Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- 6 of Cups-Pleasure
#6. In all things, Great and Small, I see the Beauty of the divine expression.

Mystic Palette Tarot- 6 of Cups

[From the Sepher Yetzirah and the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom:]
In Kether is the Radix of a Golden Glory and thence is there a pure, primitive, and sparkling, gleaming golden yellow which is reflected into Tiphareth. This is the first reflected Triad complete. And the sphere of its operation is that of Shemesh, the Solar Light, and bestoweth Life, Light and Brilliancy in metallic matter, and it rideth the sphere of action and of the Sun. And YHVH
Eloah va-Daath is a God of Knowledge and Wisdom, ruling over the Light of the Universe; and its Archangel is Raphael, the Prince of Brightness, Beauty, and Life. And the Name of the Order of Angels is Melechim that is Kings or Angelic Kings, who are also called the Order of Virtues, Angels, and Rulers.

The above flowery paragraph describes the 6th Sephirotic Solar Intelligence the Sun/Son of the Divine Creative, and it is the Soul, which is your True Identity and Psyche of -"I AM the Light".

Crowley said it best in his Book of Thoth, pg., 199:
"Pleasure", in the title of this card, must be understood in its highest sense: it implies well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain, ease, satisfaction. Foreign to the idea of the card is the gratification of natural or artificial desires. Yet it does represent emphatically the fulfillment of the sexual Will, as shown by the ruling Sephira, planet, element, and sign. "

The Thoth-6 of Cups is also called The Lord of Pleasure. Here the Sun is in Scorpio the Angels of the Decan are Nelokhiel and Yeyayel. The 6 of Cups is the influence of the Sun in the 6th Sephiroth-Tiphareth (Beauty), in the Mental World known to Qabalist as Briah. It is known that Tiphareth in Atziluth , the world of Fire means Victory after effort, shown as the 6 of Wands. Therefore, we see the 6 of Cups as Tiphareth (Sun) in the Watery World, (Mental World of Briah) as the Beginnings of Pleasure. Tiphareth is the sphere of the Sun, making the Sun happy to be home; then you add Scorpio whose fun-loving side erotically basks in the bright warmth of the Solar-Sexual joy, and you get ecstasy and/or a Spiral Energy Rapture.

Noted to be a sign of discernment, sexual-magnetism and hidden qualities, Scorpio, in the 6 of Cups, is like activated Water by Solar influx. Here, Scorpio revels in the Sun, and is likened to a Fertile, warm, fruitful Sea--a Spa of Life generating qualities.

Now I have some personal experience in this card, being a Sun in Scorpio, and having a Moon in Cancer, my inner self is a bright pleasure to my Watery World of emotions. This was not always so, for there are great depths to this Scorpio and Cancer Moon Ocean of Emotion. However, with over 50 + yrs. of metaphysics, Western Hermeticism, Qabalistic Tarot, Tantra and Pranayama mediation, Bacchus was released to revel in my halls of hearth and heart as I live this card in a daily Heated Glow of Bright Pleasure...thus I have no need to seek it-----I Am Pleasure!
Pleasure is a state of daily being me. As with all power, powerful emotions, require a balanced heart (Spirit), mind and body union. The reward for such hard won and hard to hold harmony is that the body becomes a melody of pleasure and vibrates to the tune of the Philosopher's Stone. Your original identity in the Universe is code carrying Plasmic frequency of light and/or Spirit.
The body doesn't create spirit. Spirit occupies it as Prana, a Solar vital life force directly from your 6th Dimension of Self, called Tiphareth (meaning beauty) that causes the breath in the body. This is easily understood when you know that Spirit is a word that comes from the Greek Spiro, which means "to breathe" and/or "Breath".

The placement of the Sun in the House of Scorpio in an astrological chart can have a significant impact on a person's personality and life. Since you have an interest in Tarot, Western Hermetic metaphysics and astrology, I'll provide some insights into this particular aspect of astrology.
Intense and Passionate: Scorpio is known for its intensity, and when the Sun is in this sign, individuals tend to be passionate about their goals and pursuits. They have a deep well of energy and determination.
Emotional Depth: Scorpio is a water sign, and when the Sun is in Scorpio's house, it enhances emotional depth. These individuals are often in touch with their emotions on a profound level, and they may be drawn to exploring the mysteries of the human psyche.
Determination: Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that those with the Sun in Scorpio's house are known for their unwavering determination. Once they set their sights on a goal, they are likely to pursue it with incredible persistence.
Magnetic and Mysterious: Scorpio is associated with mystery and secrecy. People with the Sun in Scorpio's house often have a magnetic and enigmatic quality that draws others to them. They may have a natural talent for uncovering hidden truths.
Transformation: Scorpio is also associated with transformation and rebirth. Individuals with this placement may go through significant life changes and experiences that lead to personal growth and transformation.
Desire for Depth: Those with the Sun in Scorpio's house are typically not satisfied with surface-level interactions. They crave depth and authenticity in their relationships and may be drawn to exploring esoteric or occult subjects.
Challenges: On the challenging side, Scorpio energy can be associated with jealousy, possessiveness, and a tendency to hold grudges. It's important for individuals with this placement to be mindful of these potential pitfalls.
It's important to remember that the interpretation of an astrological chart is highly individualized and depends on the entire birth chart, including the positions of other planets and aspects between them. Consulting with a professional astrologer can provide you with a more detailed and personalized analysis of your Sun in Scorpio's house placement.

Bachus and maenad

A body in Ethereal Pleasure.

The Union harmonic of Pleasure of Communion.
As previously stated, Pleasure, being the natural title of this card, is not that of the mundane pleasures of the pain fleeing and instant gratification-pill-popping egregore run populace, but of the highest sense as the "adorable fire" that was described by Dr. Paul Foster Case, implying well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain but with ease and satisfaction.

Also, it does emphatically represent the fulfillment of Sexual Will, as shown by the ruling Sephiroth, Tiphareth, sign of Scorpio, Planet Sun, and element of Water; a communion of fertile forces, which makes all life possible.

The person who experiences this card sensually, knows this as the sexual ecstasy of the Solar Logos that blazes as a Sun in the "Sacral Chakra" or Swadhisthana chakra (The Orange Chakra); the inner orgasmic ecstasy that never stops as the inner 2 (Anima and Animus) have become 1.

This is the state of the Highest of Sexual possibility, as in the union of Zeus Christos and the Mari, or of the Simon and the Helena, Radha, and Krishna, of the Shakti and Shiva, Hermes and Aphrodite, and/or Anima and Animus...where one knows Goddess united with God is fecund creative communion that is life and the Law of Attraction that most of us call Love.
The word Sex is VI in Latin and sexen in Egyptian, denoting copulation, therefore the implications of sexual activity as vital life forces are strong here as dimensions of unbound Spirituality rather than mundane practices.

Single poles don't represent power. It is the union of polarity, of opposites, which makes Power flow, and in this case expands and liberates Life Force. The perfect Pleasure of the synchronicity of communion (the Lemniscate where 0=2), where the Divine-Creatrix and Creator blend as one Shining Star of Intelligent Vital Life Force in the honeymoon suite of the human body. One who is interested in manifesting as the Solar Self, might want to begin studying Tantric Kundalini Yoga practices. To the flesh-0-phobes of our indoctrinated dogma-controlled society, this may seem like taboo sexuality. However, to the whole self, this is communion on the highest scale of Spirit-Mind-Body: As purely Spirit (energy), intimacy with creation cannot be experienced,
The Body is Spirit's Greatest Wealth and deepest pleasure!

We are the Ascencion that came to ground itself with Creation (Macrocosmic Self uniting with Microcosmic Self). We are Spirit who grounds itself through an earthly avatar to experience Life through the alive. Experience has to be an intimate process of sensuality which produces knowledge and combinations of knowledge produce wisdom.
As above so below!

Mystic Palette Tarot-6 of Cups
The Mystic Palette Tarot-6 of Cups illustrates a fertile fantasy scene where nostalgia is the focus. Where Western Hermetic Tarot focuses on the greater pleasures of the Inner Sun/Soul body flow, traditional tarot focuses on the pleasure of remembering and/or an intense longing (Scorpio) for experiences of warmth and joy (the Sun). Therefore, 6 goblets are shown as hot air ballons floating in colorful sky while a young girl with her teddy dreams an unrealistic and pleasurable fantasy. Even the rainbow is vertical, illustrating an impossible fantasy.
There is a caveat here, for to long for past pleasures, is to ignore the moment and creates a fantasy life of yesterday's whereas, to be alive today is to create anew. Contrarily this card can also be an encouragement to use your imagination in a creative project or simply to solve a dilemma by thinking outside the box.

The central fantastical fish gondola is holding a golden chain with the astrological images of the Sun (circle with a centered dot) and the sign of Scorpio in its mouth.

In Tarot, numerology and gematria, the number 6 carries significant symbolism and attributes. Here's an exploration of its characteristics in both contexts:
In numerology, the number 6 is associated with:
Harmony and Balance: The number 6 is often seen as a symbol of harmony, balance, and equilibrium. It represents the need for stability in all aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal well-being.
Responsibility and Service: It is considered the number of responsibility, service to others, and domesticity. Those influenced by the number 6 are often nurturing, caring, and concerned with the welfare of others.
Love and Compassion: The number 6 is closely linked to love, compassion, and empathy. It signifies a deep connection to family, friends, and community, emphasizing the importance of caring for and supporting others.
Aesthetic Appreciation: People associated with the number 6 often have a strong sense of beauty and aesthetics. They are drawn to creating harmonious and pleasing environments, whether through art, design, or simply their living spaces.
Healing and Protection: The number 6 is also related to healing and protection. It is considered a guardian number, providing a sense of security and safety to those around it.
Gematria (Qabalistic numerology)
In gematria, the number 6 has different associations depending on the tradition (Hebrew, Greek, etc.). Here are some key points:
Hebrew Gematria: In Hebrew gematria, each letter has a numerical value. The letter Vav (ו) has the value of 6. Vav is a connecting letter, often used as a conjunction meaning "and." This can be seen as a symbol of connection and continuity.
Symbolism in Judaism: The number 6 is significant in Judaism as it represents creation. According to the Torah, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This makes 6 a number of completion and creation.
Hexagon and Star of David: The hexagon and the Star of David (a six-pointed star) are geometric representations associated with the number 6. The hexagon is considered a symbol of harmony and balance in nature (e.g., honeycombs).
Tiferet/Tiphareth: In the Kabbalistic/Qabalistic Tree of Life, the number 6 corresponds to the sephirah Tiferet/Tiphareth, which represents beauty, harmony, and compassion. Tiferet/Tiphareth is central to balancing the other sephiroth and is associated with the heart.
Greek Gematria: In Greek gematria, the number 6 is less emphasized compared to its prominence in Hebrew tradition. However, it still retains symbolic significance, often representing the physical world and humanity.
Overall, the number 6 in numerology and gematria is rich with meanings related to harmony, balance, love, service, and connection. Its attributes encourage nurturing, protection, and the creation of beauty and stability in various aspects of life.

Solar Adoration Ritual

Within the Western Hermetic tradition, there are several rituals designed to help unite the practitioner with their "inner Sun," which represents the spiritual self, higher consciousness, and divine will. One of the most prominent rituals for this purpose is The Solar Adoration Ritual, often associated with the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Thelema. Below is an overview of a Western Hermetic framework for such a practice:
Ritual for Uniting with the Inner Sun: The Adoration of the Sun
This ritual synthesizes aspects of solar worship found in Western Hermeticism, focusing on attuning oneself to the Sun's energy, both cosmically and within.
- Sacred Space: Perform a banishing ritual like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) to prepare your space.
- Altar Setup: Place symbols of the Sun (e.g., a gold disk, a yellow candle, or a solar sigil) on the altar. A Cup (symbol of Scorpio) and a golden Wand (symbolizing the Sun) can enhance the symbolic balance of the ritual.
Ritual Steps:
Opening Invocation: Face the East, the direction of the rising Sun, and invoke the divine forces of Tiphareth (Sephirah of the Sun on the Tree of Life).
- Example invocation:
"I invoke thee, O Solar Lord, Light of my being, radiant guide of my journey. Unite thy flame with my soul, that I may rise into thy brilliance. By the name of YHVH Eloah Va-Daath, I summon thy presence."
- Example invocation:
Solar Adoration: Recite a solar hymn, such as from Aleister Crowley’s Liber Resh vel Helios, addressing the Sun at its various stations. For the purposes of this ritual, you can focus on its zenith to embody the fullness of solar power.
- At the culmination:
"Hail unto Thee who art Ra in Thy rising, even unto Thee who art Ra in Thy strength. Thou art crowned with the glory of Tiphareth. I am one with Thee, and Thou art one with me."
- At the culmination:
Meditation on the Sun in Scorpio:
- Visualize the Sun radiating light through the transformative waters of Scorpio. Imagine its golden rays merging with your inner self, illuminating your spiritual shadow and bringing balance and pleasure (as in the 6 of Cups).
- Repeat affirmations or mantras that align with the solar energy, such as:
"I am the Sun. My light shines through the depths of Scorpio, transforming shadow into radiant joy."
Vibration of Divine Names: Vibrate the names associated with the Sun and Tiphareth, such as YHVH Eloah Va-Daath and Raphael (the Archangel of Tiphareth). Envision golden light filling your body as you vibrate these names.
Closing Affirmation: End with a declaration of union:
"I am the vessel of the Solar Flame. My soul burns with divine radiance. I dwell in the heart of the Sun, and the Sun dwells in the heart of me."
Closing the Ritual: Perform the Qabalistic Cross (or a similar grounding technique) to seal the energy and close the ritual space.
Engage in reflective journaling or divination to record insights from the ritual. Pull a Tarot card to gauge the energy you’ve invoked—ideally focusing on cards associated with Tiphareth, like The Sun or the 6 of Cups.

Adapted Solar Union Ritual: Thoth Tarot Version
This ritual will integrate Thoth Tarot symbolism, focusing on the 6 of Cups (Pleasure) and its astrological and Qabalistic correspondences, specifically the Sun in Scorpio and Tiphareth on the Tree of Life. The goal is to attune yourself to your inner Sun (Tiphareth), using the transformative waters of Scorpio to achieve harmony, balance, and a sense of divine pleasure.
Materials and Setup:
- Thoth Tarot Deck: Place the 6 of Cups card on your altar, surrounded by symbols of the Sun (gold disk, yellow candle) and Scorpio (a cup or chalice with water).
- Elemental Tools:
- Cup (Water/Scorpio)
- Wand (Fire/Sun/Will)
- Color Associations:
- Use golden or yellow cloth for the altar (Tiphareth’s color in Briah, the creative world).
- Add blue and green to represent Scorpio’s watery and transformative nature.
Ritual Steps:
1. Preparation and Grounding
- Begin with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP) to clear the space and establish sacred boundaries.
- Perform the Middle Pillar Exercise or a meditation to open the channels of divine light within your body, focusing on the sphere of Tiphareth at the heart.
2. Invocation of the Solar Energy
Stand facing East, and vibrate:
"I invoke the Light of Tiphareth, the radiance of the Sun. By the sacred names of YHVH Eloah Va-Daath, I call upon the divine beauty within me to rise and shine forth. Let the solar flame illuminate my heart and unite my soul with the source of eternal joy."
3. Meditative Visualization: The Sun in Scorpio
- Hold the 6 of Cups card in your hands. Contemplate its imagery, particularly the overflowing cups of pleasure and harmony. Visualize golden sunlight pouring into the cups, transforming the water into liquid gold.
- Imagine the Sun (Tiphareth) shining brightly in the depths of Scorpio’s watery abyss. See this light penetrating your heart center, warming and illuminating your inner world. Feel a sense of pleasure and harmony flooding your being, dissolving shadows.
4. Affirmation of Union
Using the Tarot correspondences of Tiphareth, vibrate the following affirmation while visualizing yourself merging with the Sun:
"I am the center of light, the radiant beauty of Tiphareth. The Sun within me shines eternal, transforming shadow into joy. I drink from the waters of Scorpio, renewed and radiant."
5. Ritual Actions: Energizing the Sun
Activate the Cup (Scorpio): Hold the chalice of water, and speak:
"O waters of Scorpio, deep and transformative, I charge you with the light of the Sun. Through your depths, I find balance and pleasure."
- Imagine the water glowing with golden light.
- Drink from the cup, visualizing the liquid gold spreading through your body, uniting water and fire, emotion and will.
Activate the Wand (Sun): Hold the wand aloft and declare:
"By the solar power of the Sun, I align my will with divine radiance. I am the shining center of my world."
- Envision solar energy radiating from the wand and surrounding your entire being.
6. Chant or Vibrate Divine Names
Vibrate the sacred names associated with Tiphareth and the Sun, slowly and rhythmically:
- YHVH Eloah Va-Daath (Divine Name of Tiphareth)
- Raphael (Archangel of Tiphareth)
- Shemesh (Hebrew word for Sun)
- Ra (Egyptian Solar Deity)
Allow the vibration of these names to fill your body with golden light, expanding outward into your aura.
7. Meditation on Pleasure and Union
Sit in stillness, holding the 6 of Cups card. Reflect on the concept of pleasure as harmony, not indulgence. Contemplate how true pleasure comes from balance, alignment with the divine will, and the flow of spiritual energy through the Tree of Life.
- Ask yourself:
- How can I allow the Sun’s light to shine through me more fully?
- How can I transform emotional depths (Scorpio) into radiant joy?
8. Closing Declaration
- Stand and face East again, and declare:
"I am one with the Sun, the source of eternal light and pleasure. My heart shines with divine radiance, and my path is illuminated by the beauty of Tiphareth."
9. Closing the Ritual
- Perform the Qabalistic Cross to seal the energy:
"Ateh (To You, the Crown), Malkuth (the Kingdom), Ve-Geburah (and the Power), Ve-Gedulah (and the Glory), Le-Olam (Forever), Amen."
Daily Integration:
- Repeat a brief solar adoration from Liber Resh vel Helios at dawn or noon.
- Meditate on the 6 of Cups card regularly, focusing on its harmonious and pleasurable energy.
When the 6 of Cups is thrown during a reading it implies.
- The querent is experiencing emotional pleasure, in a period of 6 weeks or 6monts of giving to and receiving pleasure from others.
- A period of innocence and taking immense pleasure in one's childlike qualities.
- They may be experiencing an orgasmic rush of feelings, a wave of ecstasy that even sad feelings being actively expressed, feel good in release.
- The querent may also be experiencing sweet memories of the past, as past efforts bring present rewards.
- The querent's sexual sun is fully shining, producing a summer crop of pleasure throughout the body.
- Karmic rootedness.
- Sexual and emotional strength.
- Love and being loved.
- Balance and peace.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout, it implies.
- Emotional imprisonment.
- Flight from reality.
- Not recognizing happiness.
- Unbalanced or excessive behavior.
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