Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- ATU XVII-The Star

The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- Key 17-The Star
The Daughter of the Firmament.

There is some argument among Tarot scholars that the Star Card is the
Path of Tzaddi and not the Path of Heh, as the Path of Heh, should be shown as the Hebrew letter of the Emperor Card (see Emperor blog) and on the above Tree of Life glyph The Emperor is rightly shown as the Path of Heh (He'). Robert Wang, Dr. Paul Foster Case and myself all agree that the Star is the Path of Tzaddi and not the Path of Heh. The Path of Tzaddi connects the 7th Sephiroth Netzach (Victory) to the 9th Sephiroth Yesod (The Foundation). This is the path called the Natural Intelligence, by Dr. Paul Foster Case , the founder of B.O.T.A., in his instructional text The Thirty Two Paths to Wisdom; Natural intelligence because it is the Path of proper approach to the Divine Energy inherent in each person. It is the Natural Intelligence, as it represents the proper use of Imagination----which is the Divine Womb, an Intelligence used in "image making" (imagination); many of us call it the Creator/Creatrix.

The meaning of the Hebrew letter, Tzaddi, is Fish hook, implying meditation, a process inseparable from the proper use of imagination. Once we are hooked on an idea, we focus energy (emotion), and with proper diligent software running our brain, the body gets it done. The physical vehicle, is a power-tool of Imagination and as we all know, with computer run power tools, garbage programing in means, garbage production- out. Hence, the use of propaganda to hook one's mind to the dogma and indoctrination of the Ruler's media complex has become a common practice.
All this may be too much for the culturally programed personality to absorb, but the fact is, you as a Soul and as a body, were imagined into being by what Carl Jung called the Universal Collective Unconscious, or Universal Unconsciousness that has many Divine names attributed to it. So for the sake of simplicity, I'll call it the Divine Creative.

In the terms of Tzaddi, fish hook, the implication is that there is a merging of two streams of conscious energy, for something is put-in rather than taken out. Here the individual consciousness is attached to the Greater Conscious. In the Hermetic Tarot/Qabalah, Water is the symbol used for aspects of intuition, emotions and unconsciousness, making the analogy of the fish hook being put in, pertinent as well. It helps to understand that we are not a brain, nor any kind of separate physical device and/or *manifestation. We are a ternary Self-concept that is the Transmitter, the Transmitted and the Receiver and/or I AM ME. Just as a Radio Transmitter (in our case-Spirit) transmits frequency "everywhere but nowhere" at the same time and would be unheard without a radio receiver so it is with the frequencies of Spiral Energy (Spirit) that would be unheard without a Mind (Psyche/Soul) and a physical vehicle tuned to that infinite frequency for the purpose of in-form-action. In this scenario, Spirit is the Collective Unconscious, and the individual frequencies would be Soul Stations while the human vessel would be the receiving radio controlled- bio-electromagnetic-robotic -power tool. As a manifestation, the body is an "abstract idea" of the Soul as a "self-image". To those of us familiar with gaming, the body would be an avatar acting for the controlling psyche in a domain that the psyche/soul does not normally reside. To help clarify, below is the Dictionary description of manifestation.
*manifestation[ˌmanəfəˈstāSH(ə)n, ˌmanəˌfesˈtāSH(ə)n]
- An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.
- "The first obvious manifestations of global warming"
- The action or fact of showing an abstract idea.
- "The manifestation of anxiety over the upcoming exams"
demonstration · showing · show · exhibition · presentation · indication · illustration · exemplification · exposition · disclosure · declaration · expression · profession
- a symptom or sign of an ailment.
- "a characteristic manifestation of Lyme disease"
sign indication · evidence · proof · token · symptom · testimony · substantiation · mark · symbol · reflection · example · instance
- A version or incarnation of something or someone.
- "Purity and Innocence and Young Love in all their gentle manifestations"
- an appearance of a ghost or spirit.
apparition -appearance · materialization · visitation
In physics, an entity is a point in time which to a timeless energy frequency is extremely necessary for self-awareness. Points in time are necessary for a discriminating creator, for how do you know what you , who is Life, do and what you affect, when you have no way of intimately examining the action? To gather Knowledge, the mind/Life needs an intellectual gathering place---a place in time, i.e. a point of experience. This point in time can be compared to the point of a pen which is what authors need to write into manifestation their thoughts; That pen gives them a Point in which to concentrate their thoughts so that they can be carefully/intimately examined, corrected, experienced, manifest and produced. Because of that point and the flow of ink (in physics this would be light/electromagnetic energy) they can manifest those thoughts in time/space for all thoughts are theory and/or imagined information; information becomes image in this world of manifestation, as in-form-action. Therefore, Points begin the transformation process of energy into images.

The material that the Divine Consciousness deals in is "Thought", something we know exists but are unable to explain its source. It is our "first matter", and in Qabalah, the first matter-thought is often symbolized as a fish. This concept allows me to take the next quantum leap in examination. Theoretically if we describe the Ocean as the womb of earth life (Imagination is the Womb of idea) we can see that to the Ocean, it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, for it has no sense of self. However, the fish is made of Ocean and its elements and must exist in the Ocean as a "part of Oceanic imagination"; a self-image, if you will, of the Ocean itself. So does the Spirit/Mind (I AM), Ocean of energy and thought, must manifest us. As the Ocean flows through the crystallized self -image (Me-fish) that it has imagined into existence, in order to be able to do the work of experience, so does the Spirit/Mind, a couple that are now insuperable as I AM. Now I know this is simplistic as an explanation can get, but it should help you in understanding why you have a physical vehicle, and why it is most sacred to Spirit!

With out in-form-action, Spirit-Mind-Life cannot experience information and thereby, turn it into knowledge. Hence, you are the point of Spiritual Manifestation. This also makes a point of information to consider, for if you are looking to be "more spiritual", a belief happily indoctrinated by rulers, than you are a fish in the Ocean looking for water and therefore, powerless to change your life for you must be supplied religious dogma to imagine what spirit is. Those who shed the shackles of ruler/media controlled imagination already know they are Spirit. To seek to be more spiritual, just becomes the illusion that I Ain't Spirit and must ascend to it as a "word" rather than Self. Spirit is what I AM, and it is impossible to be more Spirit than Spirit, just as it is impossible for a fish in the Ocean to become more wet. The word Spirit comes from the Greek word Spiro- meaning to Breathe. Since you are breathing, you are Spiritual-Life.

The “I AM” (Imagination) denotes existence, the “me” establishes it as a sensual point in time, i.e. a place to do work/experience information. It should also point out the need to follow your "inner-star"/inner-spirit, for it imagines itself to be you and is meditating you into existence as its self-representative in the material plane. It might even surprise you to know that the Earth had extra terrestrial help in becoming "Mother Nature" as she was impregnated by a source from "space"; this is called panspermia. To carry this further, our souls were assisted by the Anu (Annunaki-"Those who from the heavens came to earth") who designed the Homo Sapiens, in their own labs giving us access to Life expanding manifestation. The Homo Sapiens Sapiens is a Universal and/or Cosmic design for the "Hand of god" and/or Adam Khadmon. Get the Zechariah Sitchin books to read up on this.

The Path of the Natural Intelligence is the Path of the raw forces attributed to Netzach (Victory). To a Qabalist these natural forces are called the Elohim (Gods of Netzach) and are synonymous with nature itself. Moreover, the number of The Star, is 17 and when added together (1+7=8) seventeen becomes 8 which is ATU/Key 8-Adjustment, which represents conscious control and/or balanced control, over the vigorous star energy- of the Kundalini (Lion-Serpent) whose description is both solar (lion is the symbol of the Sun) and sexual (serpentine force). As I have stated before, the Kundalini is coiled in Yesod (Base of the Spine), which is the Foundation of earth manifestation. To many of the indoctrinated, sex-energy or Kundalini is a word of sin filled lust and emotional turmoil: However, the initiate knows as we encounter the sexual/Star energy in ourselves, we are approaching the Greater Mysteries of Tiphareth, The Solar Soul/ Logos, the central Star/Sun of our existence. Of course, “if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen". Thus, the Path of Tzaddi-The Star is important to the neophyte to enter in a controlled and balanced manner as it is a very powerful Path which points out the proper way to approach the Kundalini...The Divine Spiral Energy of the "Big Bang", inherent in all of us----through meditation and yoga.

Kundalini yoga ( kuṇḍalinī-yoga) derives from kundalini, defined in Vedantic culture as energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated (as by the practice of yoga) and channeled upward through the chakras in the process of spiritual perfection.
This process of approach is a kind of yoga (communion) involving the "opening of Chakras" and/or the enervation of energy centers through the process of meditation. This is also the energy we use in the meditation process, being both the goal and means of enlightenment. The Star is the method or means of perfection. I recommend the Initiate engage in Kundalini Yoga practices.
I suggest one who wishes to know and control their energy studies this Book: A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook-by Dr. John Mumford (Swami Anadkapila Saraswati)

In the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, the Magus Paul Foster Case stated that:
The twenty eight path [Path of Tzaddi] is called the Natural Intelligence, and it is so called because through it is consummated and perfected the Nature of every existing thing under the Sun." (The brackets are my own insertion). Qabalists know the Star Card represents the proper use of imagination, through the energy of meditation. Even though meditation feels like a personal activity, successful meditation shows us that it is not we that are meditating but rather, we are meditated! Truth be known, The Soul/Psyche builds the original Personality through its own meditation. In the context of meditation, the Personality uses the Path of Tzaddi, The Fish Hook, in searching for reality in the context of meditation; However, meditation is also The Higher Self angling to pull the Personality up from the depths of self- absorbed enclosure which is a reality imposed on us by the physical senses and the profaning of identity brought on by words and indoctrination.

The Tarot Star is associated with the love and inspiration sign of Aquarius. In the ancient world, Saturn was said to govern Aquarius, referring us to Binah and The Universe key 21. The Star Card figure, represents the most pure manifestation of the Great Mother Binah at the level of Personality, preceding enclosure in matter. She is the Same figure found in The Empress, in her royal regalia; The High Priestess and The Female with Python, in The Universe cards; However, here She is unveiled, in-robed, further representing Her purity.

Because the Star card represents the universe resolved into its ultimate elements, it relates to many more Paths than any other card in the deck. Thus, I recommend getting the text book by Robert Wang---The Qabalistic Tarot (A text book of Mystical Philosophy) and studying the many path Charts on the Tree of Life that he presents in the book.
To the Qabalist, the Star card represents the "Lower Eden", from which the Personality originates and the Emperor, represents "Upper Eden" where the Fiery Higher Self originates...The Solar Logos. Here to, we see a relationship of The Star Path (Tzaddi) relating to another Path, that of the Emperor (Heh). The Star card also relates to the Planet Venus, which to the ancients was seen as the "Morning and Evening Star", also referred to as Lucifer (Bringer of light), the Most beautiful of all Angels, referring to the Sephiroth Tiphareth-Beauty, which is the Solar Logos and/or the Sun/Son of the Divine Creative. Lucifer (Latin for "Bringer of light" and/or "Morning Star") is not seen as a underworld figure by those who have shed dogma, but rather the Morning star that is Venus (the ancient thought was that the Morning star rivalled the Sun). But with proper enforcement of propaganda the meaning of Beauty (Synchronicity) became an Underworld Angel who was so narcissistic that he challenged God----which is the common Christian view. Before religious propaganda, Our Solar Self/Soul is a Lucifer a "Star of Energy" and it hasn't "challenged god". In Hermetic Qabalah our soul is called "Beauty" and is therefore, the projected Harmony of all that is Above it on the Tree of Life.

We all must study history to see how the Christian Dogma took the names of gods and goddesses of other religions and demonized them, which only contributed to ignorance and lost self-awareness by demonizing the Soul. If you are interested in seeing beyond Christian Propaganda, get the Book: The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets , by Barbara Walker. The truth is that the Latin word Lucifer is similar to the Greek Christos (Sun, also Zeus Christos or Sun of God) ----both relating to the fiery Sun of God....The Solar Logos and/or our Soul that is our "inner star". The Patriarchy knows it must control the Imagination of the people, for all image and therefore, reality is imagined, a manifestation of the Mind. Since, the Patriarchy is fear based rule, it must divide people from their "power" and thereby, be the power for them and/or enslave their minds in fear of enforcement. Dividing you from your inner-star, is indeed the way to conquer your will-to- be you.

Thoth-atu 17-the star
Crowley/Harris presented the image of Nuit, as the Star. Here the 3 Seven pointed stars are versions of the Star of Babylon, implying that Nuit and Babylon are the same goddess image. Crowley states: "Babalon is yet a further manifestation of the original idea of Nuith: She is the Scarlet Woman , the Sacred Harlot, who is Lady of ATU-XI." [The Book of Thoth, Pg. 109]. He also refers to the 7 pointed Star as " the Star of Venus, as if declaring the principle characteristic of Her nature to be Love."[ The Book of Thoth, Pg. , 109]
Included in the Crowley/Harris Star Card, are the roses and butterflies of the Empress, and a River in the background (river of life) but the large celestial globe is the most prominent image on this card. This globe represents the entire heavens surrounding the Earth; Therefore, She is not only manifesting the Microcosm (lower cup) but also connecting the Macrocosm (upper cup pouring out the globe) to the Microcosm of the World. Crowley describes this outpouring as:
"The left hand, lowered, holds a silver cup, from which she pours the immortal liquor of her life. This liquor is the Amrita of the Indian Philosophers, the Nepenthe and Ambrosia of the Greeks, the Alkahest and Universal Medicine of the Alchemists, the Blood of the Grail; or rather, the nectar which is the mother of that blood".
[Aleister Crowley,
Liber LXV, from the Holy Books of Thelema (York Beach, ME: Weiser Books Inc. 1983), Pg. 83.]

Stellar Maris

Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- Key 17-The Star

The Ancient Gods
The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot-Key 17-The Star, doesn't go into this metaphysical examination of the Soul, Mind or Body. Here the image of Santa Muerte is more like Launsina (Capiznon mythology): the goddess of the Sun, Moon, stars, and seas, and the most beloved because people seek forgiveness from her. There also was a belief that if you were favored by these Ancient Astronauts/Gods/Goddesses (extraterrestrial scientist), that they would take you to their world (Ascension)via one of their "sky boats". Over time, this included anyone who claimed blood relationship to the Gods, which is not an error as we are a Genetic Modification of them. Hence, many ancient civilizations practiced mummifications. To make a long story even longer, The Soul of us all are Starseeds-Souls and/or of Solar evolution and not of physical evolution. However, Souls are of Photons, quantum stellar particles of light in a collective that have no mass. Even though they are a composite of many photons, a collective of knowledge, accumulated over time of "I AM" ( energy existence) the Soul has no mass. So to experience life, one requires "mass" (measurement). Hence, the Life emanating from stars, can only experience itself when mass is acquired as Light's evolutionary understanding of self, through the use of Avatars made of organic material. Again, get the Sitchin books (Amazon has them) and read what is astounding and withheld from you by the Military Industrial Complex that rules our planet; often called the Patriarchy. This knowledge of our Extraterrestrial ancestors and our Et DNA, is subtilty/occultly implied by the Ancient belief in "Mother Goddess of the Stars" and Thoth Tarot.

When the Star Card-ATU/Key 17, is thrown during a reading:
- The querent shall be or will be experiencing hope, faith and unexpected help for 17 weeks or 17 months. Self-esteem and confidence contributing to self-efficiency and talent.
- Hope. Unexpected help.
- Clearness of Vision.
- Realization of possibilities.
- Spiritual insight.
- Cleansing.
- Renewal.
- A very auspicious card.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout (Thoth) or Reversed (Dark Santa Muerte) it implies:
- Error of judgment.
- Dreaminess.
- Disappointment.
- Fears for the future.
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Helping people to become more magic and less tragic since 2010.
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