The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth- 2 of Swords-Peace & The Mystic Palette Tarot-Two of Swords

Western hermetic Qabalah, Magick, Numerical, Astrological, Tantric, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Mystic Palette-Thoth

Above all things, know thyself.

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Thoth- 2 of Swords-Peace

Through me its unfailing wisdom takes form in thought and word.

The celestial attribution of the Thoth 2 of Swords is the Moon in Libra; the Moon is change, but Nature is inherently peaceful which enhances the balancing nature of Libra, implying, the need to bring about change in a harmonious, united and sociable way.

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Overall, one would think of the disruption of Chokma (# 2 Sephira- Wisdom) in the suit of Air (Swords); air being a suit born from the conflict of Water and Fire in marriage that produces Air. Air/Swords is subject to change as no other suit, not only from the fire/water parentage but also when Earth appears the suit becomes crystallized.

Here, the Mind and Ego are at peace. However, this is the death suit of the Tarot, and swords are implements of War. It is an instrument of action, just like the ego, which tells us it is the "true mind" and it is therefore, you. Both of which are a lie.

You are the Solar Psyche and/or Plasmic Mind, not the false egoic mind that comes from the Brain. There is a True Ego and that is the intellectual part of the Soul called the Rauch, which is in constant motion of "I AM". The brain and/or body ego is the "false mind" that the Eastern mystics call the "great enemy" and Western Hermetic Magick calls the "devil within". This False Mind/Ego must be overcome if we are to achieve the "Heavenly Human" status of Adam Khadmond and/or the Higher State of Androgynous-Self where consciousness becomes the Supernal Trinity (3 states of Will: I will be, will-to-force and will-to-form). However, the 2 of Swords is a sigh of relief from this battle as we are at momentary peace mentally and spiritually.

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Adam Khadmon- "The Heavenly Human"

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In the Thoth Tarot, the 2 of Swords, shows 2 Swords of equal strength, crossed; they are combine by a 5 petal blue rose. The Blue Rose represents the Gnostic Sophia, ---and the Qabalistic Chokma. Binah is the Great Mother of Wisdom (Female aspect of Chokma), whose harmonizing influence, plus that of Libra, compounds the latent antagonism of the Suit of Swords. The pinwheel shaped white rays, are in a geometrical pattern that emphasizes the harmonic equilibrium of the 2. Peace is about the best word to describe this harmonic. Here are two minds united in the wisdom of Sophia, the blue 5 petaled rose.

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In Western Hermetic Magick and the Mysteries, the number 5 is often associated with mankind, as well as with motion, change, and struggle. Here’s why:

1. Mankind and the Pentagram

  • The number 5 is linked to humanity because of the five-fold symmetry of the human body:
    • Head, two arms, two legs—forming a pentagram when outstretched.
  • The Pentagram (five-pointed star) is a major Hermetic and occult symbol representing the microcosm, or Man as the image of the Divine.
  • In the Golden Dawn system, the Pentagram ritual establishes the dominance of Spirit over the four elements, symbolizing human mastery over the material world.

2. The Five Senses & Elements

  • Humans experience the world through five primary senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.
  • In alchemy and Qabalistic tradition, four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) form the material world, while the fifth element (Aethyr/Spirit) represents the divine and the force that unites them.

3. Geburah – Severity and Strength

  • On the Tree of Life, 5 is the number of Geburah, the Sephirah of Mars, representing force, war, courage, and discipline.
  • It signifies struggle and conflict, necessary for evolution and growth.
  • In personal development, it is the force that tests and refines the soul.

4. The Pentagrammaton (YHShVH)

  • The divine name YHWH (יהוה) becomes YHShVH (יהשוה) with the addition of Shin (ש), symbolizing the Spirit.
  • This transformation represents the Christic or divine aspect of humanity—the perfected man who integrates Spirit with the material world.

5. Tarot & The Hierophant

  • The 5th card in the Major Arcana is The Hierophant, symbolizing divine wisdom, tradition, and initiation into the Mysteries.
  • It represents humanity’s connection to higher knowledge and the transmission of sacred teachings.


The number 5 represents mankind in the Western Hermetic tradition, but it also signifies struggle, initiation, and mastery over the elements. It is the number of experience and change, making it crucial in spiritual development and magical practice.

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Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Swords.

The Mystic Palette-2 of Swords displays a blindfolded sword dancer who is guarding the Fools inner sanctum. Her 2 Swords represent the 2 polar opposites of electric-male and magnetic-female forces trying to get together and achieve a harmonic balance by keeping information or a part of themselves hidden. Her blindfold keeps her from being fooled by appearances, as she stands ready in defense to not allow anyone or anything to get past her.


Certainly, this is bound to fail in the long run, and she learn must drop her defenses and trust, just to keep her sanity. For now, she is judging between 2 possibilities (2 swords) of equal value. Her blindfold also reminds us of the Justice card, where this blindfold assures fair judgement to all concerned.

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The Blue Rose of Sophia is a deeply mystical and esoteric symbol associated with Divine Wisdom (Sophia), the Sacred Feminine, and the hidden mysteries of the soul. While not as widely recognized in mainstream occultism, it appears in certain mystical, Hermetic, and Gnostic traditions as a powerful representation of spiritual enlightenment and divine knowledge.

1. Sophia – Divine Wisdom

  • Sophia (Σοφία) is the Greek word for wisdom and, in Gnostic and Hermetic traditions, she is considered the divine feminine aspect of God, the Holy Spirit, or the Bride of God.
  • She is often portrayed as fallen into matter, symbolizing the imprisoned divine spark within humanity, seeking to return to its divine origin.
  • In the Qabalistic tradition, Sophia is sometimes equated with Binah (the Great Mother and the matrix of form) or Malkuth (as the Shekinah, the exiled Divine Feminine in the world of matter).

2. The Blue Rose – A Symbol of Hidden Wisdom

  • The rose has long been a symbol of mystical wisdom, divine love, and initiation. The Rosicrucian tradition, for example, uses the red rose as a symbol of divine alchemy and the unfolding of spiritual truth.
  • The blue rose, however, is an impossible flower—it does not exist naturally, making it a symbol of the unattainable, the transcendent, and the esoteric mysteries.
  • Blue is the color of the divine, the higher mind, and the unseen realms, connecting it to Sophia as celestial wisdom.

3. The Alchemical and Hermetic Significance

  • In alchemical terms, the Blue Rose can represent the Philosopher’s Stone, the completion of the Great Work, and the attainment of divine wisdom.
  • Some esoteric traditions see the Blue Rose of Sophia as the symbol of the regeneration of the soul, the moment when the seeker’s mind transcends mundane perception and receives divine revelation.
  • It is the final step of spiritual initiation, where wisdom is no longer intellectual but fully embodied in the initiate’s being.

4. Sophia and the Hidden Feminine Mysteries

  • The Blue Rose is linked to the esoteric Feminine Mysteries, which were often suppressed or hidden throughout history.
  • It represents the veil of Isis, the secret teachings of the Shekinah, and the deeper mysteries of Qabalistic and Gnostic traditions.
  • Some mystics associate it with Mary Magdalene, who is sometimes viewed as an avatar of Sophia, carrying secret knowledge.

5. The Blue Rose as a Spiritual Quest

  • The pursuit of the Blue Rose is akin to the search for the Holy Grail, symbolizing the soul’s longing for divine reunion.
  • It can also represent the inner journey of the soul, where one transcends the material world and perceives the divine within.


The Blue Rose of Sophia is a symbol of divine wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and the hidden mysteries of the soul. It is a guidepost for seekers of truth, representing the mystical union of spirit and matter, the divine reawakening of Sophia within, and the quest for the highest form of enlightenment.

Ritual for invocation of Sophia and her wisdom is on blog of Just click on button.

When the 2 of Swords is thrown:

  • The querent will be or has been, experiencing peace after a quarrel that began two weeks, or two months ago.
  • Peace is restored but some tension remains.
  • There are two actions here, sometimes selfish and sometimes unselfish action because of the contradictory characteristics in the same nature (Moon in Libra, Fire and Water).
  • There is Strength gained after suffering; sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising from the effort.
  • The querent may often show sorrow and sympathy for those in trouble and champion the weak and oppressed while also giving aid to them.
  • All in all, the Two of Swords, is a balancing of two strong individual minds, who have found greater profit in agreement rather than in conflict.
  • There is an arrangement of differences that brings about justice and truth from untruth.
  • Reconciliation of differences.

According to dignity of the accompanying cards, the ill dignity of the 2/Two of Swords could also mean:

  • One is lacking tact, often doing injury when meaning well. 
  • There is also an inclination to repeat pardoned affronts.
  • Unresolved conditions of tension. 

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