
The Starman Tarot- Ace of Pentacles
I carefully tend the seeds of success.
The Starman Tarot- Ace of Pentacles, represents the remarkable potency of Life. It is about breaking down the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth; Will-Emotions-Intelligence-and Matter, in that order.These are the raw components of your life, by living only in the fears of the past, your life is in decomposition; by taking the past "so called" negative experiences, and turning them over, tilling them into the positive learning experience they really are, one fertilizes the new growth of fruitful, successful, Self.

According to David De Angelis: "My intention for this card was to express the wonder we have the incredible potential to grow and become someone else.' Things occur in our lives to catalyst a whole paradigm shift, symbolized by the cat and its 9 lives." No one could say it better. For we are a magic composite of the electromagnetic light spectrum, that causes things to animate and "live", called "Spirit", by concentrated I AM, Spirit has formed into flesh. Spirit and flesh are not separate, any more than Sun and light are separate. However, Spirit is not a brain invention, and therefore, it is invisible to the brain, yet it is the dynamic breath of the body. Time to understand the Heaven and Earth magic that you are. From the Above you came to the Below, to connect the Heavens and Earth, not separate them. You see, the Photon Central Galactic Sun, of which our Galaxy spins around, sees itself in the Galactic Creations of Self. Self, became selves of Photon origins, Light, has a long evolution as "Mind" before The Universal Collective Unconscious, (Universal Dream of Self) condensed enough light, through concentration of identity, to become material beings. Each of us is a collective of the I AM...paradigm. I Am denotes existence, "Me" denotes Understanding of the "other", i.e., creation. Therefore, you are indeed your own creation, and hence, can change that idea/story, any time you will, just by understanding what you have created. "Above all things, know thyself", has deep arcane meaning. You are the magic magician, hiding behind the "Veils of light", the Oz of your own spectacle you call a "me". You are the Solar Self we call a Soul, represented as the 6th Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, called "Beauty". A soul is a composite of I AM Me's, that has evolved over time. Just as planets are composites of dead Suns, some of which are as the phoenix, a resurrection from the ashes of death , under the fire of a new star, to become Life: Life being a combination of Energy and Mind, where Energy now can "see itself". It's best to look at yourself as the Sun and your body the Planet that depends on it to Live.

The Ace of Pentacles (Disks) represents the essence of seed. From this "Star seed" and new Sun of God/Divine Creative is born; a Soul. The Golden Child who then goes about defining itself, through its own creations of "I"-dentity. The All Seeing "I", it the Greater Self, the I
Am is the marriage of identity and the Wisdom of existence, and when the difference of identity and existence, is Understood, (Binah) we have "Me" and/or Form. You are light, in all it's phases of Identity, and now you are here to Understand the Dream of Self and recreate it in individual composites of "Me".

The Divine Feminine is shown on this card as the source of the Tree of Life. Orphic eggs, each with a humanoid light form represent the golden seeds of life. The books are wisdom, knowledge, which forms the Mind the "Daath Sephiroth", the invisible Womb of the Macrocosm. The golden pentacle is shown on the top of this card, not only representing the element of Earth, but also the combination of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit, the symbol of "mankind".

thoth -ace of disks
The Thoth Ace of Disks represents the seed of the Entity called Earth. The Quanta or subatomic particles, may be called the seeds of Atoms and atoms are unions of photons, neutrons, electrons and are considered living things. The Ace of Disks, as seen in the Thoth Tarot, is layered idea-upon idea and requires a great study of Crowley's Liber Al, and 777 along with the Equinox book series to understand the Magick involved. I shall only superficially cover this card, although that superficiality may seem deep. Just as a bath tube seems deep to the young.

The Ace of Disks, shows a spinning Mandala, for that is what the Earth, Luna, and Sun union is. It is the Mandala of Sacred Life on Earth/Malkuth---the Kingdom of Living Light. This combination of Atoms, photons, electrons, neutrons etc. spinning together to form an Entity, is a great sacred act of Divine Phallus /Masculine Divine Creative (Solar-electric forces) and Divine womb/ Feminine Divine Creative (magnetic forces) that have been represented in Mythology as long as it has been recorded and in our modern study of this Myth (theory) and call it “Theoretical Quantum Physics or Quantum Theory”. As stated, the Quanta are sub-atomic particles and can be called the "Seeds of Atoms". Study Quantum physics if you want more explanation of this seemingly "law breaking" perspective. which hints at the Quantum Mind, whose potential has no rules except that Observation makes reality.

The Ace of Disks is also a Mandala for the New Aeon of Horus. This card is layered depths of Gnosis (Knowledge) that can never be seen by first glance and requires in-depth study of the Tree of Life. The Non-Being required "I Will be", to weave patterns of Light-Fantasy, so that it could be itself. The Universe is the Fantasy of the Divine Creative wrought out of the love/lust of the Masculine for the Feminine or vise verse; i.e., the Attraction of electricity and the magnetic! To even get a glimmer of understanding of this is to revise your perspectives on Fantasy. Every thought you think is a Fantasy that the body makes into "reality" by sensitizing it and enacting it, it didn't create the story. We are the Playwright, the Play, the Actor and the Stage of our Fantasies! As I said, reality is a weaving of layers upon layers of Dream-Fantasy-Self-observation. All the Galaxy is in the Mind of One Conscious Energy Collective. All the Dreams of this Mind, are animated by the Union of Goddess (magnetic womb) and God (electric Phallus). That makes this card a "must meditate on Mandala". When the All Seeing I created the dream of the All Existing "other"-Am, love/The Law of Attraction, became the foundation of observation for the Creator.
The Ace of Disks is a glyph of Earth in the new Aeon of Horus, for if we fantasize our world, why not make a Great Fantasy of Union and Love, rather than the brutal Fantasy of separation and war? That is why Crowley calls the element of Earth cards, Disks instead of Pentacles, as most traditional decks do. A disk must spin to arrive at its target. Life is alive, spinning, rebounding, layer upon layer of the Greater Self Awareness; a loving realization that builds the All of the “I AM”.
THE ACE OF DISKS (pentacles) represents the root Power of Earth.

The Tree of Life shows the Crown-Kether and the Kingdom- Malkuth as both ends of the Tree. As above, so below, is the Qabalist's axiom for Magi...one who is the manifestation of Kether on the Material Earth Plane.; one whose “I’s” are all seeing. “As above, so below” implies Whole-ness of Spirit, Mind and body= Holy Spirit, and is the destination of all who study the Qaballah. Earth is not perceived as a "lesser form" of Spirit but as an achievement of Total Spiritual Self Awareness! There is no logic to No-thing "becoming" some-thing, so that is may return to nothing. No-thing -Kether- obviously desired itself into being something---because it is the Trinity of ” I AM”; the first name we’ve all inherited and the Divine Creative Will, and its all loving observation of the I Am that is the upper trinity of the Tree of Life.
We are masters of Time-Space, through inheritance and are achieving an active part of the Conscious Energy Self Awareness, by being able to focus that awareness down to the intimate scale of human sensuality. You call yourself Souls, but know not what that means. First off the word soul came from the Greek-Psyche, a part of mythology for understanding the workings of the Unconscious. But to be more modern, souls are Libraries of Personalities, an energy fractal, created by a certain collective of attracted light frequencies, called Spirit, therefore your name is indeed legion!

Successful creation in time-space is form which has an alpha and an omega--because form requires a beginning and an end. Without time-space, no form could be made; without transformation of forms, motion/evolution could not be kept! Change (transformation) is objective motion and subjective force and it is how we animate time-spacial concepts as "alive" being. There is an illusion in this; because we are Life we make alive what is more limited than ourselves in order to understand what it is "to be" ; we call that observed self-ME! But worry not! For this has never stopped the Divine from creating "Lesser Being" as evolutionary Self-Awareness. The thinker of thought is always greater than the thought but without thought the Thinker is Unaware of Itself; Albeit "A Form" of awareness in the Formless Unconscious of Energy, it is the only way TO BE! Kether is Eheieh- in Hebrew, meaning "I Will Be", and Will-To-Be is our Soul! And being that is alive and self-aware is what we create on Earth, in the name of the Divine Creative! That Name is “I AM"! That is the Great Work of the Soul! To manifest a material being that is the Sensual Gate- Way of Kether on this Earth, i.e. a Me! The Union of Crown and Kingdom which because of accomplishment, shall never be divided again for it has become the trinity of “I AM ME” and the fulfillment of the Original Will of "I Will Be".
When the Ace of Disks is thrown, new material conditions for a new satisfying path in life shall ensue. The Ace of Disks is the "seed" of Matter brought on by the joyous union of the Sun-Phallus and The Womb of Earth. This card affirms the new Aeon...The manifestation of the Solar Being and the Material Being as One Being who is many! In other words, the Being whose name is Legion! That would be best known as, I AM ME! Therefore, everyone I see is another way to be "me".
Matter, may be called the crystallizing light which is a materialization of Ideas that began in the "Great Dark Ocean of Binah (Understanding)", the Abyssal Womb-Feminine of the Divine Creative and because of Her Union with Chokma (wisdom), the masculine of the Divine Creative, Spirit has created animated energy forms from the Dream of Self.
If you look deeply into you mind, you can see that when an Idea/data is understood, it forms into Image! The seeds of Image are as a seed of a tree----all the knowledge/wisdom of the Tree is in that seed which becomes something greater than itself as it grows from practice and experience into The Tree. We are such seeds. We are the seeds of I AM that has acknowledge itself as probabilities rather than a stasis form of Law. We are the Self-Rule Makers of the Universe---we make a Rule -a definition and then become it and then if all is balanced, grow beyond it by expanding and liberating our identity from that previous definition. You could call us the Seeds of Light-Conscious Evolution. We are always the "Exception". It's called FREEDOM OF CHOICE! So this card reminds us to choose and then fertilize and nurture that choice with a loving observation of I AM ME!
This is indeed a great inheritance! We can be and/or are whatever we define ourselves to be! To be "ill defined" is to think ill about any or all that you "see". To be "Well defined" is to know that everything you see is another way to be me (identity of the One Energy)! Again the greatest seeds of Life that you can plant come from, “Doing unto another what you would have done to you!"----no matter how they "do unto you"! We must practice what we "think we are"---for that is the nature of a "Thought Form"---our crystallized conscious-energy bodies---which are the "seeding" of Spirit on this Earth. Outer growth depends on fertile and nurturing internal awareness!
Remember, you cannot erase thought by suppressing it for it is created! So expand it instead and as a seed it can grow into a fruitful tree. For instance, let's say you wake up in the morning thinking, "Damn I feel lousy!" Don't try and suppress it by denying you thought it by overlaying a thought such as " Oh not really---I feel great" for that will only fail, and magnify that ill feeling. Instead think expansively and liberate that ill thought towards well thought! For example, you may think," Damn I feel lousy but in 5 minutes I'll feel better!" And in 5 minutes you will feel better and as a seed you will continually feel better by "watering" it every 5 minutes with "I feel even better in another 5 minutes", etc. We can do the same for any ill thought---Such as," Boy is she/he a bitch!" By just adding a positive. Such as," However, those who go after what they want always seem bitchy to those who don't." This just freed you from "disliking" yourself as you go after what you want in life! This card, The Ace of Disks---reminds us of the seeds we plant in our own Identities by definitions supplied to those images of the One Energy around us. Remember, if it exists---it’s supposed to! To see error doesn't mean to condemn it! After all, error is 50% of Wisdom, Wisdom being the ability to create, see error (in that creation) and correct it. The Body is where we correct the errant thought---because we can "Feel" thought and if it "hurts" it has error in it! Happiness is constant growing----depression is a stagnation of self-identity! You are good enough for God--you are good enough for you! To stop ill thought, think this to your body when it gets on the pity pot of thought, “get over yourself and get on with you, impeccability is what we do!”
For the Card Reader, the Ace of Disks/Pentacles means:
- The seeds of Material gain are sown, labor, power, wealth and all things of earthly material are in the works for the Querent.
- Materialism in all sense of the word; be that good or evil. So in a sense, it is illusion.
- Our Fantasy, our Dreams, shape the reality of our world.
- There is the process of Neti-Neti (Hindu for "Not This-Not That") that come with this card and is the motivating power of consumerism.
- This is a process where the querent is gathering stuff to make them happy and finding out that "He who dies with the most stuff" is not happy. Happiness is a state of gratitude not a state of more.
- Seeking validation through possessions, is a turmoil of not this-not that. "...to know thyself" is to know that the Divine Creative’s Validation made you manifest.
- To the Divine Self, creation is a validation of I Am Me. “I am, therefore I am divinely-valid", is a knowing of happiness.
- Time to plant the seed of something wonderful.
- You have what you need to get it done.
- Surrender to the Cause-The Great Work of "As above, so below".
If ill defined or "reversed" in the Starman Tarot:
- Lack of faith in abilities.
- Taking on too many responsibilities.
- Misguided timing.
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