
Thoth- Ace of Disks
The root powers of the earth.
Kether and the Four Aces.

Kether, is ....and that is about all that can be realized. It is the Breath of all that is not. It is the Dark Fire/Dark Energy that is unlimited and unseen yet is the Source of Energy from the Infinite unmanifested. and thus energy in it's purest form (that is why it is shown as White). It is the Pusher of all the Universe, a Motion within all Movement. It is the all-seeing, observer, who only observes. All that is comes from there, all that is returns to there. Only to cycle again. Kether is unexplainable, and in the Ace of Swords, Kether is depicted as the Crown (preferably the diamond crown), the Primary symbol of Kether, The other symbols attributed to Kether are the Point and the Swastika. Thus Kether is often displayed as a white circle with a dark point in the center; the same symbol used in Astrology to represent the Sun.

As with all the Sephiroth, Kether must be approached intellectually just to form an intuitive concept of the Source. For instance, we say that Kether is the point and as a symbol that is true, but the Point in not Kether. Just as the Divine Creative built us in its own image, is true, but the Image is not God. Excuse the jugglying of words which is necessary as we are establishing some principles with symbols; the first principle symbol is the crown. We may think because of our anthropomorphic perspective that this Force of Motion lies somewhere in our head, as a spacial as yet unawake part of our brain; however, this is not the case.

The Crown represents the Holy Guiding Spirit, the crowning glory that we all aspire to even though it is a Force our brain is subordinate to. Because of George Lucas and his marvelous creation of modern myth, known as the Star Wars series of movies and books; The Force has been described as the personal Aspiration of all Jedi.; Jedi seems to be a word cross of Magi, Djinn and genius. Genius being a personal spirit guide or angel of Ancient Rome. The ancient Egyptians called the Three Magi, the 3 Stars in Orion's belt that pointed to Osiris's star Sothis (Sirius), which "rose in the East". These belt stars were still called the Magi in the middle ages (See the Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets- by Barbara G. Walker. Page 565). The Word Djinn is Arabian, and originally referred to Ancestor souls. Now I find this is all very interesting and we now have a new word for Ancestor Souls whose power comes from the 3 Sephiroth that make the Supernal Triangle, with Kether as the Crown, i.e., The Force. Again Myth is a story about a Truth.
Therefore, is both science and myth, Kether is the Crown, the All Seeing I, from whose observation all creation springs. Observation, begins creation, thus the Point (explained in first chapter. The Point is complete unto itself with neither dimensions nor external definition , as does the word "I". This would be called a "Singularity" in Quantum Physics or The Seed from which the Universe has grown. The Big Bang, the outward expression of this Seed that has been caused by a Force called Will, are shown as the Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Each Sephira, is a crystallization of the latent aspects of Kether and/or I AM; I AM implies existence.
The Qabalistic God name of Kether is "I Will Be" or the Hebrew- Eheieh, likened to the sound of breath. Because all Work begins and ends with Kether, all ritualistic, or meditative work must begin with the invocation of the Highest Will. This idea alone, causes subtle changes and activity on the Inner Planes. The Universal Collective Unconscious guides and directs us toward our Higher Intelligent Self when we begin to imagine the pure "Light above".
To the Qabalist, Consciousness guides, motivates, transforms and even translates the Energy of the Divine Unconscious but does not create that energy, nor can it destroy it. Again Imagination is the Womb, but Kether is before Imagination. The "Will to be" (us), is not the same as "I Will Be", for one is individual and idealize, while the latter is without idea...the ideas of being came later in the conception of Time, as another latent aspect of Kether. The Will becomes three crystallized aspects. The I Will Be, Kether, becomes Will to Force- Chokmah and Will to Form- Binah, then Will to be- Daath (knowledge).
The Number One is attributed to Kether, as 1, the ace, is the seed of all numbers, by simple addition. 1+1=2 and 2+1=3, etc. All seeming very simple until we begin to meditate on simple numbers and simple geometry. The symbol 1 could be pure 1 which is indivisible, so what do we really know? Symbols such as numbers, are themselves not what they represent. Thus Kether is Energy.......but we really don't know what that energy is.

However, we do know that Kether is not static, for the "First Swirlings" of manifestation are in Assiah, the Qabalistic Material World. That is why the symbol of the Swirling Swastika, which rotates around a point, is another symbol for Kether. It seemed the Nazi's had high ideas for their perversions and have taken an ancient symbol for the "First Swirlings" that cause manifestation and as in all indoctrinated propaganda, changed the meaning of the symbol to suit their vision of self-importance but that doesn't change the original meaning of the Buddhist symbol.
"As above, so below”, in essence states that the Sephiroth of Malkuth, the Physical world, is equally as Holy as the Source. The Divine Self and its Images, are undivided and inseparable. Our concepts of separation are just basically denial of our wholeness and errant belief that separateness makes us special. Much like the City Person who insists that farmers are "red neck" hicks, a form of lower life than themselves; even though their whole life is dependent on the good horticulture and harvest work of the Farmer. Such people are indeed in denial. Much like a parasite, thinking it is more important than the host; such is believing that we are separate from each other. In truth, the City man depends on the rural man and vise versa; it is indeed time to expand our perspectives and "above all things, know thyself".

Thoth- ace of disks
The Ace of Disks, is the seed of the Energy Transformation that we call Earth and Earth is ruled by the Princesses, each in their own section of the Northern quadrant. The knowledge of the new Aeon of Horus, dispels the archaic concept of Earth as an evil, passive, immobile, even dead element. Rather, Earth is a transformation of Intelligent Energy Conscious that many moderns call Gaia who is represented in the tarot as the Queen of Disks.
Now this may all be new to us of the "Divide and conquer" military industrial complex, but as I tour my Soul, I find a Perspective-Personality, of Native American manifestation, who named this Intelligent Force of Earth, Grandmother River. This "primitive" personality, as did the Alchemists, seemed to understand that the “Water and Sun" union, transformed soil into living forms, long before our scientist "discovered" this very concept in the study of Thermodynamics.

The Thoth Ace of Disks, is invariably linked to the Princess of Disks and is a styled rendition of a Molecule, (the union of atoms) show in the background of the Emerald Green of the Aeon of Isis (Grandmother River). This Emerald Green is of the King-Scale color decided upon by the Egyptian Hierophants. However, this green is not the original vegetable green of Isis but that of the “emerald-spring green" of the new Aeon following the resurrection of Osiris as Horus. Nor are the disks considered to be the dead chemistry of coins; rather they are the whirling emblems of Star, Planets, and atoms etc., all of which are whirling spheres.
There is also the new doctrine of Tetragrammaton where He' --the final earthly component, and the Daughter (Princess), is set upon the Throne of the Mother, to awaken the Eld of the All-Father. In the words of Zoroaster, Tetragrammaton is a “rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud,". The Name-I AM- is not a dead symbol, but a whirling Sphere of Dvina Action.
The center of the Thoth- Ace of Disks, is a complicate Hieroglyph representing the "the chosen priest- and apostle of infinite space" and/or the "prince-priest the Beast." (Liber AL. I.15.). In the center of all is yet another form of Tetragrammaton, the Phallus, showing Sol and Luna, with the number 666 inscribed, as to equilibrate the seven sevens adding to 156 (Babalon-The Scarlet woman.) Now showing all this is far too redundant as many great minds have already delved deeply into the Phenomena that is the Princess of Disks, so I recommend that you get the Book of Thoth, and scroll to pages 210-212 for further information and references.

Thoth-Princess of Disks
To repeat; the Princess of Disks, who is the personalization of the Root Powers of Earth, is Crested with the head of a ram (another symbol for Aries, Mars, The Lightning Lord, and/or the male electric force, the Sun) signifying a head full of fertile ideas, She holds a diamond (precious stone of Kether) tipped scepter, into the earth, which symbolizes the birth of the Highest- Purest light in the deepest darkest elements. What the Ace of Disks professes, she makes manifest.
As would a priestess of Freya or Demeter, she stands in a grove of sacred trees, before an altar suggesting a wheat-sheaf, which is the sigil of the Priestess of Demeter. She is pregnant with the secret of the future. ...The bearer of spring; a spring that frees us from the "dark horrors of winters past". The fertile Consciousness of Horus rather than the dead militaristic and slavery- obsessed consciousness of the Patriarch Osiris.

The disk she bears, is a Chinese idiom denoting the twin spiral force of the universe in equilibrium giving birth to the Rose of Isis, the Great Fertile Mother. When the Ace of Disks (Pentacles in other decks) is thrown during a reading, the querent is in a years’ time, experiencing material gain, through labor. Power, wealth etc. The Ace of Disks represent materiality in all senses. , grounded, practical and organized. By careful comparison, the student can see how the Princess of a Suit, is Married to the Ace-Seed of an Elemental force.
The Ace of Disks, is different than the other Aces in that it also is Crowley's magic signature. His motto, that appears around the Disk, is To Meta Ohepion (To Meta Theron) basically translates from his grammarly improper Greek to the "Great Beast". In the center of the disk is his seal. Fitting snugly around the outer ring is a decagon and seems to create 10 facets that reach toward the center and end at the points of 2 five sided polygons that have within them a heptagram (Thelema's Star of Babalon) and within the heptagram we find the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast is made up of 3 intersecting circles. The uppermost contains the astrological dot of the Sun. The upturned symbol of the crescent Moon, cradles the Sun. Thus, we have the Sun and Moon conjoined; a copulation that all things come from. The much maligned number 666 is written across the 2 circles and is the number of the Sun and the Beast.
According to Crowley, the central Hieroglyph is that of "the chosen priest and apostle of infinite space," (The Husband),"The prince-priest the Beast"< [Liber Al. I.15.]. Thus, the Phallus, with Testes, is shown as the central symbol of this card, as that is the symbol of Tetragrammaton ("rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud,") again showing the Sol (Phallus) Luna (Yoni) union of reflected light. Crowley took this card as his personal Hieroglyph, so deep magical study is required to understand his deep and subtle meanings implied by this card. Purchasing his books and reading them over and over is this author’s suggestion.

Tarot Illuminati- Ace of Pentacles
The seed in the garden.
The Tarot Illuminati-Ace of Pentacles, sticks to traditional tarot concepts of this Ace card, like the Rider-Waite-Smith Ace of Pentacles, albeit far more decorative. Here again is the "seed of the Root Powers of the Earth". The great hand of Spirit supporting the Pentacle (Pentagram) which represents the 4 universal elements and the Spirit, a combination of which all life comes from. Water, air , earth, and the Fire of the Sun are all represented in the art of this decorative card.All around is the fecundity of the fertile earth. The Golden Pentacle in the Tarot Illuminati "Divine Creative " hand, has symbols of what look like what moderns call "light language" along its outside edge.

rider-waite-smith-ace of pentacles
Although not as representative of Western Magic and Qabalah as the Crowley-Harris Ace of Disks card, the same meanings apply to both to Disks and Pentacles cards.
It implies:
- Union between the physical and spiritual aspects of the querent.
- Beginning a new pathway in life that will bring satisfaction.
- A new planting of seeds, for a new home, job, career, or some form of security.
- Materialization of ideas bringing stability to skills that produce results.
- Could also be a time of meditation; an inward pulling of energy.
- Good beginnings for financial wealth, material gain and worldly status.
- The beginning of any new material form
- A most auspicious card showing the bringing together of internal and external talents and resources. Even if ill dignified it shows a sharing of treasure.
- Also the Card of a Shaman, or one who is practiced in the arts of Earth Magick.
- The spiritual reflected in the everyday.
- Humble beginnings for great plans.
- Seeds being planted for the future.
- The beginnings of Investments and projects.
- The body and its health.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Materialism and stinginess.
- The vile side of affluence.
- Miserly.
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