
Thoth- atu 11-lust
The Qabalistic Tree of Life Path-of Teth (meaning snake).
The anima, and animus of Earth, are the many faces of life that all are under the leadership of the Active Goddess. This is the universal principle of Passion, awareness and aliveness! This is self-esteem, and the courage necessary to acknowledge the inner convictions so necessary to manifest as the Passionate Creative-Self. In all of us is this irresistible strength of Earth; this Divine Frenzy.
However, in most of us, are divided against ourselves and devote the creative power of lust to good and bad creativity. Resulting in division of forces and unable to call upon the inner power that cleaves us from our chains of fear based self-imposed slavery.

We are Divinity dancing as the active Goddess and God whose self-expression is "Being" and/or in-form-action!
When this card falls in a reading, it means that you are in union with or you should be listening to the passionate roar of I Am that resides in your very essence of soul in order to find the bliss within that radiates you as it’s very creative and unashamed self in form. We live now! We are not to be "wanna-be's" who are the faux life of the past, hoping for a pretend future, therefore, not living the truth of today's passionate expression of I Am Me! Our definition belongs to no one, not our environment, not our parents, not our rulers and not our theologians –our definition belongs only to our passionate creative self as the Divine grant of “freedom of choice”. Divinity gave you the right to define yourself as an image of the Supreme Being (Qabalah tree of life). Peer pressure, words of mankind, or media descriptions, are not your definition!

To those of magic, lust is not obsession with the opposite sex. It is obsession with being in union with the One. It is the luster of Will- that ejaculated this universe of self into self- manifestation in the womb of “To Be”. It is the indivisible creative strength of I Am Me that radiates through us, outward, as a sun of creative passion that restores life in the dead. Therefore even in the most mundane indolence, there is that can dance!
-Eli Serabeth, the class text: Enfleshenment

We see in this card the universal myth known as "beauty and the beast". The Lust card represents the beauty (Tiphareth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life) that is represented in all of us as combinations of talent, gifts, and creative resources which can quell our bestial natures, not by trying to suppress it, but by uniting with it and taking it beyond survival thinking. When our body, mind and spirit are in a balanced combination of movement and repose--we manifest divine beauty. On the Thoth Lust card, the multi-headed lion represents the beasts within which Beauty has tamed to do her creative biding. She expands and liberates the living from their past bonds of survival thinking onward to greater achievements of courageous creation. She is sex.
Lust comes from the root word Lustre which is radiance. We cannot shine if we are not in our strength. Fear of our "beasts within" steadily weakens us until we cannot radiate our purpose on this earth. Beauty created us to radiate ourselves into the movement of life...we are the Spirit intercoursing with the Beast! We all have much more purpose than we can see! Strength and Lustre are inseparable partners in creation. This can easily be seen as a soft and spongy mushroom pushes through hard concrete as if it was mere soggy tissue paper. In all of us is this quiet manifestation of strength.

The Thoth Deck LUST card, ATU-11, replaces the traditional STRENGTH card of tarot, so in Thoth Tarot-ATU 11 is used in card comparisons in the position of the traditional Key-8-Strength.
So it may be confusing when I place it in the Path of Teth, which is normally called STRENGTH with the Tarot of Druids Key 11. However, Key 11 and ATU 11-Lust carry the same meanings of celebration. Therefore I choose to compare them together in this comparison.
As I stated, I agree with Aleister Crowley's expansion of the STRENGTH card, into the LUST card, because it is the Passionate Vital Force of Universal Construction, "the motion within the movement" of everything. Lust is the Passionate expression of the- I AM as Two, the I-phallus and the Am-womb, who then Join to become One Passionately enjoined Divine Creative that creates all, i.e.,0=2.

The Active and Passive force of Kundalini, and/or of the Lion-Serpent is an inherited ignition system that kickstarts our Divinity and/or causes a "supernova" in the brain, boosting its transmission ability and rebooting its ability to receive the microwaves of the Macrocosmic Mind . This sexual force can also be called "Serpent theory" instead of the Quantum Physics "String Theory", where every particle has a serpentine string of active and passive energy with in it. In other words, there is within all, vibratory strings of Vital Fiery Force. Thus, Lust, where active and passive forces come together, seems a more appropriate understanding of the underlying "motion" of Life.
The Kundalini, or Fiery Lion Serpent is the vital aspect of Life Force, which in manifestation, is duality of passivity and activity. Kundalini is known as the Sacred Fire, when in its active phase, purposely unleashed by Will/Spirit. It may stun the ignorant, but Spirit is Sex, hence, spirituality is sexuality!

The UNIVERSE ATU 21, is the completion of the LUST CARD, and you'll see the Woman figure riding the Lion Serpent on the Lust card, dancing with the Serpent Force in the Universe card. Both illustrations are veils, concealing of principles, though at different ends of manifestation. LUST is the beginning of the Microcosm and THE UNIVERSE is the completion of it. Both of these cards are of that which is Phallus and Womb, at the Highest Level, the womb-man who has tamed the Lion-Serpent and the womb-man who dances in space surrounded by the Cherubim of the four elements are both expressions of that which is the EMPRESS- ATU 3.

Again, this is a very powerful path and those of sensitive psyche, will be profoundly affected. One must appreciate the fact, that this Path of Teth, Lust Card, is a statement of methodology; whereby the Will controls the Vital Life Energy. We must also remember, that the word Power, means "the ability to do work" and our body, if loved as a master Craftsman loves and adores one's favorite-tools, gives us Will - to-Power in this dimension of crystallized energy; a power to weave our very own Vital Life Force into masterpieces of intimate movement and repose! So let us all ride the “Lion Serpent” or Inner Dragon, with the powerful presence of loving control and shameless presence! This is the Divine Frenzy that obliterated one and split into two; 0=2. It is therefore, a form of
self-annihilation as the process of becoming two, returns to 0=2. When Force and Form, become One a Dragonish expression of Frenzy and Form becomes in-form-action; when the Red-Babalon (Crowley’s spelling for purposes of Gematria) unites with the Golden Fiery Force of the Solar Husband, the offspring are Beautiful Monsters. Genetically modified Organisms derived from Angelic and animal interbreeding, the biblical Nephilim, that resulted from the Union of "angels" (those who from the sky came) and mankind to challenge the rules of limits and expand them if not to eliminate them altogether.
To "explode" within, requires a focused willful spiritual intelligence, and not some mad Hatter type of personality, that can't even control its own thought.Therefore, Skry the Lust card only after you are capable of holding one thought or image/yantra focus during an entire meditation! Any Psyche that Touches the Lust OF The Great Father/Mother, will be profoundly charged, changed, and expanded beyond comfortable perspectives; all of which can be dangerous to our delicate denial based egos formed out of victimization of children (mental-emotional and physical).
In other words, one must be diligently trained in channeling higher and higher vibratory levels of Vital Life Force/Greater Self, before they "Ride the Lion-Serpent". The Lust here is a rapture/ecstasy where the whole Spirit and Whole body, are One Blazing Star.
Hence, this is not for the "ordinary" person, for even the "little lust" of the manifested (Microcosm) seems to be beyond the cultural ego's control, as every politicians "secret life" of greed and sexual conquest will show. It is hard to imagine, what the Macrocosmic Lust would do to such a weak psyche... but then again, we have examples in Adolf Hitler, etc., where lust becomes a violent form of masturbation.

Lust represents a very important initiatory formula dealing with Serpent Power. This Spiraling Power is the Force that opens, stimulates or spools up all the Chakras (energy centers) in the Human body. The Principles embedded in the Lust Card, tell us how to use this power. This is a "Divine Frenzy" which when stated alchemically becomes; “the heat of the furnace makes the Stone" or if religious; “inflame thyself with Prayer". The Heat applied, is the Great Passionate release of solar energy in the confines of a condensed magnetic field that is the homo sapiens sapiens. This Heat or burning is experienced often in Tantric exercises, or the exercise of the Middle Pillar (Aleister Crowley's book, 777), all of which I recommend the interested party research.

Crowley's imagery may shock some, as he presents the Whore of Babylon, taming the Lion-Serpent but then he understood that the epitome of virginity (sign of Virgo), was the Sacred Virgins of the Temples, before Christianity, made them "evil women" or Saints, of which both perspectives were confusingly applied. The Christian word 'Whore" is a bastardization of the Greek word, Hetacrate, meaning female companion. The profaning of what used to be sacred is a common Christian mechanism for ruling the imagination of the mass.

The Scarlet woman represents the sexual ecstasy pouring from every pore in her body. Her desire is more than just a presentation of naked skin, her lust is rapture and divine energy. As Crowley stated:" She rides astride the beast; in her left hand she holds the reins, representing the passion that unites them. In her right hand she holds aloft the cup, the Holy Grail aflame with love and death". .. Yet as if that wasn't enough, he goes on to explain:
"There is in this card a divine drunkenness or ecstacy. The Woman is shown as more than a little drunk, and more than a little mad; and the lion also is aflame with lust. This signifies the type of energy described is of the primitive, creative order; it is completely independent of the criticism of reason. This card portrays the will of the Aeon. In the background are the bloodless images of the saints, on whom this image travels, for their whole life has been absorbed into the Holy Grail."

Here is represented the Spirit of Dionysus, a greek god (or the Roman god Bacchus), who seeks physical satisfaction in the plump and juicy abysses of lustful debauchery, and also the sensual, intimate, potential expanding into a cosmic experience, all-embracing love, and/or a supernova of oriastic energy when the inner animal "explodes" and transforms the creative (spirit) energy within to become Horus-The Sun of The Divine Creative. The lion represents the "animal instincts". When tamed this lion represents the expression of harmony of the civilized person with his/her animalistic nature and/or the "subconscious".

The Thoth Lust Card imagery, represents the Tantric Sri Yantra, the most important of all Tantric Yantras as it is a diagram that symbolizes the playful, creative, and sexual nature of the Universe and the resulting continuation of creation. The small dot in the center is the *bindu or bindi, representing the cosmic seed which is the undifferentiated potential energy that gives rise to the nine **navachakras, five female and four male triangles. As a if a fractal of energy, these nine intersecting triangles weave in and out of each other. adding up to 28 downward pointing triangles (female) and 24 upward pointing triangles (male), the interplay of which represents the entirety of creation.
Traditionally, the bindi is worn on the forehead of married Hindu women. It symbolizes female energy and is believed to protect women and their husbands. Bindis are traditionally a simple mark made with the paste of colored sandalwood, sindoor or turmeric. The bindi is most commonly a red dot made with vermilion.
** For more information on Navachakras click on this link:https://shrifreedom.org/vedic-astrology/navatara-chakra/
The Divine Creative is sex. In humans, this Creative Mind is the erotic/sexual impulse that is so strong it pervades almost every area of life, thought, dream and fantasy. Even after death, their is the Stygian sexuality-the sexual drive that continues on into the astrals (underworld) and its manifestations seem to continue and there are marvels of information concerning the phenomena of Stygian sexuality. The term Stygian, is drawn from the River Styx myth, a river that the dead must cross upon entering the underworld. Sex is the union of the electric and magnetic. Even atoms, electrons, molecules cling together in a sexual dance. Then there is the many books on succubi and incubi, or the case of spectrophilia, sex with spirits of the dead. In this Universe the 0=2 and the resulting 2 are always trying to get back together, becoming 2=0.
For further research, I recommend the book THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SACRED SEXUALITY by Rufus C. Camphausen.

the tarot of druids-key 11- conchobar
The Tarot of Druids- XI-Conchobar, represents the divinity that presided at the November 1st celebration which signaled the beginning of the new year. Conchobar roughly means "lover of hounds", which can link with the lust card's lover of the animal mind and/or harmony with nature. Plus he resides over New Year celebrations, as a "party animal" and/or a Celtic equivalent of Dionysus. He was said to be an Irish king whose love was for a woman who ran off with another......You can find more information at:
Conchobar mac Nessa | Mythology Wiki | FandomWhen the Lust or Conchobar card is thrown during a reading:
- It means the querent is relying on spiritual powers to manage the situation at hand and is receiving the strength to overcome.
- Following one’s own inner light, doing what their "heart of heart".
- Inner -self, says it is right.
- There can be an experiencing of a "gut level" driving force, instinctual. And compelling for protection or survival.
- Also, possessing the courage of one's convictions.
- The strength of Passion, in the Higher Nature, which are dragon like power, courage, energy, action and magnanimity.
- One is experiencing the Law of Self-Domination, self-rule and self-control
- This card represents the querent’s' passion, awareness, and aliveness
- A symbol that you have a strong faith in your abilities. You have no qualms about relying on the spiritual powers within in order to handle the situation at hand.
- In other words you radiate your inner beauty.
- Harmony with nature.
- Instinct that prevails over reason.
- Strength, power, vitality.
- Charisma.
When surrounded by ill defined cards:
- Weakness.
- Lack of fulfillment.
- Depression.
- Aggression, perversion, and addiction as a result of repressed instincts.
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