Above all things, know thyself !

Thoth- 2 of Disks-Change
#2. Through me its unfailing wisdom takes form in thought and word.

The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- Two of Dreamcatchers

The art on this stunning Thoth card represents the Harmony of Change. Now this may seem irrational to the survival/subconscious mind, who thinks that security is constant control of situations; stability is more important than change to the animal. But that is again the illusion of thought, for no day is the "same day". We are told to think that carbon, in a crystalline stasis, is the most valuable or one of the most valuable forms to be. We know this valuable state of carbon as a diamond. Funny thing about diamonds...They don't live! As evolutionary forms of life, diamonds fail to live and are useless unless used in manufacturing. Yet carbon atoms are the foundation of all living things on earth because they are the most adaptable of atoms! What is most valuable to Life (Spirit-photon) is living carbon atoms made of bio-protons that are malleable enough to change by the mechanism of the union of opposites; a mechanism that requires communication and/or intimacy! To make the motion of life changelessness is impossible---for in the state of control, life will always be the exception to the rule of stability. This is easily seen by understanding entropy and/or the second law of thermodynamics which states "... All things proceed from order to disorder." Chaos, is the event that is behind the universal mechanism of change, as it is necessary to constantly change form and thereby, disallow complete entropy. Creation is the art of Communion and/or sexuality. Hence, the Carbon Atom, which will mate with most other atoms, is call the universal "Harlot".

rider-waite-smith-key 2-the Magician
On the Thoth Card, the Serpent in the form of a figure eight, is the Ancient sign of infinity (Ouroboros--the serpent that eats its own tail is another one) and shown on the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, above the head of the Magician. Ouroboros, the serpent that eats its own tail, is a symbol that illustrates the knowledge that Life/Organic Matter, eats itself to stay alive. Order is also eaten by Chaos which causes a necessary reordering of energy which is a flowing transformation that in the world of atoms, keeps some carbon atoms from forming into entropic diamonds, by flowing back and forth from opposites! The serpent figure is crowned, on the Thoth 2 of Disks, for that is the symbol of the 1st Sephiroth- Kether, on the Tree of Life and the shape of the Serpent is in the form of the lemniscate (Greek for "ribbon") and/or the infinity symbol that is usually shown above the Magus or Magician's head in traditional tarot. This is also the symbol for 0=2 which is also easily seen in the yin yang symbol.

YIn Yang

The Dark Santa Muerte - two of dreamcatchers
The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- 2 of Dreamcatchers, displays this "flowing between opposites" as 2 conjoined dreamcatchers on one limb of a tree, that represents the Divine Feminine/Magnetic/Yin and the Electric/Male/Yang. From 0 =2, which implies the Same One Energy became 2 polarities, Female and Male, whose interchange made all things possible from the "no-thing". While on earth, the 2 must become 1, in order to transmit and contain energy. Hence there is greater power in the combination/communion. The symbol for "death" and/or transformation is the crow shown overlooking the whole card, for the crow represents Transformation, a universal constant.

Yin Yan the union of Air and Earth

Yin Yang, the union of fire and water

As a Spiritual Being of Energy conscious, I find this constant change very useful in developing intelligence and self-awareness (Create--see entropy and correct it) for entropy here is seen as error, correcting error is the developmental process of wisdom, as well as the foundation of evolutionary being, i.e., adaptability! Most of us know the Yin Yang symbol of Taoist origin, and it is shown in both loops of the serpent figure eight with the symbols for fire and water at the top one, spinning to the left and the symbols for air and earth, spinning to the right, are on the bottom yin yang symbol . The yellow color is the masculine Force (electric) and the darker colors are the feminine form which is magnetic force. In the Qaballah the union of Force and Form is seen as the foundation of all being. The Serpent is the representation of serpentine energy, known as frequency and/or microwaves.

Astrologically, this card is Jupiter in Capricorn. The benevolent Planet Jupiter is not well placed in Capricorn meaning that Jupiter's good influence can only be exerted as an organizer. The Feminine Creative or the Ocean of Magnetic Force (Binah) and Masculine currents of electric force (Chokma) are being organized into living forms on/in the Material of Malkuth---which is the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Qabalists know Kether to be the 1st Sephira, source of all 10, and many have thought that this is the first manifestation of conscious energy. Yet Kether is the "limitless light", and has no end or beginning, which allows no viewing, let alone any real understanding. Kether is the "Dark Sun" but to us shown as a white sphere, for it is the infinite unseen balance of all light and is the least understood concept of the Tree of Life sigil. Thus the First idea of manifestation falls to the 2's, which represent Chokma (Wisdom) which is a Hebrew feminine noun for the Greek Goddess Sophia-Wisdom. Elements may be essences in Kether, but only upon reaching the Deuces are they in appearance as ideas.

The 2's not only represent Chokmah-the 2nd Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, but also the Elements uncontaminated by influence; hence they appear in their original harmonious condition.
- For instance: the 2 of Wands is called Dominion and/ or Lord of Dominion because the word Lord implies Husbandry in its original Feudal Anglo Saxon meaning of "Keeper of her property" ; the 2 of Wands is the Fire Element in its purest form and is the "movement within all motion".
- The 2 of cups, often called The Lord of Love and is the Purest Form of Water (fluid-like energy flow), i.e. consciousness.
- The 2 of Swords has been called the Lord of Peace or Peace. We know that swords represent "mind" but since there is no conflict to solve at this stage of manifestation, there is only Peace.
It requires a lot of thought to understand the Ace of any suit, for it is a State of "I "without the "Am" paradox of imaging self, within one self. This can be a real brain teaser simply because it is the Negative form of a Positive idea.... it’s as if it is the negative electrons attracting positive electrons to make a form manifest from a dream in the " stardust" of time/space . Like I said, a lot of thinking is necessary here, as the general proposition states that the sum of the one energy is zero, so that the Positive manifestation "isn't" real, it is reality while the Real is infinite zero. Thus the phrase, "The other side of the Mirror" is the Real side. Or we can say, that the image in the reflected side of the mirror is subject to the self-conceptual presentation of I AM radiated as form, from the invisible side of the mirror. It is therefore, proper to say that I AM is real, for it describes "existence" and what I AM thinks it is (as a Me) , is all assumption/self-reflection which is also called "illusion".

The 2 of Disks in most Tarot, is representative of Change, and/or Lord of Harmonious Change which is what Union produces. Union produces harmonious change simply because energy seeks its own level and when two come together as one, they balance each other and this works for 2 states of energy conscious as well as the human Torus/Aura. Also, Earth is the Throne of Spirit, as the Princesses are related to Earth and since the well-known axiom of Gnosis is "As above so below", we see that once having gotten to the bottom one comes out again at the top. This is a type of Mobius loop (Torus), or lemniscus (Greek for-ribbon) which is the serpentine figure-eight magus symbol for infinity; "O who is 2", clamping down on its own tail forming an unbroken line, and in each male and female is the infinity of 0=2.

The 2's may be considered the A-sexual "fetuses" of the Seed-Aces but this concept doesn't seem to make understanding these "Higher States" of the invisible conscious energy any easier. All the 2's suggest that when the Negative sees itself as a Positive, and then unites with that Positive, we get a "Self Image" of individual male and female forces. This may help you with the Mythological concepts of the Goddess who in Virgin birth, has a son (male is considered Positive Electron/Proton and female is considered Negative/ Electron) and then mates with that son to produce the Universe. If you get this all tangled up with your indoctrinated-emotional concepts of sexuality-----you'll never understand the Energy Conscious concepts of the 2s. However, I love to tease the brain, so here is another concept of the 2's, "From herself, she created him, and then mated with him so she could become her." I just love that one! This is not an attempt to obfuscate, but an example of language's inability to explain the Hermaphrodite that is the Soul. None of us are "a sex", all of us are both sexes. This is easily shown, as the self-reflected human brain, which manifests both the feminine side and masculine side of intelligent energy.

But all confusion aside, each of us is a 0 , a soul, that equals 2 .and as stated; your body's brain has a feminine and masculine side. Truth be told, we can't be truthfully be identified by the naming of a sex of a species as all of us are Hermaphrodite Souls, The I AM, who create the life/breath in a body so that it can represent our presence in the realm of matter, assumes it is male or female in body, i.e. ,Malkuth, a realm we as the evolution of Pure Light are not from but wish to manifest a self-concept in for the sole (soul) purpose of fulfilling the divine Will to Be. To repeat myself; Kether is Eheieh in Hebrew, meaning "I Will Be", you are the fulfillment of that will to be. Therefore, you are the Divine Creative's Self-Image who now can experience data/information as in-form-action and thereby, develop knowledge.
When the 2 of Disks/Dreamcatchers card is thrown for an individual during a reading, it means:
- Change.
- A transformation in the physical world is upon them in two weeks or two months’ time.
- This is Cause and Effect and/ or the Law of Attraction, where what we think of the most is formed in the atoms around us as a living observation and/or life style.
- In Physics, it is known that observation changes the observed and most of us know that by observing a thought through the powerful emotions (energy-in-motion) of love or fear will charge that thought into manifested action from benevolent, on one hand, or malevolent on the other.
- Perspective is everything to a Conscious Energy---which we all know as Spirit. Life is but a perspective of Self-Awareness!
- The ability to juggle or balance more than one project at a time and or two or more situations at once time.
- When the mental aspects attributed to Female (unconscious) and the Male (consciousness), in all of us is balanced, we know Life as Playful Creativity and enjoy the challenges of entropy. Where as if they are at odds, life becomes a serious struggle where chaos eventually wins.
- That it is better to allow chaos and then reorder it in a new way to be, knowing full well that you can and always have done so as Spirit. Know Thyself! You are originally Spirit; a powerful Observer known as Will-to-Be! From Non- being, you have always created being! This is your inheritance, from Chokma and Binah. "To be the I AM" which is never stasis and always re-observing itself! This state of self-reevaluation is the Universal Constant-Transformation.
- All opposites are only illusions or different outgrowths of the same current of energy.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout (Thoth) or reversed (Dark Santa Muerte) it implies.
- Instability.
- Disharmony and/or discord.
- A time for solitude.
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