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The Tarot of Eli, LLC, Major Arcana: Thoth Tarot- ATU XVIII-The Moon & The Astromatrix Tarot -Key 18-Moon.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

February 28, 2024

Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-ATU XVIII-The Moon

The ruler of flux and reflux; The child of the Suns/Sons of the Mighty.

The Astromatrix Tarot-Key 18-Moon

In Western Hermetic Qabalah, THE MOON, which is the 18th ATU/Key of the Major Arcana or Tarot Trump, is called the Path of Qoph; Qoph is a Hebrew letter--meaning, back of head or ear. Connecting Netzach (Victory) with Malkuth (Kingdom) the Path of Qoph is described as "the Victory of the Material World" and/or "the deceptive effect of the apparent power of the Material World". This path of Qoph is also known as "the Threshold to life”: a spiritual re-birth that may be considered on two levels. On one level, it is the course of incarnation where the soul organizes the physical body (sets frequency connection and reception) of which it will inhabit/animate in its name. It is a kind of sleep (physical awake-consciousness not yet formed), a kind of pre-consciousness, which differentiates into matter from the racial collective unconscious of 7th Sephiroth-Netzach. On another level, where the student is advancing spiritual awareness up The Tree of Life/The God Molecule, it is a path of conquest of the phantoms (gods, demons, angels) which are "creations of the created" (Emerald Tablet) and/or Creations of the Personality via the subconscious and/or the survival mind.

The path is a probationary path, where the student must face the emotional phantoms hid in the dark recesses of their own mind, as well as those of racial consciousness. The moon symbolizes "the Self–reflection” that goes on with the inner Solar Logos and our subconsciousness. Our subconsciousness is the Moon of self-reflection and/or a reflection of the aspect of consciousness, known as the subconscious. Therefore, the Moon shows a path beyond the poisoned darkness of deep instinctual fears and the parasitic "false ego" into the subconscious where dreams of threats or fears are made. However, this is not an easy path as it represents the multi-cultural myth of the hero's journey, a journey of ancient wisdom, which is full of disturbing trials and tribulations in the poisoned darkness of the "mind virus", where monsters and phantoms are met and conquered often with heroic effort. The Moon is a symbol of something primal known as the survival mind. Therefore, the primal fears which are the reflections of the animal- survival mind of the race and of the individual are experienced personally and deeply. Sometimes so deeply that one can become a Lunatic.

Facing one's emotional phantoms

The Moon is also the ancient symbol for the Triple Goddess of Maid-Mother and Crone fame as is shown in phases of the moon. This card represents internalizing our conscious awareness as "inner sight" to reflect upon the subconscious way of viewing symbology; a type of mental lunation means cycles or cycling through patterns and/or phases.

As previously stated, the meaning ofthe Hebrew letter Qoph, that is shown on the bottom of the Thoth Moon Card, is also means the back of the head; behind the head itself, is the Sun -Resh. The Moon symbolizes the anterior to the bright intellect of the Sun. The Moon, the Path of Qoph, (subconscious)only reflects the light of the Sun (Awake conscious). Thus, the central path of the Thoth card goes from the dark side of the Moon, (the "false ego") towards the light side that reflects direct Sunlight (Son/Sunlight).


This rising act of direct Sunlight is shown as what some call the Egyptian Scarab symbol of the God Khepera (khepera), pushing the Sun towards the Moon. More traditional Tarot Cards, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot show a crayfish or lobster crawling out of a dark pool of water. However, Lady Frieda Harris, has artfully portrayed in the Thoth Card a Water Strider, not a dung beetle. This Water Strider is carrying the Sun off the surface of the Dark Water (subconscious) implying that the dark night will soon be over. The Moon -ATU/Key-18, symbolizes the rebirth of light out of hideous darkness; bright intellect overcoming the dark denizens of our "mind virus" infected subconscious, i.e., the illusions of emotional and/or survival fears and terrors of what the unseen sounds of the dark denizens of fear may herald.

Water Striders

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- Key 18-The Moon

Crowley warns us of the path as he states: "This path is guarded by *Tabu. She is uncleanliness and sorcery. Upon the hills are black towers of nameless mystery, of horror and of fear. All prejudice, all superstition, dead tradition, and ancestral loathing, all combine to darken her face before the eyes of men. It needs unconquerable courage to tread this path." [The Book of Thoth, Pg., 112)

Tabu of Dark Sorcery


(təˈbu, tæ-)

adj., n., pl. -boos, adj.

1. Proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable: taboo words.

2. Set apart as sacred; forbidden for widespread use; placed under a prohibition or bar.

3. A prohibition or interdiction of something; exclusion from use or practice.

4. The system or practice of setting things apart as sacred or forbidden for general use.

5. Exclusion from social relations; ostracism.

6. To put under a taboo; prohibit or forbid.

7. To ostracize.

[1770–80; < Tongan tapu or Fijian tabu]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Patriarchy's control of female identity

Crowley's use of the word Tabu, for Luna, is interesting. For woman has become a misogynist nightmare of Patriarchy indoctrination and dogma. This began as the myogenic interpretation of the first book of Genesis by the Patriarchy sponsored slave-religions, blaming Eve for the downfall of mankind that became the damning of woman as the temptress whose seductive mechanisms got mankind banished from the garden of Eden. Thereby, relieving men of all responsibility for their sexual aggression.; "She made me do it" etc. Hence, woman became the image of original sin. All of which is a convenient propaganda misinterpretation of the book, imagination, and of the "god" that created man to toil in the garden of Eden {see-The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin].

The Serpent haired Temptress

"Anunnaki creating Man" (Those who from the Heavens Came)

The myths of a tyrannical god named Jehovah or Yahweh, are about an Alien Master Race who created slaves on the Planet Earth. These slaves where a genetically modified Homo Erectus; a modification done by splicing Anunnaki (Alien) genes/ DNA (Sumerian for "those who from the sky or heavens came") to Homo Erectus DNA, forming the Homo Sapien slave laborer for the "Master Race" and/or Gods. "The Savior of Mankind", who saves all mankind from their "sins"/errors was the proper Genetic Code that was created in the Anunnaki laboratories. The first experiments had a lot of errors (sins) in their genetic codes and thus a couple of cities where nuked (Sodom and Gamora) and then a great flood was used to erase the GMO errors.

Read the books of Zecharia Sitchin, it will enhance your reasoning and help you wrench your imagination's control back to you. Now we all carry within our DNA, The God Molecule of the Anu, which is 9.6 billion years old (Theoretic age given DNA by some of our non-patriarchal controlled Geneticists) while the Earth-life is only 3.8 billion years old! Our DNA is proven to be celestial, as it is more than twice as old as Earth. We are also "of the Goddess" as we are all motivated by the Universal Collective Imagination as well as created by it! She is the aspect of the One Mind who is a Creator/Creatrix collective. Imagination means "image-making" which is what a Creatrix/Creator does.

The Moon is the symbol of imagination...the great She. Most people's imagination is under the authority of those who rule definition (rulers), and therefore, have no control over what their subconscious creates. Hence, "Above all things, know thyself", is another way of saying to take charge of your imagination/image making ability. To do this you must be lucid in your dreams, nightmares, daymares, etc. Face the demons within and they will die under the sun/son light of your observation.


Sumerian Tree of Life, and the Procession of the Gods.

The Qabalistic Tree of Life.

Before the Patriarchy of Rome and the Roman Church, The Matriarchies of Europe owned all agriculture and therefore, the Land; the Patriarchy/"military industrial complex" of Rome, to conquer and hold the peoples of Europe under their "sandal heels" found this misinterpretation of the Creation Myth of Women's seductive cause fall of man as a proof to destroy the matriarchies of the Celts, Germanic Tribes, Anglo Saxons, and Franks etc. Later, all Patriarchies found this interpretation of this false Creation Myth, as a good excuse to steal the land that woman used to own (women invented agriculture and cities) and banish woman from politics of all conquered lands. Making women a "2nd class" citizen whose rights were not those of men and often tortured them if they dared to seek knowledge. Using the word for "Wise Woman" (Witch) as a form of blasphemy or even heresy against their dogma-God and Patriarch showing evil's true head.

To profane woman is to profane Life itself!

The wise woman word -witch, is the Anglo Saxon "Witch" which is interpreted to mean a " woman with her wits about her". This is the False Witch of Fear and superstition is a fear-based image implying "fear of Life" and a divide and conquer "mind virus", all supplied-propaganda to keep "woman in her place" and to make men transfer their "Love of Woman and Family" to the Love of State as "Patriotism"; the Patriarchy is now the "Loving Family of the Military Industrial Complex", a group of worthless old men. Therefore, through the clever manipulation of propaganda/Words, the true Wise Woman of Wicca or "the craft of herbology" became an "evil woman" who dared to usurp the control of the male sponsored "war machine".

Military Industrial Complex

Hence, Superstition is just a Profaned Imagination; a propaganda that plays on "fear of predation". Rather than the Bright I-magi-nation of Creative Life. The Imagination of the people was and is profaned by fear mongering and/or God-fearing slave-religions to keep the "slave mentality" so necessary for tyrants and oligarchs to rule.

  A subconscious ruled by profaned imagination is the "Dark Luna" that enslaves reason of mythology.

The Dark Luna

Thoth- ATU 18- the moon

In Thoth Deck Tarot, THE PRIESTESS, is a source of pure, clear waters (consciousness) emerging from the Godhead-The Father to God the Son/Sun (Solar Self) and is the Highest state of Luna (I-magi-nation). The Same waters of consciousness are seen here on The Moon card, but they are polluted and/or profaned (wavy lines of red and black on bottom of card) with the dark subconscious fears of mortality and torture, that fear of physical pain, rejection and death bestows a parasitic weakness on the subconsciousness and therefore, the lowest state of Luna (Dark Imagination). However, as I have stated before, the traveling up the Path of Qoph, towards the "Son/Sun Consciousness” of the Soul (the 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth) notably changes the body physiology, as the Bright Beautiful Light Intellect of the Sun/Son (Tiphareth) descends into it and awaking The God Molecule in our DNA (Philosopher's stone and/or Anunnaki Genetics). When traveling up the Path of Qoph, the Personality becomes increasingly aware of the Higher and/or Cosmic Self and less controlled by the dark fears of the mortal body that is controlled by the "false ego".


Dr. Paul Foster Case, Qabalistic Founder of B.O.T.A., called The Moon, the ​"Corporeal Intelligence" which means the "body consciousness". Also, in Hebrew the word "corporeal" means "to rain upon", which is why we see the symbols of Yods raining down from the central orb of the card. Since this is a Watery Card, the ancient Egyptians, of a more poetic bent, say that these Yod symbols are "tears of the Moon- Goddess raining down and filling the Nile". What we all agree on is that something descends from the 7th Sephiroth-Yesod; the Sephiroth of the Moon to the Earth on the Path of Qoph, which is represented as raining Yods (fiery creative forces).

The path of Qoph is that of primitive instincts, of nature red in "both tooth and claw" which emerges uncontrolled by moral or ethical reasoning. The traveler of this Path will face aspects of themselves that our cultural beliefs force upon them to repress but are indeed integral and undeniable parts of our predatory human form and therefore, become profaned by superstitious culture programing of the subconscious mind and the infectious evil of the "mind virus" that presents itself as "you".   Until the student is able to fearlessly approach these internal demons and thereby, remove the veils of darkness from the subconscious,  allowing in the Bright Intellect of the Son/Sun who applies beautiful reason to our intangible consciousness allowing one to emerge from dark subverting fears into a bright, beautiful, sunny mind of warm intelligence and thereby, domesticate and make conscious the animal/beast within making it a loyal companion who understands the need to do unto another as it would have done to it. 

We must domesticate our subconscious survival mind.




  1. having or showing a belief in superstitions.
  2. "Many superstitious beliefs and practices are connected with sneezing."


mythical · irrational · illusory · groundless · unfounded · unprovable · traditional · credulous · prone to superstition · naive · gullible

Befriending the beast within.

The simple Hebrew letter of Qoph, also translates into the English word, sleep. Thus, we have a conscious relationship with the Moon-subconscious and the bright Sun reflecting side, our waking consciousness, and of the lonely dark sunless side of the sleeping subconsciousness. As the Moon cycles, so does our consciousness, as during the cyclic phase of conscious withdrawal from the physical (Sleep) many of us still act upon the fantasies and information closely related to the body’s survival-based experiences. Their dreaming is filled with phantoms produced by the body’s ancient fear of pain and/or death which once consciously transcended, is the successful completion of the Path of The Moon. When consciousness sheds its bright, warm, light of the Solar Self/ Soul upon the darkness; Darkness is banished. As Celestial Beings, Psyche, we are immortal and need not fear and ending.

The initiate finds that birth, death, and resurrection are pivotal concepts on the Path of the Moon. These biological processes occur in the light and dark of our sensual perceptions. The 2 figures of Anubis, the jackal -headed gatekeepers, symbolize this cyclic process (Spiral energy) as the god Anubis was the Egyptian god of light and darkness, death, and resurrection. The "As above, so below" is shown as a pattern on this card and reinforces this meaning. The Gateway is also shown on the Triple Goddess Tarot (past blogs) as the dark Scrying mirror. John Dee, an Alchemist, astrologer of Queen Elizabeth the 1st- court, used a "moon pool" and/or a bowl filled with dark water to view the denizens of the subconscious. Therefore, The Moon, symbolizes the process of "self-reflection", as well as, a process consciousness goes through, when energy proceeds from order to disorder (second law of Thermodynamics), from organized flesh to death.


To understand the Path of Qoph--The Moon, is to understand the partnership of our personality, imagination, and/or self-consciousness to the physical vehicle, which the Soul-the Divine Personality animates for each manifestation. Since most people perceive themselves as having existence only through their bodies, this is often a most difficult undertaking. One must realize that they are Spirit (Will to be) born before they created a personal "Mind" from experiences of the Universal Collective Unconscious and that the information gathered from that "Mind" collective of I AM, must become information before it can be "Knowledge". Information becomes a measurement and/or form in this universe. Life is information experienced through a sensual form and/or in-form-action. Intimate Experience produces knowledge. What many of us learn, is that what we call "outer space" is the Dark fabric of the Universal Collective Unconscious (God-The I AM) and all exists in it, as it, and not just from it.

Energy-in-motion (emotion) is emoted frequencies of light that carries data and the changing phases of the moon influence the spiraling motion of microwaves/frequencies. on earth. The influence of the Moon is the Magnetic to the Sun's Electric, and bends and helps shape the reflected light/energy. This often shows up in humans as emotional moods and/or phases (lunatics). Hence, she is a mirror to our, often ignored electric "emotional" self, which emotes energy into illusions of belief and therefore, manifestation. She is the perfect example of the Magnetic Female, which can also affect the fertility of the female species on earth. When we learn to connect to the moon's rhythms of change, we handle flux with ease and grace, learning to emote what we want not what we fear.

Fear is a phantom, and not reality and emotions are under your control and not automatons of reaction that are stored in the subconsciousness of the brain. You are a Spirit, not a brain, nor should an outside authority rule your brain. You are the master and the masterpiece! You are the author, actor, script, and stage in your own story. Tell the brain the truth, you are not programs, cultural dogma, indoctrinated identity nor any word of human invention.

You are the Solar/Celestial who operates a brain in your name of "I AM" on a plane of energy that is tangible reflection!

In the past, The Moon was also often seen as a Triple Goddess, Innocent Maid Goddess of youthful Life, White Goddess of Light., Mother of all living things, and a Goddess of Death (Dark Goddess/Crone) at once praised and then feared. As previously stated, it is the physical fear of dying and/or being preyed on, that the false ego has attached to and uses to hound our subconsciousness aspect of the brain in many subtle ways, producing phantoms who manifest as phobias, obsessions, and mental - emotional disorders.

Our true consciousness comes from the immortal Soul/Psyche, which can become confused as it is unused to such thoughts of fear filled ending. In death the Soul recycles, our self- consciousness, which is a "reflection" of the Soul Conscious-I AM. Bodies forget that they are a recycled part of the Whole Organic Organism that we know as "Organic matter". Like I have often said, to my own brain- body," You came from cranberries and to cranberries you shall return..." which is a slightly dark humor that I use to give the brain pause from its attempts at survival thinking (worry, fear of death, fear of rejection, fear of loss etc..). We are not physical brains (Wet ware). We are Spiritual Souls (Intelligent Celestial-Solar Energy), who are supposed to program the brain-wet-ware with the golden Sun's/Son's own Universal Collective software, for the purpose of experiencing the discernment of being a "living Spirit", something we as "I AM" are not (I AM-means existence-but not what exists). The Universal Experiment of Life is all about Self-Awareness. As the One- Self became Two by inventing the concept of "I" and Other "Am". Hence, 0=2, and when a body is adopted as an avatar in the material world, 0=3; Spirit-Mind-Body becomes Father-Mother-Child.

The Solar Self

The Moon reminds us that thoughts can no longer be indiscriminate mental ramblings of an uncontrolled or profaned imagination, they now must support life, and expand and liberate the "living" from and beyond fear of death- based thoughts of a slave. Spirit causes life, but is infinite and unmeasured, and therefore, is not "alive", even though it exists in the intangible format of Energy. "I Am" denotes existence not what I AM is. What "I AM" is as a Self, is totally a Fantasy/Assumption and therefore, a Soul is free to imagine itself anyway it wishes. What we are told "Reality" is, is merely a Ruler's propaganda binding our Identities into group-controlled definitions and/or group hysteria which in no way allows freedom to choose. The Moon Card represents "Reality" as the fantasy it really is! For what is deemed real, is imagined like every other image (Imagination means to "image make").

Hence, the Moon card implies that One should "Take charge of the Story you are telling yourself!"

Violet is her name, (from wolf to total cuteness/the subconscious as companion of awake consciousness!)

The Traditional Tarot of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck.

The Immortal Being that Souls are, must redesign/domesticate the "survival mind" of the animal body, as we as a people, have "redesigned" the mind of a Wolf into that of a domesticated pet/companion dog. Hence on the Traditional Tarot-Key 18-The Moon, we see one dog and a wolf. The Wolf represents the primal survival mind of the subconscious while the dog represents the domesticated subconscious that listens to the Wisdom of the Psyche (soul)rather than the polluted darkness of the "false ego". We are built to be the Suns of Living Creative Conscious Energy, the Lover of Entity not the Profaner of Entity.

The Soul is one who must mentally reflect upon a world of Matter, which for generations was symbolized by the Moon. For as science has taught us this is the realm of "Reflected light" which is less than one percent of the total electromagnetic spectrum: a light spectrum that is the foundational medium of our universal collective consciousness and its aspects as subconsciousness and Unconsciousness. One could say, that on the Path of the Moon, the Soul learns to run the physical vehicle by expanding the brain's perspectives beyond that of life and death, good and bad, into the knowledge that keeps personality-resurrection, liberation, and expansion as a form of I AM ME. We are prone to "Self-reflection" in a world of reflected light. Spirit will always build form, for not only is that Spirit's destiny, but it is also necessary to experience the assumptions of I AM and turn that data/information into Knowledge.

Reality will always be a fantasy of Self-Reflection, as for what is "truly real" is on the other side of the mirror----All is Mind. Hence, I AM is truth, but what I AM is always assumed.

The pillars in the Thoth Card and enclose a dark vulva cave (in this case generously lit to show its symbology of the female regenerative organs) which is a traditional symbol of the Abyssal Womb representing the birthplace of Souls. Hence, the Moon card is often called "sorcery" as it represents the Source of the subconscious mind.

The Astromatrix Tarot-Key 18-Moon

The Astromatrix Tarot-Key 18-Moon is more like the RWS Moon card than the Thoth. Here the moon is shown united with the Sun above and between two pillars that form the gateway to phantoms and reality. A dog and a wolf which are shown on the Rider-Waite-Smith Moon card are also shown on the Astromatrix Key 18 card. This card puts us in the illusion and asks us a question, "Is life but a dream"? For we are Mind whose illusion is the dream of "I AM Being".

The "Moon Pool" of the subconscious mind shown on the RWS Moon card, is shown as a river of "liquid mind" that flows into forms and is shown flowing from moon lit mountains and over our windowsill of the sleeping and fertile mind and/or Moon pool. There is also crayfish which represents Cancer and rejuvenation as a crayfish sheds its outer shell to grow. However, the sign of Pisces is shown on this card as this is a water sign.

In astrology, when the Moon is in the house of Cancer, it is considered to be in its home sign, as Cancer is ruled by the Moon. This placement is quite significant and brings forth certain characteristics and influences.

  1. Emotional Sensitivity: The Moon represents emotions, and in Cancer, it enhances emotional sensitivity. Individuals with the Moon in Cancer are deeply connected to their feelings and those of others. They are intuitive and often rely on their emotions to guide them.

  2. Nurturing Instincts: Cancer is associated with the archetype of the nurturer and caregiver. When the Moon is in Cancer, there is a strong instinct to nurture and protect. These individuals find fulfillment in taking care of others and creating a secure and comfortable environment.

  3. Home and Family Focus: The Cancer Moon places a significant emphasis on home and family life. These individuals may have a strong attachment to their roots, finding comfort and security within their family and domestic surroundings.

  4. Mood Swings: The Moon is known for its cyclical phases, and in Cancer, there can be noticeable mood swings. Emotions ebb and flow like the tides, making individuals with this placement sometimes appear moody or changeable.

  5. Intuitive Decision-Making: Trusting their intuition, those with the Moon in Cancer often make decisions based on their gut feelings. Their instincts serve as a valuable guide in navigating life's challenges.

  6. Empathy and Compassion: Cancer is a compassionate sign, and with the Moon here, there is a natural empathy towards others. These individuals are often understanding and supportive, making them reliable friends and confidants.

  7. Creativity and Imagination: The Moon in Cancer enhances creativity, especially in areas related to the home and emotions. These individuals may have a flair for artistic expression and enjoy creative pursuits that allow them to channel their feelings.

Understanding the Moon's placement in a specific house provides insights into an individual's emotional landscape and their approach to nurturing and connecting with others. It's important to consider the overall birth chart for a more comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological profile.

When the Moon is in the house of Pisces, it brings a unique set of characteristics and influences to an individual's astrological profile. Here are some key traits associated with the Moon in Pisces:

  1. Emotional Sensitivity and Empathy: Pisces is a highly sensitive and empathetic sign, and when the Moon is placed here, emotional sensitivity is heightened. Individuals with this placement often pick up on the emotions of others, making them compassionate and understanding.

  2. Imagination and Creativity: Pisces is a sign associated with creativity and imagination. The Moon in Pisces enhances these qualities, making individuals with this placement inclined towards artistic pursuits, daydreaming, and a rich inner fantasy life.

  3. Intuitive and Psychic Abilities: Pisces is known for its intuitive and psychic tendencies. With the Moon in Pisces, there is a strong connection to the unseen and the intuitive realm. These individuals may have vivid dreams and a natural ability to tune into subtle energies.

  4. Adaptability: Pisces is a mutable sign, indicating flexibility and adaptability. The Moon in Pisces bestows a fluid and adaptable emotional nature. Individuals with this placement may find it easy to go with the flow and adjust to changing circumstances.

  5. Spiritual and Mystical Inclinations: Pisces is associated with spirituality and mysticism. The Moon in Pisces individuals often have a deep interest in spiritual matters, meditation, and exploring the mysteries of existence. They may seek a sense of oneness with the universe.

  6. Compassion and Altruism: With a compassionate and selfless nature, those with the Moon in Pisces are often drawn to helping others. They may have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world, driven by a sense of empathy and understanding.

  7. Emotional Boundaries and Escapism: While highly empathetic, individuals with the Moon in Pisces may struggle with maintaining emotional boundaries. There could be a tendency to escape from harsh realities through daydreaming, art, or other forms of creative expression.

  8. Sensitivity to Environmental Influences: Pisces is associated with the element of water, and the Moon in Pisces individuals may be particularly sensitive to their surroundings. They may thrive in peaceful and harmonious environments and may be affected by discord or negativity.

Understanding the Moon's placement in Pisces provides insights into an individual's emotional and intuitive nature. It's important to consider the entire birth chart for a comprehensive understanding of how different astrological factors interact. As you can see, Moon in Cancer and Moon in Pisces are both very intuitive and emotional placements.

This dreaming subconscious mind is happy when it realizes that life is a story, we tell ourselves. This card also asks, "who is dreaming you now"? Are you a figment of the imagination of those who rule the many through dogma and indoctrination? Or do you rule your own personal domain of being?

Do you, "Above all things, know thyself"?

When the Moon Card-Key 18- is thrown during a reading it implies:

  • The querent is experiencing dissatisfaction and voluntary change is on the horizon.
  • The querent is experiencing choice and authenticity over old illusions and delusions.
  • A call to enter the darkness of the subconscious and to come to grips with one's fantasy made demons.
  • Within 18 weeks or 18 months the querent must take control of the survival mind and expand it beyond its fear-based perspectives.
  • They must remember that they are a Spirit who owns a body, not a body who owns a spirit; an Immortal Conscious that owns a mortal consciousness.
  • Devotion to intuitive knowledge.
  • Mirror of the Soul and/or the bridge between the inner and outer world.
  • Strong dreams

If ill defined by the surrounding cards of the layout it implies:

  • Hysterical illusion.
  • Persecution complex.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Fear.
  • Drug abuse.
  • Flights from reality.

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses your prosperity. May you live long and prosper.

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