
Thoth-2 of Wands-Dominion
2. Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.

The Upper Supernal Triangle on the Tree of Life, can be compared to the Garden of Eden. From this pyramid, the male and female polarities of energy balance against each other, evolving into increasing density as they develop towards the lowest 10th Sephiroth, Malkuth, on the Tree of Life.

the Divine hermaphrodite
In Qabalistic Gematria (numerology), the number 2 symbolizes the union and balance of opposites that underlies all material existence. Because this equilibrium of opposites begins in Chokmah, it is called the Sephiroth of” Perfect Harmony”. While Kether is that which is the “Root” of impetus : Chokmah is the impetus for all manifestation. The Harmonic Union of opposites, Chokmah/Binah, supplies that action. Binah is Saturn, and Chokmah is the sphere of the Zodiac.
Ultimately Kether is Asexual, Chokmah is the idea of Maleness (Electric/will to force) and Binah is the idea of Femaleness (Magnetic/will to form), and the mating of the Two "wills the Electromagnetic Spectrum" into living form. Here the O becomes 2. Hence, the Crowley formula of 0=2.

Once again our sensual ideas of sexuality do not apply on this Higher Scale of Communion of the Upper Trinity. Here Maleness is the vital outpouring of electrical energy that is organized as
Will to Force, limited or formalized by the magnetic qualities of Female Will to Form. Thus the Hebrew letter Yod represents male and the Hebrew letter He' is female, and the resulting offspring is Vau of the Divine Name (Tretragramaton- the "secret god-name" is YHVH)that marries the Daughter who is the last He'. Therefore, the name of God/Divine Creative, Yod Heh Vau He', is represented as that attribute to the 6 lower Sephiroth in which the 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth (Beauty) is central.

As you may note, there are many interchangeable symbols and spellings in the Qaballah that may make it seem more complicated than it is. For instance, the letter He' is also spelled Heh by some. That is because Hebrew is phonetically translated into English and there are many ways to make the "sound" of a word. However, the essential key is that the Vital Outpouring Energy, which in intercourse with an organizing force, produces something else. For example, red combined with blue, creates purple by the motion of the mixer/organizer (Kether). Therefore, opposites joined in balanced harmony, produce something greater and/or other than the parents. This is not possible if exactly the same united with exactly the same, you would only get, exactly the same and all would succumb to stasis.

The Tree of Life originated in the opposition of Chokmah and Binah. However, this is not static, any more than male- female union on earth is static, there is a constant back and forth motion of growth and movement. When a change occurs in one Sephiroth, there is a natural balancing response in its opposite. There is a continual exchange that could be compared to breathing, as the inhale-exhale action that powers Life. On the Tree of Life, the Uppermost Sephiroth is Kether, in Hebrew-Eheieh, meaning "I Will Be", which sets the pattern for all below it. Like an electrical switch that is off, Kether is all potential, while the 2nd Sephiroth Chokmah is the electrical switch in the on position. Thus Chokmah is function while Kether is potential. Kether is a "non-Being" while Chokmah is BEING. Chokmah is where the Dream of Self begins. A dream we all have inherited as children of the Divine Creative who is the I AM.

From One "I" (the all Seeing Eye) all identity becomes, so in actuality, we as different separate vibrational frequencies do not exist other than as one energy. However, we declare existence by stating "I AM" turning I into I-dea, which is other than I. Then we set about understanding the difference, which gives birth to the invisible principle of existence as a "Me", Thus manifestation is a simple three-word definition called, "I AM Me" of which you, as the individual combination ot the spiral vibrations of energy (spirit) and/or the Spirit-Mind Harmonic, and the Mind of Idea, hold total freedom to define. Since I AM Not, is impossible, as I Am- declares existence. Whatever you define as not being you, simply states, that it is you. For example, one plus naught (0) = 1, Naught-zero- has no influence in potential. So “I am happy" creates happiness, while "I am not sad" creates only sadness. Time to rethink your power over the dream of you!
Since dimensions are descriptions of spatial terms, our life dream has specific dimensions as that is our best frame of reference. The Tree of Life is how the Qaballah describes these dimensional frames of reference as being a downward flowing evolution of Chokmah thru various levels of Self Dream called Sephiroth. To make this simple, we are first dreaming our own existence, and that we are all, collectively Souls of individually defined limits(Universal Collective Unconscious), and have access to what is known as a God-Mind and/or Image- Maker, which is the definition of the word Imagination. This process of evolutionary dreaming towards a more condensed and sensual dream of Self, is called the "fall", but it really is a "downsizing", that causes us to condense our identity to "live in the dream" of our self-concepts; to become more sensual and interactive, all of which is necessary for thought to become intimate with experience and therefore, Wisdom. The 0 of the Soul becomes 2 opposites (male and female) thus we lose sight of our own Divinity and must "reclaim" all the data we left behind on our "downward" journey into sensual dreaming. You may say that in manifestation, Malkuth, we are a lucid dreamer of the I Am, who suffers from amnesia. The cure of which is well stated by Jesus in the Gnostic Text of the Nag Hammadi Library.

I'll leave you with a quote from the Gnostic Text, The Gospel of Didymos Judas Thomas where it is written that Jesus answered his disciples question of "When shall we enter the Kingdom of God" ?"
(22) " When you make the Two One, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female, female; and when you fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then you will enter the kingdom." Jesus obviously knew of the Principles attributed to THE LOVERS card, the marring of 2 forces, but then he was a Nazarene Gnostic Master which is a Qabalist...the Word Christos is Greek and refers to the Sun!

The goal here is to get the inner dreamer and the dream to cooperate with each other (As above, so Below) and thus the dreamer than begins to get control over its life-Dream and/or happenstances becoming a Magus. This is a truly extraordinary experience and is the making of a Magi. Here the Union of Dreamer and Dream has no worded veils between them, and we can have anything at all, but we no longer experience the "neediness" that assaults the ego of the disconnected. We Love, without need, we created without fear of result. We want nothing at all because we become I AM rather than I Don't Have. We learn what does matter and what does not while we go about the Great Work of "As above, so below". We find that "lack" is an illusion, manipulated by the "few who rule the many" so that the mass can slave for them by "seeking more". As the Will of the One, I Am ruler over the All. I have achieved manifestation, a combination of all 10 Sephirotic Ideas of Self, I Am Me.
THE 2’s:
The Four 2's symbolize the Power created by the union of the King and Queen that initiates force. Those forces are the Prince and Princess that are not yet brought into action. The 2's therefore imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing,
To reiterate: the key to all systems, as well as, the Universal Pattern is the only Reality, we know as Chokmah (Wisdom) on the Tree of Life. Kether is not or naught, as thus it is not reality. When we cause reality, it is of our beliefs and opinions forming as information, so I often call Chokmah the Real...for it is not of us, but is the Will to Force before the I AM Me. Our beginning is in Chokmah, the idea of Force, and the Will to Form that is Binah, All begins there. As a reflection of the Original Self, (the body is a self-reflection) each of us inherit the same Primal Will that became 2-Will to Force and Will to Form and/or the simultaneous creation of 2 from O.
The 2 of Wands is also called the Lord of Dominion whose zodiacal attribution is Mars in Aries; the element of fire. The Angels of the Decan are Vehooel and Deneyal.

This is Chokmah influencing the World of Pure Spirit known as Atziluth.
Again I am trying to explain the unexplainable which is the Supernal Triangle. This second Sephirotic Card, 2 of Wands, is pure Will to Force and Will to Form, without need of result, simply because the joy of union automatically builds information. Which to most of us is impossible to realize as most of us exercise will to reach goals that we think we need. We don't realize that will to force is the Power behind Spirit, the Spiraling of Energy into motions that build dimensions of Self-Awareness that is begun in Chokmah. But before frequencies are stimulated into being by the powerful harmonies of union, there was Will to force (Chokmah) and then Will to Form (Binah). To some Being may be form, but in fact, a Being to a Qabalist is an "immortal state of Conscious Energy" while we all know that form has a beginning and an end as it is information which in this Universe becomes in-form-action. In Chokmah is the idea of being. The First Being---The All Father God who has no form until She-Binah "wills him to Form" and/or Understands Him. Here in the 2 of Wands is that joining of the 2 states of Will that are "He" and "She", Will to Force and Will to Form. Making the Trinity of, Kether (energy)-and thew wills of Chokmah-Binah, the first "domain".

The 2 of Wands, is Power to Will creation, in an unbridled state, for Mars is exalted in Aries as the fiery Mars rules the fiery sign Aries, the first house of the zodiac. Here Fire, i.e. Spirit, is pure Primal, and brilliant, warm and bright.

The Wands represent Dorjes, Tibetan symbols for Thunderbolts, that are shown crossed on this card, emphasizing the power and harmony of this card, where the Will to Force, shown as a spear head on one end and Will to Form, as a Divine Feminine (Tibetan-Ka Dro Ma) on the other end, are in joined in balanced /equalized Will here. The Dominion of Spirit has become a domain of Atziluth. From now on we know the Will of I AM as Male Force of Will , and the Female Force of Will ; Will as expressive force and Will as receptive form.

There is no lust of result in this Pure Will to Become One again, made of the harmony of "He" and "She" aspects of the One. There is no "battle of the sexes" where one wishes to rule relationship over the other. There is only the Union of Wisdom and Understanding that gives birth to information which must be experienced as in-form-action to become Knowledge, therefore, all creation. Here, Willed Energy is initiating a current of Force, that Spiral of Energy from which all comes.

When the word Harmony is mentioned, one often thinks of peace and quiet bliss, but this is the Violent Destructive Force that initiated the "Big Bang", totally without resistance in and of itself but destructive to 0. Nonetheless, as that is the First Motion of Creation, the destruction is that of the void. A Singularity exploded “outward" into "other", to form the building blocks of our Universe. Here Mars in Aries represents that Powerful Gathering of Force to deconstruct 0 for the reconstruction of 2 ; A gathering of Will to Force and Will to Form as I and Other and/or I Am. The Union of I and the information of Am, produce "Me". I Am Me are the 2 parents, I & Am and the cooperation of the 2 produce a "child" that is Me. Hence, as Spiritual I Am we must claim dominion in the Material World of Malkuth as rulers of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, claiming our sovereignty over matter and the love of being that begins with "I Will Be".

Haindl Tarot- 2 of Wands-Dominion.
New title: Self-Control.
I Ching : 26, Ta Ch'u, "The Taming Power of The Great"
Reversed I Ching: 25, Wu Wang, "Innocence".

The Handil Tarot-2 of Wands-Dominion, strays from displaying a Rune, and Hebrew letter, and now displays the Hexagrams of I-Ching in the upper left of the Card. In changing the title to "Self-Control", Haindl, indicates that this Dominion, is not politcal, nor concerning the Personal Power of Authority, but rather the True Authority/Power of the Soul. Hence, the setting of a ruined church in the background as 2 crossed spears (wands) take the forground. The Soul is the Place where Anima (Female) and Animus (Male) are One being, before having to separate to form separate sexes, for the purpose of DNA established diversity.
The Dominion of the Soul, is Self, and therefore, this card emphasizes the dominion of self-control, dominion over ourselves, over our weakenesess, and over our destructive impulse (ruined church). This is a hidden force in our world, and a sacred power neglected over time as our "impulsives" have become "knee jerk" reactions controlled by media and indoctrinated propaganda.
The I-Ching Hexagram 26, is called by Wing, "Potential Energy" and by Wilhelm Haindl, "The Taming Power of the Great". Both pertain to the need of holding firm to correct action and to follow through on something. The reverse Hexagram, 25, is called "innocence", emphasizing the need to stay in harmony with nature. There is an inner Truth to self control and that is that if we join ourselves with the Greater rhythms of Life, (the dancing Hindu couple Radha and Krishna) we have achieve Self-Control and/or dominion over I AM ME. The 2 pillars are as Lingams and the arches are as Yonis representing this united dance of 0=2.

The 2 wands on this card also form the St. Andrew's cross, the gift Rune of the Sun card, and also the Rune, Mann, in the form of arms crossed over chest. This is a powerful gesture, as standing upright with arms crossed and fists closed, sets up a power circut of energy in the body. It significantly stresses "I AM ME" ! In Moder Road signs X, means "do not enter", meaning I am a mystery not open to everyone, each of us must find our own way inside ourselves.
When the 2 of Wands-Dominion is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is experiencing the will to move forward in a new direction.
- From a place of undaunted will, of full power, and balanced dominion.
- Contemplating new ideas without lust of result.
- What once was unfocused energy is now becoming clear and polarized.
- Affirming a new self-identity.
- A partnership of two powers, opposite yet reflecting each other.
- The Self confidence that only comes from affirming and approving of one's self.
- A senses of accomplishment without any feeling of satisfaction.
- Impulse.
- Courage to take action.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Haindl) it implies:
- Destructiveness.
- Voluntarily giving up a position of power.
- Seeking adventures.
- Misuse of power.
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