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The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot-5 of Cups- Disappointment & The Lost Soul Tarot-5 of Cups.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

September 28, 2024

Above all things, know thyself.

Thoth- 5 of Cups-Disappointment

Lord of Loss in Pleasure.

#5. I recognize the manifestation of undeviating justice in all the circumstances of my life.

The Lost Soul Tarot- 5 of Cups.



Qabalistic Tree of Life

Many people inappropriately term some tarot cards as "bad" or "evil" and others as "good" which is the errant 2-dimensional thinking of our culture. This is assuredly errant thought as the Tarot is about conscious energy and radiated data from the One Mind and the Spirit-Mind-Body movement to gather knowledge through experiencing " multidimensional life" as a Trinity of Willful-awareness in a sensual body: thereby becoming intimate with information and the experience of senses turning it into knowledge.

Therefore, the 5's, which have often been termed as bad or negative, are really the necessary disruption of the placidity of the 4's. The 4's bespeak of stasis, a non-motion, or entropy, while to move is to grow; therefore, when the 5 is thrown it is your inner-self telling the outer-self it is time to move!

Thoth Tarot- 5 of Cups- Disappointment

The Four Universal Elements and the Fifth Element-Spirit.

Thoth Tarot-5 of Cups-Disappointment

Emotional disappointment makes us fragile (the five glass cups) and vulnerable. Like the murky sea or sky in the background we become depressed and then angry, depicted as the orange/red sky. We are now off balance (the askew upside-down pentagram) and feeling uprooted (the lily pads with falling lotus blossoms). The transformational aspect of disappointment is shown by the universal sign of the butterfly (the roots of the lily pads in the shape of a butterfly).

The upside-down form of a pentagram, on the Thoth card is often deemed a sign of evil by the superstitious; However, it isn't an "evil" symbol but rather a symbol of matter (False Ego-egregore) defeating the will of spirit.

Here, one isn't thinking in their favor as they are reacting in an automatic emotional response to their environment. It behooves one to remember, that the Pentagram is the sign of Humankind (Fire-Air-Water-Earth and Spirit). Therefore, the upside-down pentagram signifies one whose head is stuck in the sands of time past, (material world) rather than one who stands tall in the sunlight of will and reason.

One might think that there should be an absence of trouble here as astrologically this card is attributed to Mars in Scorpio; Mars is the planet associated with fertility, vitality, assertiveness, and dynamic activity. Scorpio is the sign of emotional depth, sex, and occult passions. Besides, Mars/Pluto rules Scorpio!

Mars should be incredibly happy to be in the House of Scorpio; However, this is also the 5th Sephiroth, Geburah (Severity), on the Qabalistic Tree of Life who is associated with the planet Mars. Mars symbolizes strength, war, power, and the fiery energy of destruction, which aligns with Geburah's qualities of judgment, discipline, and the forceful correction of imbalance. So, there should be celebrations and full beer mugs all around! Cheers! However, there seems to be a bitter aftertaste in this celebration for Pluto-Mars shadow nature, is also the dark master of the underworld dead and thereby, bringing dark passions onto the scene.

Mars and Scorpio.

What may not be seen here is that Mars is so happy to be here, and he is so excited he doesn't even indulge in foreplay. This makes Scorpio nervous, for this Martian blast of enthusiasm interferes with what might have otherwise been a slow process of passionate decay which Scorpio uses to devour her lovers. Thus, disappointment is felt deeply "to the core" here.

Therefore, this is not a trivial disappointment such as not getting the right color of car, or not enough mayonnaise on the turkey sandwich but a real stinging emotional disappointment that in the next 5 weeks or 5 months has been or will be experienced. There could also be 5 years of disappointment or disappointment that goes back to a period 5 years ago or even disappointment that was experienced deeply when you were 5 years old and is still influencing your present emotional state. All these meanings are determined by where the card lays in the reading.

Therefore, the Thoth 5 of Cups implies that it's now time to transform your emotion into a free butterfly rather than a "worm" in a hard shell of disappointment. Stuff happens to the just and unjust alike and by releasing disappointment, we can then turn it into a self-focused anger towards motivation; a personal ambition to create more motion in our life! Therefore, the Thoth Tarot card states “Release the past, for that is a dead place, fly forward into the sunny now!" 

We are all free to choose; However, indoctrination and dogma removes our Divinely given freedom to choose our place in the Dream of Self. Hence, it is not our purpose to expect for others. It is our purpose to be the operational-representative part of the Soul, the awake consciousness who experiences information and thereby turns it into knowledge and/or in-form-action. Therefore, try not to expect, let surprises happen and you will not be disappointed. We are a ternary divinity that is Spirit-Mind-Body.

Therefore, get over yourself and get on with you for impeccability is what we three do!

As I have previously stated, Geburah, the 5th Tee of Life Sephiroth, that rules the four 5's, may be severe; However, she brings a necessary correction into our lives. Severity corrects by tearing away all that is useless thought, and emotion; all that is outdated and unproductive and thereby, causing us to focus on the moment.

Due to education most of us think we understand physics 101 and the first law of thermodynamics that states: There is only one energy that we can't create, nor can we destroy it, we can however, transfer it and transform it. What we forget is that we are of the One Energy, (Spirit) and therefore, can't be destroyed or created, only transformed! Transformation is a process of deconstructing and then reconstructing that which is envisioned, thus what seems to end is merely a change in information. This transformation is easily seen in the material world, as what was living, becomes food, and food then becomes the living being that ate it, and what is not needed as nutrition, is putrefied, and recycled, which enables organic matter to become a living thing again through the alchemical processes of putrefaction, desolation, solution, and coagulation.

In our lives, energy is also emoted (energy-in-motion) when it is launched (emotional) towards a goal, and that perception of success isn't reached emotion has become putrefaction (disappointed) and must be recycled. So, break it down by observation (desolation), then build a new solution, which will form (coagulate) in your life.

It is best to enjoy the creative journey and not expect the goal to be as we perceive it to be but know that it will be worked out as Spirit's Will. Therefore, when we see that the goal is fading in the distance, we must act to transform what we are doing, not react with yesterday's emotional fears and throw a drama queen fit. Instead know that our Spiritual-Self will give us the best of the situation, while also expanding our information to create what is hugely beneficial.

Being truly creative requires passionate action; a "knowing" and not expectation. There is a difference between what is believed and what is known, for the former is a fantasy and the latter is experienced in-form-action!

*Daka (Skt. ḍāka; Tib. དཔའ་བོ་, pawo, Wyl. dpa' bo), literally 'hero' — the tantric equivalent of a bodhisattva and the male equivalent of a dakini

In the 5 of Cups card's association with Scorpio and Mars, transmitting of energy is done sexually or in some form of intimacy and/or communication, where we are in intercourse and/or interface with someone or something. Such as the intimacy of *Daka and Dakini, friends, healers, or shamanistic rites, if human, or the universal sexuality of electrons transferring charge and/or the combination of triangles/planes making the fractal we call "the mind". The flow of this vital and vigorous life force is often called love, as such we could say that the intimacy of the negative pole as it joins with a positive pole of a magnet proves love. But being Spiritual beings, we know Love is more than just energy flow, it is a communion of multiple attributes that are even more apparent when a physical Spiritual body is present, such as, a human who is a trinity of Spirit-Mind-Body which is a Trinity of "I will be", "Will-to- force", and "Will-to-form".

  Do what you will is the whole of the law; the law is Love, love under will.

Since our original identity is spirit, it would be foolish to think that we are seeking spirituality. For "to seek" simply means you are declaring that you don't have it: thereby keeping it away from you as a pursuit.

All of us began as Spirit, there is no need to seek spirit any more than a fish in the ocean needs to seek water. However, there is a need to know yourself, a self-idea of the Great Self that came here to experience information as in-form-action. Not some indoctrinated, media word hypnotized and programmed man-made self, which puts a word created caul of amnesia over your brain keeping out the receiving from the psyche/Soul. You are a manifested copy/Child of the Divine! Qabalah means "receiving", and by using the Tarot, we slowly dissolve and/or bypass the black caul of worded self-destruction by the use of Soul language that is image: image that is an assumption of I AM.

All fish are made of Water, Water is the Element of Unconsciousness, as we are made of imagination (water)/ Spirit (Will)-There is no need to seek Spirituality, it is YOU!

Sexuality is Sacred, as it is the communion of the 2=1. The Original Wholly Mass.

To the ​"enfleshed" Spirit, Intimacy is not just physical touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, or seeing, even though those are usually involved; Intimacy is also where one Auric Light Body-Field/the Spirit, Mind and Emotions blends and/or interfaces with the female force of "Will-to-Form" to a male force of "Will-to-Force", creating a Oneness. Here Communion is energy weaving into a new pattern for both parties as they communicate, interface, and/or intercourse.

A multiplication of 7 auric energy dimensions, 7 Sephirotic (7 light, 7shadow) dimensions, weaving with another 7 (777) dimensions of the other party, becoming 1,554. These added together =69 which becomes 15, the ATU 15 associated with the Devil and/or Lord of Material Manifestation. Hence, manifestation is not possible if there is no interface and/or intercourse between male-will-to-force and female will-to-form.

Now we can make the subconscious an enemy by trying to resist the "devil" and/or the false ego by suppressing fear within; OR we can use our wits and observation to desolate this "mind virus", often by laughing at its lies, deceit, and falsehoods. The subconscious is a part of your brain and by introspection and analysis of its dreams, thoughts, and/or programs you can make it more Conscious and less superstitious. Hence, laughing at one's expectations, reduces disappointment to a minor inconvenience.

Although the brain insists it is you, it isn't you, it is a manifested copy of celestial intelligence cast by your Soul/Solar Self, who is Light. Light does not fear mortality but welcomes its company. Hence, we use our powerful observation to domesticate the fear-based self of the subconscious survival mind, who is a product of the brain.

The Unconscious is not the subconscious, for what is "unconscious" is our connection to the Universal Collective Unconscious/Consciousness of the One Mind which in Hindu myth, is the Sleeping Brahman and/or the sleeping Divine Creative. The physical brain has a shadow of the Divine Collective Unconscious that is what we call the "subconscious". It is the "false ego" and it deceives, lies, and uses sensual tricks to make you think it is in charge, rather than the Willful you that is Spiritual aware consciousness and/or the Awake Divine Creative. The Subconscious is the place of instinctual reactions, not the place of Action. This is the mind of all bodies, created by Nature as a necessary survival mechanism. The Psyche/Soul is immortal and has no survival issues, hence no fear, and must master the brain with its own divine programs of "I AM". Remembering that your true name is "I AM" and that all you create as self-identity is an assumption.

The 5 of Cups Card can also mean a "Spiritual Transformation" into a material World, i.e., manifestation. That is the purpose of the human body; to turn idea/information that flows in Light, into an intimate/sensual experience and thereby, creating the energy flow that carries Universal Knowledge to the material world of self-diversity. However, in "relationships" each person may expect an intimate relationship to go a certain way, and that expectation most often isn't shared by the "other". This also leads to disappointment and profaned energy flow. "To let go and let flow", is a better policy.

Above all things, know yourself (Be authentic) before you try to share your expectations with another person. Let them be what they think they are, and you be what you think you are. All is "I AM", in the One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. However, it can be transformed and that is where the "Me" comes into play. I Am is the Truth of you, but the "me" is an assumption produced by freedom of choice or produced for you by not free enslaved brains.

Hence, "Me" is always transformable; you choose your own fate. If you are not happy with the "me" in your brain, then use the Mind/I Am power to change it! Why think little when you are the inheritor of the whole of Universal, I AM? It also behooves us to remember the "Observer effect" of Physics that states: " we change a thing when we observe a thing. That includes each other!

We see what we think, not what is there!

The Human Merkabah (The Body is Powered by the Archetypal Celestial Being)

However wonderful energy in motion is, it also has an end or transformational limit as it must move from one polarity to another making it subject to the second law of Thermodynamics where "...all things proceed from order to disorder". Therefore, a Master Weaver of Manifested Self (I AM Me), would see the disorder in Self- assumed patterns, and deconstruct them and reconstruct a new order of Self-Tapestry/Image which is an active emotional reconstruction of Self-awareness. However, most of us don't see ourselves as Master Weavers of e-motion/vital energy. We think we are slaves to emotion. Here's where Geburah steps in to assist us, she makes us view the disorder, and as a corrective, observation, allows one to now remove the old and build the new.

As a ternary Master of creation (Spirit-Mind-Body) to avoid disappointment, we must know emotion (energy-in-motion) as a willed action rather than a spontaneous reaction to indoctrination and dogma.

We weave emotion into patterns of "Me" and often expect the "World" to be as the pattern we wove and emoted "as our future-Me". " The World" is a collective of individuals who promote an egregore and often doesn't match our expectations of self-performance.

Each of us Imagines the world we are experiencing and live in our own "mindscape". However, a racial "group soul" (egregore) is made by group emotional cooperation and our creative wills produce that in our world as a ruler made world view of definition and thereby, defining us.

As masters of illusion, we must understand that Manifestation is the illusion perpetrated by weaving thought (the first material) into coagulated-light (physical material) and therefore, creating limits that produce a mortal/measured identity known as a "Me".

Spider Woman-Creation goddess of the Native American Nations.

The weaver is not the item woven; it is the "will-to form" that is the spider -woman who weaves energy to catch the necessary things for life. Energy-in-motion (emotion) is the web we weave to catch our desires be they scattered or focused. Be careful what you emote, for the web design catches only what it is designed to catch! As Every spider knows, small tight-self-absorbed weaves, catch trivial things, insubstantial things, while grandiose things blast through. More flexible, large weaves (open minded), allow the insubstantial to pass by, while catching the big sustaining things!

The Emotional Body of the human auric field is the "Desire" of the Divine "to be". Desire created by the first "shout" of The Divine-known as the God Name- Eheieh (meaning, "I will be") of the Logos that is the universal I Am who is a Trinity of Will (Will-to-Be, Will-to-Force, Will-to-Form). Our energy-in-motion is profaned by indoctrination, media-controlled word hypnosis (pleasure/pain training) and dogma, scattering the power of the original desire "to be" and making it a wanting to "become" and/or a "wanna-be". Your manifestation has already fulfilled the "desire to be" of the Divine! By being a "wanna-be", you chase a shadow of lies, thinking you'll find something substantial making your "life" a disappointment.

I am the Will and the Way, I Am the health, I Am the wealth, I Am the Day!

Mars in the house of Scorpio is a powerful and intense placement in astrology. Intensity: Mars represents action, energy, and drive, and when placed in Scorpio, the sign of deep transformation and intensity, it amplifies these qualities. Individuals with this placement tend to approach their goals with great intensity and determination.

  1. Passion: Scorpio is known for its passion, and Mars here intensifies that passion. People with Mars in Scorpio are passionate about their desires and pursuits, which can make them very focused and persistent in achieving their goals.

  2. Determination: Mars in Scorpio individuals are determined and unwavering in their pursuits. They are not easily swayed from their path and are willing to put in the effort required to achieve their objectives, no matter how challenging.

  3. Sexuality: Scorpio is a sign associated with sexuality and sensuality, and Mars in Scorpio individuals may have a strong and passionate sexual nature. They can be very intense and deeply connected in their intimate relationships.

  4. Resilience: Scorpio is a fixed sign, and Mars in this position gives individuals a great deal of resilience. They have the ability to bounce back from setbacks and are not easily defeated by obstacles or adversity.

  5. Investigative Mind: Scorpio is also associated with investigation and uncovering hidden truths. Those with Mars in Scorpio may have a natural inclination toward research, detective work, or anything that involves digging beneath the surface to discover hidden information.

  6. Emotional Depth: This placement can bring emotional depth and intensity to one's actions. Mars in Scorpio individuals may have a powerful emotional drive that fuels their actions and decision-making.

  7. Jealousy and Possessiveness: On the downside, the intensity of Scorpio can also manifest as jealousy and possessiveness. Mars in Scorpio individuals may need to be mindful of these tendencies in their relationships.

  8. Power and Control: Scorpio is associated with power and control, and Mars here can make individuals highly attuned to power dynamics. They may have a desire to be in control of situations and may excel in leadership roles.

  9. Transformation: Ultimately, Mars in Scorpio can lead to profound personal transformation. It encourages individuals to confront their own desires, fears, and limitations, leading to a process of inner growth and change.

Remember that the exact influence of Mars in Scorpio can vary depending on other factors in your natal chart, such as aspects and house placements. If you have specific questions or need a more detailed analysis, it's a clever idea to consult with a professional astrologer who can provide personalized insights based on your complete birth chart.

By now you may know that the Alchemical Element-Water represents the Feminine part of Mind and is intuitive, imaginative, and emotive- consciousness. A severe emotional situation is sensually presented in the 5 of Cups; Mars is violent energy and in the water sign Scorpio, this produces an extremely powerful emotional/sexual effect. The once full cups are empty, implying loss of that which is loved, i.e., loss of self. Geburah is fiery of nature, and still water is totally at odds with this active force, thereby causing a disturbance and loss of pleasure.

This card, if supported by the accompanying cards, can even mean death of a loved one or loss of penial or vulva/sexual performance and thereby, blocking interfacing. The inverted pentagram represents the triumph of matter over spirit (little ego over the Soul) and where disturbance arises in the middle of ease. One forgets that if you do not expect, you will avoid disappointment. For as Mustafa Jelal ad-Din Rumi, a 12th century Sufi Master stated:

Surprise is the greatest gift of all!

The Lost Soul Tarot- 5 of Cups

The Lost Soul Tarot-5 of Cups imitates the art of the Rider-Waite-Smith 5 of Cups more than the Thoth Tarot. However, it is an image of questionable support as 2 cups are on solid ground and the other 3 are just floating in air. This card's information is more distinct when presented by the number 5.

Both numerology and gematria (Western Hermetic numerology) attribute distinct yet interconnected characteristics to the number 5, each within their respective traditions. Here’s an overview of the number 5's characteristics in both systems:


In numerology, numbers are seen as symbols that carry specific vibrations and meanings. The number 5 is often associated with:

  1. Freedom and Adventure:

    • The number 5 is considered the number of freedom, adventure, and change. It is dynamic and full of energy, symbolizing the pursuit of new experiences and the desire for independence.
    • Individuals influenced by the number 5 are often seen as explorers, curious and eager to embrace life's variety. They tend to resist routine and seek excitement and diversity in their experiences.
  2. Versatility and Adaptability:

    • The number 5 is also linked to adaptability and versatility. People with this number in their numerological chart are usually quick to adapt to new circumstances and are comfortable with change.
    • This number reflects a flexible and resourceful nature, capable of handling different situations with ease.
  3. Sensuality and the Physical Experience:

    • The number 5 is closely associated with the five senses, symbolizing the physical experience and the pleasures of the material world. It represents a deep appreciation for sensory experiences, including taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell.
    • This connection to the senses also ties the number 5 to creativity and expression through various forms of art and physical activity.
  4. Restlessness and Impulsiveness:

    • The energy of the number 5 can also manifest as restlessness or impulsiveness. People under its influence might struggle with consistency or long-term commitments, as they are driven by the need for constant stimulation and new experiences.


In gematria, each Hebrew letter corresponds to a number, and these numbers carry deep mystical significance. The number 5, represented by the Hebrew letter "ה" (Heh), has its own set of meanings:

  1. Divine Grace and Creation:

    • The letter Heh is associated with divine grace and the breath of life. It is often seen as a symbol of creation, as it represents the breath of God that brings life into existence.
    • In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic thought, Heh's connection to creation makes the number 5 a symbol of divine intervention and the manifestation of spiritual energy in the material world.
  2. Names of God and Holiness:

    • The number 5 is significant in the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the ineffable name of God, where the letter Heh appears twice. This repetition emphasizes the sacred nature of the number and its association with holiness.
    • In this context, the number 5 represents the presence of God in the world and the sanctity of creation.
  3. Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses):

    • The number 5 corresponds to the five books of Moses, also known as the Torah, which are central to Jewish religious teachings. This connection reinforces the number's association with divine wisdom, law, and spiritual guidance.
    • The number 5, therefore, represents the foundation of spiritual knowledge and the covenant between God and humanity.
  4. Geburah - Strength and Judgment:

    • In Kabbalah/Qabalah, the fifth sephirah on the Tree of Life is Geburah, meaning "Strength" or "Severity." Geburah represents the force of judgment, discipline, and the application of justice.
    • The number 5, in this context, is connected to the energies of Mars, symbolizing courage, action, and sometimes conflict. It represents the necessary power to enforce boundaries and uphold divine order.

Comparative Summary

  • Freedom and Adventure vs. Divine Grace: Numerology emphasizes the number 5's association with freedom, change, and adventure, while gematria focuses on its connection to divine grace, creation, and the breath of life.

  • Versatility vs. Holiness: In numerology, 5 signifies versatility and adaptability, while in gematria, it relates to holiness and the sacred names of God (of Divine Self).

  • Sensuality vs. Spiritual Law: Numerology links 5 to the physical senses and sensual experiences, whereas gematria ties it to the Torah and spiritual law.

  • Restlessness vs. Strength and Judgment: The potential for restlessness in numerology contrasts with the disciplined strength and judgment represented by Geburah in gematria.

Both systems highlight the transformative and dynamic qualities of the number 5, whether through the lens of personal freedom and exploration or through spiritual creation and divine order.

Rider-Waite-Smith- 5 of Cups

The Rider-Waite-Smith 5 of Cups shows 3 overturned cups, and two behind the disappointed individual that are full. The full cups are not seen nor acknowledged as this one's only focus is on the overturned cups and the loss they represent.

The Lost Soul illustrates this meaning of loss as a dark space between the cups. Therefore, it suggests that things didn't turn out as expected producing feelings of disappointment. Often dwelling in the past induces feelings of self-pity, regret, sadness or loss. Remember the past is not the now, to live in the past emotionally, is to be dead to the moment and the 5's remind us of this. When one is not living in the moment, they fail to see the opportunities that bring joy and productivity. Often it helps the subconscious to hear you say, " Get over yourself and get on with you, impeccability is what we do!"

You are the director, author and actor in your own assumed life- story!

When the 5 of Cups is thrown during a reading it implies:

  • The querent has been or will be experiencing emotional disappointment for 5 weeks or 5 months.
  • Usually, the implications of relying too much on others for love, rather than loving themselves.
  • Here, there is a certain crying over past events, an experience of grieving over what has been lost or unlearned.
  • Emotional discord as one begins to adapt.
  • This is a card of regret, loss, and separation. 
  • The corrective of Geburah is being applied here, and it is the beginning of recovery where one sees the need to learn something new.
  • When this card is thrown, you may want to release past patterns of disappointment either with the Scorpio people in your life and/or in the next 5 weeks or 5 months be no longer willing to hold onto past disappointments and will make a conscious decision to let them go.
  • Be patient.
  • Confusion and disappointment are exaggerated. 

When the 5 of Cups is ill defined by the surrounding cards, in the layout, it implies:

  • Bitterness.
  • Desolation.
  • Remaining in the crisis.
  • Painful perceptions.
  • Coming out of disappointment.
  • A realistic view of the past that hints at a rosy future and a hopeful attitude.

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.

helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010

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