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The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot-6 of Wands-Victory-The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot-Six of Candles

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Alchemical, Numerical, and Astrological Tarot Card Comparisons.

June 10, 2022

Above all things, know yourself!

Thoth- 6 of Wands-Victory

#6. In all things Great and Small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.

The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- six of Candles

The Universal Fire Element, created by the vibrational friction of "I Will Be" moving through non-space, is the ruling element of the suit of Wands. Fire is ardor, as only Spirit/Will can be. Tiphareth, the 6th Sephiroth, Beauty, is the home of the 6 of Wands and the 6's of every suit. Hence, they are wonderful cards. This is because Tiphareth is the direct reflection of Kether and is called the "Son/Sun of God". Tiphareth is also the heart center of all our psychic bodies and the Rauch /Rational intelligence of the Soul. It rules as the perfectly balanced Sun King who is surrounded by the planets: Binah-Saturn, Chesed-Jupiter, Geburah-Mars, Netzach-Venus, Hod-Mercury, and Yesod-Moon. The Key symbols relating to Tiphareth, Beauty, are:

1) The Cube, which is based on 6, a form taken twice-over in the double cube Altar of Malkuth (Earth);

Truncated pyramid

Adam Kadmon

2.) The 6-sided figure of the Truncated Pyramid (its top is cut off) that represents Adam Khadmon, the Cosmic Archetype Hermaphrodite-Human, the six lower Sephiroth. Adam Khadmon is the Macrosopos human or Archetypal/Macrocosmic and/or Universal/Cosmic Human, above him, completing the Pyramid are the Supernal, Kether, Chokmah and Binah. We all are of the Universal Collective of the Divine Hermaphrodite- Adam Khadmon, but by traveling down the Tree of Life, getting progressively more condensed, we seem to be suffering from a type of amnesia. The object of Qabalah (Receiving), is to remember ourselves, so that we can "receive" our memory of Divine Self in our brains. The human brain is a copy of the Divine Hermaphrodite intelligence, with its left (male) and right (female) side and therefore, able to receive these microwave transmissions of Higher Self knowledge. However, this receiving requires one to know themselves as Divinity.

3.) Then, there is the Calvary cross, properly drawn as black, unequal armed, surrounded by a circle and mounted on three steps. This implies Wisdom through Sacrifice.

The Rose cross and the Rose Cross Lamen, are the other powerful Tiphareth symbols.

In the 6 of Wands, we have a powerful blessing of a marriage of benevolent, boisterous, and generous Jupiter in a powerful Sun ruled Leo. This definitely yells Victory to the Universe. Victory over strife, Victory over the whole damn issue at hand! A Beautiful Melody comprised of the harmony of Spirit-Mind-Body!

Therefore, when the 6's show up, the Soul/ your Solar Self, has got the issue covered in the best possible, sunny, warm, bright and beautiful way. Take a deep breath, inhale all the goodness/godness of your psyche!

Thoth- 6 of Wands-Victory

To illustrate this Victory of Spirit over matter, the 3 Wands of the Golden Dawn Adepts are shown. Here, the lotus wands harmoniously unite the Phoenix heads and the winged-sun disk with the* uraeus snakes/serpents (Life and Death). In 2 groups, these wands cross and forming diamond shaped intersections (hermit's lantern) that burn with 9 flames as the expression of the stabilizing and flowing energy of Victorious Spirit. Here is a representation of Spirit in its highest form. Hence, the Spirit of the Divine Creative is expanded (Ace of Wands)with the physical form and reflects the Creator in the bringing forth of the I AM-creations. The pattern of this card is that of the internal strength that helps us succeed at all levels. Here, one is Victorious over Strife. The sixes are beautiful cards, full of Solar Power and Self Harmony. If you are feeling "our of Sorts", just take any 6 card and skry it. You'll feel a warmth, brightness, and clearing up of the doldrums.

*Uraeus is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian spitting cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity, and divine authority in ancient Egypt. The Uraeus is a symbol for the goddess Wadjet, an early Egyptian Goddess, who often was depicted as a cobra. Hence, this symbol is used on the Major Adeptus Wand, to illustrate your divine authority over your life. The Uraeus serpent is often shown in singularity as a cobra on the headdress or crown of a pharaoh.

The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- Six of candles

The Dark Santa Muerte Tarot- Six of Candles, displays yet another altar design, with six candles in a candelabra, 2 of which burn very brightly. The Skull is horned, implying the devil as the looser here. The whole scene implies victory over some sort of evil. The potential for chaos in the 5 has been quelled, and the aspirant has shown wise leadership, gathering others around in ordered cohesion. Therefore, also implied here is the potential for leadership turning into dominance and for the good of all sacrificed to the gratification of one's ego. Therefore, victory is dual of nature. Battle/strife must happen first and then be overcome with victorious effort.

When the 6 of Wands/Candles card is thrown during a reading, it implies:

  • One is assured of victory, but victory only comes after a struggle so don't celebrate prematurely.
  • There is implied a short lived mundane victory with all blockages overcome but by trusting the Stability of the  Higher Self, the Victory is long lasting.
  • Confidence and belief in yourself are the necessary tools here and it looks like they have been achieved with some major breakthrough in insight and creativity happening  in the next 6 days or weeks.
  • The querent is showing secure knowledge of self-identity and displays self confidence in leadership abilities.
  • There is, in the querent, a purposeful sense of direction and purpose.
  • Joy.
  • Optimism.
  • Victorious struggle.
  • Allowing your will to triumph. 

If ill defined by surrounding cards in the layout, (Thoth) or Reversed (Dark Santa Muerte) it implies:

  • Presumption.
  • Excess of emotion.
  • Personality cut.
  • Loss of belief.

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