
Thoth- 6 of Swords-Science
Lord of earned success.
The complete interpretation of this card is the perfect balance of all mental and moral facilities, hardly won and almost impossible to hold in an ever-changing world. The 6 of Swords is the science of the mind that is both objective and fair-witnessing and thereby, linking Spirit-Mind-Body is a perfect union that is displayed as a Whole Hexagram.

The 6 swords, suggesting the form of the unicursal hexagram, all join in the center of the Rosy cross; a Rosicrucian Cross, which is the universal symbol of integration, synthesis and blessing. This Rosy Cross indicates that the 6 of Swords represents the integrative mind that recognizes sources of inspiration that are sometimes unexplainable. The holistic mind is symbolized by the circle while the crystalline diamond, around the circle, represents the crystal clear creative mind. This mind can consider many thoughts at once (the many pin wheels in the background) and integrating them into a whole clarity that is objectively communicated in such a way as to present a new perspective that is otherwise unseen. The diamond shape is also the symbol used to illustrate the axiom of "As above so Below".

Mercury is seen at the top of the card and Aquarius at the bottom, symbolizing Mercury in Aquarius. Mercury is the winged messenger (clear communication) and Aquarius is the New Age (new perspectives) symbolizing the ability to communicate new ideas in such an objective way that they are easily understood and heard.

In reiteration, the Minor cards are all under the rule of a Sephiroth, in the case of the 6's, it is the 6th Sephiroth Tiphareth- Beauty. The adept will find the initiation of Tiphareth the first of the Greater Initiations into the meaning of self. This Tiphareth initiation is literally a scarifying of all that we know to be self, and life as we have lived it. Here the sacrifice is not relinquishing the much desired something, but rather a transition of Force, from that of the will of lesser consciousness to the Pure Will of the Greater Self. "Thy will be done" rather than, "my will be done". This is a most auspicious placement for the Suit of Swords, as Tiphareth is the Rauch, (Soul-Psyche-Intellect), as one can see the center of the Rauch radiates from the Tree of Life, connecting all the paths in a cooperative and great balance of the powers of analysis, and discernment upon the mysteries of Self and/or Being.
The Four 6's are about definite accomplishment and carrying out of a matter.

`THE 6 OF SWORDS- Science card is also called: Lord of Earned Success the Angels of the Decan are: Rehaayal and Yeyezeil. The 6 of Swords is influenced by Tiphareth in the Formative World [Yetzirah].

The air sign of Aquarius, is ruled by Saturn, which tends to stabilize the fleeting qualities of Mercury. The positioning of Mercury in Aquarius, a Mind sign, leads naturally to science and humanitarianism so success is the result of Saturn's work in this aspect. Now the cutting power of the suit of Swords is turned toward the positive, and the Rose is resurrected after being war torn in the 5 of Swords, related to the Severity of Geburah.

In the 6 of Swords, the swords all come together at a point in the restored Rose Cross of 6 squares, which Crowley calls, “The Rose Cross at the central secret of Scientific Truth." Thus, we have the definitive meaning of "success after anxiety and trouble", for the Way of the Cross is suffering before ascension. Here, Tiphareth shows the perfect balance and idea of the card, as all moral and mental faculties are perfectly balanced, won by great effort, but hard to hold in an ever-changing world of political propaganda, indoctrination, dogma and commercialized morality.
Again, depending on the accompanying cards. When this card is thrown it indicates that in the next 6 weeks or 6 months it is important to look at things as they are rather than what you want them to be. It is important to be clear in your own mind so that you can successfully communicate new ideas or decisions in such a way as to be nonthreatening and easily heard. This card can also indicate that you should make a special effort to communicate clearly to the important Aquarian people in your life (January 21 to February 21). The Science-mind is clear, sharp and free of confusion, uncluttered with "should have beens" and "wanna-be's". It is a rare state of mind that is important to utilize.

Tarot Illuminati- 6 of Swords
The escape of the Mind.
The Tarot Illuminati- 6 of Swords, carries on the traditional Tarot art of the 6 of Swords (Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot), but with a twist as the Child and Woman are facing the well dressed boatman/ferryman., showing the consternation of the passengers. The Ferryman represents the part of the Mind (Soul-Psyche) that is able to guide itself through the troubled waters of uncertainty. In this part of the Soul, the personality is guided with thoughts of inquiry and reconciliation. The Mind of Self, will never stop seeking its complete and infinite definition as I AM ME for it is eternally linked to the One Energy as Self-Information.

Rider-Waite-Smith- 6 of Swords
It should be no great realization to understand that the Mind can carry one to the farthest reaches of the Word and beyond. Therefore, the Illuminati 6 of Swords carries the same definitions of transition, and the process of learning and discovering as the Thoth Card.

When thrown during a reading, the 6 of swords implies that the querent is:
- Objective, logical and prone to logical thinking.
- Showing strong analytical ability, and displays logical scientific thinking both internally and outwardly.
- In 6 weeks or 6 months, problems will be ended, because the correct, logical things have been done or are being done.
- Communication patterns are logical, reliable and promote problem solving.
- There is a general acceptance of attitudes and belief systems that promote rhythmic and cyclic life style.
- The ability to see things as a whole objective perspective. Here, the mind is watching itself and aids in passage from one world of conscious perspective to another.
- Objective knowledge.
- Justice.
- Understanding.
- Comprehensive perspective.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Mistrust.
- Skepticism.
- Prejudices.
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