
Thoth- ATU 15-The Devil

Santa Muerte-Key 15- The Devil

On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, The Devil-Key/ATU 15, is the 26th Path on the Tree of Life and is called The Path of Ayin. The 26th path connects the 6th Sephiroth of the Solar Logos, Tiphareth with the Sephiroth-Hod, that is the sphere of Mercury and the intellect. The Path of Ayin, meaning "eye", is the Path of "I" ( The "all seeing eye" is the symbol for the first "I") and is formative. In the terms of Self structure, it is the bridge between The Personality and individuality/identity.
As I have stated so often before, the Solar Logos, is the Original Personality of the Divine Child of the Divine Creative, i.e. the Son/Sun. Note: this is not a sexual description of a species, rather it is an "Energetic one", For the Son of the Divine is a Sun that sends "solar flares" (Divine Energy and Data) outward as individual expressions of It's own Self ( Personality); from Self into selves that circumnavigate, through the experiences of self-awareness back to Self, i.e. from Tiphareth to Malkuth and back up the Tree to Tiphareth again. Tiphareth is the "Soul".

As stated; The Hebrew letter Ayin means -Eye (I) and is a simple letter that also Means-Mirth. This double meaning may invite confusion; However, rest assured, that this Path of Ayin is one of the most difficult for western people to understand, for interpretation flies in the face of Christian cultural definitions that have been applied to the Devil.

In Barbra G. Walker's Book [ THE WOMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHS AND SECRETS] which has been honored by the London Times Educational supplement as 1986 "Book of the Year", the provenance of the word devil is noted as Persian. She states." The Words "devil" and "divinity" grew from the same root, Indo-European devi (Goddess) or deva (God), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. Thus it seems that, from the beginning, gods and devils were often confused with one another." She goes on to explain such enlightening scholarship that I highly recommend this book to anyone who seeks an honest education. This confusion of gods and devils, is also why the Devil card, ATU 15 is a gematria 1+5=6; which is the Christ-Buddha consciousness 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth. Hence, it is the "unseen" or shadow side of the Sun of God.

There is another fact here that may hide from reason, and that is the combination of the words Devi (Goddess)and Lingam (Male phallus), is Divya Linga (Sanskrit word for Divine- lingam) that is always shown with the Yoni as its base. Therefore, Divya Linga has also been interpreted by propagandists of Christian past, as the word Devil, which actually bespeaks of the Greek Zeus Christos or "Sun of God" as the Solar Phallus. Hence, the Christian Devil is always shown with a phallic tail as if it is a mutated hermaphrodite. Much to study here as most of our "knowledge" is propaganda based misconstructions conceived by the Patriarchy to blind us to our truth!

To the Qabalist, the Devil is not viewed as an evil entity (lived spelled backward) having its own god-like existence. Rather, it represents a special mystery (Arcana) that must be experienced and understood before we can hope to directly know the Higher Self. Within our Physical bodies. The Devil is the intelligence that is Master of Manifest form (the Instinctual Mind) and/or our corrupted ego which we meet on the Path of Ayin, and must face and conquer. The Path of Ayin, takes the traveler into an understanding that we are entering a transition between the intellect of programed consciousness (individual conscious) and true spiritual conscious. In other words, our Brain, which is an artificial intelligence, is our Devil; not because it is "bad" but because it has been profaned by garbage"wet ware". Hence, "garbage in, garbage out". This profaning of the Self-identity, is how one is divided against their Body, Mind and Spirit thereby forming an ego that belongs to the culture and indoctrination thereof, rather than the true Soul. Hence, the devil is always linked with illusion and the moon.
On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, 3 Paths lead directly into Tiphareth:THE DEVIL -Key/ATU 15, ART -Key/ATU 14 called Temperance in traditional Medieval Tarot decks, and DEATH -Key/ATU 13. Although each of these paths represents a special trial for the initiate, each student is not required to travel all 3 internal Paths.

One way to experience Path Travel is the Devotional Path of the Middle Pillar or Pillar of Mildness, where one need only experience the Path of Samekh (meaning- Prop)- the Art Card-
ATU 14 (Temperance in other decks), leading from Yesod (Foundation) to Tiphareth (Beauty). This is more of a gentle path of the Mystics and demands less mental and emotional will from the Student. The Magi's way of following each and every Path, means the acquisition of control over Forces which each Path symbolizes: every Path confers a unique power/"magic ability". Therefore, a Magus is an active Force of Creation, rather than a Passive one. The difference here, is that the Traveler of the Middle Path does learn to balance and knows that within the Self, the forces of the twenty-two Paths exist as a collective of "One God", but to really understanding these conceptual states of conscious energy develops the ability personally control them in "movement and repose" reaching an equilibrium of Self that is Whole; the Spiritual purpose for the human body!
Now I know,that some students of the Occult (hidden mysteries) enter into the studies seeking a type of "Raw Power", hoping to control others and circumstances to avoid pain and "doing unto others before they can do unto them". Such misinformed students soon learn that if such Power is acquired and then misused there is a devastating price to pay. So there is no question that for the timid, the Middle Path is much safer than facing and conquering the temptations of the ego and the Magical Path of I AM.

THE DEVIL represents the Raw Power (Mars), it is the Force that brings about the transmutation of THE TOWER (key 16) and is in the sign of Capricorn (also shown as the Goat or Goat like image on the Waite and Crowley card), which is where Mars is exalted. Capricorn, is a weighty, even blind sign of earth and symbolizes the highest and lowest states of individual personality. Yet it is considered a sign of initiation, or release from matter formed limitations. These material limitations are suggested by the astrological rulership of Capricorn by Saturn, the Planet of Binah, The Great Mother, that governs the limitations of form, such as Time/Space, as does Saturn. These limitations are of the enclosure of matter or of time, the artificial system by which we meter and enclose all activities and/or information. Therefore, THE DEVIL also represents the average person's misconception of "reality"; a perceptive belief that the material eyesight and/or-sensual condition is "Real", even though it is controlled by an ego programed since youth, to believe in a 2 dimensional world of "good and bad".

rider-waite-smith tarot-key 15-the devil
The Qabalist knows the physical-material world as the "1%" world, and realizes that the other invisible ”99%” (often called "the other side of the Mirror") is the unseen Real. This misconception of reality is symbolized on the head of the Rider-Waite -Smith DEVIL, by the upside down pentagram on the entities head. The upside down pentagram indicates delusion of "upside down" thinking, as our ideas of spirituality and reality are upside down and/or viewed falsely, as it is positioned over the "Third Eye" of Inner Sight which is the true "I" sight. The total misconceptions of Life based on indoctrinated fear, is what the devil card implies. The "knee jerk" controlling of fear is the dark evil that lurks in the labyrinth of our subordinated-subconscious minds.
The misconception of reality is symbolized in two ways on the Thoth Deck-THE DEVIL card; the smirking mouth and the Goat represents the humorous figure of the childhood nemesis the "Bogeyman". This "Bogeyman" is more of a demonized Emperor on the Santa Muerte Tarot- Key 15, actually implying the "Patriarchy".

Rather than show the Devil as some demonic netherworld god, the Thoth Tarot cards emphasizes the knowledge that our belief in the illusion of matter (Matter is only .4% visible as our bodies are 99.6% space!) is actually laughable while also implying that laughter is a humorous approach to our lives and is a tool which will help our consciousness to transcend the illusion of "thinking it to believe it". Mirth is the first great corrective and helps us not to take our egoic perceptions of the material world seriously, which only means "fearfully". Therefore, The Devil cautions us not to believe everything we think for our true identity, is the Master of Time/Space... i.e. Imagination or as I like to say, " I-Magi-Nation".
It pays to note that the indoctrinated Survival Mind of the animal-brain, is our Devilish tempter that tricks us into believing we are as Moons who are at the mercy of Forces rather than the Magus (The Sun) who manipulates these forces. The Wisdom of the ages, tells one to not believe in the Christian Devil. That the darkness within is merely our fear based thinking initiated by the survival mind of the biological brain that is stimulated by imaginary bogey men, created by those who wish to rule our imaginations through the manipulation of pleasure-pain training, i.e., reward and punishment.
These delusions of mental weakness, are shown on the Tarot, as a dark and unwholesome nightmare apparition of predator. Hence, the Shadow Side of our mind is our fear of fate, forces, and other states of enslaved thinking, and/or "superstitions", brought on by our fear of pain, death etc. Also, the limited physical sight, rather than insight, can be the bogeyman creator that keeps us from exercising our free Will/Spiritual Power, as we constantly react to the environment rather than the Spiritual Act of acting in that environment. This is the Trick of the ego controlled sensuality, it makes us believe only in reaction as reality rather than the Action, that makes the Real of Things. The ego's trick is to make you believe it is you. It isn't even close to being what you really are for you are the evolution of "I AM" the Divine Creatives "Self-Awareness" as in-form-action.

Spirit is action, the body is reaction. Our Action must control our reaction, if we are to exercise our Divine Freedom of Choice. When reacting to others, we are choosing to be ruled by them and spend our lives trying to appease them while we are in a constant state of fear pf being rejected. This nature childish fear of rejection that is profaned by the indoctrination of the Patriarchy, is shown as a bouquet of little blue flowers, known as "Forget me nots". "Forget me not" is another way of saying "fear of rejection".

The Inner Path of the Hebrew letter- Ayin, means Eye, a representation of the true "I" and/or our Soul/Psyche. Hence, if we believe in only what our physical eyes show us, we lose our inner "I" sight, shown as the All Seeing Eye, that is on the Forehead of the Thoth Tarot- Goat, which also symbolizes the astrological sign of Capricorn.
The Qabalist knows that there is nothing in the Universe that is not of One Mind. The devil, as we are taught, is merely a postulation of those who wish to rule the knowledge by keeping others ignorant and making them fear their body senses through manipulation of imagination. Once, the Spirit, Mind and body are divided, by dogma, one becomes a "brain bedeviled".

Intellectually the "Devil " Tarot indicates a state of mind that is a source of forms, a mind of measurement and appearance of relative existence and is also the necessary intellectual means of reaching the Christ-Buddha consciousness that is Tiphareth, the 6th Sephiroth-Beauty- on the Tree of Life. For without measurement, there is no self-awareness and therefore, no discernment. That is why this necessary state of mind, is also called the "Lord of the Gates of Matter and the Child of the forces of Time" (see the Emerald Tablet). The Devil then is both Tempter and Redeemer and/or ego. He is also described as the "Prince of the Powers of Air", indicating that this state of energy conscious is mediating in the flow of Astral currents; Air being understood here as being the whole of Yetzirah, the Astral and/or Formative Plane of Mind where the Identity/I AM, which controls the ebb and flow of Matter.

Therefore, the inner Path of Ayin, confers the ability to bring the upside down pentagram indicating "matter's rule over spirit", right side up. Right side up, the pentagram indicating Spirit's rule over matter; which is another way of saying, the ability to reverse the currents of astral light from nightmares to daily power. This process begins with the intellect of Hod (Splendor) and leads into the intuition of Tiphareth (Beauty). Thus, Dr. Paul Foster Case in his text -The Thirty-Two Paths to Wisdom, calls the Devil the Renewing Intelligence. The Qabalist understands that only through the forces of the Devil/Ego and our right understanding of them, can we come directly to the Higher Consciousness of the Son/Sun of The Divine Creative.

It behooves us to remember that the word manifestation actually means to create illusion, and while manifestation is the necessary means to create the illusion of the earthly Avatar for one of Light and therefore, to create measurement for the infinite Soul/psyche, who has no measurement. Therefore, it is the "dissolution" of these forms that is absolutely essential to the Path of Return. To the Qabalist, "dissolution" means analysis which is precisely what we apply when we intellectually separate the component forces and forms of the Universe and ourselves into 22 paths on the Tree of Life. By first conceptualizing these component parts and then reintegrating them through our understanding of their operation, can we Return to our Divinity. This is not a new practice as Christ was "lead by spirit" to fast for 40 days was so tempted by the Ego in his introspection sabbatical in the desert.Matthew 4:1-10.
It is to be noted here that "the Devil" was also called Satan, and Lucifer. *Satan was an "old testament" was and action obstructing/ such as an programed ego rather than a being. **Lucifer is a latin/Roman term for the "morning star" and/or "light bringer" which is the Planet Venus. Hence, "the Devil" has been a propaganda word manipulation for centuries.
Jun 07, 2017 · The Hebrew word satan does not appear often in the Old Testament, and when it does, it usually refers to an action—obstructing, opposing, accusing—rather than a specific entity.
**Latin name for LuciferIn classical mythology. In classical mythology, Lucifer ("light-bringer" in Latin) was the name of the planet Venus, though it was often personified as a male figure bearing a torch. The Greek name for this planet was variously Phosphoros (also meaning "light-bringer") or Heosphoros (meaning "dawn-bringer").
Lucifer - WikipediaThe Astral light (Akashic fluid, Odic force, etc.) is manipulated for whatever purpose, through an understanding of the Devil/Ego which is a "Great Magical Agent" (Eliphas Levi) for the processes of alchemical manipulation, as to dissolve, to consolidate, to quicken, and to moderate. This is dissolution, re-integration, activity and grounding which can be described as Fire, Water, Air and Earth. No matter how you name it, Understanding takes Idea and makes it into information, which in this universe, becomes Form. When your "understanding" is manipulated by outside authority, whose only purpose is to live off of your subordination, your enslaved fears, become your "in-form-action". Hence, "mob rule".

The Thoth Tarot Card is more Arcanely complex than Traditional Tarot Cards. This is because, as Crowley states, that Key 15 represents, "creative energy in its most material form", and as "Pan Pangenetor, the All-Begetter". Rather than some child's bogeyman. Crowley's goat is Pan standing on the highest mountain-top on earth, against a "background of the exquisitely tenuous, complex, and fantastic forms of madness." Between the legs of the Thoth Goat, is the wand of the Chief Adept and all in front of a Phallus and two testicles, implying the Universal "All-Begetter". On the Thoth Devil card, the tip of the male organ is outside of the card, implying it is in the "Greater Heavens", while the testes contain the bound up forms of manifestation. The mysteries behind this card require books of research, meditation and the exorcism of the man-made ego, so I hope this gets you started towards your discovery of the importance the Divine has seen in the creation of you. Above all things, know thyself!

Santa muerte tarot- key 15- the Devil

Traditional tarot devil ( rider-waite-smith)
The Santa Muerte -Key 15- The Devil, follows the imagery of the more traditional Tarot decks. Here, the female and male persona's that are normally chained to the devil, are shown here as mexican marionette-musicians, being manipulated by the goat-headed image of an Emperor/Patriarchy. The crown of fire, is traditional depiction of the "ruler of the Underworld" which is the subconscious realm of imagination. Hence, fear is shown as the ruler of our imagination. To overthrow this ruler, to exorcise it, is to control the image-making ability of our Divine power. Hence, banish the man-made ego. This is the card that depicts creativity and passion at its highest point. Here the ego, pushes us to realize and liberate our true nature of "I AM" by encountering successes, contracts and solid lasting targets. It demands discernment.
The Thoth Tarot and the Santa Muerte Tarot both declare the subservience of ego as identity rather than the "Free identity" of the I Am. Hence the meanings are the same for both cards.
- Materialism.
- Material Force.
- Sometimes obsession. (especially if thrown with the Lovers card)
- Upside down thinking, where the illusion of fear rules your thought and one thinks that "everything bad happens to me".
- Not seeing the forest through the trees.
- Living in your own illusion of suffering and being obsessed with pain or fear thereof. Such as a hypochondriac.
- Needing mirth in your understanding, as you are too serious. Time to laugh at your assumptions.
- Needing more action and less reaction in your life.
- Perception of the true, complete Self.
- Lucifer as the bringer of light.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Fateful entanglements
- Self-destructive drives.
- Collective hysteria.
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