Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-3 of Wands-Virtue
#3. Filled with understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.

Triple goddess Tarot-3 of Wands

The Divine Feminine, Binah , the 3rd Sephiroth-Understanding, is the Sephiroth-house of the 3's. She is an original aspect of your own Anima formed Energetic Unconscious (Imagination). The prefix Un, on the word unconscious, tends to make one think of something "less than" consciousness, nothing can be farther from the Truth. Here Un just designates the Unseen, this does not mean "lower value" in anyway, any more than unseen microwaves/radio waves would have more power if they were visible. The Unconscious is a state of consciousness that houses the imagination, that is the image-maker mind-Gail and/or "Will to Form" aspect of the One Mind that is commonly called the loving couple- I AM.

THE 3 OF WANDS-VIRTUE, is also called the Lord of Established Strength; well noted, as the Sun is in Aries here. There is great power where the Sun illuminates Aries, the Cardinal Sign of Fire often called Mars. In sexual expression and/or fiery union this is called the “adorable fire" or the " adorable violence". And as any Tantric Sexual Yoga practitioner finds out, sex is a virtuous act of electromagnetic force. We the 2 of individual virtue, come from 0, reunite as 1 joyous melody of. O=2 and 2=1; This knowledge is hard to find in this Western culture of indoctrinated mind and profaned body.

Our Waking Consciousness, itself, is a child of the Collective Unconscious of the Universe, and that Mother of consciousness, Binah. In the Great Dark Sea of Imagination, the "other side of the mirror" is where your image floats in the amniotic fluid of "Will to Form", a soul-collective conceived in non-space. Binah is the Great Understanding , "The Womb with a View", that resides in the Supernal conscious (upper triangle of the Tree of Life) who by her ability to understand idea, creates information. Information creates/gives birth to Souls who become in-form action, thereby, turning information into experience and/or knowledge. Our bodies are then created as representatives of the Soul's in-form-action. That action can be virtuous or destructive, depending on the identity creating it. Therefore, how we identify ourselves, defines our life.

The Texts of the Golden Dawn may have said it best:
“In Binah is a thick darkness which yet veileth the Divine Glory in which all colors are hidden, wherein mystery and depth and silence, and yet, it is the habitation of the Supernal Light. There the Supernal Triad complete. And the Sphere of its Operation is Shabbathi, or rest, and it giveth forms and similitudes unto chaotic matter and it ruleth the sphere of action of the planet Saturn. And Jehovah Elohim is the perfection of Creation and Life of the World to Come. And the Archangel is Tzaphqiel, the Prince of the Spiritual Strife against Evil and the name of the Angels is Arahim, the strong and mighty Ones who are also called the Order of Thrones."
The order of Thrones" are represented as the Four Queens of the Tarot and are united with the Four Kings; their Husbands.

Generally, the four 3's, represent the realization of the Action (conception) of the Prince (Sun/Son) having been conceived symbolized as the central solar/fiery figure on the 3 of wand and every other Minor Thoth wands card. Hence, Action is definitely launched for good or evil. This central Sun, in the 3 of Wands, is the conception of the Prince of Wands, seen as, central flames radiating outward from the Supernal Union of the upper Triad. This is the conception of the fiery sexual/spiritual self. It is pure vital force; However, it's frequencies are not separated as male or female as of yet. Along with the other 2 Supernal representing cards, Aces and 2's, Crowley holds the 3's in a particular veneration. The Aces represent the unmanifested roots of their suit and element, and the 2's represent the suit and element as manifested ideas. Therefore, Crowley states that the 3's are:
" The idea has become fertilized; the triangle has been formulated. In each case, the idea is of a certain stability which can never be upset, but from which a child can issue." [Book of Thoth, p. 178]

The 3 of Wands also represents Binah's influencing the World of Pure Spirit (Atziluth).
The 3 Crossed Wands indicate the balance of Chokmah, Binah and the birth of Tiphareth, the Sun (son), and/or The Prince. Growth begins and is shown on the card as the unfolding lotus blossoms opening to the Warm and Bright Energy of Aries.

To an astrologer, the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aries, heralds spring.
The blazing colors of the Card imply great strength for individual expression (central Wand). Here also is absolute power that can corrupt absolutely, thus egocentricity, pride and conceit are lurking dangers. Yet we have Virtue here, the key to Spiritual/Sexual integrity and honesty.
This is a very active card of powerful direction, so it requires us to understand that Virtue is not chastity, no nothing so obviously prejudicial, but rather "Always being True to Thine own self." Here there is a warning not to compromise your inner fire- passion for the apathy of others and/or "peer pressure". Here, you as the trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body are whole and complete as one cooperative plane of action and you understand that the body is another form of Spiritual plane, as to make a plane takes three points. Hence the Triangle of Self is Made, Spirit-Mind-Body are the 3 points of this Spiritual plane. Therefore, true Virtue is to be as spring and in such a new bright-warm Sunny Psyche, is the place to forge your identity in your own inner fire! Clarify your identity and “Above all things, know thyself!" I AM Whole Spirit: Spirit-Mind-Body. The Solar Self, is the Soul, the information is of the Mind, and the Physical Self is the "reflection of the soul's information". Therefore, the 3 of Wands is about the action of "Above all things, Know Thyself" and be true to that virtuous knowledge.

The Triple Goddess Tarot- 3 of Wands, depicts a young woman, striking out on her own with backpack and walking stick (wand). This wand/walking stick is sprouting leaves, showing its fertility. The same fertility is shown by the 2 other wands forming a doorway, from which she has exited. This image forms 3 points of a Triangle/Plane. Therefore, a subtle but effective trinity is shown; Spirit-Mind-Body all agree on the direction to take. Hence, she is being true to herself.
When the 3 of Wands, is thrown during a reading, it implies that :
- Putting thoughts into action.
- Keeping on with present activities for they are conceived and will soon flourish into manifestation.
- Clarity, where you are seeing yourself honestly.
- Established strength in enterprises where collaboration will favor the querent.
- Radiating intention, understanding the Will of Fire and increasing energy to birth ideas.
- Vivacity and harmony.
- Trust.
- Solidified strength.
- Acting in harmony with Nature.
- Purpose.
- Good fortune.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Moodiness.
- Attention getting behavior.
- Overestimating one's own energy.
- Being out of harmony with the situation.
- Difficulty in finding worthy goals.