The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot- 3 of Disks-Works & The Mystic Palette Tarot- 3 of Coins

Western Hermetic Qabalah Magick, Tantric, Alchemical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Mystic Palette-Thoth

Above all things, know thyself!

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Thoth- 3 of Disks-Works

# 3. Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.

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The Mystic Palette Tarot-3 of Coins

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Thoth-3 of Disks-Works

The Thoth 3 of Disks-Works represents endurance, strong physical determination, and tenacity. This is the ability to give the "works" to what you want--- just like a hamburger "with the works". This is the card of nobility; that of trade, skilled labor, renown, and glory.

The pyramid on the Thoth card symbolizes focused power as commitment and priority. The blue light surrounding the pyramid states the capacity for clarity; clarity about what you will or will not give your energy, mind, and body too. In other words, “the Works".

The gray waves in the background represent confusion; However, this confusion has been broken through by the lighted pyramid of clear intention, clarity of priorities and commitments. The 3 red wheels represent the alignment of spirit-mind-body and are the color of Geburah/ Mars/Aries, whose forces are behind this ternary action. Whatever you are doing...give it the Works!

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The astrological sign of Mars in Capricorn adorns this card, as Mars is the planet of activity, energy, vitality, and assertion. Capricorn represents the assertion of Spirit-(Will)-Mind-(Psyche) and Body-Action with focused intention moving in the same direction of a tangible and secure manifestation. Also, Mars in Capricorn is the celestial ruler of this card. Placing Mars in its most exalted state.

Therefore, when linked to Capricorn, the Martian energy is constructive, and he is an exceptional builder and engineer. To the Universal Self, "The Works" is Life Itself so when we align our body and soul (heart) and action towards priorities, commitments and/or what we wish to give "the works" to----we align with Universal Priorities which can enhance all that we are determined to do. All we must do is focus, and begin with what we have, then the Universal Priority of "I Will BE", will accelerate us towards our goal.

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The Western Hermetic Qabalah- Tree of Life (the god molecule)

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The Mystic Palette 3 of Coins Tarot card also represents the influence of Binah-the 3rd Sephiroth (Mother-Goddess) in the physical world. The 3 of Disks and Mystic Palette 3 of Coins both represent trade, skilled labor, physical persistence, tenacity, endurance, and strong determination to get the job done. Hence, the 3 very determined leafcutter Ants marching along a tree branch, supporting a leaf that bears the golden markings of Capricorn and Mars.

The leafcutter ants have a very complex cooperative society and an interdependent relationship with a fungus that they cultivate with decomposing leaves. This fungus is used to feed their larvae. These ants remind us that things may be more connected than they appear on the surface.

When this card shows up in a reading it reminds us that cooperation is the order of the day. By cooperating with others, and individual can get done what they alone could not accomplish alone.

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If you dream or meditate and a Leafcutter ant appears to you. You may want to consider the powerful image provided.

The leafcutter ant as a spirit guide, totem animal, or power animal offers a potent image of collective intelligence, devotion to purpose, sacred labor, and ecological alchemy. In the symbolic language of shamanism and Hermetic metaphysics, this creature speaks not only to the mundane world of effort and organization but also to deeper esoteric truths about transformation, co-creation, and the sacred function of service in the Great Work.

🌿 Leafcutter Ant as Spirit Guide:

The leafcutter ant appears as a guide when you are being called to humble yet heroic service. As a spirit guide, it may walk beside someone who is learning:

  • How to be a part of something greater than the self — without losing their spiritual integrity.

  • How to channel energy toward collective goals, such as building a soul community or sustaining a magickal current.

  • How to carry spiritual burdens (leaves) that are not for personal consumption but are intended to feed the invisible ecosystem — much like how ants carry leaves not to eat them, but to cultivate the fungus that sustains the colony. This is an alchemical metaphor for feeding the inner Work or the group soul (egregore) through outer action.

The leafcutter ant reminds the aspirant that invisible work matters. Like the ant disappearing underground to prepare the future, the magician/magus or priestess often labors in quiet, unseen ways that nevertheless birth profound transformations.

🐜 Totem Animal: Leafcutter Ant and the Tribe

As a totem animal, the leafcutter ant reflects a soul group, family, or tribe that has incarnated to perform a collective sacred task. This totem may watch over:

  • Magical orders or lineages that emphasize service, sustainability, and structure.

  • Individuals with a strong sense of vocation or initiatic duty — people whose work supports a larger spiritual hive.

  • A people who must endure much for the long-term cultivation of a visionary goal.

Totemically, the leafcutter ant links to Binah on the Tree of Life: the Womb of Form and the Great Mother of Discipline. The ant is not merely industrious—it is architectonic. The colony it builds is both Temple and Garden, living structure and ecosystem. There is deep sacred geometry in the tunnels it weaves and fungal gardens it grows.

🕯️ Power Animal: Channeling the Energy of the Leafcutter Ant

As a power animal, you can invoke the energy of the leafcutter ant when you need:

  • Endurance in sacred labor — especially repetitive or foundational work that leads to spiritual breakthroughs.

  • To shift focus from individual ambition to the needs of the collective.

  • To harvest spiritual "leaves" — symbols, teachings, dreams — and place them into the inner alchemical cauldron, knowing that over time, they will feed something holy.

It’s also a powerful ally in group ritual magick, reminding you that each member brings a piece of the whole. No single person carries the weight of the magick alone — yet all are required. The ant as a power animal balances humility with power, obedience with sacred intelligence.

🧬 Esoteric Keys of the Leafcutter Ant (Hermetic Insight):

  • Element: Earth, yet with fungal (hidden Lunar) and vegetal (Venusian) currents.

  • Planetary Correspondences: Saturn (structure and labor), and Venus (symbiosis and growth).

  • Qabalistic Reflection: Binah (Structure, Divine Understanding), but with a vital thread to Malkuth — as ants are builders of the Earth Temple.

  • Tarot Archetypes: The Eight of Disks (Prudence) for sustained effort; The Hierophant for tradition and collective spiritual transmission; and The Empress, for cultivation and ecosystemic growth.

🌌 Final Meditation:

The leafcutter ant invites you to see your work as ritual, your service as sacrifice, and your life as part of a living Temple being built beneath the visible world. It offers not glory, but belonging — not freedom from burden, but the ecstasy of purpose. In following the trail of your ancestors and co-workers, you help prepare sacred ground for the future.

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For the Alchemist and Qabalist Works represents the combinations of mercury, sulfur, and salt or the Hebrew material letters Aleph (air), Mem (water) and Shin (fire). Also illustrated on this Thoth card is the pyramid of crystallized forces rising out of the Great Sea of Binah (Universal Collective Unconscious).

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Since this card represents the Divine Ability and our inherited ability to create material manifestation, it reminds us that we must keep heart and soul involved in our creativity to manifest our ideals: in other words, love what you do and do what you love! Love allows us to see our dreams as children to be born and go about paying attention to detail and dedicate our heart and soul towards this goal.

This card also suggests the love of being, to nurture our dream into fruition. To those who love creating---expressing their soul into material creation, diligence is the only time limit because they love the act of creating more than the goal attained. Such people are in -tune with the Great Work which is "As Above, so Below". It is not what you become that is important, it is being the whole of you that whole is important towards transforming an energetic presence. Living the Now, as a trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body, is better than hoping to be living a future fantasy---which is a mental liquid that only swirls to the currents of your present e-motion!

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Qabalists know the Triangle/Trinity that begins all birth as many combinations of 3. Maid-Mother-and Crone, each a special perspective on Womb-rite of Ocean-Rain-and River, united with Father-Son- and Holy Spirit, rite of Phallus-Sun-Energy, each a process of Life or Ocean-Sun-and Earth and each an active part of the stable foundation of the Mind, which is made up of The Collective Unconscious, (The Spirit Mind of Universal Unconscious) subconscious (brain) and awake- conscious (representative of the soul/psyche). I can go on and on about the O that equals 2, whose union produces 3, but in all cases, fertilization is achieved, and a child can be born when all 3 are aligned in agreement.

For instance:

  1. The 3 of Wands is called Virtue, and/or The Lord of Virtue (Husbandry), for in this state of conscious energy, the idea of will and dominion has become interpreted in Character.
  2. The 3 of Cups is called Abundance and/or the Lord of Abundance where the idea of Love has come to fruition. The 3's on the Tree of Life are where we begin seeing definite differentiation between the suits, giving birth to the idea of division----so that "many can be made from the One who is 3/Trinity".
  3. The idea of division, of mutability, which is the "airy' quality of things, is made manifest in the 3 of Swords. The 3 of Swords is named SORROW Not the vulgar sorrow of individual discontent or disappointment but the Sorrow of the Dark Binah, and of the Dark Isis. In German, this great sorrow is called Weltschmerz, the universal sorrow. It is the quality of Melancholy. I find it easier to understand the 3 of Swords by understanding the Great Mother's sorrow over her seeing the Bright Shimmering Beauty of Her Children and because of "freedom of choice", unable to intervene when watching her children become ugly in their own minds as they identify themselves as monsters. All of which happens when fear is the foundation of our ideas/identity rather than Love.
  4. The 3 of Disks (Pentacles or Coins) exhibits the crystallization/coagulation of forces, which is the idea of Earth. There is an obvious manifestation of Work having been done. This is also often called the Great Work and/or the invisible Life forced creating the Alive. This may make more sense to you if you remember that the “other side of the Mirror", is the Dark Place where Life is the Supernal Triangle of the Tree of Life, and the Alive are the Child (Knowledge) made manifest from this Union of Conscious Energy (Willed Forces), that combine to make the Crystallization/Coagulation of Light on the Reflective side of the Mirror! This conceptualization of a two-sided mirror goes far in explaining why "Mirror Magic' is so often used to ensure manifestation of idea into a "living expression". It is from the invisible dark that we serve the light.
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A lot has been said, but few understand that the body is merely a Reflection, of your I AM; the invisible you who is most of the Self. (You are 99.6% space). It is in the Dark, warmth, of your "infinite light" (Spirit) that all Life comes from (infinity can't be seen, as it has no measurement, and therefore, "dark"). The body is Alive, is not Life (All is Self as Mind-Alive is a reflection of Self), as it is the reflected-condensed version of, I AM Me; Me being an assumption!

As stated, the body reflects what the I Am defines as Life/Self. Think well from your deep dark places and own your "shadow" with love and harmonize its motion with that of the light that you are. This harmony and/or cooperation of motion is necessary to be Alive and Well!

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It pays to remember this axiom, “Do unto another as you would have done to you."...for that is a Triangle of 3---Idea, Cause, and effect. It is unbreakable in its stability. So, it pays to know what your ideas create. If you identify "Others" instead of "Another’s" (everyone I see is Another way to be Me.) you will keep lessening yourself until your life force can no longer sustain the body health and balance.

Hence, to think less of others is to lessen yourself and is a practice of black magic which destroys the practitioner. Your thoughts, ideas, and opinions only affect the Cause of Your self- Identity. Your Reflection in the outside world is from your deeply held inner and often invisible emotional thoughts, which are the first material the mind works with, into "aliveness". Your body is the only one who feels/receives your thoughts as animation and then must enact them when they are emoted. Hence, the cause of the effect you call "lifetime", is the Identity you call yourself.

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We are not responsible for how "others" react to us; We are, however, the response and/or the reaction to our own thought! Others are just another way to be Divine Children; Children who have the Goddess given Freedom of Choice; gifted Divine Children, who have a right to their own identities, be they ill or well thought out. For only by experiencing error to do we find correction, and only by correction do we become wise.

Love is a form of intelligence as it is both wise and understanding---not the act of a divided simpleton created by the Media Word Hypnosis of the social egregore but of a Powerful ternary whole Spirit Being who is Spirit-Mind-Body; To Love Being----is to be love.

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Therefore, the wise among us know that to be able to "think" means you are not the effect called Thought, but the Cause of it. The I Am is the truth, what I am is all assumption. So, my thoughts aren't "my precious", they are the cause that affects the Alive and hopefully ordered enough to work effectively. Therefore, thoughts are not made of stone, knowing this I then have the Knowledge to make, and remake thought to improve the function of my body, rather than think that I am the thought I think and must errantly defend those thoughts to the death. We must free our thoughts form egoic control, as the ego "needs to be right", a process doomed to failure. Thoughts must be expansive yet ordered and focused on an intent (given the works); besides, the "me" is supposed to die (Transform back to organic matter) for it is measured and we control measurement as life/death (inhale-exhale), both of which are inseparable while also being the motor behind transformation.

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The Spirit-Mind union knows that Self-Reflection requires bodies! To make Thought Sensual, is necessary to create a screening process of discernment and/or experience. We are a creative Spirit-Mind who can devote our thought controlled “time/space" to "expanding and liberating" the Body from the survival thinking of the animal domain, i.e., the False Ego. This in turn expands and liberates self-awareness! By the feelings of Love or Fear generated by the Communion of idea with a sensual- living laboratory where ideas become experimental processes that either free the body from the past or bind it to the illusions of the past where it becomes dead to the moment.

Idea alone is not enough to properly operate the Alive! Life depends on the Threesome of the Divine Wedding, which is the triangle made of Idea, the Union of Wisdom, Understanding and Action to create the Beautiful Bright Never-Ending Child called knowledge which when intimately experienced becomes in-form-action and/or experienced knowledge and/or Wisdom!

When you understand the 3's, you begin to understand your inherited Godhood.

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In gematria, the number 3 holds significant characteristics and symbolic meanings across various traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism, numerology, and Western esoteric practices. Here are some of the key characteristics and symbolic attributes of the number 3:

  1. Balance and Harmony:

    • The number 3 often represents balance and harmony, as it is seen as the synthesis of dualities. In many mystical traditions, it represents the unification of opposites, forming a harmonious whole.
  2. Divine Completeness:

    • In Jewish mysticism, the number 3 is considered to signify completeness and perfection, often associated with the divine. It symbolizes the threefold nature of divinity, such as the three patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) in the Hebrew Bible.
  3. Creativity and Expression:

    • The number 3 is frequently linked to creativity, self-expression, and communication. It embodies the principle of growth and expansion, encouraging artistic and communicative endeavors.
  4. Spiritual Awareness:

    • In Western esoteric traditions, the number 3 is associated with spiritual awareness and the unfolding of spiritual consciousness. It is often seen as a symbol of the spiritual journey, representing stages of development and enlightenment.
  5. Triads and Trinities:

    • The concept of triads or trinities is central to the symbolism of the number 3. This can be seen in various religious and philosophical contexts, such as the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the Hindu Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and the three gunas (sattva, rajas, tamas) in Hindu philosophy.
  6. Manifestation and Realization:

    • The number 3 is associated with the process of manifestation and realization. In many mystical traditions, it represents the transition from potential to actual, embodying the principle of bringing ideas or spiritual concepts into tangible form.
  7. Numerical and Alphabetic Representation:

    • In Hebrew gematria, the number 3 is represented by the letter Gimel (ג). This letter is often associated with the concepts of kindness and nourishment, as well as the idea of movement and progression.
  8. Symbolic Figures:

    • The number 3 is often seen in symbolic figures and sacred geometry, such as the triangle. The triangle is a potent symbol representing stability, strength, and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.

By understanding these characteristics, one can gain deeper insights into the symbolic and mystical significance of the number 3 in various esoteric traditions.

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The view of the Thoth card is that of a pyramid as seen from above its apex. The three wheeled base represents the three Mother Letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph (Air), Shin (Fire), and Mem (Water) or the alchemical system of Mercury, Sulphur (old English spelling), and Salt. If you are of the Hindu persuasion, the three wheels represent the Three Gunas, Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas.

Qualities of the three gunas

ActivityTruth / GoodnessInertia & inactivity
Passion, desire & attachmentLight, harmony & balanceDarkness, delusion & ignorance
EnergySpiritual EssenceMass / matter / heaviness
ExpansionUpward flowDownward flow
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To a Qabalist, the Great Work is to make the "As above, so below", which is a process of "Above all things, know thyself", all of which is achieved by remembering the Spiritual journey "down" the Tree of Life (Lightning path) by consciously traveling "back up" (Serpent path) and thus opening our personalities to the Great Personality that began this process of Macrocosm to Microcosm condensation of I AM Me.

To "Remember thyself", is to know your divinity, not just believing in it. Therefore, part of the Great Work is to establish a "Knowing Evolutionary" state of “expanding and liberating" the animal brain/ego from subconscious survival thinking limits that keep it from Wisdom.

To a Qabalist, Wisdom is the ability to "create-see error-and correct it", for we know that Wisdom is 50% error, and 50% correction; to the animal brain to make error is feared as a survival blunder thus keeping it from progressing emotionally as it lives in fear of past mistakes and denying them, never approaching wisdom. The wise know that we must make mistakes when creating in a "cause and effect" universe, as entropy is part of all material creation. Entropy (called "evil" by the ancients"), is always seeking to "proceed from order to disorder (2nd law of Thermodynamics), and the Universal solution to that chaos, is to keep up motion by constantly changing/transforming identity. In other words, "to expand and liberate" creation from previous boundaries.

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The Heavenly Human

If you know yourself at all, you will know that the Human Being is the Solution to conscious limitations. We have the "Mind of Goddess/God", often called Imagination and rationale; Imagination is what I call "the Womb with a view” who has created Time/Space by Understanding "form", rationale adds measurement to imagination.

Thus, when linked with our Source, we can see beyond our senses, we can plot and give birth to futures. We are the inheritors of visionary sight and thereby, see beyond the entropy of the moment. Rationale means to "add measurement " (ratio) to manifest idea into an ordered "life".

To know thyself, is to know that the moment doesn't contain you and that it is just a moment of assumption, whereas you, are a Master of Time /Space and have the power to change moments/assumptions, just by perspective or observation alone. Therefore, by controlling and understanding thoughts of "I AM", one can change their future and become the "Great Work" of "As above, so Below"!

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I Am the Divine Spirit who seeks intimacy through flesh to unite with the great Work of Divine Creative Self-Awareness!

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The Mystic Palette Tarot-3 of Coins

The Mystic Palette Tarot - 3 of Coins card represents the payoff of mastering and improving your skills and the knack to bring order to a project by collaboration with others. Due to dedication and diligently improving your skills or your job will reward you handsomely as shown by the 3 healthy leafcutter ants in a balanced line. This card states that you have the talent to see it through. Therefore, don't stop now! Here, teamwork makes the dream work. This card's understanding becomes clearer when we understand Mars in the house of Capricorn and the numerology-gematria meaning of the #3.

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When Mars is placed in the zodiac sign of Capricorn and occupies a particular house in an individual's birth chart, it influences the person's energy, drive, assertiveness, and ambitions in specific areas of life represented by that house. Here are the general characteristics of Mars in the house of Capricorn:

  1. Ambition and Drive: Mars in Capricorn enhances ambition and drive, especially regarding career goals and long-term aspirations. Individuals with this placement are determined, focused, and willing to work hard to achieve success and recognition in their chosen field.

  2. Discipline and Persistence: Capricorn is a sign associated with discipline, structure, and persistence. Mars here imbues individuals with a strong sense of responsibility and a willingness to endure challenges and setbacks in pursuit of their objectives.

  3. Strategic Action: Mars in Capricorn tends to take a strategic approach to action. These individuals carefully plan their moves, weighing the risks and benefits before taking decisive steps forward. They prefer to channel their energy into endeavors that promise tangible and long-lasting results.

  4. Authority and Leadership: Capricorn is a sign associated with authority and leadership. Mars here gives individuals a natural inclination to take charge and assume positions of responsibility. They excel in leadership roles where they can assert their authority and influence others through their actions.

  5. Practicality and Efficiency: With Mars in Capricorn, there's a practical and efficient approach to achieving goals. These individuals prioritize tasks, focus on what needs to be done, and are adept at managing their time and resources effectively to maximize productivity.

  6. Reserved Expression of Energy: Capricorn is not an overtly expressive sign, and Mars here may manifest as a more controlled and reserved expression of energy. These individuals may appear serious, focused, and determined, rather than impulsive or emotionally volatile.

  7. Career Success: Mars in Capricorn individuals often find success in their careers and professional pursuits. They are willing to put in the necessary effort, overcome obstacles, and climb the proverbial ladder of success, achieving recognition and respect for their accomplishments.

  8. Potential Challenges: While Mars in Capricorn can be highly productive and goal-oriented, there may be challenges related to overwork, burnout, or a tendency to prioritize career ambitions over other areas of life such as relationships or personal well-being. It's essential for individuals with this placement to find balance and avoid becoming overly consumed by their professional endeavors.

These are general tendencies associated with Mars in Capricorn in a specific house of the birth chart. For a more personalized analysis, considering the house placement and any aspects to Mars from other planets would provide further insight into how this placement manifests in an individual's life.

When the 3 of Disks/Coins is thrown, the querent is or will be experiencing:

  • Paid employment, in the next three weeks or 3 months.
  • Successful business transactions from working and constructive force.
  • Building up, erecting, and realization and increase of material things.
  • Cleverness in business entertains a certain selfishness as they are keen on the matter of gain.
  • A time of inventing, engineering, and creating where all things material is moving together within 3 weeks or 3 months.
  • Communal work, where working together brings about success. I
  •  Trump (Major Arcana) surrounds as the Three of Disks. The querent is on the Spiritual journey of the Great Work and is accomplishing the Task of Remembering the "As above", thus manifesting it "so below".
  •  When thrown out this card declares that the next 3 weeks or 3 months is the best time to get clear on your priorities, commitments and to determine what you are willing to give "the works" to. 
  • It is also the best time to reassess or clarify your relationships with Capricorn people (December 21- January 21). This is a time where clarity seems to come out of nowhere allowing you to clearly see priorities and commitments that you wish to tenaciously stick to making them solid and stable in your life. 

If ill dignified by the accompanying cards, it implies:

  • Represents narrow and prejudiced thought.
  •  Seeking the impossible.
  • Senseless fervor.

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