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The Tarot of Eli, LLC- Major Arcana: Thoth Tarot-ATU IX-The Hermit & The Lost Soul Tarot - Key 9- The Hermit.

Western Qabalistic, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

May 18, 2024

Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- ATU ​IX- The Hermit

The Lost Soul Tarot-key 9- Hermit.

From the Thirty-Two paths of Wisdom: 

The Twentieth Path (The Hermit) is the Intelligence of Will and is so called because it is the means of preparation of all and each created being, and by this intelligence the existence of the Primordial Wisdom becomes known.

Thoth Tarot-ATU 9-The Hermit

The zodiacal attribution to the Thoth Tarot Hermit card is the sign of Virgo. Virgo is considered to be an earthly sign that represents the most receptive feminine form of earth. Mercury rules Virgo and Virgo exalts Mercury as well. Therefore, the Hermit is represented both by Mercury/Thoth/Hermes and The Virgin. Mercury, besides being Hermes/ Thoth is also a form of Hades, who is also the fiery messenger of Spirit, which has descended into matter, signaling the reintegration by Spirit (the Sexual- vital Life Fertile Force) into being. This is known in Western Hermetic Qabalah as the "Formula of the Princess", the mode of fulfillment of the Great Work. Therefore, the fertility generated by this event and that of Virgo itself is shown as the Dark Green Wheat background on the Thoth Hermit Card.

Individuals with the Sun in Virgo often exhibit distinctive characteristics associated with this zodiac sign. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, influencing their traits. Here are some unique characteristics of someone with their Sun in Virgo:

  1. Analytical and Detail-Oriented: Virgos have a keen eye for detail and are highly analytical. They excel in tasks that require precision and attention to minutiae.

  2. Practical and Grounded: Virgos are known for their practicality and down-to-earth nature. They prefer tangible, realistic solutions and are not prone to flights of fancy.

  3. Organized and Efficient: Virgos thrive in organized environments. They have a natural ability to streamline processes and ensure efficiency, making them excellent planners and organizers.

  4. Service-Oriented: Virgos derive satisfaction from helping others. They often find fulfillment in acts of service and are willing to go the extra mile to support those around them.

  5. Critical Thinkers: Virgos have a sharp mind and are critical thinkers. They enjoy problem-solving and are adept at finding logical solutions to challenges.

  6. Modesty and Humility: Virgos are typically modest and humble, preferring to let their actions speak louder than words. They may downplay their achievements and seek improvement continually.

  7. Health-Conscious: Virgos are mindful of their well-being and often adopt healthy lifestyles. They pay attention to diet, exercise, and overall self-care to maintain optimal health.

  8. Worry Prone: While their analytical minds serve them well, Virgos may sometimes overanalyze and become prone to worrying. It's important for them to find a balance and not let anxiety dominate their thoughts.

  9. Discerning Tastes: Virgos often have refined and discerning tastes. Whether it's in the arts, fashion, or any other aspect of life, they appreciate quality and craftsmanship.

Understanding these traits can provide insights into the personality of individuals with their Sun in Virgo. Keep in mind that the overall astrological profile, including the Moon and rising signs, contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of a person's characteristics.

Greek Herm statue placed at crossroads (Hermes).

Thoth -creator of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs.

The Tarot Hermit is a solitary figure, which represents the old wise man (or woman) that is the main aspect of the Ibis headed Egyptian god- Thoth (Greek-Hermes) and is often displaying great aptitude for meditation and contemplation. This is implied by the lone hermit figure of both the Thoth ATU 9 Card and the Lost Soul Tarot - Key 9-The Hermit. The Thoth Tarot and Lost Soul Tarot both show elderly being symbolizing the wisdom of the ages.

Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, and magic, is often depicted with an ibis head. He is also frequently accompanied by a baboon, a sacred animal associated with him. The baboon does not have a specific personal name in most Egyptian texts, but it represents significant symbolic meanings.

In Egyptian mythology, the baboon companion of Thoth symbolizes several key aspects:

  1. Wisdom and Knowledge: Baboons were believed to possess great wisdom, similar to Thoth, who was revered as the god of wisdom and knowledge.

  2. Dawn and Sun Worship: Baboons were observed to greet the sunrise with a kind of ritualistic chattering, which ancient Egyptians interpreted as worship. This behavior linked them to Thoth, who was also connected with the moon and the measurement of time.

  3. Justice and Judgment: In the context of the afterlife, baboons were associated with the weighing of the heart ceremony, a critical aspect of the judgment process where Thoth played a vital role. The baboon was seen as a mediator in the scales of justice.

  4. Writing and Scribes: Since Thoth was the patron of scribes, baboons were often depicted holding writing tools, underscoring their association with record-keeping and scholarly activities.

While the baboon itself is not given a specific personal name in the same way Thoth is, its representation carries deep symbolic meanings that reinforce and complement the attributes of Thoth within Egyptian mythology.

The Lost Soul Tarot-Key 9-Hermit

The Hermit within works with the subconscious, granting intense inspiration that will orient us whenever we have lost our way. We may have lost our way due to inertia, word-brain noise caused by media-controlled word hypnosis or dishonest and desperate means of survival thinking. However, the mercy and compassion of Hermes/Thoth helps us forgive ourselves and reconcile with others while also giving us an introspective period of incubation where we admit our mistakes, and placing ourselves in isolation that produces profound transformation. Thereby, receiving eloquence and a renewal of unclouded vision.

Thoth-ATU 9-The Hermit


The Thoth Hermit carries a lantern while the Lost Soul Hermit carries a oil lamp, implying intuitive knowledge coming from his inner light/ Sun/Soul of the Divine. Also in the center of the Thoth Hermit's lantern is the sigil of the Great King of Fire, who is also represented by the Hebrew word Yod-the secret fire, which is the Hebrew letter assigned to this Thoth Tarot card.

Hand (yod) of the Divine Creative

The Hebrew word, Yod, also means Hand and the letter is shown on the bottom left of the Thoth Card. Hence, the hand of the Hermit is displayed as the center of the Thoth -Hermit card and shown extended on the Lost Soul Tarot Hermit Card. The image of the Thoth- Hermit is also bent into the shape of the letter Yod while being cloaked in the red robes of Binah, the Great Mother in whom he gestates.

According to Crowley the Hermit is the symbol of a blood engorged lingam after ejaculation, hence the white hair looks more semen like and the spermatozoon is shown released into the "fertile dark" of the Subconscious, and swimming towards the Universal/Orphic egg above it. The Orphic egg represents the "egg of Akasha" and it being wrapped in a serpent implies fertilization.

Orphic or Egg of Akasha.

In such a solitary state, as the Hermit, one often can hear the wisdom of the Spirit/Mind by tuning out the babble of the brain. This is also called magic, listening to the "loud silence". As I have said, the Thoth and Lost Soul Tarot Hermit symbolizes the Hebrew Letter Yod, meaning hand, and all letters of the Hebrew alphabet are combinations of this foundational letter. Yod is the first letter of the name Tetragrammaton (YHVH) symbolizing the Farther who is Wisdom, and the highest form of Mercury/Thoth/Hermes. Therefore, he is the Logos; the Creator of all worlds, accordingly his representative in the physical world is the spermatozoon which is illustrated on the Thoth Tarot card.


Orphic egg.


The figure of the Thoth Hermit is staring at the Orphic egg, which is conterminous with the Universe, and is wrapped in the iridescent many-colored serpentine energy of Mercury that fertilizes it. The Thoth Tarot card, with its three headed guard dog Cerberus that guards the gates of Hell, represents time; one head represents the Past (head facing backwards), one head the Future (head facing forward) and one head represents the Present (Face looking at hermit). Cerberus also recalls The Greek Legend of Persephone and Hades. The reference to his mastery of time is shown in the Tarot as his ancient gray beard and his accompaniment of Cerberus. I would suggest that the student read the legend of Hades and Persephone to further have fun understanding and contemplating this card's connection to the "underworld" of the Subconscious mind.

Cerberus, Hades and Persephone in the Underworld of the Subconscious.

In this Thoth Trump, is illustrated the secret of life and all its workings. For instance, Yod=Phallus=Spermatozoon-Hand=Logos=Virgin. Crowley says in his book of Thoth:

 "There is perfect identity, not merely Equivalence, of the Extremes, the Manifestation, and the Method."

As you may note, in both Decks, ATU/ Key 9, is about the solitary person who walks the path that leads to the Higher Self and perfection of the soul. It is the image of the Adept-Magus and their detachment from the material world of man. S/He's often so far advanced in psyche, that most people find them difficult to comprehend. Hence, they seem solitary in their journey, totally at peace in their presence. However, this does not deter their willingness to light the path for those who wish to know the depths of self. The Hermit Card corresponds to the archetype or the "selfless servant of the Self", who is searching for truth in the Souls that operate human beings in their name. Deep within our internal silence, we will find this intelligence, whose wisdom is always available; one just needs to go into deep introspection, listening only to the pregnant silence of the Greater Self. Just as Moses leads others, we also have an inner Sun/Son who is a true Hermit and who will lead by example.

Adept Magus walking the path of Higher Self.


There is an ancient Greek and Roman connection to the Hermit and Virgo -the Virgin and time-space.

In Ancient Greek religion and mythology, Hestia (/ˈhɛstiə, ˈhɛstʃə/; Greek: Ἑστία, "hearth" or "fireside") is the virgin goddess of the hearth, her Roman counterpart, was also the virgin goddess of the hearth and the right ordering of domesticity, the family, the home, and the state. This also connects the Hermit with the Virgin-Virgo.

In myth, Hestia is the firstborn child of the Titans, Cronus, and Rhea. Cronus was the god of Time; Therefore, connecting her to time/space.

Greek custom required that as the goddess of sacrificial fire, Hestia should receive the first offering at every sacrifice in the household. In the public domain, the hearth of the prytaneum functioned as her official sanctuary. Whenever a new colony was established, a flame from Hestia's public hearth in the mother city would be carried to the new settlement. Therefore, the Hermit is also connected to the feminine virgin- Maid, of the triple goddess of Maid-Mother-Crone.

This Wikipedia article is about the Roman goddess


Goddess of the hearth, home, family, bakers and bread, and donkeys

Member of the Dii Consentes and Di selecti

Rare depiction of Vesta in human form, as the central figure from the Lararium of a bakery at Pompeii, 1st century

Major cult centerTemple of Vesta, Rome
AbodeForum Romanum
SymbolThe hearth, sacred fire
Personal information
ParentsSaturn and Ops
Greek equivalentHestia

Coin issued under Nero: the reverse depicts the cult statue of Vesta, holding a patera and scepter, within her hexastyle temple.

Vesta (Classical Latin: [ˈu̯ɛs̠t̪ä]) is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion. She was rarely depicted in human form and was more often represented by the fire of her temple in the Forum Romanum. Entry to her temple was permitted only to her priestesses, the Vestal Virgins, who guarded sacred objects within, prepared flour and sacred salt (mola salsa) for official sacrifices and tended Vesta's sacred fire at the temple hearth. Their virginity was thought essential to Rome's survival; if found guilty of unchastities, they were punished by burial alive. As Vesta was considered a guardian of the Roman people, her festival, the Vestalia (7–15 June), was regarded as one of the most important Roman holidays.[1] During the Vestalia privileged matrons walked barefoot through the city to the temple, where they presented food-offerings. Such was Vesta's importance to Roman religion that following the rise of Christianity, hers was one of the last non-Christian cults still active, until the Christian emperor forcibly disbanded it Theodosius I in AD 391.

The myths depicting Vesta and her priestesses were few; the most notable of them were tales of miraculous impregnation of a virgin priestess by a phallus appearing in the flames of the sacred hearth — the manifestation of the goddess combined with a male supernatural being. In some Roman traditions, Rome's founders Romulus and Remus and the benevolent king Servius Tullius were conceived in this way. [2] Vesta was among the Dii Consentes, twelve of the most honored gods in the Roman pantheon.[3] She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, and sister of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, and Ceres. Her Greek equivalent is Hestia.[4]

The Lost Soul Tarot- Key 9- Hermit.

In Tarot, the Hermit card, often associated with ATU/Key 9, is typically interpreted as a representation of inner reflection, solitude, and spiritual guidance. While there are various interpretations of this card, it's not typically directly associated with the figure of Hermes in traditional Tarot symbolism such as the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. However, there are some esoteric and symbolic connections that can be made.

Hermes, in Greek mythology, is a messenger of the gods and is often associated with attributes such as communication, guidance, and wisdom. He is also often shown with his consort Aphrodite. The Hermit card, in its original concept, can be seen as embodying some of these qualities in a more abstract and spiritual sense.

Here are a few possible connections:

  1. Inner Wisdom: The Hermit card often depicts a figure holding a lantern or flashlight, symbolizing the light of inner wisdom and knowledge. This can be seen as a metaphorical connection to Hermes as a messenger who brings insights and guidance. The Tarot often shows the Hermit as directing the shining light of wisdom.

  2. Solitude and Contemplation: Just as Hermes was known for his solitary journeys and contemplative nature; the Hermit card represents the idea of seeking solitude and introspection to gain deeper understanding and spiritual insight. Hence, the Astromatrix Tarot Hermit's cabin in the woods abode.

  3. Spiritual Teacher: Hermes is also seen as a teacher and guide in some contexts. Similarly, the Hermit card can be interpreted as a symbol of seeking spiritual guidance or acting as a spiritual guide to others. Hence, his owl topped staff.

While the Traditional Hermit card is not a direct representation of Hermes, it does share some thematic elements related to introspection, wisdom, and guidance, which can be associated with the qualities attributed to Hermes in various mythological and esoteric traditions. It's important to remember that interpretations of Tarot cards can vary, and different decks may have unique symbolism and imagery associated with the Hermit card. The Traditional Hermit is also shown standing on a mountain range, that represents his higher accomplishments whose wisdom creates heights of solitariness.

Traditional Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- key 9- The Hermit

When the Hermit-ATU 9/or Key 9-is thrown during a divination:

  • A search for wisdom and truth.
  • Counsel and sound judgment.
  • Knowledge.
  • A solitary soul.
  • Meditation.
  • A time of re-evaluation and soul searching.
  • Discretionary caution.
  • Inner wisdom is often called enlightenment.
  • Spiritual inspiration pointing the way on life's journey.
  • Contemplation, introspection, and space.
  • Needing more knowledge can only be attained by listening closely to the inner self.
  • The Divine Marriage within.
  • Completing karma through service.
  • A stage in life where wisdom is sought through introspection and isolation.
  • Using your work in the world and uniting it with the Spiritual realms to attain the Highest state of Mind.
  • Being yourself by pursuing the "above all things, know thyself", deep inner philosophy.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:

  • Stubbornness to the point of foolishness.
  • A closed mind,
  • Bad advice.
  • Isolation.
  • Only looking at the surface value.

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