
Thoth- 4 of Disks-Power
The Thoth 4 of Disks implies:
[Pentacles in other decks]
...condition of assured material gain, and earthly power completed but nothing beyond. (Waite).

Here we have presented a fortress made by the grounding of the 4th Sephiroth- Chesed (mercy) in Assiah, the Material world. Held by constant authority and vigilance, a type of Law and order holds the 4 Alchemical Elements in balance. Fire (Energy), Air (mind), Water (emotions), and Earth (physical), are all centered on material security. obtaining material security often means "nothing ventured nothing gained" and without venture one's situation becomes a problem of stasis that will be removed by the Greater Spiritual Self ("A Tower Moment") to keep things moving. For now things look under control and sitting back and enjoying material security seems justified. Here we also have gift, legacy and inheritance.

Astrologically we have Sun in Capricorn which assures the light and warmth of success but nothing beyond the moment. The 4 of Disks is representative of the Rational Mind in total control of creative energy for material wealth; boundaries against change are erected and the illusion of security is enjoyed. Now this feeling of benevolent strength, is indeed wonderful but we must also invest in the motion of wealth, so it becomes prosperity---so being flexible with your wealth is recommended.
The 4 of Disks card reminds us that damming a river can secure water, but if we don't leave room for flow, we stifle the prosperity all around us for a false sense of security. This easily becomes Avarice, blockages of thought and action which naturally follow from excessive devotion to materialistic rewards, causing stagnation. However, if the drawbridge of an open mind is open for "outside" traffic we can make something tangible and take concrete steps towards creating security in the physical world that actually enhances that security for others as well.

So when all is examined, this card represents a positive with a caution; a kind of “good for you", that can only keep being good if you expand it to "good for others" as well. That is why the draw bridge is down over the mote and the gate open on this illustration of the 4-of Disks. This image implies we must allow flowing change in order to really stay Secure in our power.

By looking at the Qabalistic Tree of Life, one can see that Chesed- the 4th Sephiroth called Mercy, is the architect of the Supernal (upper 1-2-3-triangle on the Tree of Life) whose intelligence externalizes the combined potencies of the upper Trinity. Chesed is the administrator of manifestation and the laws there of; he sets measurement.
The 4 of Disks (Pentacles in Rider-Waite and traditional decks) is the most complete expression of the grounded Chesed forces. This card shows the influence of Chesed/measurement in the material world, or the World of Assiah as our material world is called in the philosophy of the Qabalah.
The 4 of Disks -Power, is also called the Lord of Earthly Power. The Angels of the Decan are Keveqiah and Mendial .
The Disks themselves, are square implying that revolving or motion, is opposite to this card, However, another form of Chesed is in the Key 13 card of the Major Arcana, and it is the Death of stability, so that revolution can continue, 1+3=4, so the number of Chesed lays hidden in Gematria (numerology) and has the power of transformation. Chesed, the Engineer of manifestation, has the power to reorganize creation through a process we call Death.

The 4 square disks each contain one of the symbols for the four elements and the walls are strong and seemingly immobile. Yet we have the Sun reborn in Capricorn so new powerful activity is present, and is best shown as the Dancing Skeleton of ATU/Key 13 which in gematria is 1+3=4. What hints at underlying active power in the 4 of disks Tarot Card is the orange-yellow color of the card representing solar energy.

Like the eye of a hurricane, The 4 of Disks is the "Dead Center" of the Engineer of all manifestation. Here at the center, everything looks quite and stable, but violent activity is making it spin and soon, that stability will "fly to the winds". Capricorn is the center "where the Sun turns Northward." So the turning is happening in what looks to be stable and unmovable.

santa muerte tarot- 4 of pentacles
The Advice of the Dead:
Continue to concentrate on your present situation, working and resisting any eventual obstacles and barriers.
The Santa Muerte - 4 of Pentacles, implies a certain passivity due to stagnation can leave us prey to supernatural forces. Hence, Santa Muerte plucking a figure from a secure scene of a wealthy village. However, since this is a 4, there is a positive balance and we can talk about savings, as well as, generosity, gifts, earnings, something received as an inheritance or the nearing of a favorable moment that is slowly maturing. Again, this card is about material security, implying only by sharing our wealth can we keep from stagnation. Hence, spending wealth, creates prosperity whereas, hoarding it creates stagnation.
When the 4 of Disks/Pentacles is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is owning their own personal energy, physical potency and vitality. The very act of which proceeds change.
- There may be a feeling of holding on tightly to what one has, emotionally or physically.
- The enfoldment of Power, here the Ability to Do Work (Power) is unfettered and the engineer is active.
- The querent is taking solid steps towards creating material security in the physical world.
- Here, "nothing ventured nothing gain" is the axiom of the 4.
- Holding too tightly to what you have, and not taking risks of change.
- Inperturbability.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards:
- Blockage of creative thought due to avarice, or excessive devotion to material things.
- Compulsiveness.
- Stubbornness.
- Stagnation.
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