The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot- 2 of Cups-Love & The Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Cups (Hermetic Fire/Water ritual at end)

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Mystic Palette-Thoth

Above all things, know thyself!

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Thoth-2 of Cups-Love

#2. Through me it's unfailing Wisdom Takes form in thought and a word.

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Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Cups

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In the Western Hermetic Qabalah, the 2 of any Tarot card suits represents the Word and the Will. However, the Thoth 2 of Cups is the first manifestation in the Suit of Water and represents a harmony called Love and/or the law of attraction.

The Word or Logos (Kether) is the 1st Sephiroth, and the "I Will Be" of the Logos has become "Will-to-Force" (Chokmah-Electric) and "Will-to-Form" (Binah-Magnetic) which may seem confusing since we have 3 forces of Will here rather than 2. However, Kether (Eheieh-I Will Be) is not a force but the Source of Forces (a dream of Will), a light switch not turned on. Whereas Chokmah, the 2nd Sephiroth, is considered the first Male Action and/or the light switch turned on while Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth, is considered the first Female Action of Reception. Both are inseparable and "face to face". However, with Love there is a mutual annihilation of the individuals by the process of Union, and that Path of Union is called the Path of Daleth (Door)-The Empress.

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The initial movement of energy, termed Kether or Logos, embodies the primordial essence devoid of individuality, referred to as the "Word" (Vibration), rather than a singular entity. Kether, is known by the God Name Eheieh, translating to "I Will Be," signifies a state of potentiality. Conversely, Chokmah, the second Sephiroth, embodies the "Will to Force," representing the masculine facet of energy, characterized by Fire Wisdom. Binah, the third Sephiroth, embodies the "Will to Form," symbolizing Understanding, Water Wisdom, the feminine aspect of energy. Their union begets the I AM, transcending gender to manifest the Divine Hermaphrodite, symbolized by Hermes and Aphrodite, initiating the Divine Creative.

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The Supernal Triangle's Trinity (Kether-Chokmah-Binah) signifies the inception of ideas and the comprehension thereof, catalyzing the Law of Attraction and the essence of love, not as an emotion but a state of Whole Mind.

In the Qabalistic Thoth Tarot, the twos symbolize the primary manifestation of Self, epitomizing Love as the essence of being. Love transcends fleeting emotions, embodying the amalgamation of Divine Wisdom and Understanding, constituting the essence of "Us."

Love, encompassing pain, loss, loneliness, and fear, is an immutable force that propels one forward, transcending mortal constraints.

As the embodiment of Love, I AM, in all its manifestations, emanates a presence that transcends worldly perceptions, beckoning humanity to embrace their inherent divinity. Loving, not a mere commodity but the essence of existence, defies mortal limitations, inviting each individual to embrace their intrinsic essence. Thus, in the tapestry of existence, amidst trials and tribulations, I AM the embodiment of Love, inviting all to revel in the joy of being.

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I Am defines an Immortal Will of the One, life is what I Am-- not what I have. Individually I to have a mortal being as my Avatar in a world of coagulated light, and I who is Light itself, must get it to see why I AM, and that fear of being is a total lie that has profaned our identity.


Hence, love is not a commodity, nor something to flash about like I am something other than you. I KNOW MYSELF AND I AM LOVE. I also know you are another way to be me. Enjoy being you today! Try telling, your body that you are love and not a frightened animal seeking it. "Tis the life to be jolly" not a life of indebtedness. I AM the Love of You!

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On the Qabalistic Tree of Life, Kether is shown to be the 1st Sephiroth of 10 Sephira, and many have thought that this is the first manifestation of conscious energy. Yet Kether is the "limitless light", a movement of Dark Energy (limitless is unseen), and has no visible end or beginning, a non-space, which allows no viewing. Therefore, Kether is known as the "Dark Sun" or Logos, it is the first "sound" or vibration, without ears to hear...anywhere! Hence, as it can't be seen, nor heard and is the first movement in Dark Energy it is the least understood concept of the Tree of Life sigil. However, it can be compared to the quote of Zoroaster as the "Whirling, rebounding, shouting out loud" energy behind the Big Bang.

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Therefore, the First manifestation falls to the union of the 2s, which represent the Electric- Chokma (Wisdom) and the Magnetic -Binah (Understanding) as the First Lovers. We find this true in the magnetic attraction of electricity and magnets and in our own brain (a copy of the original Soul/Solar Self), as Wisdom loves Understanding and vice versa.

This may even seem more confusing; However, both Chokmah and Binah are at first, receptive and then expressive in combination. Hence, Chokmah, male expression also represents the feminine Greek goddess Sophia which means "Wisdom" while Binah, the Divine Feminine as Chokmah can also represent the Wisdom of Understanding and the emoting of thought/idea. Since she is the Will to Form, she also represents Time, which is Cronus, the commonly known figure of "Grandfather Time" for time is the enclosure that begins and ends all forms. However, it is enough to know that the Creatrix and Creator are called "Lovers" because they can't be separated. If you can find a way to separate Wisdom and Understanding from Love, I would like to examine your head for its uniqueness, for it is only from Understanding that Wisdom comes and vice versa!

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The 4 Alchemical Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, may have begun in the concept of "I Will Be"-(Eheieh), which is Kether, but only upon reaching the Deuces are they in appearance as "beginnings" of "Will- to- Force" and "Will-to-Form". Since the concepts of "elements" are new in the 2's, the 2's represent the Elements uncontaminated by influence, and therefore, they appear in their original harmonious condition--that is Love.

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In Western Hermetic Tarot, Mother Water and Father Fire represent two distinct aspects of emotion, rooted in their elemental and symbolic qualities, yet fundamentally interconnected within the realm of human experience. Here's a breakdown of their emotional attributes and the key differences between them:

Mother Water: The Receptive Emotional Principle

  • Elemental Nature: Water is fluid, receptive, and nurturing, symbolizing the depths of the unconscious mind, intuition, and the flow of emotions.
  • Emotional Quality: Mother Water represents passive, reflective, and connective emotions. These include empathy, compassion, nurturing love, and the deep currents of feeling that create bonds and foster unity.
  • Archetype: The archetypal feminine, the Great Mother, or the nurturing aspect of the divine. It governs the emotional landscape that is soothing, healing, and introspective.
  • Flow: Water's motion is cyclic and mutable, reflecting the tides of emotions, which are responsive to external influences.
  • Expression: Mother Water tends to internalize emotion, manifesting as introspection, sensitivity, and the capacity for unconditional love or devotion.

Father Fire: The Active Emotional Principle

  • Elemental Nature: Fire is dynamic, transformative, and radiating, symbolizing the will, passion, and drive inherent in emotion.
  • Emotional Quality: Father Fire embodies active, expressive, and initiatory emotions. These include passion, inspiration, desire, anger, and the zeal that drives one to act upon feelings.
  • Archetype: The archetypal masculine, the Creator and Destroyer, or the assertive aspect of the divine. It governs emotions that motivate, energize, and ignite transformation.
  • Flow: Fire is directional and consuming, reflecting emotions that demand expression and drive forward momentum.
  • Expression: Father Fire externalizes emotion, manifesting as boldness, assertiveness, and the urge to transform or manifest one's inner emotional landscape into action.

Key Differences Between Mother Water and Father Fire

AspectMother WaterFather Fire
PolarityReceptive, Yin, FeminineActive, Yang, Masculine
Energy DirectionInward, reflective, unifyingOutward, expressive, separating
Emotion DynamicsFlowing, adaptable, nurturingExplosive, catalytic, transformative
Role in EmotionCreates connection and emotional depth. Drives action and emotional expression.
Symbolic SphereThe subconscious, intuition, and dreams. The will, passion, and creativity

Harmony Between the Two

Though contrasting in nature, Mother Water and Father Fire are complementary forces. Together, they illustrate the balance required for emotional wholeness:

  • Water tempers Fire's intensity, giving it purpose and compassion.
  • Fire activates Water's depth, bringing feelings to the surface and manifesting them in the external world.

Understanding this balance enriches the interpretative layers of the Tarot, particularly in cards like the Queen of Cups (Mother Water archetype) and the King of Wands (Father Fire archetype), where the interplay between emotion and action unfolds.

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Ritual to Harmonize Father Fire and Mother Water within.

This ritual is designed to balance the receptive and active emotional energies symbolized by Water and Fire. It incorporates visualization, elemental correspondences, and personal invocation to align these forces within the practitioner.


  1. Tools Needed:

    • A blue candle (Water) and a red candle (Fire).
    • A small bowl of water and a piece of incense or a flame-safe dish for burning herbs (representing Fire).
    • A chalice or cup (symbolizing Water) and a wand or staff (symbolizing Fire).
    • An altar or sacred space for the ritual.
  2. Sacred Space:

    • Cleanse your space using sage, incense, or another method you prefer.
    • Arrange the candles, bowl, and burning vessel on your altar. Place the chalice on the left (Water) and the wand on the right (Fire).
  3. Timing:

    • Ideally performed during a waxing moon to invoke balance and growth, or on a day sacred to Water and Fire correspondences (e.g., Monday for Water, Sunday for Fire).
  4. Dress and State:

    • Wear comfortable clothing in tones of blue and red to honor both elements.
    • Center yourself with a few deep breaths or a brief meditation.

The Ritual

  1. Opening:

    • Stand before your altar. Light the blue candle (Water) and the red candle (Fire).
    • Say:
      “I call upon the elemental forces within and without,
      Mother Water and Father Fire,
      Guide me to harmony and balance,
      That I may flow with grace and ignite with purpose.”
  2. Invocation of Water:

    • Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops around your space.

    • Hold the chalice and say:
      “Mother Water, I honor your flow,
      Nurturer of emotion, depth, and connection.
      Grant me the wisdom of calm and compassion,
      That I may feel deeply without drowning.”

    • Visualize yourself as a vast ocean, calm yet powerful, able to respond to tides without losing your core.

  3. Invocation of Fire:

    • Light the incense or burn a small piece of herbs in your fire-safe dish.

    • Hold the wand and say:
      “Father Fire, I honor your spark,
      Creator of passion, will, and transformation.
      Grant me the strength of courage and purpose,
      That I may burn brightly without destruction.”

    • Visualize yourself as a glowing flame, steady yet dynamic, radiating warmth and purpose without consuming recklessly.

  4. Harmonizing the Two:

    • Take the chalice in one hand and the wand in the other.

    • Slowly bring them together, visualizing a merging of the ocean's depth and the flame's light.

    • Say:
      “Water and Fire, flow and ignite,
      Balance my heart, guide my sight.
      May I embody your sacred dance,
      In perfect harmony, I now advance.”

    • Imagine the water tempering the fire’s heat while the fire energizes the water’s flow, creating a radiant balance within you.

  5. Closing:

    • Snuff out the candles with gratitude.

    • Say:
      “With thanks, I release the elements,
      Balanced within, I walk in harmony.”

    • Spend a moment in silence, feeling the equilibrium of Water and Fire within.

After the Ritual

  • Reflect on the experience in a journal or draw a Tarot card to gain insights into your emotional balance.
  • Repeat this ritual whenever you feel overwhelmed by either passive (Water) or active (Fire) emotions.

This invocation not only honors the symbolic forces of Water and Fire but also empowers you to navigate your emotions with greater awareness and control.

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The 2's may be considered the A-sexual "fetuses" of the Seed-Aces, but this concept doesn't seem to make understanding these "Higher States" of Conscious energy any easier. All the 2's suggest that when the Negative (no-thing-I) sees itself as a Positive (-Am), and then unites through the "Law of Attraction" where the Positive flows to the Negative (I AM), we get a "Self-Existence" and/or a simulation from Understanding the difference between I and Am. This difference is examined in Chokmah and Binah and with such data the I AM, becomes information and/or Me.

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The Three pillars of the Tree of Life.

This may help you with the Mythological concepts of the Ancient's Goddess who in Virgin birth, has a son (male is considered Positive Electron/Positron and female is considered Negative Electron) and then mates with that son to produce the Universe. Another way to see it is the united spiraling of the double helix in the DNA molecule or the middle pillar where left and right paths of the Tree of Life unite in harmony. If you get this all tangled up with your culturally indoctrinated-emotional concepts of sexuality-----you'll never understand the Energy Conscious concepts of the 2's. It is Love, without rationale, dopamine, or endorphins. It is 0=2.

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So let us make it as simple as possible, when you twist 0 upon itself you get 8, which looks to be 2 separate 0's. However, the line is unbroken, and separation is therefore an illusion.... love prevails. This demonstrates the 2 of Cups, Love, a card which tells us that the separation of male and female is an illusion that is necessary to create the intimate diversity needed for Self-Awareness experimentation.

Here the simile of the Mirror is often used, as Female is one side, and the Male is the "Other" side. Hence, if the Soul, manifests a self-image in this plane of "reflected light", and that image is male, the other side of the Mirror is Female (Holy Guardian Angel) and if the Female self-image is on this side of the Mirror, the Male (Holy Guardian Angel) is on the other.

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The Soul is a Hermaphrodite (no single gender), but for electric and magnetic to exist as a flow of electric energy (Light), there must be 2 poles, one positive (male) and one negative (female) and your body is a bioelectric device, making you the "Ghost in the Machine". Hence one's Anima (female) or Animus (male) are seemingly divided one from the other, for the necessary energy flow to operate a "life flow" of energy from Soul /Solar Self-to body. In other words, to ground the Macrocosmic Solar Self into the Microcosmic Earthly self. These 2 polarities are the First Manifested Lovers and therefore, they must be united in love to be a Whole Soul in operation on both sides of the "Mirror".

You must unite the inner anima-female and animus-male to know unconditional love and to be able to express it. It is preposterous to think you can give what you don't have! Without love of I Am Spirit-Mind-Body, there is no love to share as prosperity to any other.

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The Lovers

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The 2 of Cups represents the planet Venus in the house of Cancer. Cancer is known as the most receptive of Signs, as it it the House of the Moon, and in that sign Jupiter is exalted. There is a superficial friendship among these three planets ( in astrology, the Moon is seen as a planet). There is also a secret Tantric ritual in concealed in the cancer sigil that gives birth to "mind children".

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The Alchemy of Fire and Water in perfect combination creates the magic being.

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Thoth- 2 of cups-love

In the art of the Thoth 2 of Cups,the paired Dolphins (the important "First Matter" symbol of the "Royal Art" of alchemy) are intertwined, with the flowing of Love/Nurture/Mother's Milk, coming from the Great Lotus of the Goddess, into the twin Lotus below and overflowing into the Cups resting on a calm Venus-Green Sea.

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The Mystic Palette Tarot-2 of Cups

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Cups depicts a duality of couples facing each other, one in stone and the other couple is the glass cups. The couple made of stone and coral are more concrete images than the more ethereal fantasy images in the glass cups. Here we have the concrete reality of love and the more fantastical images of love generated by the "fairy tales" that show only "happiness ever after". We may wish to reject one for the other; However, they should be united in a harmony of reality, where we know that love is also a compromise of individual dreams, where dreaming is now a united front. This union of dreams is shown as the underwater dream dwelling construct between the foreheads of the concrete lovers.

The surrounding landscape is fertile and peaceful. A fecund bucolic scene of love and unity. Here is represented a union of mind and body in a loving joy. This card is similar to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot- 2 of Cups

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Rider-waite-smith Tarot- 2 of Cups.

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Represented on the Thoth card is a purity of Love, called "unconditional", that the survival mind in the reptile brain is unable to conceive of or often understand in it 's survival delusions of fear; Unconditional love is action based, making such an absolute annihilation of the individual in the Overflowing Power of Unity, often called a mundane wonder of "falling in love". This is not a "falling" when it is actually an elevated state of Mind, a kind of interdimensional intoxication.

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Words may fail as communication; However, unconditional love is a communication on/in all states of conscious energy, Spirit-Mind-Body, and as shown by the pink lotus blossoms, in the Thoth card, it is "as above so below", stating that this love flows from the Divine subjective to the Divine Objective (you). This love is equal and special, as shown by the 2 overflowing cups.

Love like this is without self-banishment or even self-diminishing, rather it expands both parties and they feel equal to each other while also being special to each other. in a Unite expression of "I AM Love" and yet keeping individual power. A state many of us wish for but we often only experience love of an unequal nature, a stimulated flow of chemical dopamine and endorphins (fantasy), or an equal love without feeling special, such as a professional relationship. Often what is called love is merely a dopamine's flow of intoxication, stimulated by the DNA so that it replicates itself in a transformative way. Something that wears off over time and usually begins the process of unconditional love but must be followed up with the reality of two people combining a dream of life.

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The Dolphins, on the Thoth are Alchemical symbols of solution/dissolution and can be studied by looking into alchemical and chemical reference material. The Alchemical Dolphin-Fish Symbol is a little too lengthy of a diversion from this Tarot blog, and out of context with the Tarot study, so I won't go into detail. However, John Dee, royal Alchemist in Queen Elizabeth's Court could be an interesting reference point. Also the Royal Dolphin-Fish, pertains to the Sun God Apollo who among other Sun god's arguably became the Christian Sun/Son of God. The green sea of the Thoth card, represents the image of creative love. The yellow reflection symbolizes inspirational love while the blue sky states that love is clear and focused.

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The Ancients associated the planet Venus with the goddess of love- Venus, thereby also considered the planet Venus to be the planet of love, beauty and creative power: In Western Hermetic Qabalah, Venus is the only planetary symbol that covers the Qabalistic Tree of Life, for it is the Goddess that produces the form of the "God Molecule" (Tree of Life/DNA).

The use of language to explain the Love that began all, may sound deliberately obtuse, but this is an invisible Will and Force. The fact that human words cannot give form to unlimitedness, causes one to unite words in such a way that they allude to the mystery, rather than a literate identification. If you ever have experienced a self-annihilating love where the ego becomes lost in the Overflowing Sensation of Being One from the Union of'll understand that you just can't "wrap" your brain around it. The common statement being." I am at a loss for words..." This is because this is an inner mystery of One who is Two.

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In the hormones of Love, there seems to be some kind of heated fluid that is drowning out all reason. Here, the 0 of the infinite becomes 2 , from which all creation began. In Love, the 2 become 1, therefore annihilating individuality. When this happens in life, then, my friend, you have experience the Alchemy that the 2 of Cups alludes to!

However, being a purity, from a cyclic united dimension of conscious and unconscious (Sun and Moon) energy, and the social egregore that is full of falsehoods, after time, as if the tides of the Sea, it will pick up detritus/conditions from our culturally "shipwrecked" brain/small ego, and associational reason begins to dismantle the Temple of Love. Therefore, unless conditions are removed as concerns, 2 will slowly progress to a 4 of Cups, as the suit develops into the luxury of mediocrity and a marriage becomes a "drag" and eventually a divorce.

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Therefore, the Second Law of Thermodynamics comes into play, and "...All things proceed from order to disorder" and entropy slowly degrades the Mystery; with words of fear-based reason, the pink clouds of "the dream" fade away. Just like unconscious "astral trips" slowly fade from our brain, so will love, when profaned with cultural conditions called "reasonable".

Hence, the 2 of Cups, is also called the Lord of Love under Will, by Crowley, which is its true meaning where Will is Spirit and not some egoistic possession of another to appease the DNA's minor egoic will to survive. As the Lord of Love under Will, the 2 of cups shows the harmonic technology of Female and Male in the largest sense of the words and joined by Spirit (Will) they become 2=1.

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B.O.T.A. tarot- magician CARD (LEMNISCATE)

Therefore, the 2 of Cups shows the harmony of the Universal Female and the Universal Male, aspects of Energy, radiating an intensity of joy and ecstasy that washes away any and all concern; where "Will to Be", a combination of "I Will Be", "Will-to-Force and "Will-to-Form", becomes "I AM ME"! It is this Universal Love, that connects us all together as One,(quantum entanglement of a Collective Consciousness) while the massive flow of this connectivity to All, flows through the Union of 2 who began as an infinite idea of O which is now 0 twisted upon itself and looks to be 2 0's- as a horizontal 8 (Lemniscate) and/or 0=2. Yet it is still one line unbroken and is called the lemniscate or "Ribbon", that is the sign for the Infinite and unconditional love.

Such esoteric power that is love, may explain why it seems so overpowering to individual reason and thereby, causing many egregores that raised false egos to fear for their false idea of control and/or survival thinking. Many expound upon the survival thinking fear of death that manifests as need to control, which is actually fear of life, based on "fear of abandonment", and needing to control it!

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As I have mentioned before, the 2 is the Qabalistic number that represents "the Word and the Will" and is the first manifestation. In the suit of water, this is Venus in Cancer. Astrologers know Cancer to be the most receptive of signs and is the House of the Moon. Jupiter is most exalted in Cancer. Thus, we have arguably the three most friendly Planets, Moon, Venus and Jupiter (three pillars of the Tree of Life), linked together in mutual positives.​

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The Three Pillars of the Tree of Life in the Western Hermetic Qabalah can indeed be interpreted in relation to planetary correspondences, providing deeper insights into their energetic and symbolic dynamics. Here's a detailed explanation of how the Pillars align with planetary archetypes:

The Pillars on the Tree of Life

  1. Pillar of Severity (Left)

    • Traditional Meaning: Represents form, discipline, restraint, and structure.
    • Planetary Correspondence: The Moon (Luna)
      • Reasoning: The Moon governs reflection, intuition, and the unconscious. It is receptive and reflective, embodying the feminine, introspective qualities associated with the Pillar of Severity. The Moon’s phases illustrate the cyclical nature of limitation and renewal.
    • Sephiroth: Binah (Saturn), Geburah (Mars), and Hod (Mercury).
  2. Pillar of Mercy (Right)

    • Traditional Meaning: Represents expansion, generosity, and the outpouring of energy.
    • Planetary Correspondence: Jupiter
      • Reasoning: Jupiter embodies abundance, benevolence, and the expansive, magnanimous energy of the Pillar of Mercy. Its association with growth and optimism aligns with the creative and outward flow of energy here.
    • Sephiroth: Chokmah (Uranus/Neptune), Chesed (Jupiter), and Netzach (Venus).
  3. Pillar of Mildness (Middle)

    • Traditional Meaning: Represents balance, harmony, and the integration of opposing forces.
    • Planetary Correspondence: Venus
      • Reasoning: Venus is the planet of harmony, beauty, and balance, making it an appropriate symbol for the Middle Pillar, which reconciles the opposing forces of the other two pillars. Venus' energy bridges the inner and outer realms, fostering unity.
    • Sephiroth: Kether (Pluto/Neptune), Tiphareth (Sun), Yesod (Moon), and Malkuth (Earth).

Expanding on the Planetary Archetypes

  • The Moon (Left Pillar): Reflects the need for boundaries and structure, much like the Moon’s role in regulating cycles and rhythms. It governs our inner world and subconscious, mirroring the inward-facing qualities of the Pillar of Severity.
  • Jupiter (Right Pillar): Symbolizes generosity and growth, corresponding to the expansive force that seeks to push boundaries outward and create opportunities for development and prosperity.
  • Venus (Middle Pillar): Acts as the mediator, balancing the polarities of form (Moon) and force (Jupiter) through love, beauty, and equilibrium. Venus’ association with connection and relationship mirrors the integrating function of the Middle Pillar.

Why These Planets?

While there are other planetary correspondences traditionally used for the Tree of Life, the use of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus in this framework emphasizes a psychological and emotional perspective:

  • Moon (Left): Governs the internal, reflective, and feminine aspects of human experience.
  • Jupiter (Right): Represents the external, expressive, and masculine aspects of human experience.
  • Venus (Middle): Balances these forces by focusing on harmony, unity, and synthesis.

Practical Application

This model can be applied in meditation, ritual, or Tarot readings. For instance:

  • Visualize the Moon’s energy on your left side, guiding you inward for reflection and discipline.
  • Feel Jupiter’s energy on your right side, encouraging growth, optimism, and generosity.
  • Center yourself with Venus, allowing harmony and beauty to integrate these opposing forces.

By understanding the Pillars in this planetary framework, you gain a deeper appreciation for how the Tree of Life reflects not just spiritual paths, but also emotional and psychological processes.

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Unconditional Love is a "threesome", Spirit-Mind-Body (Three pillars) as is the force that recovers unity from individuality by the process of mutual annihilation of the illusion of separation. In other words, love changes both individuals and if successful, combines them as Spiritual manifestation, into a new form of a greater intelligence. Therefore, love is considered a metaphysical solvent, such as water is a physical one. You may understand this annihilation of individuality better if you treat the colors Blue and Red as individuals who "unite in love" and thereby, become Purple.

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Here are some insights into the characteristics of the zodiac sign of the Planet Venus in the house of Cancer. In astrology, when Venus is in the house of Cancer, it influences your approach to love, relationships, and aesthetics.

  1. Emotional Sensitivity: Cancer is a water sign known for its emotional depth and sensitivity. When Venus is in Cancer, you tend to be highly attuned to your own emotions and the feelings of others in your relationships. You seek emotional connections and intimacy in your partnerships.

  2. Nurturing and Protective Love: Cancer is also associated with the archetype of the caregiver and protector. With Venus in Cancer, you express your love by taking care of your loved ones, creating a sense of emotional security, and providing a nurturing environment. Family and home life are especially important to you.

  3. Sentimentality: Venus in Cancer individuals often have a strong sense of nostalgia and sentimentality. You appreciate sentimental gestures, traditions, and may have a penchant for collecting cherished mementos or keepsakes.

  4. Loyalty and Commitment: You value loyalty and long-term commitment in your relationships. Venus in Cancer individuals are typically dedicated and devoted partners, willing to invest time and effort into building lasting bonds.

  5. Romantic and Imaginative: Cancer is a sign associated with imagination and creativity. When Venus is in Cancer, you may have a romantic and dreamy approach to love, enjoying romantic gestures and fantasy in your relationships.

  6. Intuitive Connections: Your intuition plays a significant role in your love life. You have a strong gut feeling when it comes to matters of the heart, and you often rely on your instincts when making relationship decisions.

  7. Moodiness: Cancer is known for its mood swings, and Venus in Cancer individuals can experience emotional ups and downs in their relationships. It's important to communicate your feelings openly to maintain harmony.

  8. Aesthetic Preferences: In terms of aesthetics, you are drawn to homey, comfortable, and cozy environments. You may have a love for vintage or antique items and appreciate beauty that evokes a sense of nostalgia.

It's important to remember that while Venus in Cancer can influence your approach to love and relationships, it's just one aspect of your astrological profile. The overall picture also depends on your full birth chart, including the positions of other planets and aspects between them.

When the 2/Two of Cups Tarot card is thrown, it means that:

  • In the next two weeks or two months, one will experience the capacity to achieve emotional balance and emotional fulfillment.
  • One will be able to give and receive love in equal proportion.
  • It would be a good time to extend love to the Cancer people in your life. (June 21-July 21). 
  • Love to or from family members is also important at this time.
  • This love is not only about two people, it also can be about 2 gifts, 2 talents, 2 resources that you have and that 2 loves in your life, whatever they may be, are equally balanced and fulfilling in the next two weeks or months.
  • Harmony, Love, marriage, pleasure, Warm Friendship, mirth, and subtlety.
  • It is about human love on a large scale.
  • It also is a 2 week or 2-month card, representing the accumulation of the above emotions in that time period.
  • Soul mates have found each other or will within 2 months.

If ill dignified  by the surrounding cards, it can represent:

  • Folly, waste, dissipation and silly action and is far more superficial than when well dignified. 
  • Quarreling or jealousy. 
  • Lack of commitment. 



Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you.  May you live long and prosper.

helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010

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Traditional Tarot Card Comparisons blog.