Above all things, know thyself!

The Mystic Palette Tarot-Key 6-The Lovers

Thoth Tarot- ATU VI-The Lovers
The Oracle of the Gods is the Child-Voice of Love in Thine Own Soul; hear thou it. Heed not the Siren-Voice of Sense, or the Phantom-Voice of Reason: rest in Simplicity and listen to the Silence.

Thoth Tarot- ATU-6-The Lovers

The Thoth ATU 6- THE LOVERS is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini and is about the joining together of the female yin and the male yang, the original Archetypes in the Soul, and the left and right side of the brain making one consciousness out of union of two. The electric-Phallic and magnetic-Yoni forces join to create a Greater Whole Self-Awareness and eliminates any antagonism between the two.

This card represents the universal principle of the art and craft of relationship; the union of opposites that creates everything. The Lovers is more about joining the Duality of the Divine Creative, (0=2 and then 2=1) Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine rather than an earth romance yet it can represent a love affair, a romantic relationship or a passionate relationship with a project. Everything about this card is about 2=1 and most often indicates the spiritual aspect of a relationship. Therefore, the journey of the twins, a universal motif found in all cultures. Shakti and Shiva, Jesus and Mary, Hansel and Gretel, Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann, Radha and Krishna, Beauty, and the Beast; all the famous couples throughout history reflect this archetype of the Lovers.

Thoth- atu 6- the lovers
The Thoth Lovers card is about love and relationships on a spiritual and/or energy scale and reminds us that we are to be joyful and innocent in love while exhibiting curiosity and playfulness (the two children); the adult couple facing each other remind us of loyalty and commitment.
The Thoth Hermit, with hands raised above the couple in a blessing, reminds us of the need to be alone and granting the gift of spaciousness for the purpose of individual contemplation, introspection, and inner self-meditation. All parts of balanced and flowing Love.
The Sword shaped gates in the background of the Thoth card symbolize the Lover's need not to be limited, bared, or restrained in their relationship. The Swords are attributed to the 17th Path of Zayin (Zain), a Hebrew letter meaning sword or armor.

When either the Thoth- Lovers or the Mystic Palette Tarot cards are drawn in a reading it often symbolizes a loving relationship, soon to be or even a marriage and/or the inner balance of the female (Anima) and male (Animus) forces in an individual. However, the European two gender system is a Patriarchal paradigm of the "sexes" and not that of the Western Hermetic Mysteries which acknowledges a 5-gender paradigm: an old and ancient system.

The five-gender paradigm observed in many Indigenous cultures of the Americas reflects a holistic understanding of gender and identity that is deeply rooted in spiritual, social, and communal values. This framework often diverges from the binary gender system introduced by European colonization. Here’s an overview of the five recognized genders and their philosophical underpinnings:
1. Female and Male
These are the traditional categories of gender often associated with biological sex. However, in many Indigenous cultures, these identities are not merely defined by biological factors but also by roles, responsibilities, and spiritual aspects within the community.
2. Two-Spirit Female and Two-Spirit Male
The concept of "Two-Spirit" (a term coined in the 1990s by Indigenous LGBTQIA+ activists) encompasses individuals who embody both masculine and feminine spirits. This is not strictly about sexuality or gender expression but a deeper recognition of their unique spiritual role and contribution to the community. Two-Spirit individuals often served as:
- Mediators: Bridging the physical and spiritual worlds or resolving conflicts within their communities.
- Healers: Their dual nature was believed to grant them special insight and wisdom.
- Keepers of Tradition: Preserving oral histories, rituals, and cultural knowledge.
Two-Spirit identities differ from tribe to tribe, and specific terms, roles, and interpretations vary widely across Native American cultures.
3. Transgender
In this paradigm, transgender individuals were often understood as those whose gender identity or expression diverged from the one assigned to them at birth. In many Indigenous communities, transgender people were not seen as outliers but as integral members with distinct roles. They were often valued for their fluidity and viewed as possessing unique insights.
Philosophical Foundations
The Native American understanding of gender is rooted in holistic and animistic worldviews:
- Interconnectedness: All beings, human and non-human, are interconnected in a sacred balance. Gender diversity reflects the diversity of creation.
- Role-Based Identity: Identity is less about rigid categories and more about one’s contribution and relationship to the community and the natural world.
- Sacred Dualities: The blending of masculine and feminine energies is often seen as sacred and powerful, representing the union of opposites essential to the harmony of the universe.
- Respect and Inclusion: Many Indigenous cultures embraced diversity as a strength, seeing each person as uniquely gifted and essential to the community's well-being.
Impact of Colonization
European colonization disrupted these practices by imposing binary gender systems and patriarchal values. The spiritual and social roles of Two-Spirit and transgender individuals were marginalized or erased. However, in recent decades, there has been a resurgence of Indigenous gender philosophies, thanks to cultural revitalization movements and greater recognition of Two-Spirit identities.
This philosophy offers a profound lesson about embracing diversity, challenging binary norms, and recognizing the sacredness of all identities.

In his text, THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM, the Western Hermetic Qabalist, Dr. Paul Foster Case called THE LOVERS, the Disposing Intelligence. Which means to get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else.
In this case it is annihilating one's individuality by two becoming one in wholly communion.

The complexity of this card can barely be presented by the image on the card and is even difficult to understand as a disposing intelligence.
THE LOVERS, the Path of Zain (meaning Sword), runs between Binah (understanding) and Tiphareth (Beauty) and connects the Pure Conscious, from which all forms emerged (Binah) within the central sun/son of Manifestation (Tiphareth). The Soul being the Solar Child (Son/Sun) produced by the combination of the esoteric lovers that are the Anima and Animus of the Divine. As Crowley stated:
The Oracle of the Gods is the Child-Voice of Love in Thine Own Soul; hear thou it. Heed not the Siren-Voice of Sense, or the Phantom-Voice of Reason: rest in Simplicity and listen to the Silence.

The term Lovers seems simple enough, yet it is a complex and profound card, as it is not often about the love of two humans, but rather the Twins or duality of the individual united in pursuit of Divine Love. Therefore, it aids in understanding the meaning of Key 6 that is embedded in the Astrological sign Gemini, The Twins. The Dual Intelligent Forces of Male and Female, (electric-force and magnetic-reception), are what THE LOVERS proposes to unite. These are equal and opposite Intelligence, that the brain is a copy of.

The brain's left logical side must be united with the right creative and intuitional side, as a major step towards the Godhead on the Tree of Life. The surging of the Divine One Energy, across the Abyss into manifestation, formed stable dualities that because of Patriarchal indoctrination and dogma, have become unstable and due to propaganda, many believe that there is "battle of the sexes" making the left side and right side of the brain antagonists. This antagonism aids the "few who wish to rule the many" who create the "divide and conquer" dogma/indoctrination which serves the "false slave-ego" that enslaves the brain with chains of media controlled "word hypnosis". When the left and right side of the brain become lovers, one's intelligence is totally present and therefore, the only author of their actions.
The Lovers card is also representative of the loving relationship a Magi must make of the Female and Male inside each of us, i.e., the Sun (rationale) and the Moon (imagination/emotions) or as some prefer, the shadow/Moon and light/Sun self-and/or Anima-feminine and Animus-masculine of Carl Jung.

In Carl Jung's analytical psychology, the anima and animus represent the unconscious feminine and masculine aspects of the psyche within an individual, respectively. Jung saw these as essential archetypes that guide our inner lives and influence how we relate to others. The anima exists within the unconscious of a man, symbolizing his inner femininity, while the animus represents the inner masculinity in a woman. Both act as bridges to the unconscious, carrying the qualities we may not overtly display but which shape our emotions, creativity, and relationships.
Jung theorized that integrating these opposites—known as the process of individuation—leads to psychological wholeness. Through recognizing and embracing the anima or animus, individuals can balance their inner feminine and masculine qualities, allowing for deeper self-awareness and personal growth. The anima and animus are gateways to understanding ourselves in a fuller way and are central to the journey of achieving inner harmony.

In astrology, the Sun sign represents the core essence of an individual's personality. When the Sun is in Gemini, people are born between May 21 and June 20. Here are some characteristics associated with individuals born under the Sun sign Gemini:
Adaptable and Versatile: Geminis are known for their flexibility and adaptability. They can easily adjust to different situations and are open to change.
Intellectual and Curious: Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. People with the Sun in Gemini are often curious, intelligent, and enjoy learning about a variety of subjects.
Expressive and Communicative: Communication is a key strength for Geminis. They are articulate, witty, and enjoy engaging in conversations. They may have a natural flair for language and expression.
Social and Charming: Geminis are typically social butterflies, enjoying the company of others. They are charming, friendly, and can connect with people from various walks of life.
Restless and Energetic: There's a sense of restlessness in Geminis, as they are constantly seeking new experiences and intellectual stimulation. They may have a lot of energy and find it hard to stay still for long periods.
Dual Nature: Symbolized by the Twins, Geminis are often associated with dualities. This can manifest as having dual interests, personalities, or perspectives. They may be perceived as having a changeable nature.
Inquisitive and Playful: Geminis have a playful and curious nature. They enjoy exploring new ideas, concepts, and activities, often approaching life with a sense of light-heartedness.
Quick Thinkers: Geminis tend to be quick thinkers, able to process information rapidly. This agility of thought allows them to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances.
Restlessness in Relationships: Geminis may experience restlessness in relationships, seeking variety and mental stimulation. It's important for them to find partners who understand and appreciate their need for diversity.
Remember that astrology provides general traits associated with each Sun sign, and individual personalities can vary based on other astrological factors in a person's birth chart.

The Great Work is a return to the Oneness (As above so below) by the communion or "marriage" of these dualities of manifestation as which began as 0=2 and come together again as 2=1. As Robert Wang wrote about the Path of Zain (meaning; sword or armor) in his book: THE QABALISTIC TAROT: "Thus this path may be considered the aspect of the Garden of Eden, from which mankind was expelled, but to which it may earn re-entry by conscious dealing with what has been called the inner Sun and Moon. The whole key to the Great Work is uniting of the Sun and the Moon under Mercury (the planet ruling Gemini)."

Mercury-by John W. Kelly

On the Thoth Tarot THE LOVERS, the Sun is the man with the golden crown- Male Left- Brain, the Moon, woman with silver crown is the Female-Right Brain, and the Divine Fire that is above the Abyss (The Vital Force / Serpent Force/Sex Force), is represented as Cupid in the Thoth Card.

Cupid, known as Eros in Greek mythology, is the Roman god of love, desire, and attraction. He’s often depicted as a winged cherub carrying a bow and arrows, which symbolize his power to cause love to spark or fade. The myth of Cupid explores the dynamics of love, often in mischievous or unexpected ways.
One of the most famous stories involving Cupid is the myth of Cupid and Psyche. In this tale, Psyche, a mortal woman of extraordinary beauty, captures the jealousy of Venus (Aphrodite), Cupid’s mother. Venus sends Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a hideous creature, but when Cupid sees her, he falls deeply in love himself. He spirits her away to a secluded palace, where he visits her only in darkness, warning her never to look at him.
Despite her happiness, Psyche becomes curious and, spurred by her sisters, eventually gazes upon Cupid, breaking his condition of trust. He leaves her, and Psyche embarks on a quest to win him back, enduring numerous trials imposed by Venus. Eventually, Psyche’s devotion leads to her deification, and she and Cupid are reunited in a divine marriage.
This myth symbolizes the soul’s journey toward true love and self-fulfillment, capturing the complexities of trust, vulnerability, and transformation in relationships.

Dr. Paul Foster Case has stated that the Sun is self-consciousness and that the Moon is subconsciousness. He considered these are both aspects of the One Life Breath, each working half of the body. Today we know them as the Male half and the Female half of the soul reflected in the human brain which is a copy of the androgynous soul.
As Case has stated, “When the Solar and Lunar currents of the Life-Power are rightly perceived, rightly discriminated, and when their operation is kept in proper order, the personality of the man (and/or woman) engaged in this practice becomes a free, unobstructed channel for the outpouring of the cosmic life force." Case considered THE LOVERS card to represent one of the dualities united by the Spiritual Self. Just as most Tantric, Western Magick, and Gnostic practitioner's do.

The Mystic Palette Tarot- Key 6-Lovers
The Mystic Palette Tarot-Key 6-The Lovers, cleverly uses the image of the Fool as both male and female lovers. Since the Tarot Deck is all about the "Fool's journey" this card rightly depicts the Soul's journey (6 is the number of the sun and represents the sephiroth Tiphareth-the Soul whose beauty is seen as the lovers). The entire deck is devoted to the Fool's journey and/or hero's/heroin's journey, all of which weave a rich tapestry of the Soul's gathering of wisdom and knowledge.

The coxcomb crests on the dual fool's hats touch in a heart shape symbolizing love as do the beaks of the two swans create a heart shape. The water beneath the swans symbolizes the subconscious and emotions.
In animal symbolism, white swans are powerful symbols of grace, purity, and transformation. They’re often associated with the soul, beauty, and spiritual evolution due to their elegant appearance and connection to both water and air elements. Swans move effortlessly between the realms of water (emotion, the subconscious) and air (thought, higher consciousness), making them symbols of balance between the earthly and spiritual planes.
White swans also represent love and fidelity, as they are known to form lifelong bonds. In many mythologies, they are seen as messengers of the divine or symbols of the soul's journey toward enlightenment. Swans in pairs often symbolize unity and harmony, reflecting the merging of opposites, like masculine and feminine energies. This duality ties in with themes of transformation, as swans also evoke the journey of personal growth and transcendence, reminding us of the beauty that arises from inner balance and emotional depth.

The astrological sign of Gemini and the Hebrew letter Zain are also assigned to this card, aiding in a deeper understanding of this mysterious power of love.

The Soul as the Divine Hermaphrodite
Divine partnering is not limited to species or gender as this is not about procreation. This divine partnering is even seen in the Oceans as a clown fish and an anemone are often symbiotic partners, each fulfilling the need of the other. The lover's is definitely not limited to human experience it is the experience of the Divine Creative as "I" and "other". The duality that creates all life.

Partnership of the Clown fish and Anemone.
The stories of many distinct species that have partnered are prolific on this Planetary Divine Partnership with the Sun. The Divine Partnering of a dog and cat can be a domestic example of what may be called an unusual partnership. There are also bird species that have partnered with cats. The examples are many. We even have stories of Mother Ducks adopting infant Swans: the story of the ugly duckling comes to mind.
All these Divine Partnerships prove to us that this union is not about roles, it is about something bigger and more powerful than the instinctual mind of any species, society, culture, or any racial gender role. Divine Partnering is from the heart. The Wolf partnering with Man, is another example. We rename the partnered wolf as "dogs" and/or canines. The love for these dogs' parallels love for one's own children.

The belief that every shaman, sorcerer, or practitioner of magic must have a counter sexual component to enhance their magical abilities through the stimulation of the Vigorous Vital Life Force and/or sex energy, is not a universally held belief in the realm of metaphysics, magic, or the occult. However, there are certain esoteric traditions and magical practices that do incorporate the idea of a sexual counterpart or partner in the pursuit of spiritual or magical goals. Here's some insight into this concept:
Tantric Practices: Tantra is a spiritual and mystical tradition that originates from India and is known for its emphasis on the integration of sexual and spiritual energies. In Tantric practices, a male and female practitioner may come together to explore and harness the transformative power of sexual energy to achieve spiritual enlightenment and union with the divine. This is often done in a highly ritualistic and controlled manner.
Magical Rituals: Some magical traditions, particularly those influenced by the Western esoteric tradition, may incorporate the concept of a sexual counterpart in specific rituals. The idea is that the union of opposites, often symbolized by the male and female, can create a powerful energy conducive to magical workings.
Alchemical Symbolism: In certain forms of Western Hermeticism and alchemical traditions, the union of the masculine (often represented as the sun or sulfur) and the feminine (often represented as the moon or mercury) is seen as a symbolic representation of spiritual transformation and enlightenment.
Mythological and Symbolic Interpretations: In some mythologies and symbolic systems, the concept of dualities or pairs is prevalent, and these dualities can represent various aspects of the human experience, including the spiritual and the material. The union of these dualities may be seen as a path to higher understanding.
It's important to note that these practices are often deeply symbolic and ritualistic, and they may not necessarily involve sexual activity in the conventional sense. Also, these practices are typically reserved for those who are well-versed in their respective traditions and understand the symbolism and spiritual significance involved.
Not all practitioners of magic or spirituality adhere to or believe in the necessity of a sexual counterpart for enlightenment. Beliefs and practices in the metaphysical and magical realms can vary widely, and individuals often follow the path that resonates most with their personal beliefs and experiences. Truth can only be found out by doing, not by believing.

To the Western Hermetic Qabalist the Lovers card represents the union of manifested opposites under the Divine Love of the Supernal (Upper triangle of the Tree of Life) through Binah---The Great Mother. Thus, the Crowley/Harris Thoth Card depicts the theme of union as an Alchemical "Hermetic Marriage" of the component parts of the seeker. Therefore, the Path of Zain is an active path of union as self-control and will-to- be attributed to Mercury directing the movement and integration of opposites.

Mercury is the messenger of the Divine and is not passive in the lovers' card as it often directs the partnerships that enhance life. In fact, it is also associated with the Silvery Mercurial "Winged messenger of the Gods" bringing the information that resides in the Serpent Force known as the Kundalini that sleeps at the Basil Chakra (Maladhara chakra), and is masculine fiery force, united with the Feminine Watery force (The Original Celestial Energy Lovers flowing intertwined as waves that are "serpentine"), both in equal measure and full of fiery dynamic and inspirational qualities and both copies of the Androgynous Solar Self that if united in a flowing love up the spine, stimulate a complete contact to the Solar Self as a "personality in individuation rather than the egregore divided persona build for the individual by the Patriarchy.
Hence, the Adult you is the false you, and you must seek your previously rejected "child" within where it hides in the basement of your subconscious. You must love the child within you to find all your Power and Presence.

The inner hermetic marriage that is within the Kundalini, is a red-hot marriage, complete with Honeymoon and resulting "personality death". Hence there is a type of death here, as the serpentine rising of Solar Energy activates all chakras, thereby elevating the personality to Daath (knowledge) which is the Priestess Sephiroth who's process of crossing the Abyss means the death of one's own concepts of self.

This devastating passage is a willful and the false concept of separation that is destroyed by individuation as each is immersed into the Divine Collective where 2=1. For example, when there is Blue and there is Red, when they merge in a marriage, they have given up and/or annihilated individuality and have become a Greater Self that is called Purple. Here one realizes the Lemniscate and/or the infinite union of the Male and Female forces within.

The Lemniscate-the infinite marriage

This immersion into the Collective is well said in Gnostic Text of the Nag Hammadi Library, The Gospel of Didymos Judas Thomas, where it is written that Jesus answered his disciple's question of "When shall we enter the Kingdom?" Jesus said: (22) " When you make the Two One, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female; and when you fashion eyes (2) in place of an eye (I), and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then you will enter the kingdom."

Yeshua obviously knew of the principles attributed to THE LOVERS card, but then he was a Nazarene Gnostic Master which is a Qabalist (ironically, he rebelled against organized religion: hence to believe in the Christ with in all of us, is to not believe in Patriarchy controlled Religion) …the Word Christos is Greek and refers to the Sun, which is the 6th Sephiroth who also happens to be hermaphroditic. Therefore, the Lovers, is a return to the original marriage of Binah and Chokmah, the Divine Creative. (The brackets in the quote within are my own).
The union between the Earth and the Sun, is the union between two Divine Intelligences, for they are both Living Beings.


Thoth Tarot- ATU 14-Art
THE LOVERS card and the marriage that becomes consummated in the ATU 14- ART card of the Thoth Tarot is amongst the most difficult to understand. The Path of the Art Card is represented as the Hebrew letter- Samekh (Meaning Prop shown on both cards is the sign of Gemini) and requires a complete integration of the Personality (lesser ego) in its subordination to the Greater Ego (whole-self) in Tiphareth-The Solar self (Soul) that is a combination of Hermes and Aphrodite (Hermaphrodite) in equal measure.

The Path of THE LOVERS is represented by the Hebrew letter- Zain (Sword or Armor) and requires a complete integration of the total self-manifest in the Microcosm, returning the soul to the aspect of the "Garden" or Macrocosm, from which it emerged. Hence 0=2 who return to the Alchemical solution and coagulation becoming 2=1.
Therefore, the Lovers card is the marriage, achieved by going inward to one's Source and the Art card is the Divine Orgasm of the Consummated marriage that seals together, by fire (Kundalini), the perceived separation of the Anima and Animus so that the "male is no longer male and the female is no longer female."

Hermes and Aphrodite-Lovers

In the Crowley/Harris card, we have the Royal Marriage of opposites, presided over by the hooded figure that is both the Hermit and Mercury. Eve (Compliant Woman) and Lilith (Noncompliant woman) representing pure love (Lilith) and profaned love (Eve), are shown above the couple, with cupid aiming an arrow, symbolizing will.

Hence, the Lover's here is also Eve and Lilith, the compliant woman and the noncompliant woman, must become dancing twins: dancing in harmony and Rythm as a wholeness no longer profaned by Patriarchal male ambition. The Patriarchy divide woman against herself, for a "house divide must fall" and/or divide and conquer is the foundation of indoctrination and dogma and woman is Life. Hence, the indoctrination and dogma of the Patriarchy is all about creating the illusion that male phallus is in charge of life and not the female womb.
Truth being only union of male and female can propagate life, and the Womb is the "creator of form". Hence, she controls the form of being.

On the Thoth Card the Black King wears a crown of gold, bears a lance, and is attended by the Red Lion, while the King's black child holds the lance in one hand and a club in the other. The White Queen, crown in silver, is attended by the White Eagle and her white child, which is interchanged with the black child, holds flowers in one hand and the bottom of the Grail (Womb) in the other. The product of this union is the Orphic Egg (egg wrapped in serpent) that is the very essence of Universal Life itself and making the child born of the Union most important. The Orphic Egg or Egg of Akasha is the 0 who becomes 2.

Egg of Akasha

The Horizonal Eight and/or Lemniscate is the symbol of infinity as 0 (no-thing) becomes 2 (something) by One Vital Life Force twisting upon itself.

The symbolism of the two children, has been noted by Crowley as Cain, which may seem out of place in a card called THE LOVERS.; However, the process of The Marriage is both reciprocal and repeated as it is defined by the infinity sign of Mercury-Magus, since the Sun and the Moon unite under Mercury. First one "Brother" dies, being absorbed into the other than there is a return to a balance of opposites after which the second "Brother" is killed and absorbed into the first.
Theoretically, return to the Godhead requires that we incarnate repeatedly, in the twelve signs of the Zodiac, reaching perfection of united Anima and Animus, in each of the types of incarnation. The Christos/Buddha incarnation is the perfection reached in Tiphareth which means Beauty in English and is the result of cyclic synthesis of Anima and Animus. We are the "dying gods and/or divine creative", yet we are able to reincarnate (resurrect) repeatedly as a form of immortality. The Soul is the infinite Psyche which simply means it is always beginning (a child) and never ending. Hence, we are the ones who can transform the dream of "Self".
Aleister Crowley had Lady Frieda Harris include the figures of Cain and Abel on The Lovers card in the Thoth Tarot to illustrate the duality and complexity inherent in love, unity, and human relationships. For Crowley, the story of Cain and Abel wasn’t just about fratricide but symbolized the tension between opposites—an essential theme in the Hermetic Qabalah and the mystical path of personal transformation.
The Lovers card in Crowley's system goes beyond romantic love to encompass the concept of "alchemical marriage" or the union of polarities, such as light and dark, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious. Cain and Abel, as archetypes, embody this duality. Abel, representing innocence and piety, contrasts with Cain, who symbolizes rebellion and the shadow self. By placing them together, Crowley wanted to show that true unity involves embracing not only harmony and purity but also conflict and shadow.
This inclusion also aligns with Crowley's broader philosophy of Thelema, where every individual is encouraged to seek self-knowledge and confront their inner contradictions. In that sense, Cain and Abel on The Lovers card represent the necessity of integrating opposing forces within the self as part of the Great Work, or the journey toward spiritual wholeness.

Dr. Carl Jung, a well know early 20th century parapsychologist state that inside the unconscious of every man is an example of what to him is his perfect female image and that inside the unconsciousness of every woman is her idea of the perfect male. What is truly fascinating is that the Unconscious is part of our Psyche/Soul and the perfect copy of the Universal Collective Unconscious, and that the anima(female) and animus (male) represent a Soul -0- that equals 2.

Therefore, this Lovers card has metaphysical meanings as it represents the coming together of the first separation. According to Quantum Physics String theory (serpent theory) the quantum particles that we have seen in our "space", are really tips of the string of energy entering our dimension of the Multiverse. When these "points" enter, they split into positive and negative polarities. Hence, they become O=2.
Separate particles go their separate ways; Yet no matter how many light years apart, they are still quantumly entangled (Twin flames to new agers); therefore, when one moves left, the other moves left simultaneously; when one wiggles, the other wiggles, etc.
Since we are all "from the Dark Mother" and/or dark energy and dark matter (the Dark Mater), with quantum "split" into positive male and negative female particles that overtime have gathered a collective of experience and have become "solar self" and/or Souls, we now continually search for our "whole self". This is also the logic behind the twin flame theory of modern "new age" thinking. Somewhere out there, is our one true love: our "other half". Yet we can become equal and combine to the opposite gender due to quantum entanglement, forming "Twin souls" on the Earth plane, without meeting our twin flame.

We all yearn to experience the burning power of our reunion, making us "neither he nor she" but rather a "Whole Spirit". Hence, either the "other" is on earth, or somewhere else in the vastness of the Multiverse and we may or may not find our "Twin flame" physically on earth, but when traveling up the Tree of Self-Knowledge we will meet them via intertwining of frequencies, forming a harmony. And all of a sudden, we have a very special melodious guide in our life motion who is our most beloved and soon we become locked into the Divine Marriage of the "Stars" and our life becomes a pleasure beyond measure.
The lovers happens when the Anima and Animus of the Soul, wake up the equal and dynamic operation of the anima and animus of the brain and going beyond the "human stain" of survival thinking. Creating a "divine hermaphrodite'" on earth" that is called "the Adam Khadmon" (heavenly human) of Western Hermetic Qabalah. It should be noted that we don't need our "twin flame" to become unconditional lovers. Love is born from Wisdom and Understanding uniting as one.
The outer relationships we have on earth reflect the inner relationships we have with our inner-lover-the anima and animus of the Soul. If the Divine Partnership- of the Feminine and Masculine are at odds in our inner-self, none of our outer relationships shall be fulfilling.

Adam Khadmon-"The Heavenly Human".

THE THOTH - ATU 6- and the Lost Soul Tarot-Key 6-The Lovers card also relates to the Hermetic Marriage, or "Chemical Wedding", as written in the 17th century in a text called: The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz which is one of the key documents of the Western Hermetic-Qabalist and considered a Rosicrucian text. I've found this alchemical text very readable, much like a fairy tale, and yet one of the most profound pieces of esoteric or Gnostic symbolism ever written.
The fact that the word Sword or Armor (Zayin) is the word meaning of this path and that blood is spilled on this path, are all reconciled and/ or reinforced in this text. This understanding of united paradoxes requires some meditation on the Alchemical text. Each of us is Female and Male, as the brain shows its Hermaphrodite (Hermes & Aphrodite) construction. Just remember, to be both rational and intuitive in equal measure and you will begin the process of reuniting the Divine Couple within your body, making it the honeymoon suite of the Divine Creative. We may not accurately dream of what that Divine Hermaphrodite is, but rest assured, it has dreamt you into existence.

The Mystic Palette Tarot- Key 6-Lovers
The Mystic Palette Tarot-Key 6-Lovers represents a more traditional concept of the Lovers, in medieval fool's garb. However, all that pertains to the Thoth Card as mundane lovers, is also part of this cards representation as it too represents relationships and choices. Here there may be a decision concerning an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of a potential partner.
As Robert Wang wrote about the Lovers path the Path of Zain (meaning; sword or armor) in his book: THE QABALISTIC TAROT," Thus this path may be considered the aspect of the Garden of Eden, from which mankind was expelled, but to which it may earn re-entry by conscious dealing with what has been called the inner Sun and Moon. The whole key to the Great Work is uniting of the Sun and the Moon under Mercury (the planet ruling Gemini)."

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 6-The Lovers
The Rider-Waite-Smith Key 6- THE LOVERS and the Mystic Palette Lovers card both concentrated on the exoteric meaning of the card rather than the esoteric meaning applied by Crowley in the Thoth Deck. The RWS card displays the "Garden of Eden" myth, complete with the Tree of Knowledge and serpent, with the fiery Sun supporting Angel above. However, the Lovers is truly about the "Garden of Eden" (Universal Collective Psyche) that the Soul leaves to become and individual manifester of human forms (self-image) and a deep inner journey of the Mysteries of self-annihilation to become Whole in Wisdom.
One may applaud Waite for his keeping to the Oath of his Mystery Lodge not to reveal the arcane, but that is considered an archaic practice by Crowley and many other Qabalists who now display the exoteric and esoteric meaning to this Card.

Orphic Egg (The Soul is its reflection):
- Origin: The Orphic Egg is a symbol from ancient Greek Orphism, a religious and philosophical movement associated with the legendary poet Orpheus. Orphism had mystical and initiatory aspects, and the Orphic Egg is a part of its symbolism.
- Symbolism: The Orphic Egg is often depicted as a cosmic egg, representing the primordial state of the universe before creation. It symbolizes the potential for existence and the birth of the cosmos. It is usually depicted with a serpent coiled around it, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
- Components: The Orphic Egg doesn't typically have specific components like the Egg of Akasha but is more a symbolic representation of the undifferentiated state of the universe.
Egg of Akasha:
- Origin: The concept of the Egg of Akasha is derived from Thelema, a modern Western esoteric and occult tradition founded by Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. The term "Akasha" refers to a spiritual or ethereal medium that permeates the universe in various mystical and esoteric traditions.
- Symbolism: The Egg of Akasha is a symbolic concept representing the totality of existence, both the manifest and unmanifest aspects of reality. It is often used to describe the universe in a state of potentiality or as a container of all possibilities. It is a concept that suggests that everything that exists or could exist is contained within this symbolic egg.
- Components: The Egg of Akasha concept doesn't have specific components in the traditional sense. Instead, it symbolizes the idea that all things, including time, space, and consciousness, are interconnected and exist within this metaphysical "egg."
In summary, both the Orphic Egg and the Egg of Akasha are symbolic representations of profound metaphysical concepts in their respective traditions. The Orphic Egg represents the pre-creation state of the universe, while the Egg of Akasha symbolizes the interconnectedness and potentiality of all existence within a mystical and esoteric context (The Soul/Solar Self). These symbols are used to convey deep spiritual and philosophical ideas about the nature of reality and the cosmos.

Egg of Akasha

The Mystic Palette Tarot-Lovers confirm the Thoth tarot descriptions as opposites coming together for a greater purpose. Here is cooperation and compromise and or the surrender of individuality to form a greater magical being. The symbolism of Tarot is a fantastic journey into separation and then back into Oneness by communion.
Here, trust and unity form a solid foundation to any relationship and by sharing your confidence and strength to your partner to empower them. Sometimes this requires what has been termed "tough love".

Yō Chen an ancient teacher/ mentor (363 BCE) of mine once told me, " If you wish to speak to me you must stand, for I will not kneel to your weakness". In all my lives since I have not forgotten this message. Love always supports the strength of another.
When THE LOVERS is thrown during a reading, it is stating a principle of:
- Art and Craft of Relationship.
- What is also suggested is the magical image of the power of surrender in which one form is given up attaining another.
- Being involved in a process of cooperation. ---combining energies for a common goal.
- Yin Yang attraction of polarities, or universal forces for one another.
- The power of sexual surrender to the Goddess/God within.
- This card can also mean a love affair with some sort of trial or choice involved... be it marriage, Divine, or profane love.
- There is the Tantric Philosophy here also, only through physical union with a female/Dakini, can either a man or Immortal Being, achieve true reality and the power to deal with it; A Spiritual/ sexual union, is required for shamans, priests, and holy men with the Divine-Feminine is required before they gain full possession of their powers.
- There is also a process, in ritual magic, for Priestesses, who must be able to invoke the "Divine He" through the Male before they can gain their Powers of "Will to Force", inherited from the Divine Hermetic Marriage
- In other words, the union of rational male right brain with imaginative female left brain must be a thing of beauty.
- Spiritual love.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Unattainable ideal of love.
- Repressive neurosis.
- Indecisiveness.
- Inconsistency within oneself.
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