Thoth- 7 of Wands-Valour
#7-Living from that will, supported by its Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the victorious life.
Netzach, the 7th Sephiroth, on the Qabalistic Tree of Life is ruled by Venus and therefore, is the conscious energy of Love; as relating to the often misunderstood concept of "God is Love or God is Sex." This misunderstanding of love and sex has to do with the very nature of our culture and that of the concepts of the "gods" themselves. In the Western Mysteries, it is said that, "The Gods are the Creations of the Created...the Gods are the emanations of the Group Mind of Races, they are not emanations of Eheieh, the One and the Eternal." {Quoted from the: Qabalistic Tarot, by Robert Wang, page 99). In essence, this reference to the Group Mind, that the Gods are of Netzach- Victory. Graphically, the diagram of the sign of Venus superimposed over the Tree of Life.
This should open your eyes to your power, as the living Suns (Sons and Daughters) of the One Eheieh (meaning, "I Will Be")-The I AM. You have the power to form potent forces into your own image to serve your needs! Because your Personality begins in the Realm of the Gods, (Netzach) you are a Personal God in your own right! And again; your sexual self is your Spiritual Nature! For all intents and purposes, your human body is the Animal God of Earth (and the symbol of Venus in shape). Every single living creature on earth, depends on what man does! If mankind decides that a species does not or no longer can serve them----------mankind destroys them. Even in our ignorance, we are responsible for our actions of destruction or construction, as our ignorance alone will annihilate species or expand their environment and even the World we live on! Only Gods have such power in their domains!
Adam Khadmon-"the heavenly human"
The Qabalistic Tree of Life illustrates that you are composed of 10 demi-gods/ dimensions and/or intelligences, in an collective of loving cooperation. You are Adam Kadmon (Divine Hermaphrodite), the entire Tree of Life. Each of us are an aspect of the "god mind" on every plane of intelligent energy, by inheritance.
In a world controlled by the Patriarchy and "divide and conquer" indoctrination imposed by rulers, only by acts of individual Valour can we claim our Divine Inheritance. These actions of Valour require the Will that is Spirit and the fiery sexual energy of Spirit that drives passion to succeed in the deed. You may note in the people around you, those of low sexual energy, do not perform well in the challenges of life. It is time to realize that the Sexual Self is the Spiritual Self, the Solar Fiery Will that makes you alive---a type of Martial Solar force. This Sexual Self is as Leo and Mars together.
the Unicursal hexagram-"As above, so Below"
To make the "Above as the Below", i.e. the Great Work, is to realized yourself as sole owner and ruler of your own Animal god-body, and claim it as your "Sacred Place" in Time. Being Divine Energy, You are infinite Space, and within your Divine Unconscious, are the dreams of being. Life is the Lucid Dream of the Divine Creative! Time/Space is the stuff you create forms from, by mixing beginning and end- time- in a cauldron of Thoughts/Ideas, (Mind) heated by the vibrations of Lust/Passion, and shaped by the I AM; you transform the illusion of being into a sensual reality, the sensual reality. The point here is that there are no "gods" save those potent intelligent forces we have that we have formed in our own image, to serve our need "to be". This, of course, is a simplistic representation, that is why the Tree of Life is so important to Know. The Tree of Life represents the multi-dimensional complexity of how this Created Living Universe is done! By knowing yourself, you can then realized the original data you set aside in downsizing/condensing energy and know how to proceed with the Great Work of I AM!
WE ARE THE MANY AND THE ONE. Everything I see, is another way to be me!
The 7 of Wands, Valour/Valor (Lord of Valour) is attributed to Mars in Leo. The Angels of this Decan are: Mahashiah and Lelahel. In the 7 of Wands, we have the influence of Netzach in the World of Pure Spirit (Atziluth). Mars in the house of Leo not only promotes courage and strength, but also a certainty of a fiery clash. However, victory in this fray is not certain. Therefore, Crowley/Harris, using the 3 Adept Wands of the Golden Dawn, crosses them with a crude fiery club, suggesting a disorganized and disordered battle...one of uncertain results. In short, the army is in disarray, a loss of confidence is implied and only individual Valour (Spelled-v-a-l-o-u-r-The Queen's English) will save the day! Enough of the 6 of Wands-Victory power is still there; However, because of the chaos all around you, you may be uncertain of who the slug with your misshapened club. Therefore, it may be a slug here or there that will connect and bring a victorious outcome, but more times than not, it's a waste of energy. In this state, Crowley sum's it up as:"Patriotism, so to speak, is not enough'".[The Book of Thoth, p. 182]
Gothic Tarot- VII of Wands
The Gothic Tarot- VII of Wands, heralds the Art of Anne Stokes and no real images of the metaphysical mysteries and/or archetypes of wholistic philosophy. Here we have one wand, and 7 golden dragons. So one must know the meanings of Thoth or Traditional Tarots to read these cards. The art apeals to a certain crowd, and are fun to use. I would recommend a simple Tarot Book, such as The Tarot Book, by Jana Riley, if one wishes to read these cards as Thoth tarot.
When the 7 of Wands (Thoth and Gothic)-Valour is thrown during a reading, it implies that:
- The querent is unsure of ideas, and must summon personal bravery and courage to instigate them.
- Resistance against the external world.
- More confidence is needed to ensure victory. Here, responsibility must be taken up as the querent's standard, and they must stand alone, trusting their greater self to handle the most difficult of situations.
- Here mettle is being tested, and only the inner courage of spirit has the necessary acceleration to push the querent through the line of resistance.
- This card also shows how valuable you the querent, are to spirit, for if you were "weak" spirit wouldn't be testing your mettle.
- Attack from a defensive position.
- Daring.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Indecisiveness.
- Ignorance,
- Discrepancy between instinct (courage) and Spirit (sense).
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