
Thoth-atu 16-the tower
The Thoth Tarot-ATU 16-The Tower & Tarot of The Spirit- Key 16-The Tower:
Severity visits us as a "Tower Moment", because we refuse to change we create entropy in our life and that will not be favored by the Soul/Psyche. Thus, salvation falls from the Heavens, the lightning and wipes out the obsolete ego's refusal, in order to allow us further progress. The Love of Spirit, demands we stand in our power, and not kneel to our weakness. That Power, the ability to do work, requires adaptation, change, flexibility and often, complete self-reconstruction. Attitudes no longer adequate for the situation shall be swept away by the Spiral motion of change within for the material world of "me" is transitory but the soul is immortal in its movement of I AM.

Basically states the message that the inner self, will change outer self, whether it likes it or not. The harder one resists change the more traumatic the required change will be.
In the Thoth Tarot, ATU 16 is subtitled "war" and in medieval times it was called the "house of god" or the "blasted tower". For it is under the influence of Mars and attributed to the Hebrew letter Peh {Meaning-Mouth}, referring to Mars. Here cosmic energy is represented in its most primeval form.
What is usually shown as key 16 the Tower, is the destruction of the existing material by fire, and/or the old Aeon of Osiris (The Patriarch) being destroyed for the establishment of the New Aeon of Horus, shown as the Great Eye of Horus in the Card. This great "I" is a new identity, that of the Divine Child of the Divine Creative (Christ or Buddha consciousness), coming to the mundane man-made identity of the past. As we all know, new software (identity) requires erasure of the old, before it can operate or upgrade the wetware of personality housed in the homo sapiens sapiens body and its sensual barriers. Thus, we have the geometric shapes of man-made identity falling from the tower, as there are no straight lines in nature who constructs all things from "spiral energy". Thus. flexible and ever changing; something the indoctrinated person can never be. Here the world of the Patriarch and his institutions must come tumbling down.

The formula for the avoidance of the Tower Card in the Tarot, is the complete appreciation of all things created. The Self must equally rejoice in not only the smooth and fertile but also in the rugged and barren. Right and wrong are foolish thoughts of the mentally constipated. All things exist, because they are Created to do so. Thus, societies, that are based on Ruler definitions of what is Right and What is Wrong, are doomed to destruction. As history has shown, every Nation thinks it is the best, and every one of them falls. To destroy others in the name of right, will destroy you.
This destruction is illustrated at the bottom of the Thoth card as being the destruction of the Old Ridged Military Industrial Aeon by lightning engines of War. When one worships military might as authority over others and thereby resisting change, one is destroyed by that very god (Authority) they worship. Thus, the jaws of Dis (Roman god of destruction) belch forth the flames of destruction, and/or purification. Falling from the tower, the destroyed garrison of the military industrial empire, are those of man-made indoctrination. You may note that they are made of straight lines, i.e. unnatural, hence, they represent man-made identity that of straight lines and 90 degree corners. Nature, is a spiral creatrix.
The Ultimate reality of perfection is No-thing-ness, for only the "Waves" (disturbances or imperfections) in the No-Thing become something. Thus, only out of imperfection can existence exist. For instance, life itself, is always trying to achieve a perfect balance, but environment is unstable, and therefore, Life must continually adjust its balance ; we call this one's "life journey". We are not seeking perfection, for in our imperfection are we perfect. Perfect for the task of in-form-action. I AM is the Divine Creative, and it seeks Self-Awareness through creation of self-ideas/data. These ideas/data are than understood by the Creatrix and/or Generatrix, who than produces knowledge, which becomes in-form-action. Motion and/or Life, is because of a continual flow towards balance. Like a baby learning to walk by at first standing, and then placing one foot out to keep it from falling on its face; the next foot follows and if repeated fast enough one keeps from planting their face in the turf. Motion is a constant seeking. However, in this Universe of One energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only Transformed, transformation is achieved by the second law of thermodynamics that states all things proceed from order to disorder. Hence, recreation must always happen before all is chaos. Same for the life of you, or I and any other living thing.

In metaphysics, we now know that One Mind who is perfection, is not seeking perfection, for that is about as smart as a fish in the ocean looking for water. We are all to be unstable, that is imperfect, so that we keep moving forward, seeking balance, experimenting in Self- Awareness and/or Self-Identity for that is the "Joy of God", expressed as "I Will BE"! In other words, to make a long story short, the Divine Creative enjoys being, being is intimacy and self-awareness, requires self-discovery in very intimate ways, which is what we spend our lives doing. Self-discovery requires measurement, developed by senses, senses build intimacy, something the infinite cannot do unless it creates "Self within It-Self". Hence, we, the created identity of I AM Me, will always be imperfect, and thank god for that, as that means I shall always progress; maybe stumbling along to keep my balance in life's constant movement, but always experiencing self as it faces issues and solves them. The secret is to turn that stumbling into a dance of joyous passion, which some call, "enjoying the journey". I for one, know that a diamond, the perfect and absolute stasis (righteousness) of the carbon atom, cannot dance! We must will to live to be, and will to die to become intimately immortal! Therefore, the "All Seeing", and/or Identity of the One, and the dove on the Thoth Card, symbolizes the "I Will Be" of Spiritual Will and the Lion Serpent, known also as the Kundalini, is the Will to Die/Transform. Death is about as permanent as winter, spring is always just around the corner.
The fire of Yod (Hebrew for: hand) is the Spiritual Hand that transforms that which is our worn-out self-belief ; a belief that is consumed and purified, resurrected as a rising Phoenix of purity out of the ashes of the past. The trouble with purity, is that once the substance is removed from the furnace that purified it, impurities from the environment soon cling to it and it must be returned to the furnace to cleanse it. So it is for self-identity. Only the pure fiery spirit can cleanse it of all that is unworthy of Divine Self-identity. Hence, Life and death are known to the Qabalists as phases of a single element (Divine-Self-Awareness) that is constantly "Real- I-zing" itself. In the end, we all must fall to the pollution of survival thinking, to be cleansed in the bright fiery Mind that is Spirit, and then stand again, innocent and pure. For only in an unpolluted base-material, can new things be nurtured and grown.

the tarot of the spirit-key 16-the tower

The Tarot of The Spirit-Key 16-The Tower, is different in art, but the same in definition as the Thoth Card. Here, one experiences a series of insights that propel one towards a new self-awareness. The old structure of Self -Identity is outgrown and we must destroy it voluntarily, to move forward in the ever evolving knowledge of I AM. Hence, in this card, sudden illuminations towards change are seen as a lightning flash-that brilliant "aw ha" moment of insight that flash through our brain and body. Truth rises like a light in the dark fears of the subconscious. We all of sudden can see our way out of the old morass of emotional swamps. However, not all of us respond to change ourselves right a way, and those sudden insights keep sparking within you, nagging, prodding and demanding that you change. Hence the man and woman blasted from the Tower of man-made identities, known as the descent of power through the Tree of Life/Self, known as the Lightning Path and/or Path of the flaming sword. In the flash of insight, the whole Tree of Self/Life can be known at once.

The Tower also symbolizes the 7 states of enlightenment (7 palaces of enlightenment) that is outlined in the 1616 C.E, book which is a hermetic text called: The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkreutz*.
*The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (German: Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz anno 1459) is a German book edited in 1616 in Strasbourg. Its anonymous authorship is attributed to Johann Valentin Andreae.
Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chymical_Wedding_of_Christian_Rosenkreutz

In this marriage, the man and woman are referred to as the King and Queen who give up their mundane existence and become magically transformed to enter into greater marriage of Spirit and ultimate resurrection. Here the Anima (Queen) and Animus (King) are shown as the process of regeneration and higher synthesis of the 7th Sephiroth of Netzach (sphere of emotion) and the 8th Sphere of the thinking mind-Hod, through the sacrifice of the man-made personality.
Therefore, the Thoth and Tarot of the Spirit Atu/Key 16 are entirely comparable.
it implies:
- A traumatic change will lead to new awareness.
- The collapse of old beliefs
- A new self-arising from the ashes of the old.
- End of a relationship; a possible divorce.
- Freedom and liberation gained only by some cost in comfort.
- Destruction and transition.
- Loss of security
- Deception.
- Favorable new opportunities from loss.
- Unsuspected events that demand you must "let go".
- The breakdown of unhealthy, rigid, or false thought processes.
If ill dignified or reversed:
- Stagnation
- Lack of insight.
- Caught in a negative situation.
- Oppression and imprisonment.
- Mental constipation, not allowing for the transformation/ change necessary for spiritual/emotional/ mental growth.
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