The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot-6 of Wands-Victory

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Thoth tarot

Above all things, know Thyself!

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Thoth- 6 of Wands-Victory

#6. In all things Great and Small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.

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Tree of Life

The Universal Fire Element, created by the vibrational friction of the Divine Creative's shout of "I Will Be" that is moving through non-space, is the ruling element of the suit of Wands. Fire is Fecund Fertile Ardor, as only Spiritual Will can be.

Tiphareth the sixth Sephiroth-Beauty, is the home of the six of Wands and the sixes of every suit. Hence, they are wonderful cards. This is because Tiphareth is the direct reflection of Kether whose God Name is Eheieh ("I Will Be") and is called the "Son/Sun of God" and/or the Divine Creative and is known to us as our Soul/Psyche and/or our Solar Self. Tiphareth is also the heart center of all our psychic bodies and the Rauch /Rational intelligence of the Solar-Self. It rules as the perfectly balanced Sun King who is surrounded by the planets: Binah-Saturn, Chesed-Jupiter, Geburah-Mars, Netzach-Venus, Hod-Mercury, and Yesod-Moon.

The Key symbols relating to Tiphareth- Beauty, are:

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1) The Cube, which is based on six, is a form taken twice-over in the double cube Altar of Malkuth (Earth).

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Truncated pyramid

2.) The six-sided figure of the Truncated Pyramid (its top is cut off) that represents Adam Khadmon, the Cosmic Archetype Hermaphrodite- and/or the Heavenly Human. Adam Khadmon has many names, the Macrosopus- human or Archetypal/Macrocosmic and/or Universal/Cosmic Human, above him/her, completing the Pyramid are the Supernal- Sephiroth- Kether, Chokmah and Binah.

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Adam Khadmon (The Heavenly Human and/or the perfect human archetype)

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Victory of the Solar Self: The 6 of Wands and the Radiance of Tiphareth

In the Tree of Life, the 6th Sephira, Tiphareth, is the radiant heart—often described as the “Christ-center” or Sun of God. It is the equilibrium of all polarities, the place where the Divine harmonizes through the Human. When this Sephira expresses itself through the suit of Wands, the suit of Fire, Spirit, and Will, we arrive at the 6 of Wands, called Victory in the Thoth Tarot.


Tiphareth: The Heart of the Tree

Tiphareth is the mystical Son, the Solar Self, mediating between Kether (Crown) and Malkuth (Kingdom), and between the polarities of Chesed (Mercy) and Geburah (Severity). This Sephira is associated with beauty, harmony, and spiritual kingship. It is the Rosicrucian Rose at the center of the Cross, and the Qabalistic sphere where the Higher Self reveals its radiant face to the soul.

In practical magic and inner alchemy, Tiphareth is the Inner Sun—the light that emerges after the spiritual Night-Sea Journey, representing not just balance, but triumph after struggle. It's the point of conscious alignment with the Divine Will.


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The Solar Self and the Wands of Victory

In the Thoth Tarot’s 6 of Wands, the influence of Tiphareth pours into Atziluth, the World of Archetypal Fire. Here, the solar intelligence of harmony asserts itself in the realm of pure Will. The card is suffused with solar imagery: the central wand is winged and topped with a radiant sunburst—an unmistakable glyph of the Solar Logos.

This is not just success—this is Victory through alignment. It’s the triumph that comes not by force alone, but by bringing the will into harmony with higher purpose.

The six wands cross in a structured formation, suggesting coordination, discipline, and divine geometry. The chaos and tension of the lower-numbered Wands—particularly the 5 of Wands (Strife)—have resolved. Where the 5 showed individual egos clashing, the 6 shows will force united under a higher principle. This is spiritual leadership, where the ego has become a vessel of the Solar Self rather than a tyrant.

The Solar Archetype: God Made Visible

Tiphareth is often correlated with solar deities—Christ, Osiris, Mithras, Apollo. In each, we see the Solar Hero, the god who sacrifices and rises, radiant with transfigured glory. The 6 of Wands carries this archetype: a victory not won by domination, but by transmutation of lower passions into divine purpose.

The Rider is now the Charioteer of Divine Will.

In this context, the Sun of God is not merely celestial—it is psychological and alchemical. It is that radiant force at the center of the psyche that gives life, coherence, and nobility to our human journey. The 6 of Wands invites us to act from that place, to lead from the center of balance rather than ambition.

A Magical Note

In ritual work, when invoking the forces of Tiphareth—especially in solar rites or in workings to reclaim inner dignity—the 6 of Wands can serve as a talisman or visual key. Meditate on the image in the Thoth deck. Let the sunburst ignite your own center. Align your personal will with the Solar Will. You are not just winning—you are realizing victory as a divine state of being.

Conclusion: Victory Is Solar Alignment

The 6 of Wands is more than just a “yes card” in divination. It is a glyph of transpersonal triumph. Tiphareth doesn’t promise conquest for the ego; it offers integration for the Self. This card teaches that true victory is when your personal fire has been lit from the Sun within, and your actions radiate that light into the world.

To act from Tiphareth is to walk in Beauty, to shine as a vessel of Divine Will, and to carry the Wands of Fire not as weapons, but as beacons.

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We are all the avatars of Universal Collective Archetype of the Divine Hermaphrodite- Adam Khadmon; However, by traveling down the Tree of Life, getting progressively more condensed, and/or coagulated our psyche seems to be suffering from a type of amnesia induced by ruler-controlled definition and/or media-controlled word hypnosis. We become overcast with words and programed value systems and fail to shine as the Star we are.

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Therefore, the object of Western Hermetic Qabalah (Receiving) is to remember ourselves so that we can "receive" our memory of Divine Self and welcome it into our brains while correcting the "mind virus" implanted by the Military Industrial Complex (Patriarchy). The human brain is a copy of the Divine Hermaphrodite Adam Khadmon (Higher-Self) intelligence, with its left (male) and right (female) sides and therefore, able to receive these microwave transmissions of Higher Self-knowledge from the Divine Creative. However, this receiving requires one to know themselves as Divinity and not some indoctrinated slave to media-controlled words and divisionism mental parasites.

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Adam Kadmon-The Heavenly Human

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3.) Another key symbol of Tiphareth is the Calvary cross, properly drawn as black and with equal length arms near the to, surrounded by a circle, and mounted on three steps. This implies Wisdom through Sacrifice.

The Rose cross and the Rose Cross Lamen, are the other powerful Tiphareth symbols.

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🌹 The Rose Cross and the Rose Lamen: Symbols of the Solar Mystery

In the Western Hermetic tradition—particularly within the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian streams—the Rose Cross and the Rose Lamen are powerful symbols. They each represent the perfected self in union with the Divine, and each is anchored in Tiphareth, the heart-center of the Tree of Life.

Where the 6 of Wands shows the victory of the Solar Will in motion, the Rose Cross and Rose Lamen are glyphs of its mystical stillness and silent radiance.

🌞 Tiphareth as the Spiritual Heart

Tiphareth is not just the sephira of beauty—it is the center of redemption, where the ego dies into the Self and the lower vehicles are aligned with the Solar Logos. It is the home of the Christ-consciousness, Osirian resurrection, and the Gnostic Sun King—the Divine Human. This is the throne of the solar initiator, and both the Rose Cross and the Rose Lamen symbolize this luminous integration.

🌹 The Rose Cross: The Rosy Mystery at the Heart of the Cross

The Rose Cross is perhaps the most iconic symbol of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian traditions. It represents:

  • The Cross: The four elements and the four directions, symbolizing incarnation, matter, and sacrifice. It is the intersection of time and space.

  • The Rose: The soul, blooming in the heart of the cross, representing divine unfoldment, love, and spiritual realization. The rose often has 22 petals, corresponding to the 22 Paths of the Tree of Life—the Tarot Trumps.

In its full form, the Rose Cross is a dazzling, multilayered magical diagram. It is not just decorative; it is a functional mandala of the Great Work.

The Rose blooms at the intersection of spirit and matter—just as Tiphareth is the crossroads between the Supernal and the Material realms. It is where the Son is crucified—meaning, made manifest.

This is where the Solar Self dies and is reborn: not just a personal awakening, but a cosmic principle. The cross becomes the axis of transformation. The rose is the transfigured soul.

🜂 In this sense, the Rose Cross is the still center behind the 6 of Wands. If the 6 of Wands is the Sun in motion—solar energy exerting itself in the world—then the Rose Cross is that same Sun at rest, held in the sacred geometry of the cross.

✴️ The Rose Lamen: The Heart-Sigil of the Adept

The Rose Lamen is worn over the heart of the Adept in Golden Dawn rituals, particularly from the level of Adeptus Minor and beyond. It is not merely a badge—it is a magical link to Tiphareth, the spiritual center.

This lamen is a simplified but powerful variation of the Rose Cross. It typically shows a red rose with a golden cross at its center, and is inscribed with the letters YHShVH (Yeheshuah), the divine name associated with the Solar Christ-force.


  • The Rose: Again, the blooming soul, receptive, open, radiant.

  • The Cross: The fourfold nature of the human being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

  • YHShVH: This is the redeemed name of YHVH, with the letter Shin (ש)—Spirit or the Holy Fire—inserted at the heart. It transforms the static tetragrammaton into the dynamic Solar Logos.

The Rose Lamen is placed over the heart to resonate directly with Tiphareth. It acts as a talisman of alignment, calling the Adept back to their Center, their Higher Self, their Solar mission.

🜂 When meditating on the 6 of Wands, one could visualize the Rose Lamen at their chest, glowing with golden light, linking the personal will to the Will Divine. This is the victory the card points to—not just success in the world, but triumph over inner chaos and fragmentation.

🜄 In Practice: Using the Rose Cross and Lamen

These symbols are not just philosophical—they are operational. In ritual magic:

  • The Rose Cross is used as a protective and balancing sigil, often invoked in pentagram and hexagram rituals.

  • The Rose Lamen is worn as a badge of solar integrity, grounding the adept in the mysteries of Tiphareth and radiating that light through the aura.

In meditations on the 6 of Wands, you may:

  • Envision the Rose Cross behind you as a protective field, anchoring you to cosmic harmony.

  • Feel the Rose Lamen on your chest as a glowing sun of spiritual identity, breathing light through your being.

  • Recite the name Yeheshuah as an invocation of the victorious, resurrected Solar Self.

🌞 Final Reflection: The Victory of the Rose

The Rose Cross and the Rose Lamen, like the 6 of Wands, teach that victory comes from within, from union with the Divine at the heart of the self. The Sun is not only a star in the sky—it is a glyph of who we truly are when all lesser lights are aligned.

As the 6 of Wands marches forth with the flame of triumphant will, the Rose Cross stands still, silently blooming. The Lamen reminds us that the Solar Self does not conquer—it redeems.

Let the Rose bloom in the heart. Let the Cross bear your trials. And let your Will shine like the Sun, in victory.

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The 9 flames in the 6 of Wands from the Thoth Tarot are rich in Hermetic and Qabalistic symbolism. They are not just decorative—they convey an inner esoteric structure that deepens the meaning of Victory and the Solar Will.

Let’s explore the Western Hermetic Qabalistic meaning of these flames.

🔥 The 9 Flames in the 6 of Wands: Hidden Geometry of Victory

In the 6 of Wands, the six crossed wands are crowned with 9 golden flames. While the card is titled Victory, these flames tell a deeper story about the nature of that victory—a triumph of Spirit over entropy, and of harmonized willpower aligned with Divine Order.

🜂 Numerical Layers: Why Nine Flames on the Six?

At first glance, nine may seem like a mismatch on a Six card. But in Hermetic Qabalah, numbers are never arbitrary—they are keys.

Nine is the number of Yesod, the 9th sephira on the Tree of Life. Yesod corresponds to the Foundation, the astral realm, and the subconscious mechanism that transmits the will of higher sephiroth to the physical world.

So why would Yesod be invoked in Tiphareth's card?

Because true victory (6) must become manifest and stabilized (9) before it can be made real in the world (10). The 9 flames hint that this victory of will has reached a high level of astral coherence. The work of harmonizing the Wands (pure will) has been engraved into the etheric structure of reality.


  • 6 = Tiphareth = Solar Harmony

  • 9 = Yesod = Transmission and Foundation

  • Together, they imply victory that is both radiant and realized—not only an ideal, but a pattern ready to be made flesh.

🔥 Flames of Spirit: The Triads of Fire

The flames also evoke spiritual force, the divine fire of transformation. In Hermetic alchemy, fire is the agent of change. The flames represent willpower that is consecrated—spiritual will, not egoic striving.

Notice how the 9 flames are arranged:

  • They form three triads, a repeated theme in Hermetic thought:

    • The Supernal Triad (Kether–Chokmah–Binah)

    • The Ethical Triad (Chesed–Geburah–Tiphareth)

    • The Astral/Mental Triad (Netzach–Hod–Yesod)

These three groups of three may symbolize that the victory has been harmonized across all three worlds—supernal, ethical, and personal/astral. The flames show a will that is aligned vertically, from Kether above to Yesod below.

This is a vision of the Magus who has balanced the Tree within.

☀️ Solar Fire in Action

Tiphareth is the Sun. And the Wands are fire. These flames are the solar fire radiating from victory itself—not just individual success, but spiritual radiance that uplifts others. The 6 of Wands isn't about dominating others; it's about leading by example, shining so others may rise.

In a way, the 9 flames could be seen as sparks from the central Sun, going outward to ignite others. They represent the ability of the victorious adept to inspire, lead, and transmit the Solar Current to the world.

🜁 Esoteric Takeaway: The 9 Flames as Victory Made Manifest

The presence of 9 flames in the 6 of Wands is a Hermetic signal that:

  • Victory is real when it is grounded in the Foundation (Yesod)

  • The Will has aligned with Divine Fire

  • The Solar Self transmits light across all planes of existence

These are not just flames of ego or success—they are the flames of the awakened spiritual warrior, victorious not in conflict, but in coherence.

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In the 6 of Wands-Victory, we have a powerful blessing of a marriage of benevolent, boisterous, and generous Jupiter in a powerful Sun ruled Leo. This yells Victory to the Universe. Victory over strife, Victory over the whole damn issue of manifestation at hand! A Beautiful Melody comprised of the harmony of Spirit-Mind-Body!

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Therefore, when the 6's show up, the Soul/ your Solar Self has the issue covered in the best possible, sunny, warm, bright, and beautiful way. Take a deep breath, inhale all the goodness/"god-ness" of your psyche!

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I Am God-ness!

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Thoth- 6 of Wands-Victory

To illustrate this Victory of Spirit over matter, the three Wands of the Golden Dawn Adepts are shown. Here, the lotus wands harmoniously unite the Phoenix heads and the winged-sun disk with the* uraeus snakes/serpents (Life and Death). In two groups, these wands cross and form diamond shaped intersections (hermit's lantern) that burn with nine flames as the expression of the stabilizing and flowing energy of Victorious Spirit. Here is a representation of the Spirit in its highest form of pure Fiery-Light. Hence, the Spirit of the Divine Creative is expanded (Ace of Wands) with the physical form and reflects the Creator in the bringing forth of the I AM's self- aware creations.

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The pattern of this card is that of the internal strength that helps us succeed at all levels. Here, one is Victorious over Strife and owns Life instead of seeking "a life". The sixes are beautiful cards, full of Solar Power and Self Harmony. If you are feeling "out of Sorts", just take any six card of any suit and scry it. You'll feel warmth, brightness, and clearing up of the doldrums.

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*Uraeus is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian spitting cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. The Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet, an early Egyptian Goddess, who often was depicted as a cobra. Hence, this symbol is used on the Major Adeptus Wand, to illustrate your divine authority over your life: you are the breath of the body, the life-breath born of the Universal Breath of Eheieh( I Will Be). The Uraeus serpent is also often shown in singularity as a cobra on the headdress or crown of a pharaoh. The Six of Wands acknowledges that the Spirit (Spirit comes from the Greek-Spiro, meaning breath) that is YOU is the only Pharaoh in your life. Put your face towards the sky and Yell: "I AM Spirit"!

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Each Soul/Sun a Sun Pharoh to its creations.

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Together all these symbols represent the mental force of the "Self-authority" and/or the intellect that the Soul places in our body (before being profaned by indoctrination) as " Self-aware consciousness" as the flames of truth, liberty and justice while also leading us to triumph over liars, usurpers, and false egos while purifying the Soul and granting a deep sense of duty that helps us build our inner lushness where the Solar-Self resides.

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As Adam Khadmon, the Whole of Self, you are the Kingdom of Spirit, complete as the Intelligent Plasma of whole of consciousness (Collective Unconscious, subconscious, awake conscious/aware self-consciousness) under the rule of "I will be" (Kether/Eheieh), Will-to-Force (Chokmah-Wisdom), Will-to-form"(Binah-Understanding) and/or the Super-conscious (I AM). You are the ruler of the "Kingdom" of Spirit! Hence, the Sun/Psyche of the Self. You are Spirit born of the Universal Breathe of the Logos-the breath of the body, and through the action of breath the Plasmic Energy that you began as is now Vital Life Force and/or Prana, that animates and creates a "live body" composed of coagulated plasma.

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The Thoth 6 of wands and the Traditional Tarot-6 of Wands both declare that the aspirant has shown wise leadership, gathering others around in ordered cohesion. Therefore, what is also implied here, if surrounded with negative cards, is the potential for leadership turning into dominance and for the good of all sacrificed to the gratification of one's ego. Therefore, victory is dual of nature. Battle/strife must happen first and then be overcome with victorious effort, while also controlling one's ego with the knowledge that everyone you see is another way to be you.

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In Western Hermetic Qabalah, the number 6 is rich in symbolism and plays a central role in understanding the balance and harmony of the universe. Its significance stems from its associations with the Sephirah Tiphareth on the Tree of Life and its connections to sacred geometry, planetary symbolism, and mystical traditions.

Characteristics of the Number 6 in Hermetic Qabalah

1. Sephirah Tiphareth (Beauty)

  • Position on the Tree of Life: Tiphareth is located at the center of the Tree of Life, harmonizing the upper and lower Sephiroth. It acts as the point of balance, mediating between opposites (e.g., mercy and severity).
  • Archetypal Energy: It represents beauty, balance, and harmony, as well as the unification of divine and material worlds.
  • Symbols:
    • The Sun: Tiphareth is associated with the solar energy, radiating light and life.
    • The Rose Cross: A symbol of unity and harmony, reflecting the integration of opposites.

2. Gematria and Numerical Properties

  • Perfect Number: 6 is a "perfect number" in mathematics, as it equals the sum of its divisors (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). This property reflects the harmonious and balanced nature of the number.
  • Hexagram (Star of David): Geometrically, the number 6 corresponds to the six-pointed star, symbolizing the union of opposites (fire and water, spirit and matter). This is central in Hermetic symbolism for balance and the macrocosm-microcosm relationship.

3. Planetary Influence

  • The Sun (Sol): In the planetary attributions, Tiphareth and the number 6 are linked to the Sun, symbolizing illumination, vitality, and the divine center. The Sun also represents the Christ-consciousness or divine mediator.

4. Mystical Interpretations

  • Christic Consciousness: Tiphareth is often associated with the archetype of the sacrificed god (e.g., Christ, Osiris, Mithras), symbolizing the descent of divine energy into the material world for redemption.
  • Balance and Reconciliation: The number 6 embodies the principle of equilibrium, reconciling dualities (e.g., masculine and feminine, spiritual and physical).

5. Correspondences in the Tarot

  • Major Arcana: The Lovers (Key 6), representing choices, unity, and divine harmony.
  • Minor Arcana: Sixes in the suits represent balance, beauty, and success within their respective elements.

6. Astrological and Alchemical Symbolism

  • Astrology: The number 6 corresponds to Venusian qualities (harmony, love, and beauty) due to its balancing influence.
  • Alchemy: The hexagram is often used in alchemy to represent the "chemical wedding" of opposites and the creation of the Philosopher's Stone.

Summary of Keywords

  • Balance, beauty, harmony
  • Integration of opposites
  • Solar energy and divine illumination
  • Perfect order and symmetry
  • The unification of spiritual and physical realms

The number 6 in Hermetic Qabalah is thus the archetype of cosmic harmony and the mediating principle that unites polarities, embodying the heart of both the Tree of Life and the human journey toward spiritual enlightenment.

When the 6 of Wands is thrown during a reading, it implies:

  • One is assured of victory, but victory only comes after a struggle so don't celebrate prematurely.
  • There is implied a short-lived mundane victory with all blockages overcome but by trusting the Stability of the Higher Self, the Victory is long lasting.
  • Confidence and belief in yourself are the necessary tools here and it looks like they have been achieved with some breakthroughs in insight and creativity happening in the next 6 days or weeks.
  • The querent is showing secure knowledge of self-identity and displays self confidence in leadership abilities.
  • There is, in the querent, a purposeful sense of direction and purpose.
  • Joy.
  • Optimism.
  • Victorious struggle.
  • Allowing your will to triumph. 

If ill defined by surrounding cards in the layout, it implies:

  • Presumption.
  • Excess of emotion.
  • Personality cut.
  • Loss of belief.

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