Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- ATU 1-The Magus

the Declarative Tarot-key1-The Seer

The Declarative Tarot-Path 1-The Seer
Uncolored version

The Thoth Magus and/or the Declarative Tarot-The Seer, is the 1st Trump or Path of Experimental Learning that is associated with the Hebrew Letter-Beth, meaning House, which is called The Path of Beth, and is between Kether (Crown) and Binah (Understanding) on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, making it the transition-Phallic path of the One Undefined Energy from Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth to the Great Organizer Mother Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth. This relationship establishes the meaning of house, Beth, as that of the dwelling place (Womb) where Spirit resides before "falling" and/or coagulating into manifestation. In this case, it is appropriate to call the Magus/Magician that which builds the House. In other words, the Magus/Magician directs and encloses the One Spirit (Spiral Energy-Vital Life Force) which is symbolized by THE FOOL tarot card.

The Supernal Triangle of the Upper Trinity (The World of Azilluth), is represented by Tarot Cards whose activities are only separated by a degree or less. Therefore, the Aspects of the Magus and the Fool are intricately linked. The One Great Being/Greater Self (Note* to a Qabalist a "Being" is an Immortal Intelligent Energy"/Sephiroth) is not sex as we know it. In the Upper Tree of Life, there isn't a species sexuality of any kind. Rather "sexual expression" here is of energy, as in expressed Electric part of Energy/Male or receptive Magnetic part of Energy/Female.

Scholars of the first 5 books of the Bible (the Pentateuch), point out that the letter Beth, seen on the Thoth Magus, is the First letter, as the book of Genesis begins with Bereshith --commonly translated as "in the beginning". Interestingly, *Fabre d'Olivet translated Bereshith as meaning "At First, in principle", knowing that Beth symbolizes the "Beginning of the Beginning"; The Primal Will of the One. Hence, it is called the First Matter of the Alchemist, the Philosophic Mercury and or "First Principle". Because to create a beginning one must create an end, the Magus /Magician also represents the key polarities of creation, Life and Death.
For those who don't know Antoine Fabre d'Olivet (8 December 1767, Ganges, Hérault – 25 March 1825, Paris) he was a French author, poet and composer whose Biblical and philosophical hermeneutics influenced many occultists, such as Eliphas Lévi, Gérard Encausse ("Papus") and Édouard Schuré
His best-known works are on the research of the Hebrew language and the history of the human race entitled (1) The Hebraic Tongue Restored: And the True Meaning of the Hebrew Words Re-Established and Proved by their Radical Analysis, and (2) Hermeneutic Interpretation of the Origin of the Social State of Man and of the Destiny of the Adamic Race. Other works of renown are on the sacred art of music entitled Music Explained as Science and as Art and Considered in its Analog Relationship with Religious Mysteries, Ancient Mythology and the History of the Earth, and a translation and commentary of Pythagoras's thirty-six Golden Verses.
For more information about Fabre d'Olivet, click on the Wikipedia link button provided above.


This process of 0=2 is indicated by the horizontal figure eight (lemniscus) and/ or Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tale, as both represent the closed circle of One Energy,(0=2) begun by the number One -Beth, acting on the Zero-Aleph, THE FOOL The Lemniscus symbolizes the Act of Turning upon oneself as a Twisting or Spiraling- creating Male and Female infinite circles of Force in the ONE Energy and is also referred to as the Sexual Dance of God/Goddess; the Divine Creative. This spinning together of infinite male and female polarities are also shown above the head the Thoth Magus as a caduceus. Originally there was no motion in the "mind stuff" because there is no Action in the Crown or Mind of God until Will disturbs it. That Will is the Magus /Magician. Therefore, the magical chant of," I am the will. I am the way, I am the wealth, I own the Day." is most apropos to this card. [For an entertaining story of the first relationship between the letters Aleph and Beth, I would suggest one reads the Zohar, a Qabalistic text.]

Thoth Tarot-ATU 1-The Magus
However, even though the Magus is associated with Mercury/Hermes the Messenger of the Gods, he is not all active. In fact, he is both active and passive, as he is both that which Transmits and that which is transmitted (A phallus-Wand and expressed energy)! The Magus represents both the One Life Energy which when transmitted to the 3rd Sephiroth-Binah (Understanding) becomes the Prima Materia (First Matter or Semen of Will which be commonly known as Focused Thought that impregnates creation). Here an understanding of the fact that the Magus (Mercury) is the "message bearer" of the Immortal Beings, meaning he is not Himself the Creator, only the bearer of his Will much as the semen is the bearer of the genes of the Father. Therefore, the Magus is the ejaculator of will (The whole Supernal Triangle is the action/Will of the Divine Phallus and Womb as energy must flow between polarities.). The Wand, traditionally seen in The Magician's hand (Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot-and most Traditional Tarot) but not shown in hand of the Thoth or Declarative Tarot Seer Card, symbolizes this phallic action. The usage of the wand implies that the Magic is merely the Transmitted will of the Greater Being that is the Supernal Triangle or Trinity. The body of the Thoth Magus is the Wand, just as the human body is the magic wand of the Soul. In the Thoth ATU-1-the magical tools of the Magus float around him; the sword, the cup, the fire, and the winged orphic egg (the Universal Egg) and even a goose quill pen (upper left) and scroll (upper right) implying that a secret knowledge floats in the swirling energy he is suspended in.



The Roman, Mercury, is the Greek Hermes (shown with erect phallus) and the Egyptian- Thoth, all represent the same deity, the amalgamation of their qualities having become inseparable in modern esoteric literature. Hermes, as was Thoth, was always associated with words. This makes sense as a messenger must simply state the cause of the one who has sent him. Then there is the Egyptian- Thoth, who created the hieroglyphs, which developed the necessary means by which a message could be transmitted and recorded. He was considered an Alien Astronaut Scientist (Anunnaki-"Those who from the heavens came to earth") who taught mankind science, architecture, mathematics, and language, among other forms of technology.

The Angels that "fell to earth".

The companion of Thoth/Hermes, was shown as a dog-headed Ape (Cynocephalus), representing words themselves, and their potential for deception and misunderstanding. Hence, we have Cynocephalus, included in the Thoth Deck card, laying at the feet of the Magus in the same way that the Magus transmits the Willed idea of Self-Creation of the One -Kether and/or The I AM. The Transmitted idea of I AM (I Will Be), from The Magus, Fertilizes the ONE Womb (Understanding) that is the Great Mother Binah (The Creatrix of Consciousness) just as words fertilize Consciousness! Thus, the power of Words, is about stimulating the birthing of unconscious ideas into conscious images of Understanding, by the Power of Expression, but not necessarily the Truth of Creation. The Truth is "I AM" what that "I AM" is produces only assumptions; Therefore, Truth Must Be Made Manifest (THE PRIESTESS) as Knowledge. Before knowledge there is data/information, but information does not become knowledge before it can be intimately experienced. Hence, "Truth is made manifest", implies one must have a body on Malkuth-"a Me", the goal of the "I AM" before information can become knowledge. Okay, this concept may be so subjective, that it may be difficult to understand, but try scrying the card. Your meditative observation will open your consciousness to the flow of the Collective Unconscious where greater knowledge is stored. For when an idea is Understood, it becomes information. Information, received, expressed, and then experienced, becomes knowledge. Therefore, what is to become knowledge must be proven by in-form-action.

To reiterate: THE MAGUS is the Path of Beth (house or temple), and it transmits the idea of Self-Creation of the One from above-known as Kether (Crown). A spoken word is a sound that carries an idea, so the Magus (traditional Magician) is associated with the First Vibration or Word of God from the God Name of Kether, which is described by the Hebrew as Eheieh-"I Will BE". This First Vibration encloses Spirit, the Will that holds all things together, beginning the process of creation, thus encompassing All That Is. In the Golden Dawn papers, this idea was conveyed by relating the Mercury symbol (planetary sign) to all the Sephiroth, except for Kether/Eheieh. You may note that the Horns spring from Daath, often called the invisible Sephiroth but really it is the conjunction of Chokmah (Great Father and Binah (Great Mother), a face-to-face union-(the path of the door- Empress), that creates what is called the Divine Hermaphrodite -"The Priestess" who in turn is the invisible Sephiroth Daath from which emerges The Divine Child (The Soul). This is understandable, since Wisdom (Chokmah) and Understanding (Binah) conjoin in the birthing of information (Daath), the Womb of the Supernal Triangle, and knowledge becomes in-form-action after the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth-Beauty establishes form. Before Tiphareth, there are no forms, below Tiphareth-The Solar Self, measured forms begin.

Consequentially the showing of Mercury on the Caduceus, properly places the Four Worlds, [Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah], that are transitions of the Wand of the Magus, Kether is the Winged Orb at the top. By deeper delving into the Golden Dawn tests, the student will find that the Primum Mobile, Latin for "first motion”, is acting through Philosophic Mercury (Magus) on Saturn-Binah, who is Will to Form or Creatrix of Time/Space. As stated before, she is the Mother of Form and the Magus is the Idea of Being and/or will. The association with writing and words, is shown on the Thoth Magus card, by the goose feather pen on the right and the parchment scroll on the left of this "head dress" wand that is intertwined with the twin serpents of "life and death". The activity of first motion acting on Saturn-Binah, is words or Vibration and whoever can willfully direct the Vibration of the First Motion, (often referred to as the Buddhist sound- Aum) shall command the Universal Force. This Mastery of the Universal motion is called the "Moves-Moves" among certain Native American nations, and/or the "motion within the movement" of the Metaphysical Mysteries. Quantum physicists would call it the "Dark energy that pushes the Universe", while Qabalists call it the Magus/Magician and understand that Death pushes Life forward into expanding and liberating evolution.

Dr. Paul Foster Case, the best known American Qabalist, in his Book of Tokens, stated that, "all created wills are but reflections …of the Will that is the Magus". This is an essential ideal of the Mysteries and acknowledges the fact that our Superior Nature (Divine I AM) acts through the aspect of Higher Self called the Magus/Magician. In the Crowley card, unlike the Modern Witch Tarot, Spiral Tarot, Golden Dawn card, or Rider-Waite-Smith card or the Haindl Tarot Card, THE MAGUS is not holding a Wand, the primary instrument of the MAGICIAN cards; Rather, THE MAGUS is the Wand, He is the Phallus of Expressed Will, which Crowley understood. This Subjective Phallus is not an object. All Objects are begun as the idea/potential of form by Binah, who is the Will to Form but do not manifest until after Tiphareth, the Soul, builds them as "Self-Images". Due to Victorian peccadilloes, Lady Frieda Harris didn't illustrate an erect phallus on the Thoth Magus, although the ancient statues of Hermes show him as a bust with an erect phallus. However, the modern Magus/Magician understands that the Whole Body of the Magus is the erect phallic agent of Will.

Hermes (Herm)

Divya Linga
This acknowledgment of "First Motion" or transmission of energy is also shown in the symbolic Lingam idol of the Hindus (or it is an image of a nuclear power plant as proposed by Ancient Alien believers) and or the Phallus- God Priapus of the Romans. Without the Transmitted Will of the One, understanding of an idea cannot become a Form of Understanding (Thought Form). This may seem a complex idea and requires deep meditations on THE MAGUS /Magician card, and a release of Victorian sensibilities, as we are describing the First SEX Action in the Universal Duality of 0=2. That Action produced our Higher Self called I AM, who is the form of knowledge expressed by the Abyssal Womb as the Divine Mind of the union of Will, Force, and Understanding; the Self Concept of I AM ME as a Soul (Tiphareth) and/or Sun of the Divine Creative has produced the establishment of form as "ME". Here, the -I is the Will and the Am is the form of that Will and the Me is the manifestation of their Union. Caution: This concept could make your forehead itch! So let us just say that the Will of Kether, called "Eheieh", meaning "I Will Be" is the first Exhaled- Spiral Breath of Spirit/vibrations in the Universe and carried with it the fertile idea of "Being", establishing the "Will to Form", Grail-enclosure, that is Mother of Understanding, Binah.

The illustration of the Tree of Life upper Triangle, that shows a path of Aleph-the Fool- to the 2nd Sephiroth-Chokmah and the Path of Beth of the Magus to Mother Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth of Understanding, connecting both "First Feminine"-Understanding and "First Masculine" expressions of the Will To Force and/or Wisdom can mislead one to think there was some kind of linear "first and last created" Sephiroth in the Upper Trinity. However, this is not so, the whole trinity is a simultaneous creation of I AM. 0=2; O being nothing, 1st Sephiroth is Will, 2nd, and 3rd Sephiroth combine- being I AM. I Am is the name of the Divine Creative and it is our inherited name of the Soul. I Am/Establishment of Existence, begins all ideas of Self. (I Am healthy, I Am Sick, I Am wealthy, I Am impoverished, I Am Joy, I Am Sadness, I AM Life, I Am human... etc. ). This ability to define yourself is pure magic and freedom of choice! So, beware how you use your power of "I AM", for here dwells Dragons as well as Saints! For Example: To say, "I Am sick and tired...." will invite dragons of sickness and weariness into your day!

Adam Khadmon-"The Heavenly Human"

the Declarative Tarot-key 1-The Seer
The Declarative Tarot-Key 1-The Seer illustrates a tall powerful animal that is loving, gentle, and kind. Regardless of gender, giraffes create loving partnerships among themselves. Therefore, the giraffe reminds us that adversity must be faced by standing tall, to honor our uniqueness and to be compassionate and loving during our "hero's journey" on the Path. Also predominantly present is a magpie, a highly intelligent member of the Covid family equipped with a high reason ability, a good memory of faces and places, as well as a great escape artist who also aids other covid to escape; hence they are master communicators. The Hermes of birds! They remind us to communicate, care for others and to trust one's skill set. The quill-pen reminds us to be our own authority/authors of our "Path of knowledge" and/or book of Self. The scroll is a nod towards our own Akashic records that hold knowledge of our first Soul "lifetime" creation to the one of today. The body is supposed to be operated by the awake conscious "original Persona" of the Soul and not some manmade personality created out of the hypnosis of words controlled by those few who wish to rule the many. Here it pays to remember we are not a "brain" but a vast energetic identity of the One Mind. Hence, we are vast in experience, as those records can be opened by you as a wealthy inheritance and are often called "past life viewing".
The lit candle, whose flame forms the smoking symbol of the Lemniscate and/or symbol for infinity, which is often shown above the head of a magician Traditional Tarot Card such as, The Rider-Waite-Smith Key 1-The Magician. Here one is reminded that we must take the first step forward on the path of Self-discovery by lighting the candle of inner will and that our choices do not evaporate into nothingness but are stored as information in the Universal Collective Self. Inner-Fire is felt as passion and/or desire power and lights your way from within. Passion is focused will and emotion (energy-in-motion), and a great power that can move mountains.
By my short blog interpretations, I don't do any justice to the magnificent descriptions supplied by Grace Sequoia. Therefore, I recommend that you get her book-Declarative Tarot along with her Declarative Tarot Deck of which she leaves each card uncolored, as coloring is part of the personal journey of focused willful passion. You can use the above provided link.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot -Key 1-The Magician

When THE MAGUS/SEER is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- Communication and timing and that all things are possible, with applied Will and understanding.
- There is an implication of the magic of Universal Vital Force traveling through the human body making one in-tune with the most creative and powerful aspects of your-Self; As above, so below.
- Changing the structure of your living situation by focused action.
- Will and focused consciousness.
- An awareness of Power, and possession and communication of the Powers (Focused will that fertilizes creativity in oneself and others) and Gifts of Spirit (Divine senses).
- Power.
- Strength.
- Being in control of one's life.
- Transforming old situations, bringing in new ones.
- A burst of energy.
- Focused Will.
- Study and control.
- Manifesting the Masculine divine.
- Auspicious card for beginning something new.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Blocked natural expression of energy.
- Inner resistance.
- Arrogance.
- Misuse of personal power.
- Over confidence and/or an unchecked ego.
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