasms of out-of-control Kriya. These can be purchased online at


When the HIEROPHANT card is thrown during a reading:

  • The querent is experiencing the principle of learning and teaching which is a desire for making things tangible.
  • The querent may be seeking guidance from a counselor who has knowledge and authority or wishes to.
  • There is a choice here, of aligning oneself to a philosophy, religion and/or set of beliefs to which one feels a sense of loyalty.
  • Being free to disentangle oneself from any belief system, the querent still chooses to be involved.
  • There is an espousing of moral, ethical, and spiritual values which may attribute to oppressing others, especially when espousing orthodoxy.
  • There can be an inner sense of obedience to authority, imagined or otherwise, contributing to gullibility.
  • Life is the teacher here, as the querent experiences growth through a meditative process of Buddha like philosophy that views every experience as a lesson-learning opportunity.
  • Search for the Truth.
  • Tradition, community, and teachings.
  • Conformity.
  • Marriage, or any social commitment.
  • Teaching by way of discovery. 
  • Connecting to your divine source.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards of the layout:

  • Intolerance.
  • Presumption.
  • Esoteric arrogance.
  • Social pressure.
  • Doctrines or ideas that have lost meaning.
  • Gullibility.

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