
Thoth-Ace of Wands
#1-I am a center of expression for the Primal Will to Good which eternally creates and sustains the universe.
The Thoth Deck Ace of Wands, shown as a fiery club. (Flames in shape of the Hebrew letter-Yod), represents the essence or seed of the Alchemical Element-Fire. It is a solar-phallic outburst of flame from which lightning springs forth in multi-direction. If you were looking at the Sun, it would comparable to multiple solar flares, as this is how the Sun acts as a phallus by ejecting its "seed" into the dark womb of space-time. It is the earliest stage of Primordial energy/matter, unwilled and violent.

It is important to remember that, although the small cards are sympathetic to their numbered Sephiroth, they are not identical nor are they Divine Persons. They are more like sub-elements and/or parts of "Blind Forces" whose ruling intelligences are of the Realm of Yetzirah, The Formative World (Shemhamphorasch). What is astounding to note, if not confusing, is that each Major Arcana (ATU) has its own Tree of Life and hierarchy. Obviously this requires more investigation on the student’s part. As a student who teaches, I am still investigation this phenomenon of the multidimensional-Whole Self.
The Ace of Wands represents the Vital Life Force of Spirit as the Element of Fire. It is the Radical or Root Force of the Fiery Motion/Energy that Moves all things. To those of us who need a pattern, the 4 Aces are said to be placed at the North Pole of the Universe, where they revolve and govern the revolution of the Universe. To a Qabalist the Four Aces are the connecting link between Yetzirah (Formative World) and the Material plane.

The Ace of Wands represents the outpouring of energy in the Universe, It is the root of the Powers of Fire and is the influence of Kether (Dark energy) on the level of pure Spirit. It is represented as the Hebrew letter Yod. Yod is related to Kether, not only is it isolated and self-contained but it is also the formative graphic root for all other letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. Moreover, the Yod is Phallic. It is the Male-Fire (electric) that rushes out toward the Female-Water (Magnetic) and/or the Lingam and Yoni combination of the Hindu-Tantric studies. The Thoth Ace of Wands shows Ten Yods emanating from a primitive burning club. This represents the Primal force behind the entire Tree of Life that is composed of 10 Sephiroth and their connecting paths of energy transference. The entire Tree is a glyph of the Power of Fire, i.e. of One Energy. The scholarly student of Qabalah will find that the Hebrew letter, Shin (Maternal Fire) and Yod are often used interchangeably when referring to the Tree of Life.
Besides being a practicing Qabalist, I am also a practicing Tantric in the techniques of Kundalini Yoga. To me and all those of a higher state of mind, the human body is a Divine body. It is sacred and sanctified by the Creator and Creatrix and part of that sacredness is the sacrament of Holy Communion and/or sexual union which is an action of energy transmission. It is Magick in a living form of Two who must become One to flow in transformational power of I AM. I am of the opinion, along with many other intelligentsia, that there is no shame in being a human, or that a soul/psyche who owns one by giving it life, should not in any way be embarrassed for doing so! The Body is the Temple (Beth) of Spirit.
To reiterate, THE PRINCESS OF WANDS, the female personification of the Ace of Wands, represents the Earthly part of Fire. She or he is the expression of the irresistible action of a combustible substance and rules from the Heavens from the Eastern quadrant around the North Pole (She=Magnetic Force). She is comparable to the Hindu, Radha, whose lover is Krishna.

It is interesting to note, that the Female Magnetic Force gives Form to the Fiery-electric male force, which in its primeval stage, as the Ace of Wands, is unwilled, unformed and undirected. In reality, the male and female forces, spiral around each other, mobile, twisting and dancing as one multicolored flame or harmonic melody from Creation's Orchestra. This twisting can be likened to the Magnetic Field of Earth, giving form to the Solar rays, not unlike the Aurora in the night sky. Which ever way we attempt to see this, she justifies the direction of this male Force.

The Princess of Wands, and the Ace of Wands are inseparable. Therefore, she is seen in the Thoth Card with flames of justice leaping from her forehead, and wearing nothing as a sign that she is perfectly free to combine with her partner; she bears a wand crowned with the Disk of the Sun and leaping into Yod shape surging flame. The Fiery Lingam/club presented in the Thoth Ace of Wands, is ejaculating flames in the shape of of Yod He' Vau He' and/or YHVH,. In truth, the Sephira of the Four Trees of Life are only aspects of Kether, just as all 4 worlds are aspects of the Highest World- Atziluth, just as the He' and the Vau and the final He' of YHVH are really only aspects of the Yod, all the minor arcana ultimately live inside the Ace of Wands.
For there is only one energy, that can't be created nor destroyed, only transformed and I dare say, transmitted. That is the Yod.

The Lords of Fire, which are elemental intelligences, reside in the realm of Yetzirah, towards which the princess is leaping, thus she can be compared to the Virgin Priestess of the Lords of Fire. Further championing this fact, is the illustration of the flame topped Altar of Spring, in the left lower corner of this card.
The "seed of fire", The Ace of Wands" is now given a personal Willful expression in the Princess of Wands, as she is brilliant and daring. She has bridled passion, shown by grasping the Tiger by the Tail, ----where she goes--Passion goes. Like Fire, it is her essential vigorous energy that describes her beauty. Beauty seen, as the force of her personality dazzles her beholder. Such force can also be expressed as love and anger, which is passionately charged into sudden forms of violence and implacability. Much like a Coral snake, stand back and enjoy its beauty, but don't try to possess it, as its anger is terminal.

Thus we have pegged the Princess of Wands or the Traditional- Knave of Fire as a personality/intelligence that harnesses the Ace of Wands or 1 of Fire, to Earth (mate to the solar phallus) and is volatile in nature. She consumes all within Her Sphere. She is ambitious, aspiring and full of enthusiasm and is often accused of being irrational. Being the Earthly Part of Fire, She is likened to the Polynesian Volcano Goddess, due to her Volcanic Personality. She is the Earthly fiery womb, rather than the Earthly Watery Womb. If the Princess of Wands is ill dignified or thrown together with the Ace of Wands, we have a person omnivorous in passion of whatever kind, entirely reckless in the means of obtaining gratification, and insatiable. It is notable, that She has given Will to the primeval violence of Male Force ...".by naming Him Father." using His fiery flow to impregnate her every action, as does Earth, the Sun.

The name Yod He Vau He, often called the Hebrew name for God, is attributed to the Court Cards, where Yod, is attributed to Knights, He'-to Queens, Vau -is attributed to Princes and the last He'-is attributed to Princesses, the Earthly Manifestation, as the ultimate issue of the original Energy in its Completion, i.e. crystallization. However, they also represent the counter-balancing and re-absorption of the Energy. They are also the Silence into which all things return.
The Princesses have no zodiacal attribution, thus they are likened to "elemental" people who are recognized by their lack of all sense responsibility and whose moral qualities are very flexible so they are sub-divided according to planetary predominance.

In history, Atargatis was a fish-tailed goddess, who is represented by the Princess of Wands. She was reputed to give birth to men by swallowing them, and gave rebirth to Jonah in his earlier Babylonian form as the fish-god Oannes whom the Philistines called Jonah. to the Philistines, Dagon a god of fertility, was Atargatis’s mate. Dagon was the principal deity of the Philistines, whose ancestors migrated to Palestinian shores from Crete. He was the revered god of fertility and crops. Dagon also figured prominently in the Philistine concepts of death and the afterlife. The "fish tail" signified the Ocean of Life, the "first material" of creation.
All in all, The Princess of Wands represents a mysteriously dark power (personification of Dark Energy, from which all Energy is ejaculated) that is both irresistible and with great force. She may be misunderstood or misrepresented by misuse of words. Such is the reality of all great passions. She is Radha and Shiva, inseparable in the twisting, spiral dance of melody. To those of Hindu, or Tantric magical systems, sexual union is the communion of forces that create all things, and not some profaned action of propaganda that is called "pornography". The Will to Force (male) and the Will to Form (female) are inseparable in all creation, and they dance as the melodic rhythm of life with in all beings.

To make alive such a twisting dance in one's own body is a high honor to any Spirit-Being as we are fulfilling the original Will of Kether!

Kether is known as Eheieh, which in Hebrew means, "I Will Be": and that original Will is shown for all 4 Universal Elements as the Aces of each suit. We are the accumulated collective of that will and can be described as I AM Being. Hence, the fulfillment of the Original Will.
I've spent this life (and many others) learning the powerful purpose of having a human form as my spiritual- power tool and honeymoon suite, not only because I was curious why those who rule us, wish us to reject it's divinity (Divide and conquer) and persecute those who refuse to lessen themselves, but also because the "I Am" Wants To Be Human! In fact the very ancient name representing the god mind manifested is
Hu-man , as Hu is a Chinese-Mandarin word for God (also in Tibetan and Ancient Egyptian, Hu is a name for god) and man comes from the Hindu word Manas, meaning Mind. This was long before the Patriarchy's use of Latin to redefine mankind to fit the propaganda of ruler and ruled. The very definition of rule, is one who rules definition.
What can be said about you, is that If you can imagine, you have a god(dess) mind!
Alchemical Fire and "sex energy" both are one and the same, as both are the energy of creativity, desire, passion, ambition, lust and the satisfaction there of. For it is the Fiery One Energy in all of us that we've inherited from the Solar Logos as "Divine Frenzy" or Lust of Will to Be!

On the Qabalistic Tree of: Life, Kether is the Crown, the Observer, the Dark Energy, that is the Source of all Energy transformations. It is the Unknowable God of many religions, and yet as many of us know, religion is not God, but man's poor attempt at appeasing a feared Master.

This is not so in Qabalah, here Kether is the Idea of the Big Bang, the point, the Singularity-the first shout of "I Will Be and is the first "swirling of energy" as shown by the ancient Buddhist image above. It can be described as the Hindu Om, the musical sound of The First Expression of Vibration. The 4 Aces are also essences, so they too are not easily explained as the essence of a thing is invisible. The 4 Aces are related to Kether, thus they are representative of the Pure Forms of Energy that are elaborated by the other cards of the Tarot Deck and/or Sephiroth. In terms of frequency or sound, Kether is the first note played in the musical of creation, that is combine with all notes thereafter.

The consecutive elaboration of the Numbers as frequencies, represents Forces being woven together to form the Harmonic that is the World/Universe. A World that is 99% invisible to us. However, by combining the colors of the visible spectrum of electromagnetic light as white light of Kether, who is the energy of the upper Tree of Life Trinity, forming a Triangle/Pyramid, we see that different combinations of "thought", make different color changes, such as blue combined with red makes purple, etc. These combinations are the necessary diversity of creation, as well as transformative and can be called harmonies or the “spiral Sex action of Spirit”. In Qaballah, the world we see, is the 1% world. Hence, the Supernal Triangle can be compared to a Pyramid shaped prism that takes the Purest Light of Kether(purest energy) and splits it/transforms it into separate frequencies/colors as Aces from which the Qabalistic 4 worlds are created.

Haindl Tarot- Ace of Wands in the East.

The Haindl Tarot, Ace of Wands in the East, depicts the Lingam Yoni combination of Eastern Hindu Creationism. Here, a spear is the wand, and the flames are the Hebrew Yodic force. The Stone lingam-male force, is sitting in a lotus shaped shell of water -female force both the dual aspects of the Divine Creative. Forever, mixed, dancing in a spiral, a melody of creation. What pertains to this card, is also that of the Thoth Card, displaying a flaming mystery of One Energy that is the creation equation of 0=2.
- It signifies a deep burning spiritual desire for self-discovery and realization.
- Trans-formative High Energy for new beginnings The first impulse and passion to begin.
- Creative energy and initiative, to begin new business ventures, new understandings, new foundations, where creative energy is flowing with plenty of potential and ambition to succeed.
- The burning flame of Dragon Power, a balancing and increasing in Potency of Inner Fire.
- The Souring of Kundalini energy, "the Dragon within".
- The dawning of desire, passion, enthusiasm and creativity.
- The Power of Masculine fire, with its connotations of heat, vigor, contest, aspirations, enlightenment, and avidity to consume.
- The overwhelming power of the Divine "Lust to be" that vibrates at the core of all manifestation and makes one need to "move on".
- Pure Power to create.
- Willingness to take risks.
- Pioneering spirit.
- Optimism.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards (Thoth) or reversed (Haindl) it implies:
- Destruction through exaggeration.
- Failure through arrogance.
- Lack of focus.
- Pessimism.
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helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.